Debian :: Unable To Shutdown The Cron

Mar 9, 2011

Is it possible to shutdown or to halt by means of cron ? this crontab entry is doing nothing: 45 3 * * * halt

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Red Hat / Fedora :: CRON To Shutdown The PC Every 10 Min?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm playing with CRON to perform an automated shutdown. While I'm testing I want CRON to shutdown the PC every 10 min. Here is the crontab.

# crontab -l
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * root /sbin/shutdown -h now

I see the command being run in the CRON log, but the PC doesn't shutdown.

Feb 11 11:06:17 localhost crontab[4808]: (root) LIST (root)
Feb 11 11:07:31 localhost crontab[4813]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
Feb 11 11:07:58 localhost crontab[4813]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Feb 11 11:10:01 localhost CROND[4821]: (root) CMD (root /sbin/shutdown -h now)

How would I debug this to figure why my shutdown command is being ignored?

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Fedora :: Cron Shutdown But Not On Weekend

Jul 5, 2011

Just read through some cron manuals. (man -k cron).Didnt understood that much though.I'm a gamer and loosing control over time at nights.
So what i want is that my computer shuts down itself at latest 1:30 am. Do i need to set up the command for each day (monday, tuesday.. and so on) or is there an option simliar to my 'example' below?

€dit: Both examples should do the trick.


# m h dom mon dow command
30 1 * * 1,2,3,4,5 shutdown -h +5 Get some sleep dude!
30 1 * * 1-5 shutdown -h +5 Get some sleep dude!

Where as 1 to 5 would be all weekdays, but not saturday or sunday morning at 1:30am.If i can shorten it to 1 line instead of 7 lines (one per day of week) that would be great.

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Ubuntu :: Run From Cron Shutdown Command Restarts Server Instead Of Shutting It Down?

Jan 4, 2010

I want my server to automatically shutdown at 23:59 and startup at 8:00. The startup is handled through by bios but the shutdown is to be managed through cron. I thought I had this working, I actually swear I had it working because I thought the uptime command showed the appropriate uptime. I happened to be up and was streaming a movie from my server when at the time it should've shutdown it actually just restarted. If I run the shutdown -h now command by itself it works well but the scheduled command just restarts the server. Here is the what is shown when I enter crontab -e.

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Server :: Unable To Shutdown/reboot Server, No Shutdown Process Running?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm trying to reboot the server (shutdown -r now).But it seems like nothing happened.

When I try "shutdown -c", the system prompts "shutdown: cannot find pid of running shutdown."

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Server :: Users Unable To Run Cron Jobs

Jan 6, 2010

I have a file server that is an NIS client. User home directories are auto-mounted from another server. Users are not able to run cron jobs. The /var/log/cron logs says:
Jan 6 14:33:01 inclination crond[3217]: (username) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)

I tried adding an entry in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow but the test script I have still doesn't seem to run although cron thinks it did. The log entry for these attempts looks like:
Jan 6 15:30:01 inclination crond[4312]: (username) CMD (/home/username/test-script)

Now root does seem to be able to run cron jobs with no problem. My test script works fine from cron when runs as root. I suspect there's an issue with how I have NIS configured but I can't find any info. The test script runs fine from the command line when logged in as myself.

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Software :: Unable To Disable Cron Email

Jun 16, 2011

I have tried the MAILTO="" and adding >/dev/null 2>&1 to the end of the line, but my server is still sending an email about my cron.weekly script. After making changes to /etc/crontab I restart cron with /etc/init.d/cron restart without error. I have also tried crontab -e but that loads up an empty file (su'ed into root). What step am I missing / what am I doing wrong? Here's my crontab:


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CentOS 5 Server :: Cron Job Doesn't Run, But Doesn't Error. "shutdown -r Now"

Aug 28, 2009

Is there something that blocks cron from running a shutdown command? I'm doing a daily bounce to break an attack (I have thread about that in security forum), but I always end up doing it manually. The cron log shows it being fired off at the right time...but the server never bounces. I thought maybe I just missed it, but there is nothing in messages that shows the server restarting (unlike when i do it manually, you see the start-up logging).

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install The 10.10 - [9354]: (root) CMD (cd/run-patsreport/etc/cron.hourly)

Apr 16, 2011

I have Compaq Presario CQ62-215DX notebook (laptop) computer with built in image of Windows 7. I use partitioning tool to create partition of 250GB hard drive. I created these partitions as NTFS partition. My issue is after creating partition of 75GB whereby I want to install Ubuntu using ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso file from dvd drive; I cant install.

