Fedora :: Get Root Privileges In Www Directory?
Sep 21, 2010Tell me how I can I login as root?I want to get root privileges in www directory because I have a web server and I want to put there my site and I can not do that
View 6 RepliesTell me how I can I login as root?I want to get root privileges in www directory because I have a web server and I want to put there my site and I can not do that
View 6 RepliesI run ProFTPd with TLS authentication on my Debian Lenny server. My problem is that despite of the fact that my users connect chrooted, one of my friends had root privileges after logging in form a Macintosh and could browse the root directory, too.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am basically on a Fedora 8 but I have some of my files on telnet machine, to which I can log on. There I don't have root privileges though. How can I transfer files from that machine to my machine, using ftp or some other mechanism?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow does one open a folder with root privileges? I am trying to extract a screenlet into a screenlet folder but it says permission denied. How do i change that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install openoffice and I get. Note this installation will be done without root privileges. Therefore you will have reduced functionality. Change privileges to root privileges if you want full functionality. I have opened a terminal and su to root with no avail.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a java program that needs to be launched with root privileges (from an account that doesn't have root privileges) from a desktop shortcut. The command would look something like this: java -jar /file/location/whatever.jar I've searched and searched and can't figure out how to do this. EDIT*** I would like it to pop up and ask for the root password before it launches the application.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFigured out a straight shot at connecting to the Internet in Fedora 15. Follow these commands.
1.)****** SWITCH TO ROOT USER if you don't have privileges*******
2.) cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
4.) system-config-network
-> Once in this screen, press the enter key on "Device configuration"
-> Configure your network statically. ( I did the following.) Name: leave as default Device: Leave as default DESELECT "Use DHCP" Set Static IP as (or Set NetMask as Set "Default Gateway IP" AND "Primary DNS Server" to (or
i am having problems with privileges i have created a new user with my name, but i cant get root privileges on it. i need the same privileges as the root profile.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe formatted a USB stick to EXT3 for use on a linux formatted device.Now, when we try and transfer files from this ubuntu laptop onto the USB stick, it says permission denied.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAll of as now the add-to-panel item that via it you can shutdown the PC without the need of typing any password to gain root privileges.
How is this possible? I know that fro default the login screen is run by root but how do this app sends the signal to the login-screen to shutdown?
I mean, this app is run without root privileges by me, the simple user, and when clicked the PC shutdowns via a signal from this app to the login screen....
How can I call this signal to an app of mine?
Also, how can I change between the two?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe have Ubuntu 8.0.4. We'd like to give this one user the ability to reboot the server but no other root privileges. I'm assuming this can be done using sudo. What file and what change do I need to make to it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used Zorin, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu. Even though Kubuntu was my favorite because of the KDE platform, it still didn't have what I was looking for. With Debian, the KDE platform works great, it uses KDM instead of LightDM, (you can do more with that), and the choices of software for setting it up as a server is great. The problem I having right now is with the root privileges. With the other Debian based systems I used, root privileges was not a problem. When I signed in, it was with my user name and my root password.
Every time I did updates or installed software, it ask me for authentication which is my root password. And if I had to use su or sudo commands in the terminal it ask for my password. I had no problem with that. I'm just as big with security as any Unix based system users. And Linux has that. That's one of the big reasons I left Microsoft Windows for Linux. There was times when I had to have full root privileges for just a short time, and my favorite command was sudo nautilus. This was perfect.
For example, sometimes I had to get in to the opt folder for a brief moment to past a web page in it. Opt is a root folder. It can be opened with out a root privilege, but you just can't past files to it. Sudo nautilus was perfect for this because it is a temporary root privilege. Close the terminal and the root privilege session ends. This is great. You don't want root privileges all the time you're log in. That can be dangerous because it's a high security risk.
With Debian, I have not been able to get any root privileges. And without root privileges, I can't load much needed software, can't access my second hard drive, matter of fact, the second hard drive doesn't even show up. I can't really do much of anything. Is there something I can do when I am installing Debian to fix this or how do I get the root privileges I need?
I just installed this floppy drive in my computer and I can view files on floppy disks but I can not add files to a disk, formating will not work. All the privileges and ownership are set as root and I can not change them. (But I physically own it) Here is what the privileges are set for:
View 1 Replies View Relatedchanging the su password so i can install things. I was told to replace it with sudo because it is locked. I did this but i didnt work, it said my permissions are denied. How do i get root privileges in the terminal?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve done something, Im not sure what...... I was trying to backup my mysql DB so I can reformat that server and install different server OS, then reinstall mysql and restore the DB... Well, somewhere in this mess I did something and now I get DBI connect failed : Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'mysql'CONSTANTLY! I cant see any of my SQL DB's anymore... I just need to get the privileges back that Im missing, back up these DB's and get on with this already!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to create a user who has all the privileges that root user has.I know how to create a user but i don't know how to grant root privileges to him.
