Fedora Installation :: F15 Won't Let Me Boot Into Windows 7 / Fix It?

Jul 20, 2011

So I had a disk with fedora 15 on it and a computer with windows 7 and 500gb harddrive. I partitioned the harddrive and went to install fedora. So everything was fine and it was installing perfectly. And then when i would boot, there would be a blue and black fedora screen and it would say, press any key to boot fedora and if i didn't do anything it would boot windows 7 and by pressing a button i would go to a screen that said Fedora and other os. But when i was using fedora, it froze for like 10 min. so i decided to power down manually and reboot. When i rebooted it did the same thing except it loaded fedora automatically and a weird black screen with error messages popped up. And if i press a key it says choose os:, and then it has two different fedora options. And both show black "command prompt" error screens. But my windows files are still there and intact, so i am confused. And now the only way i can boot fedora is with the install disk. But when i try to install it over, it always freezes.

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Windows Vista Installation And Only Boot Fedora

Jan 28, 2010

Having a major issue with my laptop. I am unable to boot into my Vista installation.I am currently posting this through my Fedora 11 installation which I had already. If anyone is interested, the BSOD error is:

0x0000007B (0x80399BB0, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

As far as I know, a '7B' BSOD is usually a hard disk error but I am 100% sure the HDD is fine as I can read and write from both Fedora and Knoppix without issue. Steps taken so far: Obviously, I have tried the usual steps of trying to start windows in safe mode, last good config, and all of the F8 options. When they failed, I used fedora to check for some solutions online (Mostly useless answers from MS) and I found one successful case when a person flashed his BIOS back to an earlier time. Unfortunately, I cant get the BIOS update I got from the Dell website to boot from a USB drive (Says invalid boot disc - the BIOS on it is in the .exe format which I can't use in linux) and I do not have a floppy drive on the laptop.

So, I put in my Dell drivers and utilities CD hoping that it would give me some option to update (Or roll back) the BIOS but there was no such option. However, it did give me a load of diagnostic options including repair options by symptom so went with the "Unable to boot from BIOS". Unfortunately, that didnt help me at all. So, I got my Vista installation disc (OEM supplied) and managed to get to the repair menu (Which I had among my F8 options anyway) but this also has the option to reinstall. Unfortunately, it states that "Upgrade is unavailable" and that a clean install is the only thing I can select (At the expense of my files and settings).

As for the repair options, the automatic recovery doesn't seem to find any errors, asks to reset and see if all is well (It isn't). For some reason, system restore doesn't detect any restore points. There are no windows memory errors detected and I have no backups. So, i'm left with a command prompt that, by default, is asking for a file in this folder: X:/WINDOWS/System32/ I have no idea where it is getting the X: drive from - I have C and D drives for windows only. As per another online guide, I tried:


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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Xp - Grub Can't Boot Into Windows?

Jan 10, 2010

I just set up a dual boot on a system with fedora 12 and XP. XP in on one hard drive (sda) and Fedora on a second hard drive (sdb).

I installed grub on the Fedora disk so as to not touch the windows disk at all.

Prior to installation, in the bios, I set the Fedora disk (sdb) first in the boot sequence, and then XP (sda) so that the grub loader would boot up by default. (If I set the windows drive first then the system bypasses grub and loads straight into windows.)

My system can now boot up into Fedora fine, but if I select windows from the grub loader menu I just get a blinking cursor - windows will not boot.What do I have to do so that grub can boot into XP?

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Fedora Installation :: Change The Boot Order To Boot Windows 7 First?

Jun 15, 2011

Dual booting Windows 7 and Fedora 15. What I would like to know is if I can change the boot order to boot Windows 7 first and Fedora 15 as other or second.

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Fedora Installation :: Can Boot It Normally But Can't Boot Windows

Feb 27, 2010

i had windows vista and i installed fedora in the same HD, but now when im at the bootleader screen i got 2 options "fedora" and "other". i can boot fedora normally but i cant boot windows! i know windows still here because i can see my win files in the HD.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot - But Can Boot Windows ?

May 20, 2010

I am trying to install Fedora 12 using the installation DVD. When I boot the machine, I get an error message "No boot device available". I get the same error when attempting to boot from CDs and DVDs for various versions of linux, but I can boot Windows XP using a windows install disk in the same DVD drive.

