I just installed JEE (not openjdk) and tryed to use both eclipse's galileo 32 and 64 bits (im under fedora 11 x64) but none is working i don't even get any message nor a single window, nothing. I'm really lost, what should i do?
I upgraded from F11 to F12 and everything seemed to be working until I went into my Eclipse IDE. Several things stopped working, icons in the "New" sub-menu items disappeared and when I activated wizards and added items like a new text file, I was unable to complete the creation of the file. If I try to "Save-as" the file to a file named create_products.sql pressing the "OK" button does nothing. This seems to be true of all of the wizards when you try to write out the changes, nothing happens. All these wizards worked correctly under F11. The Eclipse IDE is installed in my /home/user/Application/eclipse directory and was left in tac after the upgrade. Does this mean I need to do a full install and if so will restoring my home directory just result in the same problems? [URL]. Seems that there is a problem with eclipse 3.5.1 and F12 regarding mouse click capture.
I have recently had to update Eclipse but it behaved weirdly, and there was an experimental plugin that I couldn't get to remove cleanly, so I decide to reinstall it completely, cleaning the old "metadata". The experimental plugin disappeared completely but I couldn't get Eclipse CDT and JDT to work. There's no C/C++ or Java perspective.
After having removed all the eclipse-related packages from my fedora box, I issued a few yum-install commands, specifying, among others, the eclipse-cdt and eclipse-jdt packages. They are showed to be installed in Eclipse, but I can't access their perspective. When I open C or Java sources the default inner editor or Emacs get called instead. I tried to reinstall the CDT and JDT plugins from inside Eclipse. The installation appears to be successful, Eclipse lists the plugins as being correctly installed, but I can't open the respective perspectives yet.
I am using fedora 11.i have eclipse in programming menu of application.but, it is not opening it's console.by clicking eclipse in menu it is displaying an unreadable message alert.
Eclipse cannot start and I can see the following in the log: java.version=1.6.0_22 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86_64, WS=gtk, NL=en_US Command-line arguments: -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-07-09 15:01:23.881 !MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved: ..... and etc. those files are actually in /usr/lib64/eclipse/plugins/ but system cannot find them as I see.
It happened after I played with Eclipse's software configs and broke some dependencies there. After I tried removing and reinstalingl eclipse I notices that /usr/lib64/eclipse files don't change and I have the same broken sortware install configuration. So I deleted the folder usr/lib64/eclipse and reinstalled Eclipse. It didn't work. I restored usr/lib64/eclipse from eclipse~ and now see that error log. What is the way to fix it or probably remove eclipse completely and reinstall that /usr/lib64/eclipse/ becomes as it was by default.
Today, eclipse will not start for me. The initial splash screen comes up, then the attached window pops-up with not text in it...the only way to get rid of the window is to kill the eclipse process from the terminal/command-line.
I have completely purged and reinstalled java and eclipse, but am still having the same issue. Starting from the terminal also does not give any message besides the "(eclipse:15273): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times" warning. Any ideas or suggestions?
Btw, running Ubuntu 9.10 x86 and the most up-to-date eclipse that is in the repos.
I download the Fedora 12 and updated from Fedora 11. After installing successful and restart, I can't find Fedora 12 selection on the Grub. I try to write it on the grub.conf, but it's still can't start the Fedora 12. code...
I wanted to change screen resolution manually from xorg.conf and apparently a missed it up and my fedora core stucks and wont start, how can i start fedora in command line (so that i can remove xorg.conf), i tryed ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+backspace and still cant start in command prompt.
have intalled Debian 8 on bi quad cores opteron, also Tomcat 8 and openjdk7 are installed, i have do a mistake about version eclipse because i have installed eclipse Kepler or the lasted version of eclipse is Luna, after douwload Luna, i have deleted eclipse kepler who was installed in /opt directory, i do the command "tar" for luna version, no problems for instaling, but eclipse luna doesn't work.I try many version of luna like 32bits and 64 bits, but nothing to do the IDE doesn't start.
Code: Select allroot@dct-skyned:/opt/eclipse# ls about_files configuration eclipse.ini icon.xpm plugins about.html dropins epl-v10.html notice.html readme artifacts.xml eclipse features p2 root@dct-skyned:/opt/eclipse# ./eclipse bash: ./eclipse: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type root@dct-skyned:/opt/eclipse#
My Eclipse just stopped working all of sudden. This happened after I deleted some directories in my workspace, but I doubt that had anything to do with it.