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow to add user with root privileges and SSH access.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI create a user in CentOS 5.5 for using with my email account.
useradd ralf
passwd ralf
use "ralf user" only for my email account. How can I remove others privileges/permissions? Also, I want to use "ralf user" without root privileges/permissions.
I've grown rather fond lately of creating tmpfs here and there to speed up various activities. (I think it is awesome that RAM can be mounted to a directory!) The downside though, is that this requires root privileges. I don't really like this because then I either have to go root each time I want a tmpfs, or I have to add a new line to fstab each time I want a tmpfs in some new, odd place. (This becomes doubly weird when the odd place is somewhere like inside my personal home directory.) Is there some other utility out there that can mount RAM as a filesystem, but allow mounting to be done without root privileges? It seems like this shouldn't be an issue, since a normal user has the ability to create and manipulate directories as well as borrow as much RAM as he wants.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want /mydata to be read/write by the web server. What group and user showld i use?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery once in a while when I plug my ipod (160gb 5 generation) in, it gets mounted as root.
If I eject and restart the ipod, the next time I plug it in, it is mounted as my normal user.
Is there a way to grant 'root' privileges to my user account? My account name ... I'll call it 'masterskop' as it is my forum name here, but not on my computer.Would it look like this in the sudoers' file?My purpose is to get access to all the folders and files in the 'File System'. The root and lost+found folders have 'Xs' on them...No access! And for example, under properties of the 'var' folder it states that 'you are not the owner, so you cannot change these permissions.' How can I get access to all of it everytime I login as the main user of my computer? I do not have anyone else using this computer.I did edit this file and used my real user name ... logged out and logged back in and still I do not have access/edit these folders and files.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have the script below that I want to run when my sister logs into her account. But the problem is that `ifconfig up` or `ifconfig down` requires root privileges. How do I initiate the program when she logs in and have root the the runner of the program.
while true
elevenpm=`date +%s --date "2300"`
not sure if this is a silly issue or what. I recently upgraded to 10.10. When I insert my usb device, it automounts as /media/usb0, with root privileges. I have to manually unmount it, and afterwards if I select the "mount (drivename)" usb stick from Places it will automount as /media/(devicename) with proper
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to run to scripts with root privileges without being prompted for a password.
This is my sudoers
# /etc/sudoers
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
Every time I try to run SSID.sh it prompts me for the goddamn root password.
I'm trying to run a script that needs root privileges without typing in the password. I want to copy a file from my documents folder into /etc/X11 to overwrite my xorg.conf. I do this because I will have my computer switch from my monitors to my TV when I watch a movie. But I'd like to be able to make it a clickable icon so I don't have to type in cp /... /etc/...
This is my "script"
sudo cp /home/nertskull/Documents/xorg.conf_TV /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Then I read a lot of places that said to add this to the sudoers file (sudo visudo)
nertskull ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/nertskull/Documents/switch_TV.sh
I've done all that, and I still get asked for my password when I run that file.
nertskull ALL = ...
%nertskull ALL = ...
%users ALL = ...
%admin ALL = ...
I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking, but I've read 5 different threads on this, and I can't find anything they did that I'm not doing. Also, here is my sudoers file, because I know location within the file matters. But what I read said I should be putting my stuff at the end.
# /etc/sudoers
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
I've been using Ubuntu for like a year now. Whenever I want root privileges I just type sudo and enter my User password. I wanna know if there's a way to change this, in a way that My User password is: "ABC" and the password needed to have root privileges is: "ABC123". I have no problem using the terminal, I actually prefer it to any GUI, it just seems easier to me.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know that some settings can only accessed by root (like the login manager). KDE 3 had a button where you could become root to access it.Where is this button in KDE 4? After googling I found year old articles mentioned that you should kdesu gksu systemstettings in CLI, which was ok when KDE 4 was new, buggy. But my hairs stand on end of having to use such a dirty workaround for a standard feature.Has KDE 4 taken a step back, lost an essetial and obviously necessary feature here compared to 3?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to allow access to some commands having root privleges to be run by non root user. I am new to unix/linux and I have a major assignment. I have to find ways to run particular commands which can be run only by root from a non root user. I know sudo is one of the way but i need some different approach.
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