I use ext4 file system to install ubuntu and mountpoint is root After user setup it stops at this point:

UBUNTU CRON [9354]: (root) CMD (cd/run-patsreport/etc/cron.hourly)

It doesnt install ubuntu on separate partition. how to install ubuntu on separate logical partition? Windows 7 is in primary partition.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cron Sending Email From Address / Change The Default Domain Name For Cron?

Apr 29, 2011

Can anyone tell me how i change the default domain name for cron?everything i cron runs it emails from and to

this leaves me with a massive list of failed mails in postfix.i have mailto on my main crontab but i cant do it on all of them.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Reboot / Shutdown

Mar 9, 2010

I have recently upgraded to the 10.04 Alpha and have been unable to reboot or shutdown. I know it's just an alpha and therefore problems are bound to exist, so I tried reinstalling from a live cd of Alpha 3. But I am still unable to reboot or shutdown.To clarify what happens, I click on shutdown or reboot, the pop-up appears, I click on the shutdown/reboot button and it seems to complete it. It says that processes have been killed and something has exited with 255. But my computer is still on. I am guessing that Ubuntu is shutting down, it's just not actually shutting my computer down or restarting it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Shutdown The System?

Sep 10, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04. From last 3-4 days, after updating, I am not able to shutdown the system. I try to use command, but behavior is same Whenever I try to shutdown the system, it exits from desktop environment and a white screen displays on screen. And nothing happened. One time I did wait for 1/2 hr, but system dont seems to power down.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Shutdown Properly

Jul 9, 2010

I am unable to shutdown the ubuntu system properly. As i click the logout button, the desktop icons and taskbar and everything disappears and only i can see the wall paper... Then i hav to do a hard shutdown by pressing the power button...

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CentOS 5 :: Unable Rc6.d Shutdown With Chkconfig

Feb 1, 2010

i am trying to add a script on rc6.d using chkconfig but it doesn't work. I am missing something but i dunno what. I try with a test script /etc/init.d/test cat test

# test test
# Author: Maurizio Marini
# chkconfig: 2345 98 02
# description: this is a test


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Fedora :: No Output From Cron Jobs In /etc/cron.daily

Jan 29, 2011

I have added some executable scripts to /etc/cron.daily but don't get the stdout/stderr output from them as mail (or anywhere else I have found). At least one of them is running (because I can see that it has added a file to the disk).

The peculiar thing is that I do get the output from /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch (part of the logwatch package) as an email each day.

The MAILTO line in /etc/crontab is "MAILTO=root" (unchanged from default). Same for /etc/anacrontab.

I do have an alias at the end of /etc/aliases which redirects root's mail to my own account, but this alias works fine for mail I send manually. (It also appears to work fine for the output from the file /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cron's /etc/cron.daily/apt Not Upgrading?

Feb 25, 2010

It seems that cron is not upgrading my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server, no GUI installed. I changed /etc/crontab and watched apt running:


ps -A | grep apt

showed it for a long time,


sudo tcpdump tcp

showed communication with canonical sites,




did not show any apt using CPU


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Ubuntu :: Do Cron Updates Erase Cron Entries

Sep 19, 2010

I put in my cron entries to run my backup script which rsyncs my data to my 2nd drive, however on a hunch I checked my backup drive which mounts automatically via fstab and I realize it had not ran in a while. I checked cron and there were no entries for it. I got to wondering if I should ever be worried about a cron update coming down and over-writing my existing cron file with the backup entries in it to run.

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CentOS 5 :: Setup A Cron In /var/spool/cron/root

Feb 16, 2010

I have set up a cron in /var/spool/cron/root

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/

I can see in /var/log/cron that it is running every 15 minutes but it has no effect. It is not doing the commands in the bash script.

If I run /usr/bin/ right in the shell it works great.

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Fedora :: Unable To Shutdown From System Menu

Jan 26, 2010

When I try to shutdown or reboot from the system menu in Fedora 12, I am returned to the logon prompt. I am able to shutdown and reboot from a terminal window by issuing the shutdown command as the root user.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Unable To Logout Or Shutdown From KDE?

