CentOS 5 Server :: Add Reverse DNS On Server?
May 17, 2010
I'm burning my lashes out on this and still can't make it happen! I need a pro support.
Problem: I want to add reverse DNS on my server. I allready asked my ISP to add my server ip address ( and the name of the server: ithkul.medianet.pt
I need the reverse because in these days most of mail servers need to reverse addresses, otherwise you may be considered a mail spammer. I'm using BINd 9.3.6 here is the NAMED.CONF
acl local {;
acl recursionyes {; };
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Aug 24, 2011
I've been struggling with this for a couple of days now. I'm trying to setup a reverse proxy with SSL. The config works when it's not using SSL, but as soon as I setup the virtualhost for 443, I get a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in my browser.
The setup is that it's a CentOS 5.6 running Apache 2.2.3. I was configuring it via this guide: [URL]
This server is acting as a reverse proxy for a Windows server running Apache. Currently, I'm just trying to get the manager page from the Windows server to go through the reverse proxy. Here's the virtual host section of my httpd.conf file on the reverse proxy:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName aspwebview.vtinfo.com
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl/star_vtinfo.com.crt
Thoughts? Is there anything I have to do on the Windows server (maybe in the connector section of server.xml)?
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Nov 4, 2009
How can I setup "reverse dns check" option in Postfix ?
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Oct 12, 2009
I am using RHEL5. These are my config files:
options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";
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Oct 19, 2010
I install a Bind 9 with chroot in Centos 5, but the issue is the Reverse Name Resolution Zone File didn't create by default like other zone files, so i look into /var/named directory i don't find the reverse name resolution zone file even if i add this zone on named.conf
zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "1.168.192.testsip.com.zone";
allow-update { key "rndckey"; };
notify yes;
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Jun 7, 2010
After searching the forum I could not find a clear answer to my question so I am giving it a try...
I have installed a LAMP server with Postfix as mail server. The scripts send email as user www-data using the mail server on the same machine.
However, the email got rejected by external mail servers (failed reverse DNS check) so I setup a mail server that meets all needed requirements.
Now I would like to use this second server instead of the mail server on the LAMP server. I found that this could be done with changing sendmail settings in php.ini (I think).
However I am not sure how that will go: www-data is no actual user on the new email server (which requires authentication before sending). Do I need to create a new user on the email server or change the settings in php.ini to match an existing user?
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Aug 30, 2010
We currently have a SUSE Apache2 reverse proxy server setup to reverse proxy (proxy_mod) our GroupWise Web Access server. Our SUSE box is located at www.domain.com. Our GroupWise Web Access server is located internally and is called GWMail. We are in the process of migrating from Novell to Windows, so we will have an exchange server with OWA access running on a Windows Server 2008 IIS7 box. That one will be called EXMail internally. Right now when someone goes to www.domain.com/gw/webacc it goes to the GWMail internal server from the outside world. This was all set up by previous techs who used Linux more.
We would like to set up reverse proxy to be able to reverse proxy to the Exchange Server from the outside world. Unfortunately the snag we are running into is that Exchange needs to run on port 443, and forwarding to port 443 has been a little tricky. I've read elsewhere we need to implement a generic TCP proxy, such as IPtables. what we need to do to get our SUSU Apache2 server to be able to reverse proxy to our Exchange server on port 443. For the save of argument lets call our SUSE server ExtranetServer. Below is our default-configuration.conf file's configuration:
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Jul 22, 2011
I have done configuration of webserver and i want it to pick some information from application server,but i don want people to see that application server,please can someone tell me in detail on how to setup squid reverse proxy server so that each time people want to access my servers they can just see one server,i mean one server must act as a loadbalancer to other servers,let say a sum of up to three servers.I am using redhat 5 servers with apache 2,and squid version that i have is 2.6.
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a scenario. A domain [URL] then there are 4 private computers on which applications are hosted at port 80. So when some one from outside access the site it should look as [URL] in apache2.conf where [URL] is hosted I added
ProxyPass /site1
ProxyReversePass /site1
is it correct ? I am able to see [URL] but when some one logs in from internet to [URL] it is redirecting to www.mydomain.com and not taking to page where a successful login will go
in [URL]what should I check or do ?
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Jan 25, 2011
I have a server in a corporate data center for a project. I have an SSH access to this machine at port 22.There are some virtual machines running on this server and then at the back of every thing many other Operating systems are working. Now Since I am behind the data centers firewall my supervisor asked me if I can do some thing by which I can give many people on Internet access to these virtual machines directly. I know if I were allowed to get traffic on port other than 22 then I can do a port forwarding. But since I am not allowed this so what can be a solution in this case.
