Fedora :: Make A Personalized Keyboard Layout ?
Jul 24, 2009
My problem is that I use a awful lot of characters. I do math which means I want to be able to type Greek letters and mathematical symbols, and I also want to be able to type Polish and Russian characters. I figure for Cyrillic I should just make a separate layout since I wouldn't want to type with one hand on some special key all the time anyway. What I would like to do would be to use the right alt for Polish and math symbols (there are enough keys to go around) and use a different shortcut for Greek letters, preferably not involving switching layouts.
I know only a very small bit about how xkb works (I at least know where the layout files are, what each key is called, and how to do trivial manipulations, but that's it) and none of the tutorials i could find were very informative about what I need to know.
One stupid, hopefully easy problem is that I do not know how to input math characters because I do not know their names (for characters like integral, less than or equal to, direct sum, etc) or if/how I can put in Unicode ids or something of that nature.
The other thing is that I don't know how to set up a separate key combination (say right-alt - backslash) to use Greek letters.
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Dec 2, 2009
having problems with my keyboard layout since upgrade from F11 to F12. When I reboot and login into gnome I have to switch back to my layout as it has been set to USA default layout.
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May 29, 2010
Running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, GNOME 2.3Keyboard Preferences utilityAdding any Spanish language keyboard layout makes my Alt_R not work in ANY layout! I see that it changes Alt_R to "Iso_L..." for all/both layouts, including USA layout. When I click "Reset to Defaults" it's fine again, USA layout shows Alt_R again. I've tried all the variants of the Latin American layout and the Spain layout and they all do the same thing.What is "ISO_L..." and what's going on?i DESPERATELY need my Alt_R to work!
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Aug 9, 2010
I have installed opensuse 11.3 a couple of weeks ago in 2 computers and both suffer of the same problem.In my asus laptop, i have a german keyboard. It is correctly recogniced as german keyboard by ev-dev, i guess. (ev-dev managed). But i need to write some spanisch symbols too, like accents (á © í ³ ? ñ¬ ·hich in a normal linux, they do work. For some reason, after rebooting, or after some time of having it running, the keyboard layout resets to an invalid setup, here accents get not over the letter (?a ?e ?i ?o ?u), so i have to select my layout again in the gnome control center.
With my other computermore or less the same.Its a desktop PC with an spanisch keyboard. But i thinck i picked German keyboard during installation and now it starts always with german with some sort of 5 secs delay when setting it. I have to pick spanisch and i always delete the german layout, but after some time having it running, it resets to the previusly deleted german layout.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have an issue with Fedora 12, everytime I change the Layout of the Keyboard in: Preference/hardware/keyboard and logout It goes back to default.
If I remove USA and add french canada, when I logout and login it goes back to usa & fren canada legacy.
I tried just to remove usa but it comeback everytimes.
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Apr 30, 2011
How can I change the keyboard layout to my language using command line? I'm running openbox.
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Nov 22, 2009
I have a little problem when I restart my computer, the keyboard layout restart and get back to the default USA keyboard. Even if I delete it it's still back after the reboot. Maybe there a file that I can edit to get my default Canada setting to stay.Also, another problem that have been discussed thousand time before, I tried to add a drive to fstab without success, here what my fstab look like:Quote:
# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Sat Nov 21 13:02:07 2009
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Dec 12, 2009
This problem has been discussed a couple of times here and there and there are numerous solutions as well as unsolved stories. The topic says it all I think. I use ca(fr) layout, and in the gnome keyboard configuration (system, preferences, keyboard) I only leave Canada. When I log out and go back in, the layout changes to USA and in the configuration tool, theres canada AND usa. I have to delete USA every time. The file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard is already set to ca(fr) and doesn't change
I tried to delete:
rm -f /var/cache/gdm/your-username/.dmrc
rm -f ~/.dmrc
but I either did miss something or it didn't work. The only thing I observed is that if I set the keyboard layout to Ca(fr) at the login screen (which is always set back to USA), the layout stays to ca(fr) in my session. This problem did not occur on Fedora 11 and it began on 12 on my laptop as well as on my girlfriend's.
I've read somewhere and I forgot where, that it is a known bug in Gnome and that it is fixed in a later version. I applied all available updates and system/about this computer says I have Gnome 2.28.0 and if I recall, this bug is supposedly fixed in 2.28.4 but I may be wrong on the version number. This is very annoying as we try to turn our computers off when we don't use them but this reset every login kind of forces us to our previous bad habits.