Jan 31, 2011

For some reason in the last few days I can no longer logout of KDE, nor will it let me shutdown the system. The only way out is to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and then shutdown from there. Weird thing is other users can. For me the logout box just disappears and I carry on working or if effects are enabled, the screen blurs and I carry on working. After this the logout box doesn't come back up until I have restarted X (logged out).

I have tried disabling the desktop effects to no availe and I have looked in the messages / kdm logs. So far the only thing I can find is in KDM.log

The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOn
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOff

I have no idea if this is at all relevant but there are several threads from Google relating to this and GDM, although no cures as far as I can tell.

I would rather not delete my ~/.kde folder again if at all possible as it takes ages to reset everything back to normal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid 64 Unable To Shutdown

Apr 30, 2010

A clean install on an all linux AMD desktop machine. Problem is lucid will not shutdown. All that you can see is the background staring at you for good.

I have not had the guts to install fglrx either.

Some software I did install:

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Ubuntu :: Suddenly Unable To Shutdown Or Restart 10.04

May 21, 2010

I installed 10.04 on my old Dell Inspiron 600m laptop. After using it for about an hour, I was suddenly had no option to shutdown or restart the system when logged in on the main and only account. The 'Shut Down' applet on my bar was greyed out and the shutdown option was missing from the system menu.

I removed the 'Shut Down" applet and was unable to re-add it afterwards (wasn't a selection when adding to panel). If I log off, selecting shutdown or restart from the login screen does nothing.

'Sudo shutdown now' will shut it down, though it won't power the system off; it just hangs on an all-white screen.

I saw other posts suggesting Open Office Quickstart was the culprit, though I am not running this.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Shutdown 10.10 After Upgrading It To Maverick Meerkat?

Nov 14, 2010

I am unable to shutdown ubuntu after upgrading it to Maverick Meerkat.

I can do Ctrl + Alt + F4 and then Ctrl + Alt + Del but it does not let me use the taskbar button. When I press the shutdown button it just takes me to login page.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Shutdown Down Properly After Installing Apt-get Hibernate

Jul 1, 2010

I just installed apt-get hibernate and when my computer shuts down, it will go to a recovery menu. I have to end up killing the machine.

Also when I try to hibernate the machine this error msg will appear: hibernate:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.

How should I rectify this error?

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Debian :: How To Have Commands In Cron

May 30, 2011

How can one have commands in cron? I do not know much but do know that there is something called cron. I read the manpage[quote=Cron Debian Man page]cron - daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)[/quote] and it says to make files in /var/spool/cron/crontabsWhile I went to /var/spool/cron/crontabs I did not find anything there. I just want to tell cron that it runs $sudo aptitude autoclean at some time in the background. Is this possible? If yes, then how ?

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General :: Debian Cron Job Log

Mar 14, 2010

I know that Redhat have a log in /var/log/cron , I can check the cron job log here , I would like to ask where is the log in Debian ?

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Software :: Vixie-Cron Not Running /etc/cron.d/

Feb 9, 2011

Is my vixie-cron broken? i have "0-59 * * * * root /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf" but it is not running in /etc/cron.d.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Shutdown Win7 After Login Samba PDC

May 9, 2010

opensuse 11.2
samba 3.4

I unable to connect to samba but after change the register (Windows7 - SambaWiki),I could login and map/access the share drive.but when I try to shudown/restart/logoff win7 , the screen just stop with windows logo without the shutdown/restart words coming out.

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Debian Multimedia :: Debian Wheezy Xfce4, No Reboot, No Shutdown?

Sep 3, 2011

i have fresh installed debian wheezy xfce4, and using slim to start it but i can't get reboot, shutdown and thunar can't open flash and others volumes. i using .xinitrc (exec ck-launch-session startxfce4)

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Debian :: Cron Task Not Working

Jun 27, 2015

I have a ts3.desktop file in my /usr/share/applications folder that I want to run on system boot. I have typed the following commands which don't work

Code: Select allcrontab -e

Then in the editor, I typed the following line at the bottom of file. I also made the necessary carriage return after this line.

Code: Select all@reboot gtk-launch ts3 /usr/share/applications

Then I pressed ctrl+o to save it.

After I put these commands in, I did the following command to troubleshooting this issue, see below.

Code: Select all$ crontab -l
no crontab for server
$ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
root         532      1   0 21:35 ?                 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron -f

But after I reboot and nothing happens, the application doesn't start.

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