I'm running Fedora 13 on my Toshiba laptop and I cant play DVDs. If I try to play a DVD using VLC player nothing seems to happen. A similar thing happens if I try to watch it in the "Dragon Player" that came with Fedora, except it doesn't play any videos at all (that's why I downloaded VLC). How can I get DVDs to play?
I have some problems reading dvds using either xine or totem
Here's the output from running xine dvd://
This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.6. (c) 2000-2007 The xine Team. libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access libdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/mapper/vg_inga-lv_root mounted on / for CSS authentication
I know that this issue has been addressed on the forum before, but I haven't found any threads that solves my problem.
After being puzzled why every guide saying to install the 'libdvdcss' package wasn't working, the package simply not being found; it turns out that in the shift to RPM Fusion, that libdvdcss was the only package that Livna was still going to carry due to RPM Fusion's refusal - in case you didn't know.
I've installed all of the gstreamer plugins, xine-extra-libs and libdvdcss, all of the ones that are suggested. Yet I still cannot play a DVD with VLC. I was wandering if you could help me diagnose why?
i just installed 10.10 on my girls laptop (Acer Aspire 5735z) hoping it would fix the old problem i had with playing real dvd's. it didnt. it keeps saying "Could not read from Resource". when i try with VLC is say "Could not read from file". but if i put in a burned movie, it plays fine. i checked and it has libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, and libdvdread4 installed. i get the same problems with my laptop (toshiba portege m400 tablet) which runs fedora 13.
I have a Fujitsu Lifebook A3130, and I have semi-recently installed Fedora 11. I am still a fairly new linux user, and would like to continue to use this great open source software, but it seems my DVD drive fails to play DVD's. The specs are here, but unfortunately they don't give much detail as to the model number of the drive in question. I insert the disk, and it pops up with the following dialogue:
You have just inserted a Video DVD. Choose what application to launch. Select how to open "disk name" and weather to perform this action in the future for other media of type "video DVD". It then suggests opening the disk in "Movie Player", and provides a check box for "Always perform this action". I hit OK, and it seems to try to open Movie Player, but then comes up with this error:
An error occurred Could not read from resource. Then it provides an "OK" button. When I click the button it goes back to Movie Player, and proceeds to not show any video.
I just tried to open the disk inside of Movie Player, via the "Movie" menu, then clicking "play disk 'disk name'", but once again I get an error: Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disk. Please install the necessary plugins and restart Totem to be able to play this media. And again it provides an OK button, which diverts back to the main Movie Player window.
I installed Fedora 12 recently. The Open multimedia installed by default does not play DVDs. It stops with the error " Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc. "
I have used my PC for watching videos for some time. Normalmente with VLC under Ubuntu 10.4. Recently though I have two videos I brought from the States (I am in Argentina) and neither will work. They are ok on my DVD player, but not on the PC. In VLC the control pannel opens, but the video window opens a second and closes. In the Mplayer it says it could not read from source.
I just upgraded to Karmic, I had not previously tried to play dvds but i cant seem to get it to work. I downloaded VLC to see if thta would fix it but to no avail. Any ideas?? I also downloaded a restricted date allowance package but nothing works. It doenst say it cant play it, it just wont start at all.
When I put a DVD in either of my two drives, the movie will not play using either VLC or Movie Player.
When I go to 'Open Disc' in VLC, next to 'Disc Device' it lists a string of two very odd characters, ��, as the only option. The drop-down arrow doesn't work. When I click on 'Browse' and navigate to the name of the movie (which I assume is the drive) in the 'Places' menu, nothing happens.
In Movie Player, when I go to Movie > Play Disc "(Insert Movie Name Here)", I get the following error message: "Could not read from resource"
The same thing happens with either drive, with either of two DVDs.
I get an error whenever I try to play DVDs in either VLC or movieplayer in Ubuntu. However Windows plays them just fine in either VLC or Windows Movie Player.
I've installed libdvdcss2 (using these instructions), but still can't play encrypted DVDs. It appears to be an encryption thing, because I can play backed-up/decrypted DVDs. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit. Another user here got it working by installing Ubuntu from scratch, then going straight to install medibuntu and libdvdcss, but that's not a realistic option for me at this point.
To put it bluntly, mplayer is unable to correctly play video DVDs. It seems to correctly find the title and everything, but the picture is broken or not displayed at all, with messages like:
Now, this all is on amd64 Gentoo Linux system. I believe the problem is not in mplayer itself, since the playback also breaks in VLC or when i copy the VOBs via vobcopy and try to play them afterwards.
I use libdvdcss-1.2.10 and libdvdread-4.1.3_p1168 (current stable in Gentoo), and tried previous versions of both libs, but it didn't change a thing.
The DVDs I have tried play fine in regular DVD player or on a Windows laptop. I remember the playback used to work about a year ago and I don't know what to try next.
DVDs will not play with any app., however, all play fine in Linux Mint (dual booting here) with a straight install.
VLC gives me the following error message: Playback failure: VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details. Playback failure: VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
Again, I'm not trying to rip or decrypt anything, just play. All DVD & players give me the same results in Ubuntu, but all play fine in Linux Mint.
I've tried everything I can find. On Karmic I have libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4 installed, along with VLC 1.0.2 and latest Mplayer. I also installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. Of the following DVDs
Blazing Saddles Christmas Vacation It's a Wonderful Life
...all fail to play because of error cracking the codes in both Mplayer and VLC except #9 does play in VLC.
