Fedora :: How To Set Download Directory

Dec 18, 2010

Somehow my download directory is my HOME (~) directory not ~/Downloads

I don't know how this happened or when, but I can find no place to reset it.

Can anyone point me to how to do this manually or from the menus???

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Fedora :: Make A Nachos Directory And Download The Nachos Source Code And Cross Compiler?

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to install NachOS on fedora, i make a nachos directory and download the nachos source code and cross compiler, then i extract the zip files and patch the make files and everything is okay till now. but when it comes to compiling nachos, i followed these steps.

* ~/nachos> cd NachOS-4.0
* ~/nachos/NachOS-4.0> cd code/build.linux
* ~/nachos/NachOS-4.0/code/build.linux> make depend


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General :: How To Specify Download Directory?

Nov 16, 2010

I am new to Linux, running Fedora 13. If installing from source, how do I specify the directory into which I want to download the file? I have a Download directory set up in my home directory but nothing ever goes there and I spend all my time searching for the files I just downloaded. I obviously have no idea what I am doing.

The download pages don't provide me with a choice, that I can see. I usually end up doing yum install but then I don't really learn anything from the process.

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Slackware :: Download A Whole Directory From A Website?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm wondering the way to download a whole directory from a website (in example [URL] to my hard drive.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - What Is Creating Download Directory

Nov 12, 2010

I don't want the 'Download' dir in my home. I don't have it in any other computer and there is no problem. But in my Desktop, every time i reboot there is one 'Downloads' dir in my home and I remove it every time (rmdir Downloads). But when I reboot, it is there again! So what is creating my Downloads dir?. I repeat, I have another laptop with the same ubuntu version (10.04) and I don't have this problem.

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General :: Download A Whole Directory From A Website?

Mar 29, 2009

Hey how do I download a whole directory from a website?

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Ubuntu :: How To Access The Download Directory

Nov 20, 2010

How to access the download directory

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General :: Recursively Download An Entire Web Directory?

Feb 3, 2010

i have a web directory that has many folders and many sub folders containing files.

i need to download everything using wget or bash.

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General :: Download All The Data Under WGET Directory

Jul 2, 2010

I'm trying to download all the data under this directory, using wget: [URL] I would like to achieve this using wget, and from what I've read it should be possible using the --recursive flag. Unfortunately, I've had no luck so far. The only files that get downloaded are robots.txt and index.html (which doesn't actually exist on the server), but wget does not follow any of the links on the directory list. The code I've been using is: Code: wget -r *ttp://gd2.mlb.***/components/game/mlb/year_2010/

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Software :: Script To Download All Lyrics Of MP3 Directory

Jul 29, 2011

I want a script to download all the lyrics to all the mp3s in a directory. Many things turn up with a web search, most of them being plug-in scripts for various music clients. I read this page, which got me started: [URL]. It has been the closest match to that for which I'm looking.Unfortunately it's kinda old. So I looked at the source code of ncmpcpp, a console MPD client that can retrieve lyrics. Here's where I am so far. Running this URL in a web browser: [URL]

Produces this output:
<lyrics>I kept the right ones out

As you can see here in the <lyrics> tag only the first part of the lyrics of the song "Amazing" by Aerosmith show up in the result. I'm wondering at this point why it only shows some and not all of the lyrics. If I can whip this I can proceed with the rest as explained in [URL] to which I referred earlier. I have only a dial up internet connection and it's discouraging to start up the connection just for the lyrics to one or two songs. I've downloaded many already using the lyrics search feature I compiled ncmpcpp with.

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Slackware :: Download Whole Directory From A Web Server Using HTTP?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm wondering the way to download a whole directory from a web site (in exemple http://alien.slackbook.org/ktown/4.5.1/x86/kde/) to my hard drive.

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CentOS 5 :: Yum - Insufficient Space In Download Directory

Oct 15, 2010

I'm starting using Centos having a trouble.

I'm trying to execute the command:
Uum Update
Or other yum installation of samething
After a while I obtain always messages saying:
Insufficient space in download directory
So I understood is a problem with space.
I went to my shell and digited the command:
df -h
but it show there is plenty of space.

I also deleted a lot of space to make room, just to be sure, but nothing different happens. I'm attaching a screenshot to this post.

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Fedora Installation :: Find A Download For The Desktop Version - SERVER X64 Download

Jun 5, 2010

This is our first time choosing and installing linux. Our other servers are all windows 2008 x64. We were told to install fedora 13. I can only find a download for the desktop version and we're looking for the SERVER x64 download. Could I please get a link?

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Debian Multimedia :: Changing The Gphoto2 Download Directory?

Apr 16, 2010

This is probably a stupid question, but is there any way to change the location where gphoto2 dumps the photos it downloads from the camera? Right now it just dumps the them in the current directory.

I've looked through the man page and nothing jumps out at me. The only thing I can think of doing is moving the downloaded photos to a new directory via a hook script, but before I go down that route, is there some kind of option I missed?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Directory Cd - Cant Get To The Download Folder

Apr 17, 2010

I cant get to the download folder:

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Ubuntu :: Wget-restrict Download To Specific Directory?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to download site using wget :$sudo wget -r -Nc -mk [URL] but it is downloading the contents of all directories and subdirectories under the domain :[URL] (ignoring the 'codejam' directory) so it is downloading from links like : [URL]... i want to restrict the download so that wget command should download only the things under 'codejam' directory

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General :: Create Download Directory And Source File

Aug 5, 2011

i just uppgraded to Centos 6. Linux 2.6.32-71.29.1.el6.i686 on i686. now im getting some troubble whit this file: wget [URL]... i create a downloads directory and download the source file and--

mkdir $HOME/downloads
cd $HOME/downloads

But when i try to build courier-authlib whit this comand: #sudo rpmbuild -ta courier-authlib-0.63.0.tar.bz2. I get this:


what can be the reason?