The machine is a Dell 670 workstation, containing one SATA hard disk. I have tried enabling and disabling the SCSI controller, but that has no effect. The machine previously had Windows XP installed, which I deleted using "killdisk". I only want to install Fedora: I am not trying to set this up as a dual boot machine.

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Fedora Installation :: Install The Original Version Of Fedora 15 And Make It Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Aug 17, 2011

So I want to install the original version of Fedora 15 and make it dual boot with my Windows 7. Problem here is that I don't have a cd/rom. and the iso file didn't have a .exe thingy.....

so now what? Also this is my partitions> http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9853/unledtlh.jpg

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Fedora Installation :: During A Dual Boot Installation With Windows Xp?

Jul 21, 2010

i just wanted to know that during a dual boot installation with windows xp, if fedora is installed after windows, where does the GRUB go on the hard disk? In the /boot partition or the MBR of the hard disk?

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Beta Won't Boot After Fedora 10 Install

Jan 31, 2009

Originally I had Ubuntu running on my machine. I installed windows beta 7 with a working dual boot. Get everything working in grub again. I decided to give Fedora a try and wiped my Ubuntu partition and installed Fedora. Everythings all good...except the reconfiguration of grub has left out my Windows 7 partition (nothing out of the norm) I tried manually adding windows 7 to /boot/grub/menu.lst but it's not working, when I try to boot into Windows 7 i get a little flashing "_" for a really long time and nothing happens.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 As Dual-boot With Windows From USB?

Jun 16, 2009

I've successfully used Fedora 11 from a USB stick as a live cd iso. Everything seems to work on my netbook so i want to try installing it but I need it to be a dual boot with windows. How can i do this? And will it definitely work or are there issues (I've read that F11 has problems installing if not taking over the entire HD)?

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Feb 19, 2010

I just installed Fedora and I love it but I can no longer boot Windows 7. I have two hard drives, sda and sdb.sda1 is my windows partition. sda2 is my /boot for Fedora. sdb1 is an ntfs partition for storage. sdb2 is swap. sdb3 is my 40 gig /root partition. Why can't I boot windows?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Windows 7 With F13?

Jun 27, 2010

A while ago I used a friends computer with F11 installed on it. I definitely want to install F13 on my computer now. Please, can someone either tell me complete information from the beggining to the end, or simply direct me to a guide somewhere else on the internet. I have a F13 live cd and want Windows 7 to be in control of the boot (by I suppose LiveBCD).

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Boot Into Windows Xp After Installing 15?

Aug 6, 2011

I'm not able to boot into windows XP after having upgraded to Fedora 15 (from a linux magazine DVD). I just get a perennial flashing cursor with black screen. I have tried leaving it like this for a few minutes to see if anything is happening in the background, but to no avail.There were no issues at all with Fedora 14.The grub.conf file appears to have been modified only to pre-pend the fedora 15 boot option. I have changed nothing else in grub.conf or (windows for that matter).All the Fedora boot options work correctly.I have update everything using yum update.Having read a few posts I am still none the wiser. I append the grub.conf and the output of "fdisk -l". What is Fedora 15 version of grub doing differently, and what has it modified that disables the windows part of the bootloader?

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file


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Fedora Installation :: How To Dual Boot With Windows

Aug 13, 2011

In fact, I put it on my PC of RedHat when it was free, and it didn't work.Are there any such tutorials to dual boot Windows 7 with Fedora 15 (latest version), or would someone be kind enough to walk me through the process? I have tons of music on Windows that I don't want to get lost.What are the chances that my Windows hardware will recognize in Fedora? I was bypassing to get to this forum, and I saw Nvidia drivers are difficult to get configured. Those are the drivers my PC runs on. I'm not sure of my hardware. How difficult would it to setup, and configure hardware?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot / Windows Vista Wouldn't Boot Because "BootMGR Was Missing"?

Sep 4, 2010

I had installed Fedora 13 on an unused partition of my ATA hard-drive yesterday. The primary OS here was Windows Vista.

Anyway, everything was working fne for coupla hours after which I had to restart F13 for some reason. This is when all the trouble began ..

Fedora wouldn't boot cause of some "power issues" - there were none. Windows Vista wouldn't boot because "BootMGR was missing"

I figured if I removed Fedora using the live CD - format the partition, it would help. It didn't. Well, atleast the partition got formatted. I tried re-installing F13 from the live CD but it doesn't finish the process - saying a command, something to do with 'shutdown' is not valid.