I'm running UNR 10.04 (fresh install) on a new Acer Aspire1 250 and just cannot get encrypted DVDs to play at all (as far as I can tell), using any media-player software.I'm having the most luck so far with xine (it is at least properly playing a DVD that I think must not be encrypted), so I'd like to start with trying to get xine working.
Running xine-ui 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2.1 I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, libdvdnav4, libdvdread4, libdvdcss2, gstreamer-plugins-bad, gstreamer-plugins-ugly.
I'm using a LaCie external DVD to (try to) play these. After inserting the DVD, I start up xine, which will play usually a brief introduction to the DVD (like the FBI warning, studio logo, maybe start up the menu) and then crash, giving the error message:
The source can't be read. Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g.: not disc in drive). (/media/GOODWILL/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB)
The last line of course varies with the DVD, and there are many of these messages (one per track, I think). Like I suspect, does this mean that xine doesn't realize that libdvdcss2 is there (or some codec)? If so, how do I tell it where to look?
I'm trying to watch a dvd on Lucid, but not vlc or xine can open it.I have the libdvdnav, libdvdcss and libdvdcss libraries from the medibuntu repositories installed.Here is the log I gget from vlc when I try to play the dvd. It seems as if cannot decode the format.
Code: libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.3 libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
I have libdvdcss2 installed (it might not be working properly, but it is installed) My DVD reader is set to region 2The DVDs I'm testing with are store-bought region 2 discs The test DVDs play fine on a standalone player and a Windows laptopNow the problem: This machine (a Dell T3400, very boring) was upgraded from Kubuntu 8.04.1 64-bit to Kubuntu 10.04 64-bit a couple of month ago. Before the upgrade I was able to play and rip encrypted DVDs successfully using VLC and dvd::rip.
After the upgrade neither playing nor ripping works reliably. Some DVDs will play in VLC, but a lot will stop halfway through or close to the end of a track. I've not been able to rip any encrypted DVD at all. Usually dvd::rip will get a failure when it runs lsdvd to read the DVD's table of contents. If it gets past that it will inevitably freeze up part of the way through ripping a track.
I've booted the machine back into 8.04.1 64-bit from a USB key and verified that I can still play and rip DVDs that will not work in 10.04, so it doesn't seem like a hardware problem. As I say above, the DVDs work fine in other players and machines.The failures seem to be related to a libdvdcss seek error:
libdvdcss error: seek error libdvdread: Can't seek to block 4072713 libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 23 (VTS_23_0.IFO).
The block number will be different with different discs/tracks but it's usually some variation on this. I initially thought it might be this problem: [URL] but that patch seems to have been merged in ages ago. The attached logs show my attempts to run vlc, lsdvd and dvdbackup on both 8.04.1 (hardy.log) and 10.04 (lucid.log) with the same DVD ("The Shield", season 4 disc 3). As you can see there are a lot of errors logged by libdvdread3 on 8.04.1, but it does work eventually. No such luck on 10.04.
In case it matters, the DVD reader is one of these:
I cannot play encoded dvds, or access the menu options of dvds with menus.1. My dvd drive appears to work fine. It can play anything else i put in it.2. I have enabled Restricted Formats and Medibuntu. Both are fine.3. I have installed libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4. Both are fine.4. I have installed VLC. It can see the tracks on the disk but cycles through them without playing anything.5. I have Gnome MPlayer. It can see the tracks on the disk, but not open the menu screen. It can even play tracks on the disk, but only from 25 minutes into the track and onwards. (?!?) The image and audio work fine so it can obviously read the data, but it can't manage the menu and finding the first 25 minutes of each track.. Everything is up to date. Nothing appears broken.I have been using Ubuntu for 3 years now and have challenged many Windows friends to change. Some have. But without a dvd player... That's going to be like selling a three-wheeled car.
I've tried everything that I can find. Nothing is working. I'm sitting here with my netflix delivered copy of Farscape: peacekeeper wars. And I can't play it. 8( I have another DVD that is a how to for comps(A+ level type stuff) and it won't work either. If I go to home and look it only says cd/DVD drive. I have two. I'm very new to ubuntu. Are they supposed to do like windows and show they have anything.
I've bought some Doctor Who DVDs in UK and now, i cant play it here at home (Czech Republic). I tried defferent DVD's and they work just fine.I've tried install medibuntu and libdvdcss and it still doesn't work.
How is it possible to automatically play CDs and DVDs? I have found it not possible ..Is there a simple solution to this problem? and searching packages I find there is no libdvdcss package to install ...
I've Finally got round to retiring my old laptop which was serving as an XP based music player in the garage while I was working on the cars. Now I have the spare system I've been trying to give it new life with a stripped down OS with the intent of using it to play DVDs. I first tried cutting down the version of XP on it, however that failed, I then tried using ubuntu 10.04 but that was too slow and didn't recognise the peripherals.Then thought I'd give android a go as I had a disk of it literally lying round, but that wouldn't recognise the screen. Finally I've got fluxbuntu installed and it's really nice, now I just need some help trying to get it to do what I need it to.I'm going to have a go now at installing the MP3 and DVD decryption, wish me luck cause I'm a fat lazy windows user and not used to all this typing.Any other tips, hints or advice will be gratefully received.Yes I know I'm probably being overambitious trying to get this to play a DVD but if it doesn't work it gets down graded to MP3 player.