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Dec 19, 2009
I'm searching for a tool that can show current keyboard layout in GNOME tray panel. As I reminded there was such tool for KDE, but at this time I'm using GNOME and it's a really problem to find such stuff. Is there any tool for GNOME (showing keyboard layout tray icon) like in KDE?
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Aug 16, 2010
I use a Dvorak keyboard. I recently installed F13, and the layout is correct in the console an after logging in, but at the login screen, it goes to QWERTY. I've tried all of the settings in the GUI configurators; all of those are set right. There is no xorg.conf; so, I can't change it that way.
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Apr 19, 2011
I have this (Norwegian) keyboard layout on a HP Mini 1000 (came with US keyboard). But I can't seem to find the combination to get the ">" (or "<" for that matter) symbol/char. Anyone out there know the combination so I can finally use my netbook for other things than just simple browsing?
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Jul 16, 2011
I've just installed FC15 and starting to like Gnome 3. There's something wrong with the keyboard layout:
at, number, tilde and anything with [AltGr] does not work (square, cubic, Euro sign, micro sign,...).
Language is german but keyboard is british. Where/how can I correct this ?
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Jan 14, 2009
I have installed LXDE recently and I'm very happy with it,but there's one problem,which is that i can't switch the keyboard layout to another language,which in my case is Arabic,how do i solve this problem?
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Jan 29, 2010
* When connecting to a host using NX (nomachine), the keyboard layout is wrong, Down arrow is enter, delete is print screen making it difficult to work.
* Gnome keyboard interface appears to do nothing when options are changed, works in fc10.
* Trying to changed the keyboard options originally crashed the nx connection, untill I murdered bug buddy who was the culprit in that issue.
In fc10 you could change options and see a result, not so in fc11, why ?
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm new to linux, been using fedora 12 for about a week. I just noticed a problem with my keyboard layout. When i press the key with the backslash and pipe character, i get < for backslash and > for the pipe character. I have tried the following to fix the problem:
1.$ gnome-keyboard-properties then selected the proper keyboard model (Asus Laptop) tried adding different keyboard layouts and setting them as default nothing i did there made any difference.I am currently using USA, i have tried Canada English, USA international, and more I noticed that even when i change it to something like Afganistan, there is no noticable different when i type in the test area. I notice that there are keyboard layouts that have < and > where the backslash and pipe character should be, but the picture for USA shows the pipe and backslash where they should be.
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Apr 11, 2009
I used to have F9 on my HP pavilion dv8000. I have been trying to install F10 (and even CentOS 5.3) on it and, during the installation process, when I choose the keyboard layout (english) it doesn't go on. Weird because I am using the same disk I successfully used to install F10 on my desktop. What could it be? The same problem happens when I make the installation process in text mode...
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Apr 18, 2011
This is my Keyboard layout (Norwegian layout on a US keyboard on a HP Mini 1000), but I just can't find the combination to hit when I need to pipe (> <) things.
Can anyone help me find the combination so I can use my netbook for more than just simple browsing?
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Mar 3, 2011
I defined a variant to my keyboard layout (Italian) editing the file/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/it and adding this block:
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "itaro" {
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Jul 22, 2009
I have problems with keyboard layout switcher. On Gnome everything works. But when I start to use other DE I can't switch keyboard layout by default. So I create xorg.conf, but anyway it doesn't work...
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Dec 24, 2010
I'm a used Ubuntu user on a pc, and I like the french keyboard layout because it allows me to type accentued characters easily.I found a win-fr keyboard layout but it's much like windows and not so good.I found xmodmap.fr keyboard layout and I'd like to know if it was possible use it with my Mac SL 10.6.5, maybe I could do xmodmap xmodmap.fr or a way to convert to mac layout file.
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Nov 20, 2010
Recently i have bought a Dell Inspiron n5010 laptop and installed ubuntu 10.10. I have a windows 7 installed as well. In windows Us English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboard layout works for my pc. But, i can not find this layout in my ubuntu.
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Oct 18, 2010
I'm using F13 + Fluxbox and enter into runlevel 3 ( console) at startup. My gb keyboard is correctly mapped, however. when I run fluxbox and open up a terminal I lose this "gb" layout and have to use the setxkbmap command to correct it. First thoughts were that there could be something wrong with my xorg.conf file. Here is the relevant section :Code:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
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Jun 6, 2011
I installed Ubuntu 11.04.
how to set the keyboard layout.
I keep using the rescue cd because whenever I choose a keyboard layout the system does not seem to keep it like that.
After rebooting it loads another layout and I can't find which keys to type in that unknown layout. So for the moment, my password is 'tt' because I know it will work in both layout.