I tried repairing Vista from the Installation DVD but it is unable to do so.

Right now, on rebooting the computing, I enter the 'grub' console. I tried using grub commands to boot "Windows" from the (hd0,0) partition like thus,

grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
grub> makeactive
grub> chainloader +1
grub> boot
But it still maintains that "BootMGR is missing" .

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Fedora 13 & Windows XP?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a PC with two seperate hard drives. One has WinXP running on it, and on the other drive I've installed Fedora 13 from a live CD downloaded from the fedora website. How do I get the system to allow me a choice of which OS I want to start on boot-up.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And Fedora?

Mar 11, 2011

I looked for threads about this but didn't find them. If they are out the and I could be pointed to them it would much appreciated. I'm in the midst of building a new system and it will be a dual boot system with Windows 7 and Fedora. There will be two separate hard drives for each OS.

Currently I have a dual boot Win XP and Fedora system with a hard drive dedicated to each OS. The nice thing with this is that I found here on these forums a change to one of the Windows files that allows Windows to recognize that there are two different operating systems without having to spend the money for something like partitioning software. It was a simple one line change to an ini file, I think. Can this be done with Windows 7? If I'm not clear on what I'm asking let me know. It's been a while since I last did this so I'm a little fuzzy on it all.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 And Keeping Windows 7 As Dual Boot?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm wondering if anyone can give me some tips about this.I have very little fedora experiee and wanna start playing with it now.I'v bin using it for some short time a long ago but nothing much.Now I could use some help with this:Can I and how, instal Fedora11, while having Windows7 instaleed allready and then have them both with dual boot. I guess it should be possible but some tips / guide would be great so I don't kill my windows and have to reinstal all over again, as i wanna keep windows as main OS for work but have fedora to learn as well.By the way, I have 2x640Gb in raid0, 1st partition 100gb with Windows7 on it, and the rest on another partition. Both have data on them. If that means anything for instalation

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows Vista?

Aug 27, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium and I don't want to switch entirely to Fedora because I'm not as familiar with it as I am Windows. I mainly wanted to install Fedora for my Linux class at the Community College I attend. How do I install it with a dual boot so it doesn't take over Windows Vista? I had that happen once and it was a mess to fix and reinstall Windows Vista too.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot 8 And Windows 2003?

Sep 10, 2009

I am attending college and I am starting my first Linux class tomorrow. I am going to be learning Fedora 8 (why they don't upgrade, is beyond me) anyways, I also have a third Server 2003 class. We have our own hard drives that we put in the school computers. (80gb) But here is the problem, I know normally your suppose to install Windows first and then Fedora second and you do not have a dual boot problem.

However my Server 2003 class was suppose to be on Monday (which was labor day) so I didn't have school. I am going to be installing Fedora tomorrow first thing, then on this next Monday I will be installing Server 2003 on the same hard drive, but Windows will be going on second. So my question is, how would I fix the bootloader so I can still dual boot Fedora and Windows without having to reinstall Fedora again?

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Fedora Installation :: Core 11 And Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Nov 3, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate on my computer and I want to install Fedora Core 11 and dual boot my system. I have been on the net looking around, but I can't seem to find any suggestions on how I would do this. Can someone help me or give me a URL(s) that will give me a step-by-step guide on how to install Fedora Core 11 on a Windows 7 computer?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Fedora10 And Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2010

I have windows 7 Ultimate and want to install Fedora 10. Could somebody can suggest me some tutorials of installation of Fedora 10 ? and also I am worried about losing boot sector which has happened to me already. how to recover the boot loader for linux safely ( ofcourse with dual boot ability after recovering) ?

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Is Not Allowing Windows Vista To Boot?

Jun 7, 2010

I have been using Windows Vista since I bought my laptop. Due to the need to use another operating system, I decided to go for Fedora. I read a some installation guides and was told that dual-booting will allow me use both OS without problems.Last night, I created three partitions on the hard disk, one of them is the primary partition for my Vista OS. Then I went ahead to install Fedora on one of the other partitions. The Fedora worked fine. Subsequently, I wanted to check some stuffs using Vista, but the computer showed my some prompt that said that my BOOTMGR is missing. However, Fedora still boots and works perfectly.Please what should do? I didn't back up my documents before installing the Fedora. How do I go back to Vista without formatting my hard disk.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual-boot F13 And Windows 7 With TrueCrypt?

