CentOS 5 :: In Which Repo Is Help2man ?
Aug 11, 2009help2man doesn't seem to be in any of the karan repos or in the CentOS5.3 base repos. Is it available in any other repos?
View 1 Replieshelp2man doesn't seem to be in any of the karan repos or in the CentOS5.3 base repos. Is it available in any other repos?
View 1 RepliesI am trying to install CentOS-DS on version 5.4 x86_64. I cannot get to the Extras repo due to lack of wired Internet access. I have wireless (except to server) and I have big UFD drives.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust checking to be sure. 5.3>5.4 update went without a hitch:) But a message ran about (/etc/yum.repo.d) CentOS-Base.repo.rpmnew. Comparing CentOS-Base.repo with the new one show the 1st has the correct priorities and .rpmnew does not have the correct priorities. Should I remove the *.rpmnew repo after making sure it otherwise is the same as the original CentOS-Base.repo?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am not able to easily tell what yum is doing when attempting to decide what to do when given repo files that have defined the same name (eg "[updates]"). Yum seems to spot the dups, but seems to *always* select the mirrorlist from the CentOS-Base.repo. I have unsuccessfully tried to have my custom.repo come before the CentOS-Base.repo using 01custom.repo or CUSTOM.repo. My hope is just to overload yum into using the custom.repo *without* removing/modifying the CentOS-Base.repo. If I remove the CentOS-Base.repo, the custom.repo works. Even with all of the custom.repo, 01custom.repo or CUSTOM.repo in the yum.repos.d dir and no CentOS-Base.repo, yum does what I want.
View 4 Replies View Relatedthe best repo. of them all which includes all the software needed.?ans is there any repo which allow latest softwares in centos like fedora.????cause i don't want to install all repos.in centos 5.5.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe only thing is that rpm.hozac.com wasn't responding so I got my new kernel from a mirror site. However the mirror doesn't know anything about the GPG key. On the instructions page it said that rpm.hozac.com is "often unavailable" and gives an alternative location for the kernel download. But it doesn't say what to do about the GPG key! And I can't load the new kernel without the key.So, what do I do? (Apart from wait until the repository comes back online!)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can not find the source rpm repo ! [URL]... We need to rebuild the rpm pack. with high file descripter. But I 'm suprized when I can't reach the srpm repo. where is the repo?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to update repo for "yum"
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm writing a lot of RPM's and I would like to make some of them available to other users, through my website. On the server side, everything is set (directory structure, etc.). I just don't know how to build the custom .repo file, containing only my custom RPM's.
$ su -
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# wget [URL]
i want install goldendict and source downloaded and i want compile it. for compile i need this packages :
Building under Linux: Make sure you have those dependency packages installed: libvorbis-dev, zlib1g-dev, libhunspell-dev, x11proto-record-dev, qt4-qmake, libqt4-dev, g++, libxtst-dev, libphonon-dev. They can be named slightly different in different distributions
I need to install on Centos 5.5 GLIBC version 3.x.The installed and available version is 2.5 only.Does anybody know how can I use a beta repo from Centos6?
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhy don't CentOS update php version in official repo? It's been a while after 5.2.x is released... but CentOS's official repo users are still on 5.1.6
View 5 Replies View RelatedAny official or 3rd party yum repo that supports gnugk (GateKeeper for VoIP)? I am trying to install gnugk in a centos 5 environment.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just created a repository for CentOS 5.3 and 5.4 on my webserver for the network to use. I followed the steps listed here: [URL] All went well up until testing out the repository. Here is the output of "yum update"
[root@titan yum.repos.d]# yum update
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror, priorities
Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
I'm unsure as to why yum is looking in the "5" directory instead of "5.3" or "5.4" and it looks like that is the only issue. It seems as though $releasever is returning 5 instead of the current 5.3 that this system is on.
what is gpgcheck in .repo files in the /etc/yum.repo.d directory
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi, I am trying to add the RPMForge repo by following this guide [URL].. But when I try to verify the package I have downloaded, I get the following message
Quote:[sauro@localhost ~]$ sudo rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm error: rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm: open failed: No such file or directory
I've been having problems installing httpd (in that it cannot be found when I do a Yum search). I get this error when running yum:
Bad id for repo: CentOS5 base, byte = 7
Bad id for repo: CentOS5 updates, byte = 7
In the release anouncement there is mention of adding additional repo's at install time. Is this also possible in the kickstart file?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow can i update php to the latest version from the testing repo via USB ? my machine has no internet access and no cdrom, my only choice is via USB, i have a 2 gb USB.
edit: i am trying to follow this guide: [URL] since i have no internet access, i have downloaded all files to my USB stick. i added the testing repo manually. is there a way to instruct centos to update these packages from my usb stick ? since i have them on USB, i can upload them on centos.
I don't know if this would be usefull to others but since we are using kickstart and then running post install scripts I needed a way to add rpmforge and set the yum-priorities for it correctly via script and here is what I cam up with. If you want to use go ahead (make sure you comment/uncomment the correct repo for your architecture). also not the ex commands are whitespace sensitive. If anyone sees a way to improve this let me know.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having issues getting yum to work with the repos for fail2ban and denyhosts. I followed the centos link on installing/cfg repos. However every time i run yum install fail2ban or denyhosts it does not find the software. I read in several google searches that I should be able to install it using yum. Is that info wrong? These are the link I was s reading too from centos. [URL]. I know I can download the rpm or a tar file but I would like to keep it in sync with yum if possible. May be I have the wrong repo? CentOSPlus is enabled also.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm kind of hoping that many of the apps I am looking for live on this mirror. It was installed by default by CentOS 5.5 when I installed.