I have a belgium azerty keyboard. For the moment the upper option in the keyboard layout screen is USA and the lower option is Belgium. Which is weird since I thought that the upper option was of higher priority. But at least it works like that. At least until I reboot I think
PS: the rescue cd has also a keyboard layout problem. I chose belgium and I end up with a usa layout.
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Jan 15, 2011
I use 2 keyboard layouts. But when I change setting from the YaST interface in KDE, setting save only for the short time (may be some hours). Then I can't switch between layouts and have to use YaST again. What is it?
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Mar 15, 2010
I recently got a new keyboard, and went with a Razer RZ03-0018. It's not working. I have Swedish as my default language, but it defaults to... enUS I believe. In System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts, I can't find the keyboard listed anywhere, and even though I have it set to "Swedish", I still get that weird enUS layout
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Apr 19, 2010
I'd like to change around my keyboard layout a bit and can't figure out how. I'd really like to swap f1 and f7, f11 and f2, right alt and escape, backspace and caps lock, and a few of the letter keys. Is there any easy way to do this? (It's a confusing story about why I want to swap the f keys) Gnome, if it matters.
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May 9, 2010
my keyboard layout keep changing from windows to windows. When I am using my French keyboard, I set the keyboard to English and it doesn't make the change for all the open windows, despite having selected the "separate layout for each windows" unselected.Plus if I am in firefox with a French layout go to another windows and come back to the firefox windows, the layout is back to GBR.
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May 14, 2010
I've got an odd problem with the keyboard layout options.
I use caps as an additional control, as set in Keyboard Preferences > Layout > Options. However, I recently came across an issue where Shift + Space does not send space, so I go into the options to set space at any level to fix it, and while the option appears to have been selected, there is no change in behavior.
Whats going on?
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Jul 24, 2010
I recently decided to try out the Dvorak layout, and manually rearranged my keys today. For those who do not know:
Dvorak is a keyboard layout designed in the 1930's that is designed for comfort and speed. It is reported as being easier to learn than Qwerty, and more comfortable as well. Keep in mind that you can still type in Qwerty after you manually change your keyboard to Dvorak.
First, for those who want a Dvorak keyboard, you don't! You can rearrange the keys on your existing keyboard like I did. To do so, insert the dull end of a fingernail clipper (or other long, thing object) into the area between two keys on your keyboard. Be sure to unplug your keyboard first, or you might end up typing ksiwmvosioiwjefoakjsdfj;ls.xoqw, or worse, triggering a system shortcut.
Be sure to look at a picture of the current Dvorak layout first. Once you have removed the necessary keys, line up the male end of a key with the female end of the location it needs to be. Press down hard! You tap the key in its new location a few times before you proceed. Some of the keys on my keyboard were different. On my keyboard, the F and J keys and their slots were different than the rest of the keyboard. These keys sunk when pressed. To avoid this, I put these keys in upside down, as you can see in the first example.
Once you have placed all of the keys, plug your keyboard back in. Type something. You'll notice that everything is completely normal, except your keyboard looks like the something from Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective. In order to type in Dvorak, you will need to add the Dvorak keyboard layout. Doing so is simple. Go to System>Preferences>Keyboard. Go to the layout tab, and click "Add...".
If you are limited on screen space, or don't want to spend a century scrolling down to the bottom of the list, go to the "By language" tab, select English as the Language, and select USA Dvorak as the layout. If you want, you can disable "Separate layout for each window". Now, click on USA Dvorak and click "Options...". You will want to change Alt/Win behavior to "Meta is mapped to Win keys". Also disable anything under "Key(s) to change layout".
Now, click on "USA" in the notification area and notice that it says "USA2". You should now be able to type in Dvorak. Try typing something! Be amazed at how slow you are. Next, try out a keyboard shortcut. If you have Compiz, some of your shortcuts might not work. For those shortcuts that don't apply to Compiz, try rebinding them in Keyboard Shortcuts. To fix Compiz using Qwerty for shortcuts, press alt F2 and run this command:
compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints
Also, you should change the layout on your login screen next time you login. Don't want to type ekrpat, now do we? Unfortunately, after finishing righting this, I discovered Colemak...
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Sep 3, 2010
I have an Ubuntu server running on a VM. I'm accessing this system mainly remotely, and usually with a console connection. I export the output of some applications (like Skype, Google Chrome etc.) to my Windows desktop, where I run Xming as my X server. Everything works pretty neat, but... I can't change the keyboard layout, because the applications are running on the remote machine. So is there a way to change the keyboard layout in CLI?
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