The people who would like to connect might be complete idiots.Who may be happy just by opening putty at their machines or may be even filezilla.I have configured an Apache Reverse Proxy for redirecting the Internet traffic to the virtual machines on these hosts.But I am not clear as for SSH what can I do.So is there some thing equivalent to an Apache Reverse Proxy which can do similar work for SSH in this situation.I do not have firewall in my hands or any port other than 22 open and in fact even if I request they wont allow to open.2 times SSH is not some thing that my supervisor wants.
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Dec 9, 2010
I config a revers dns im my domain, but him pointer to external server. Check all dns, virtual servers and apache configurations and dont find where it pointer to out. I too check with:
# host -t ptr domain name pointer srv.businessconnection.com.br. Should point to another server, this no is the correct!
I make equal config another server and work very well, but in this are some erro. Somebody know what I doing wrong?
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a question to masters of Apache. In my operating system (CentOS 5) I have installed two Apaches. One is Apache (port 80) from repository where I planning to configure proxy and second one is Apache integrated(port 8090) with KnowledgeTree software. The problem is that when I am trying to configure proxy reverse it simply doesn't work.
This is link to KnowledgeTree software:
This link I would like to rewrite with proxy like this:
(HTTPS dont forget)
In my ssl.conf in VirtualHost part I have created something like this:
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
<Proxy *>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass /knowledgeTree
ProxyPassReverse /knowledgeTree
<Location /knowledgeTree/>
ProxyPassReverse /
When I am trying to connect I see only: Unable to connect. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ifdocu.contaxt.biz:8090.
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Mar 22, 2011
I am trying to configure a reverse proxy server that can act as a reverse proxy for ms sharepoint server that uses https. Usually when I accessed the sharepoint server at [URL], I will be prompted to enter active directory login. But what was "500 internal server error" and in error.log: failed to enable ssl support for (sharepoint.mycompany)
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Feb 24, 2011
how to configure reverse zone for x.x.x.x/18 subnet ,all the example on the internet are for /24 or /16 subnets?
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Jun 4, 2010
I want to know how does directive ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse work. If I have an application on an internal webserver running on port 8080 on Lan but I want it to be accessible on internet via Server A which has public IP but firewall (which I do not have control blocks all except port 80).
Server A -----------------------------------------Server B
Public IP LAN
(Port 8080 blocked)
if I write
ProxyPass /application
ProxyPassReverse /application
Will the application be accessible outside. Or do I need to contact sysadmin to open 8080 in A in above diagram. Is there any other way to do the same in apache2.
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Jul 2, 2011
I want Install nginx As Reverse Proxy for Apache
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Mar 16, 2011
I've been using squid-cache for a long time for authentication/authorization. It has work fine for years, but now it starts working too slow only in one computer (the others, works fine).
It's configured as a reverse proxy.
I see it can be a DNS problem, but the computer is configured with the same dns servers in resolv.conf that the other computers have.
I use squid 2.6.stable14 on RHEL 4.4.
If I restart the service (service squid restart) it works fine, but 15-20 minutes later, the problem repeats.
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Jan 6, 2010
Here my setup of Apache :
I have two virtual hosts on separate IP and on both I am using port :80 one is main website domain.name and another webmail.domain.name. And to get full link path I am using index.html with redirection derectives. My question how I can setup each Vhost to he is own redirection directive to set two full link like:
when type webmail.domainname -----> redirect to webmail.domainname/horde/imp/file.php
and www.domainname ------> redirect to www.domainname/csr/
Right now working only one of this Vhosts, just problem to separate them when I type www.domainname -----> apache redirect to webmail.domainname.
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=http://www.domainname/csr/"></HEAD>
</HTML> .....
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Aug 28, 2010
I keep getting the error "reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for fileserver.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa [] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!" in /var/log/auth.log I have a DNS (bind9) setup on my Linux router with the following config:
router:~# less /etc/bind/named.conf.local
// Local zone definitions here.
zone "0.0.10.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.0.0.10";
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Apr 22, 2010
I am using a reverse proxy on Debian Lenny and using apache2.
I have a site
And a site
Two files in
But the problem is [url]and [url]are both pointing to [url] I am unable to find why.I do not want to touch apache2.conf so want to go by having a VirtualHost site1.[url]
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Apr 25, 2011
I have got a reverse proxy that is working just fine, it accepts requests on port 443 and port 80 and ONLY sends traffic upstream to port 80 to the apache server listening on localhost. I use the following config:
https_port cert=/etc/squid/self_certs/site.crt key=/etc/squid/self_certs/site.key defaultsite=site vhost
cache_peer parent 443 80 no-query originserver login=PASS
http_port vhost
My problem is the following : The site should act differently in some occasions based on whether http or https was requested. So my idea is to setup second http vhost on apache listening to port 8080 and on that vhost I would server the https code. So is it possible to use SQUID to :
Send traffic destined for port 443 to localhost:8080
Send traffic destined for port 80 to localhost:80 ?
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Apr 28, 2010
I have a webserver apache2 on debian Lenny. I am using gateway as Dom0 and rest of the operating systems are different Dom's .Using a xen virtualization setup.
