Fedora :: Converting Windows XP Vmdk To Qcow2?

Feb 9, 2010

Has anyone actually gotten this to work on Fedora 12? I ran the convert and have tried every single option imaginable to qemu-kvm to get it to boot the image but no luck. I get the "A disk read error occurred" message every time it goes to boot. Also tried booting the vmdk directly (same error), running windows recovery and running fixboot and fixmbr (same error), etc.I've spent most of the day on this off and on and feel like I'm running out of options. Are there some debugging tools I can use to give me some more direction?

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Fedora :: Qemu - Converting VDI To VMDK

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to convert my VirtualBox hard drives (.vdi) to VMware Workstation format (.vmdk). I found this link [URL] but cannot find the path for qemu-img. I downloaded Qemu Manager v7.0 from [URL]. Please disregard. I found it.
C:Program Files (x86)QemuManagerqemuqemu-img

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General :: Mount - How To Use Qcow2 Disk Image

Dec 27, 2010

I have a large qcow2 formatted disk image, which I use as storage. Often I need to move data to and from this disk image. I mount the disk using the qemu-nbd tool as follows:

modprobe nbd max_part=63
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 /host/disk100G.img
mount /dev/nbd0p1 /home/rup/disk

But disk access fails every now and then in the midst of some I/O operation with an "Input/output error". At that point I have to manually unmount the disk and re-mount it so that I can run the program again:qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0umount joborkhaki/What could be the reason for this? Is there a better tool that I can use to maintain a qcow2 disk image?

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Ubuntu :: Does Qemu-KVM Not Support Qcow2 Encryption?

Feb 28, 2010

I just tried to create a qemu qcow2 image with encryption:
qemu-img create -e -f qcow2 foo.qcow2 100G
Formatting 'foo.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=107374182400 encryption=on cluster_size=0
It's some time ago I played with qemu, but I think it's supposed to ask for a password.

If I start the image with
qemu foo.qcow2
it just says 'QEMU [Stopped]' in the popup terminal window. It starts normally without the encryption option on qemu-img.

Is encryption known to be broken? Is this perhaps specific to qemu with KVM patch or to the 64-bit version?
Ubuntu 9.10
qemu-kvm 0.11.0-0ubuntu6.3
Linux wallace 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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General :: Converting From Windows To Ubuntu?

May 24, 2010

i have downloaded and installed linux ubuntu onto my hp laptop. now my account in linux does not show my files etc on my harddrive which have obviously been created by windows.how do i transfer/see them in linux?interested in learning but no the best at computer language

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Security :: Detect Viruses Inside The .vmdk - VMware - Virtual MAchine Disk Format - Image?

Feb 6, 2011

I have set up a virtual machine under VMware Player 3.1.2 in Debian. Operating system of this virtual machine is a Windows Server 2003. I would like to periodically test this Windows Server 2003 installation for viruses. Obvious solution would be to install an AV software under this Windows Server 2003 installation. However, I was wondering, is this possible to use NOD32 for Linux or clamav in order to test this Windows Server 2003 installation for viruses? Is NOD32 for Linux able to detect viruses inside the .vmdk file?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Create Qcow2 Image In 5.5 Virtual Machine Manager?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to set up a virtual machine environment in Centos5.5. My hardware fully supports virtualization, and I'm running qemu as the hypervisor with Virtual Machine Manager as the GUI to manage and create VMs. Host hardware is a Dell PowerEdge T710, with a quad core Xenon processor and four 1TB disks in a raid 6 array.

Within the Virtual Machine Manager when trying to create a new VM, there is the option to not "allocate entire virtual disk now". What format is created when you "allocate entire virtual disk now" and when you don't?

I want to create a qcow2 image format, but it doesn't look like it is supported. Does anybody know how to create a VM with a qcow2 image format?

When you create a blank disk with "qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk.qcow2 3700G", it indeed does create a qcow2 image. However, Virtual Machine Manager is unable to read these images, claiming that it is 15 megs or so in size (which is what it actually occupies in host disk space until you try and put a VM into it).

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Software :: Write / Unpack .qcow2 Hard Disk Image Directly To Real Hard Drive

May 22, 2011

is there a way to write/unpack .qcow2 hard disk image directly to real hard drive in Linux?(I know it's possible to unpack .qcow2 to .raw and then dd to drive, but I'd like to skip .raw since its large)

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Fedora :: Converting Mkv To Either Avi Or Mp4?

Oct 1, 2009

how to convert mkv files to either avi or mp4?