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Software :: Firefox - Location Of Temp Download Directory?

Jan 4, 2009

Recently I was downloading a file from within Firefox when the Internet connection was lost. Where should I look to find the partial file? I want to delete it.

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Ubuntu :: Open A Terminal And Change The Directory To The Download Destination

Jan 13, 2011


This is step 2.2:


Open a terminal and change the directory to the download destination.

I'm not entirely sure what that means! I've tried doing the other steps without doing that one and it doesn't seem to work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Browser Tries To Download PHP Files In User Directory?

Mar 29, 2011

I was having trouble getting php files to display properly on my ubuntu 10.10 LAMP setup. Everything was installed with defaults and working properly. testphp.php worked as long as it was in the sites parent directory, but any php files in user directories did not work. All browsers tried to download the php files located in /home/user/public_html instead. I tried to use the help documents here, [URL]..

Finally I was browsing around in the /etc/apache2/mods-available directory and looked at the php5.conf file. Here is the relevant information from the file:


# To re-enable php in user directories comment the following lines
# (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it
# prevents .htaccess files from disabling it.
# <IfModule mod_userdir.c> #Comment out this line


I tried to edit the help document linked above but it says not to do so! I couldn't find a reference for this fix anywhere else, so I decided to post it here.

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Debian :: Changing File Download Location To Home Directory

Feb 1, 2009

I tried to download Knoppix 6.0 iso, but it ran out of storage space. It was placing it into /tmp. Is there a way that I could have it placed in my /home directory, which is plenty big?

edhe@hebrews:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 935M 256M 632M 29% /
tmpfs 470M 0 470M 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 10M 96K 10M 1% /dev
tmpfs 470M 0 470M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda9 356G 1.5G 337G 1% /home
/dev/sda8 373M 11M 343M 3% /tmp
/dev/sda5 4.6G 4.0G 383M 92% /usr
/dev/sda6 2.8G 341M 2.3G 13% /var

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General :: Wget Command - Download Only Html From The Url And Save It In A Directory

Jul 6, 2011

What is the Wget command to perform the following:

download only html from the url and save it in a directory

other file extentions like.doc,.xls etc should be excluded automatically

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Programming :: Bash Script To Download A Directory Structure And A File?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to read an ftp site [URL]...and download the sub-directory structure and ONLY the tagfiles to the local directory.



| |aaa_base-12.2.0-noarch-1.tgz
| |aaa_base-12.2.0-noarch-1.tgz.asc


I tried wget + grep but that didn't work too well.

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Ubuntu :: WGET - Download HTML Page In One Directory And Other Elements In A Subdirectory?

Mar 12, 2010

i'm using wget with this parameters:

wget -E -H -k -K -p -nH -nd -Pfolder http:\www.mysite.com

using this parameters the main html page and all the images will download in the same folder. Instead i would like to have the html page in a folder and all the images,css ecc in a subdirectory for example i want to have:


It's the same that mozilla firefox do when i save a html page on local machine ("save page as" on file menu) Which parameters do i have to use?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Download Directory Setup - Running Video On Browser

May 31, 2010

I setup a download directory on my server, and put a test video in it. I tried to run the video in my browser and it only runs part of the video then stops. If I download it and run it on my desktop with mplayer it run the full video. I am not sure why? Here is a link to the video. [URL]. Before I setup more videos I wanted to see if there is an answer to this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Zoneminder 8X And Change The Download Directory Of Update Manager To A Partition With More Space?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a system that has very limited disk space on /var and everytime I attempt to do any updates to the system via update manager it was always error saying that there is not enough disk space. I wanted to know how I can change the download directory of the update manager to a partition with more space?

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Fedora Networking :: When Try To Mount The Share To A Different Directory On The Server, Receive A 'no Such Directory' Error?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a server with Fedora 13 with which I would like to get NFS working. I have looked up multiple howto's and tutorials, but I'm having a problem not addressed by any of them.Official how-to, another how-to, and another how-to.I have verified that nfs-utils, nfs-utils-lib, portmap, and system-config-nfs are installed and running. I have verified that I have, in fact, shared the directory that I want to share, and that the proper permissions are set.

I had to go through some gyrations to get the Belkin wireless N router to allow my server to have a static IP. However, I can ping the server from the nfs client (a toshiba satellite running mint 8), and vice versa. I have (for now) disabled firewalls on both computers. I think I have disabled SELinux on Fedora 13 (for now).When I attempt to connect to the server from the client, the output looks like this:Quote:

aragorn ~ # mount -v /home/kelev/test/
mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon
mount.nfs: timeout set for Sat Dec 18 12:21:09 2010


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Fedora :: Copy A Few Files From Windows Directory Into The Wine Directory

Aug 1, 2009

i want to copy a few files from my windows directory into the wine directory - its no big deal, just a few preference files so i dont have to set something up all over again. trouble is, i had the files copied, but i cant find the wine/ c: drive directory anywhere, anyone know where this can be found??

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Ubuntu :: Download Directory Of Ubuntu Software Center?

Jul 3, 2011

recently i had to format my system. I have downloaded some programs and some good, large games from the Ubuntu Software Center(USC). I want to copy and keep the installation files of these packages downloaded by USC. The problem is that I don't know where USC keeps the downloaded files. I think u got what i'm saying.The directory where the .ded files are kept after USC downloades it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Multiple Ip Download - Share The Download Between The Computers To Get The Cumulative Speed?

Jan 8, 2011

I am at a university where my bandwidth is severely capped. I can start several other computers near me and download at the limited speed simultaneously. Is there any way for me to share the download between the computers to get the cumulative speed?

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