I want to have a few websites
and http://myserver.com/site2
I did set up a reverse proxy environment for doing this.
Dom0 LAN IP ----> Gateway (where reverse proxy is set)
DomU1 LAN IP ----> (here myserver.com and site1.myserver.com both are hosted.)
Domu2 LAN IP ----> myserver.com/site2 is here.
Configuration on Dom0 of sites site1.myserver.com and myserver.com
Virtual Host Configurations on Dom0 in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/myserver.com (on gateway)
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerName myserver.com
ProxyRequests off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all .....
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Jan 18, 2011
I have an enormous quadcore machine with 16gb ram and dual gigabit NICs. It used to be for MySQL but we have upgraded the whole database infrastructure so now this server is left floating. I had the great idea of turning this into a reverse-proxy (using apache mod_proxy) and it really handles a ton of requests. But I have a feeling that we are not getting the most use out of what it can offer.
Our traffic consists of a few thousand very small (less than 10 byte) ajax calls per second, and frequently I find we are running out of kernel allocated network stack to handle all the requests. Often we get the kern.log warning "possible SYN flooding on port 80. Sending cookies." and other things like this. Obviously we are not getting SYN flooded, we just have very high demand.
So far I have found a few kernel tuning guides to tell the kernel to allocate more of the base system memory for networking but every guide I have found has been for the purpose of increasing the performance between WAN links (direct backbones between offices etc) and usually with very large file sizes being the priority. One such example (and great) write up is here:
I was hoping some people could provide further input, such as along the lines of disabling nf_conntrack (to speed up socket set up/tear down time) or anything that will speed up a high throughput proxy like mine. Any links to studies or benchmarks between different configurations or hardware gets extra points!
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Mar 8, 2011
I've run into a strange issue with a DHCP/DDNS setup whereby when the DHCP server asks the DNS server to add a new host, the forward map is added correctly but the reverse map has the subdomain added twice (e.g.'m running ISC DHCPd version 3.0.1 and BIND version 9.2.3 on SuSE 9.2 - 32bit.Here is my dhcpd.conf file:
# dhcpd.conf
include "/etc/named.keys";
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Oct 8, 2010
We use a reverse proxy to forward a lot of websites via 1 central place.so hould forward to an internal server.I already managed to forward a lot of website correctly, except for this one:hen I type:ttp://blablahblah/smt/webtier-7-11 it doesn't work correctly, but How can I make the first url to work ?
ProxyPass /smt
ProxyPassReverse /smt
ProxyPassMatch ^/((smt|webtier-7.11)(/.*)?)?$$1
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Aug 2, 2011
I have searched and searched for a reverse proxy solution for non-website traffic. TCP but not http, on ports other than 80, 443, 8080, etc. Basically I just need a TCP forwarder that works with multiple TCP servers, WITHOUT webpage caching features. I do not need or want any webpage caching. Can squid work as a reverse proxy for TCP traffic without http? The other program I came across in searching was HAproxy. Both programs are for http but I am curious if they would work for TCP servers that do not serve webpages.
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Jan 8, 2011
i have been trying to complete the following project1) Configure a FTP server where we can upload and download files.........2) server must run at 9 pm & stop at 9 am automatically ............although the first task was easy ,i have no idea how to accomplish the 2nd task(not to mention I'm a new user)
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Apr 19, 2011
Will squid or HAproxy work to reverse proxy non-http traffic? I have searched and searched for a reverse proxy solution for non-website traffic. TCP but not http, on ports other than 80, 443, 8080, etc. Basically I just need a TCP forwarder that works with multiple TCP servers, WITHOUT webpage caching features. I do not need or want any webpage caching. Can squid work as a reverse proxy for TCP traffic without http? The other program I came across in searching was HAproxy. Both programs are for http but I am curious if they would work for TCP servers that do not serve webpages.
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Mar 18, 2010
A Linux (CentOS5.3) server is setup with apache reverse proxy. The reverse proxy server is opened to outside and an internal server is mapped to ProxyPass configuration. SSL certificate is also installed on the Apache reverse proxy server. The problem is, it is extremely slow in serving http requests through reverse proxy. There is no problem with server resources or bandwidth. When the internal server is directly accessed through Internet, there is no delay. The backend server and the reverse proxy server are also on the same switch (same subnet). When I searched the Net, there were recommendations to enable cache in Apache. I did so as follows in httpd.conf.
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>
CacheEnable disk /
CacheRoot "/var/cache/mod_proxy"
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3
But still there is no progress. Do I want to enable cache in ssl.conf too? Or is there any other workaround to speed up Apache reverse proxy. Is there a way to check that caching is happening?
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Feb 7, 2011
I'm trying to setup RAID 1 on a CentOS 5 server for a zimbra email server.I get a partion schema error. Can I do this?The server is a HP Proliant ML150 G3 server with two 80GB HDD.
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