My repo file is included at the bottom. Checking the path http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5.5/ there is no media dir which would explain the 404 error I get when I try to enable the repository. The question is where does it live or is this repo defunct? code...
i'm attempting to know and understand fedora more and i will spend probably the next month pouring through all the forums and documents to answer more of my own questions. but there's quite a bit here, so i'd thought i'd ask some noob questions to get me started a little.
ive installed fedora 14 64bit and chosen only kde as the desktop. i selected an extra 2 repos besides the default, fedora 14 -x86_64 and fedora 14-x86_64 -updates. i believe this kernel is installed:
1. i can only see the 2 extra repo's as being "checked" in kpackagekit, shouldn't i see the default repo also ?
2. i dont have an applet in the system tray indicating the system is up to date, does fedora have this by default ? also after a clean install i ran yum check-update and yum update but the message sayes: "no packages marked for update". i'm not sure if the system is auto-updated during install or not, but with other distros iv tried there is always atleast a few updates needing to be done after install.
3. is kpackagekit the fedora gui package manager ? i dont see any others.
4. i want to upgrade to nvidia drivers, but i think i am missing a non-free repo or something. when i enter: yum install kmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64 i get messages stating "no package" i get the same message with yum install nvidia-settings.i also tried this: LANG=C yum --enablerepo=rpmfusion-nonfree info akmod-nvidia but it sayes repo not found.
Since I need to install Grace on several lab workstations, I've been working on getting the mirrors.kernel.org fedora 6 extras repo to work. This is what I've done on one workstation: Added to /etc/yum.repos.d/fc6extras.repo:
name = Fedora Extras - 6 - i386
baseurl = http://archive.kernel.org/fedora-archive/extras/6/i386/
enabled = 1
yum install grace --enablerepo=fc6-extras
After grace was installed with no errors, I ran:
yum update
Got this dependency problem and would like to know if there is a better solution to what I've done, especially with a hard coded baseurl in the repo file: gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.8-4.el5.rf.i386 from installed has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: libSoundTouch.so.0 is needed by package gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.8-4.el5.rf.i386 (installed)
I have never had the packaged vsftpd start with the ssl_enable option set to YES. The mysql on those servers works just fine with SSL enabled. After reading there seems to be a different package available on rh5 repo. This server shows up to date with 2.0.5-12.el5_3.1. The rh5 list shows 2.0.5-16_el5 per this:[URL].. My question is, is there a set lead time till adoption of current RH packages or is just random? I have to have SSL_ftp running and didn't want to step out of the repo lists if possible.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter reading a lot of docs, I'm still having problems using wget to download a Centos repo from a mirror. Here's my best attempt so far:
$cd /repos/centos/5.4
$wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=3 -np [URL]
Of course I get all the unwanted index files etc, but I seem to get a lot of other downloads from the mirror, not just their 5.4 directory. It's like it's following other links on the web pages. Maybe I should be using "ftp://" instead of "http://" considering it's an ftp site, but I seem to have connection problems that way.
i just installed centos 5.4 and trying to make my local repo have groups listing of packages like the mirrors do
so i can make an spin off of the OS to my needs for web servers only / so on but
i cant get my head around the groups making part of the creatrepo
does anyone have any tips or hints or know how to make group listing of the packages
i copyed the DVD to hard drive and the repo .XML files they came with it and tryed that way but no luck yet
im running out of things to try
I want to set up an installation server for CentOS 5.5, using PXE for boot, kickstart for package selection (one for server), and NFS for share all files needed.I've succesfully completed a fresh installation of CentOS5 from the DVD for one of my servers (virgil), and I've copied the anaconda-ks.cfg generated by the installer to my install server (beatrix).
Next, I've properly configured the /etc/dhcpd.conf , the /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/<IP_CODED> and the /etc/exports for NFS sharing on beatrix.Then, I've copied all the first DVD of CentOS5 content in this folder on beatrix: /opt/CentOS_install I've tried to start virgil from ethernet, and all has gone ok, with the kickstart and so on! But I've decided to apply the updates (new kernel, sudo, xorg, ...), so I've deleted the old rpms from /opt/CentOS_install/CentOS and copied the new ones (downloaded from http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5/updates/x86_64/RPMS/). So, I've launched the following commands to recreate the repodata:
root@beatrix:/opt/CentOS_install/ # mv repodata/comps.xml CentOS/
root@beatrix:/opt/CentOS_install/ # rm -fr repodata
root@beatrix:/opt/CentOS_install/ # createrepo -p -o /opt/CentOS_install/ -g comps.xml /opt/CentOS_install/CentOS
But when I try to reinstall virgil, an error message appears, telling me that a package (perl-DBI-...) isn't present in the media.After some debugging, I've noticed that in the /opt/CentOS_install/repodata/primary.xml.gz there isn't the correct path for the rpms. If you look at the original primary.xml, the "path" is like:path="CentOS/abcxyz.rpm" while in the generated file (with createrepo) the path is:
path="abcxyz.rpm".How can I recreate the repodata with the correct path information?
I've installed a standalone system (no internet connection), and now I would like to add more software from the 7CD I used for the clean installation. I've enabled the 'media-repo' and disabled any other, but when I go to the main menu '->remove/install software' the System shows the message 'Can't find repomd.xml file...' and stops.
What can I do to enable this method?
I am trying to convert from using the base centos kernel to centosplus kernel. I have modified the CentoOS-Base.repo file to do this, including ensuring that I have excluded the kernel kernel-devel etc from base and updates. However when I do a yum update there is nothing to update. I have noted that my current kernel is kernel-2.6.18-194.8.1 whereas the current centosplus kernel seems to be 2.6.18-194.3.1. I presume that the problem is that the plus kernel is not as recent as the base kernel. Is this correct? What is the best way of converting to the centosplus kernel in these circumstances?
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