ATM I'm trying to use mencoder and am not impressed with it telling me it can't find the file I'm trying to convert. Especially when it WAS perfectly able to fid the file before my computer had an unfortunate crash, which didn't even affect the file in question.

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Fedora :: Converting From MOV To - Plain - MP4 ?

Jun 16, 2010

I've got a batch of MOV format videos, I want to convert them to the MP4 format (I've heard these two are similar, and MP4 is more plain form of MOV?). Can I do this in Fedora? I've also heard that converting from MOV is generally difficult.

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Fedora :: Batch Converting Of PNM Files?

Aug 27, 2010

when i scan some documents they are saved as .PNM files. what I would like is JPGs.

does anybody know any good ways of batch converting pnm files to jpeg files.

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Fedora :: RPM Package - Converting TGZ To TAR.GZ Format

Jul 7, 2011

I am building my first rpm package and I cannot seem to find out how to change an existing .tgz to a .tar.gz as required by the rpm .spec file - I've attempted to search on this, but I can't find the exact command I'm looking for. Specifically, I hope to avoid having to untar the .tgz and simply convert it to the .tar.gz format.

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Fedora :: Converting Movies For Psp Using Ffmpeg?

Aug 13, 2011

I installes ffmpeg according to [URL] The program works (i get textoutput) but i am doing something wrong i think. Whet i enter

ffmpeg -i TheHitList{2011}DVDRIP.Jaybob.avi -title hitlistpsp -f psp -r 29.97 -b 512k -ar 24000 -ab 64k -s 320x240 M4V00001.MP4
i get
[root@Koen-PC sadaci]# ffmpeg -i TheHitList{2011}DVDRIP.Jaybob.avi -title testfilmpsp -f psp -r 29.97 -b 512k -ar 24000 -ab 64k -s 320x240 M4V00001.MP4


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Fedora :: Converting Custom PCI Driver From 5 To 14 ?

Aug 31, 2011

I have custom hardware running on a PCI backplane with an SBC running Fedora 5. This has been running in a factory environment for years. Unfortunately, the SBC has been EOL, so I must convert to a new SBC running Fedora 14. The driver for this hardware was also custom, and I have been able to get it to compile and load on the new system. It links to the new hardware, and sees the bars as described by the firmware on the board. Unfortunately, I can't seem to configure the driver for writes/reads. I can read the read/write parameters from the driver (the default values from initialization), so I can access the driver, but whenever I try to write to the next_read or next_write parameters file, nothing happens. The file remains unchanged. The permissions are correct for the parameters file, but I'm wondering if there is some kind of access problem because I seem to have to be SU for many operations that I didn't have to be in Fedora 5 (like build the driver). My experience with Fedora 14 is very limited. Any ideas with what might have changed from Fedora 5 to Fedora 14 .

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Software :: Converting Mpeg Or Flv To Gif In Fedora 13?

Oct 22, 2010

How can I convert, say, 1 out of every 8 frames from the movie?

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Fedora Installation :: Install Fedora 14 Without Converting To LVM

May 18, 2011

I've not used Fedora since 2007, the last time I tried an install it merged all my existing partitions into one LVM group.

Is the normal behaviour of Fedora to convert all partitions into one Physical Volume?

Is yes, is there a way to disable this during install?

I prefer to manage my partitions individually.

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Fedora :: Converting Midi To Wav In Sound Converter?

Nov 22, 2009

Trying to convert a midi file I created in Rosegarden into a wav file using Sound Converter. Snd Cnvrtr wants to load some gstreamer "bad" plugins, but they end up conflicting with "good" plugins and "ugly' plugins that had been loaded in the kernel (I think). Thought I might remove gstreamer and load up the "bad" plugins, but that meant removing a huge chunk of programming including Snd Cnvrtr. Anyone got any idea how I might do the conversion apart from Snd Cnvrtr? Either that or how I might get hold of the appropriate plugins to allow the midi to wav conversion to take place?

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Fedora :: Editing Or Converting MOV Format Frame B?

Dec 31, 2009

Got this compact video camera for Christmas have tried Handbrake, Pitivi, avidemux tried both versions, kino nothing works to date and can't find a way to change the camera settings.

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Fedora :: Converting .flac To A ITunes Compatible Format?

Jan 20, 2011

I have been searching for a while for a program to convert .flac files I rip off of cd's with my laptop (running Fedora 11) to a usable iTunes format for my desktop (running Win XP). The cd drive on my desktop is currently broken, so my fix of ripping on my desktop, then using Rhythmbox on my laptop is temporarily unavailable.
Any suggestions? I've tried audiokonverter, soundconverter, audio-convert-mod and each come up with errors or wouldn't install.