I just get a small empty window when I try to run it. See attached png file.
I am new to Fedora (I have always used ubuntu in the past), and I am trying to download eclipse. Unfortunately, "sudo yum install eclipse" is returning "no package eclipse available". I think this means that I am missing the correct repo, but I'm not sure which is the right one and don't know how to add it to my repo list for this version. My version of fedora is centos5 based, and my current repo list is the following:
I've been using for months a eclipse on suse. Now I can't copy & start this eclipse on ubuntu 10.04! I've installed openjre, didnt start so i removed and installed sun jre but still the same
I got jdk, jre, tomcat, eclipse installed correctly (I'm sure about that)I can start tomcat and works fine, and eclipse too.but whenever I try to run server through eclipse (server->run) I got following message:
Code: WARNING: Failed to create work directory [/home/kossel/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/work/Catalina/localhost/_] for context [] Feb 2, 2011 6:08:23 PM org.apache.jasper.EmbeddedServletOptions <init>[code]....
I have been using Eclipse to program in Java for a long time, and have been using Jigloo for most of my GUI design. Recently I decided to try out the C/C++ plugin. I tried installing it, but it did not work. After many attempts, I finally gave up. However, after uninstalling it I found that Jigloo had stopped working. Any other plugins I try to install now also don't work. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling plugins, and reinstalling eclipse, but nothing I have done fixes it. Although eclipse says that the software has been installed, nothing shows up in the features list or the plugins list.
Another problem: When I install eclipse from the repositories, it doesn't install a bunch of libraries and eclipse cannot recognize standard java files.
I have been writing PHP using Adobe Dreamweaver; I have been looking around for an application that focus more in PHP.I have found:
I know Zend stands behind PHP and that Eclipse is a popular open source IDE. What is the difference tho?Is the PDT Project only a functionality that could be added to Eclipse IDE? Is Zend for Eclipse a stand alone IDE for PHP? if so, Why the Eclipse in the name? I have downloaded Zend Studio for Eclipse, so far it seems very complete (no that have learned how to use all its features).
The Metrics plug-in supports Java development well at Eclipse.
I would like to know if it supports Eclipse CDT, so I can use it with my C++ project. Any thought? If it doesn't support CDT, is there any good static code analysis tools available for Eclipse CDT?
I've updated a Fedora Core 3 server to Fedora 11. The old FC3 had an external modem attached for when we felt like dialing in for a ppp connection. I've replicated login.config, mgetty.config and dialin.config from the old server and had to put a RS232-to-USB adapter on the modem. I've test connected to the server and everything look fine. I'm have a difficult time starting the Getty session from inittab.code...
I recently had to reinstall Eclipse on ubuntu 10.10 and i did it twice, once just removing eclipse package, and the second time removing every package associated with an eclipse install.when i launch eclipse I go into my package view and select a package and then double click on a Java file.
My Firefox used to start instantly, or at least near instant, but since yesterday it took about 30 sec to launch. Opening subsequent windows is near instant, but once all windows are closed it would take a long time to open again.
When I open it up in a terminal, it has absolutely no error message, clean start up and shutdown.
I turned up the CPU clock speed from 1.2GHz to 2.0GHz and it doesn't seem to help. Other programs starts fine too, so I kind of ruled out performance issue.
Yesterday I also tinkered with compiz settings and also installed the cairo dock and some media codecs. But I can't pinpoint when does it happen exactly, I also struggle to draw any relationship if there is any. And if it matters Firefox is 3.6.10 and Ubuntu is 10.04.
An little annoying problem. When i start firefox it starts in fullscreen mode. So the tabs to close, minimise, and the 3'rd to maximise have disappeared. On windows you hit f10 i believe to get these back. How do you do in firefox?
I have fujitsu siemens amilo L1310G.i can`t start wireless card.In helpdesk they told me they only support win xp.Can anybody help me ? Tried acerhk but nothing worked
I have fedora version 8 with mysql 5.0.45 installed. I have also installed drupal. Recently drupal gave me an error "error code 28". When i checked it out it seemed to be with the db. When i tried to created a db (for testing purposes) in root...i wasn't able to. so then i tried to restart mysql ...it stopped but unfortunately i have not been able to get mysql back up...i get a message saying "Timeout error occurred trying to start MySql Daemon".