Jun 30, 2010

I am having trouble getting my laptop set up the way I want it. I want to install Fedora 13, using Ext4 encryption, and I also want to install Windows 7 encrypted using TrueCrypt.

On boot, I would like to have Fedora 13s GRUB, offering me the two OS choices. If I select Fedora, then Ill get the cool graphical decryption screen, and if I select Windows 7 Ill get the TrueCrypt boot loader prompting me for the decryption key for the Windows 7 partition. Can anyone give me instructions on how to get this set up?

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Fedora Installation :: Windows Can't Be Boot After I Change From F9 To 11 / Resolve It?

Aug 6, 2010

I am a linux newbie.
I had dual boot fedora 9 with windows XP before. Now I decided to change to fedora 11. I choose the option Replace existing linux while installing the fedora 11. My windows used to be in C drive while my linus in D drive. So I thought it would replace the D drive and remain dual boot.

However, after I reboot the computer, I realize that it can only boot linux. My windows partition appear as a File System in linux. code...

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Fedora Installation :: Using The Windows 7 Bootloader To Dual Boot

Jan 19, 2011

I am getting a new computer with Windows 7 installed. It will contain a second hard disk on which I will install Fedora Linux. I plan to put grub in the /boot partition of that disk,so I won't be able to boot Linux directly to start. I plan to use the Windows 7 bootloader to dual boot, and I understand in principle how this is done. I set up a previous computer which was running Vista this way, using the program Easy BCD which simplified setting up the Vista bootloader. But the Easy BCD website doesn't address the question of what to do with Windows 7.

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Does Not Boot After Install Goes Straight To Windows

May 27, 2011

I have a multi-drive system:

C: RAID 10 (WD 500 GB x4)
D: Data Drive (WD 1.5 TB)
E: Back-up ( Seagate 3 TB)

I shrunk the 3TB drive (E: ) to give me a free unallocated 60GB. Boot to F15 live DVD and did a custom install of the partition.Using the 60GB unallocated partition, use 500 MB /boot, 2GB /swap, and the remaining for /root and chose Fedora bootloader The installation completed successfully but after reboot it just goes straight to Windows 7-64. I have a AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3.3Ghz with 8 GB DDR3 memory. RAID controller is a HighPoint RocketRAID 4320 PCI-Express and the other drives are connected to HighPoint RocketHybrid 1220 PCI-Express 2.0 SATA III controller. Only the DVD-ROM and Blue-Ray drives are plugged into the mobo's nVidai SATA controller.

I'm not sure if its the drive configuration is causing the problem or Grub was not written to the MBR but apparently it wont let me boot to F15. I'm also running 4 monitors with 2 x Radeon XFX HD-697A-CNDC HD 6970 but only one video card (2 monitors) are working. During boot to the live DVD I notice that it switches from each pair of monitors but not all 4 and only after the login screen that only my 2 monitors are working. I tried the monitor detect and it only see 2 monitors.

Ps. I just love F15 Gnome3. I'm moving from Ubuntu 11.04 Natty.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Windows Vista From F14 Grub

Jul 2, 2011

I'm new to linux systems and just installed Fedora 14 onto my Windows Vista laptop. I chose the shrink existing system option and then proceeded to install Fedora. The only problem is that when I choose Other in the Grub boot menu my Windows Vista goes straight to the recovery screen and does not boot. I don't want to do a point recovery. Is Vista not running because I shrunk it or because of some configuration that I did not add in the Grub files. How to solve this problem and get Vista running properly from the dual boot menu?

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Installation :: Fedora 13Beta, Windows 7 & XP Multi-boot?

May 17, 2010

So I'm new to modifying Grub, and I've recently setup my laptop to contain all of Windows 7, XP, and the Fedora 13 beta on a single drive.Grub is currently setup to boot to Fedora, and the Windows 7 boot loader, and from there I can boot to XP.I'd like to set it up however, to have XP boot "directly" (i.e. bypass the 7 bootloader and go straight for the XP loader).The current setup is:

Partition 1: 7 ntfs on sda1 (primary)
Partition 2: sda2 (extended containing sda5 XP ntfs)
Partition 3: sda3 ext4 containing /boot


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Fedora Installation :: Boot F12 After Windows XP Installation?

Apr 1, 2010

After reinstalling my XP, the grub bootloader was replaced and now i can't see the Fedora option when booting. I found a solution, but it doesn't work correctly.

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