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Fedora :: Shrink Library By Converting All The Flac Files To Ogg

Aug 6, 2011

I've been a Linux user for 5 years, though this I only recently started using RPM based distros. I'm still in my first week using Fedora and I love it. Hats off to the development team. Now, onto my question:

I have a rather large collection of music in three different formats: MP3, OGG, and FLAC. I'd like to shrink my library by converting all the flac files to ogg. However, since I don't want to convert from lossy to lossy, I'm going to leave the mp3s alone. Is there a program that will allow me to do this quickly and easily? I'd prefer a GUI, though I'm comfortable working with the terminal if needed.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 - Can't Be Mounted When Booting After Converting From Ext3 To Ext4

Jun 16, 2009

I upgraded F10 to F11 successfully.

Then I convert the / partition filesystem by the following steps:login as root user in multi user mode read [url], and execute tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00 modify /etc/fstab, change the type of / to ext4

(because fsck say running it on a mounted filesystem can cause filesystem damage, so i decide to reboot to single user mode first. maybe it's a mistake here) try to boot F11 to single user mode, failed

reboot from a SystemRescueCD-1.2.0 LiveCD
run e2fsck -fpDC0 /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00 in SystemRescueCD-1.2.0 LiveCD, no error reported

try to boot F11 normally(multi user mode), but it failed at: EXT3-fs: dm-0: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (40).

I tried rescue mode of Fedora-11-i386-netinst.iso after these steps above. The / partition can be found and mounted to /mnt/sysimage correctly. I can read/write files in / partition, and i can even yum new softwares in rescue mode, but it just can't be mounted when booting.

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Fedora :: Requesting Software Recommendations For Converting Animated GIF To MPEG

Aug 27, 2010

I use a commercial finite element code to produce animated GIF files of my calculation results. In case you are interested, the code is COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0a, running on Fedora 13 x86_64. Note that the FEA code only has the option of saving movies as animated GIF files in Linux.

These GIF files tend to be quite large, and although they are adequate for my own use on my local computer system, I wish to convert these files into other standard formats of more manageable size. These smaller files would then be easier to distribute to others or to include in presentations and reports.

I would like to ask for recommendations for either GUI-based video player/conversion applications or command line codes that could, for example, convert from animated GIF files to MPEG files. I would prefer an application that allows for multiple input/output format choices as well as conversion options for changing the playback speed, splicing out a portion of the original animation, etc.

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General :: Converting Doc To Pdf

Sep 19, 2011

I try to convert a doc file to a pdf file with the linux bash. I tried different ways like jodconverter, ghostscript, postscript and so on, but all didn't work as espected. Additionally I can say that I have only the bash.

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Ubuntu :: Converting M4a To Ogg ?

Jan 9, 2010

I'd prefer a command line version if possible. Batch use would be best.

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Ubuntu :: Converting .ogg To .mp3?

Feb 3, 2010

I need to convert a couple files on a CD to .mp3 files to put them on my mp3 player.

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Ubuntu :: Converting .ISO To .BIN/.CUE

Nov 24, 2010

i have a few .ISO's i need to convert to .BIN/.CUE files.

i find all kinds of software for converting .bin/.cue's into .iso's, but not vice-versa.

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Ubuntu :: Converting Jpg To Png?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm trying to put a background on a DVD through DeVeDe, Image i want to use is jpg and it only accepts png, I do prefer to work from terminal i can learn and become more comfortable with it, But a GUI would be good too

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Ubuntu :: Converting .bat Into A .sh?

Jul 15, 2011

I have been looking everywhere and even tried writing this shell script my self but almost blew up my computer ahahah I suck and i'd seriously appreciate some help here so can sombody please convert this .bat into a .sh Here it is:

@echo off
Title Client
START java -Xmx512m Gui 30 0 lowmem members 32

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General :: Converting The Kb To Mb?

Mar 16, 2011

i want to convert kb to mb and i'm wanted to use bash. if i use

"cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal"

will only display in kb and i want to display it in mb.. and i want it to display like this

MemTotal : 250 mb

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Software :: Converting WMA To MP3 Or OGG

Jun 27, 2010

I was looking for something to convert my old WMA music files (left over from before I switched to Linux permanently) to a Linux format. After posting a question about it, I found a program called dir2ogg in my apt repositories. It works smoothly; you use it by typing dir2ogg [filename] in a terminal window.

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