I have a file with around 1000 IP addresses in it and I need to be able to ssh into each one of them, run a single command, and then exit. I already know the ssh command I want to run and it looks like this:
(I know shpass is not good to use and keys are the correct way but I don't have any other options in this scenario.) if these ip addresses were in a .csv file, by themselves with no other information, how would I create a script to do the above command to each ip until the end of the file?
An input filename ($1) is fed into mediainfo, which by the use of grep and cut spits out a single number which is the aspect ratio. This is then divided by bc into 320, which gives the desired height dimension for the file that I want ffmpeg to create for me. Finally, ffmpeg runs using the calculated dimensions... Basically, it's the passing of the $ASPECT variable to bc that seems to fail. It looks like bc won't read the output from the mediainfo line... It always crashes out with:
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: ^M I've tried doing something even simpler like this to debug by just trying it to display the calculation on the screen:
I want to build on the code from /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05etckeeper to work with Snapper, the new-in btrfs (et al) snapshot package.
Code: Select allDPkg::Pre-Invoke    { "if [ -x /usr/bin/etckeeper ]; then etckeeper pre-install; fi"; }; DPkg::Post-Invoke   { "if [ -x /usr/bin/etckeeper ]; then etckeeper post-install; fi"; };
The etckeeper code will work well as a template, but I need to pass a parameter between the pre- and post- instances. The parameter is obtained from the pre- invocation and passed to the post- invocation.I know that something similar to my quest is done with the 'pid' but how to do it in the 'standard' way. Happily there can't be multiple dpkg instances running concurrently (prevented by dpkg?) so I don't have to worry about that issue.
Q1. What is the 'standard' way of passing parameters about?
Code: Select allsnapper -c etc create -t pre -p   (which 'prints' the parameter (int) to pass to the following invocation) snapper -c etc create -t post --pre-number <parameter> in place of the two etckeeper calls.
Q2. How do I pick up the 'printed' output of the 'pre' call? I think it's just a 'get' from the stream but perhaps I've missed something.?
I want to know is there some more efficient way of passing a pointer to a local variable as a parameter to a function in x86 asm? Right now I have to move the base pointer to a temp register, subtract from the register and pass that, like this (assuming a local var at esp-4):
Code: mov eax, ebp sub eax, 4 push eax Is there a better way?
I'm having some trouble this morning to send a SQL query to our Oracle DB server in PHP. When I try to pass my value "OF/110246801A01" as variable it tell's me "Warning: oci_bind_by_name(): ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number"
Say, i have an imaginary std library function, which I want to call.
Code: void std_lib_func(ObjectType *param);
Now in my c++ program, I have a main() function, and I will like to call a customized function (which will in turn call the std lib function) from the main function, as below:
Code: int main() { ObjectType *aobj; customized_func(aobj); } [Code]...
I tried the below but get an error that the std lib function is expecting a ObjectType* param, not aobj. How should I work this out.
I'm trying to implement an assert function similar to:[url]
However, I'm having trouble with file existence testing when the file name has a space in it.
I have distilled the problem down to the following:
This code works as expected, printing 'yes' if '~/test file' exists, and no if not.
However, this code gives an error.
The error:
Which tells me that it is splitting ["~/test file"] into ["~/test] and [file"]. Why? Is there a way around this?
Note that if you simply use a file path without a space, both cases work perfectly. Is this a BASH bug possibly? I just can't understand why the first would work, but the second wouldn't.
I started to run a C++ my program in Linux and I don't know how to test my program that works fine with a text file. This is a project for my uni and to explain more clear, My program is a sample database for modify or add and search and it read data from a binary file and also write into a binary file. I have got an input from my lecture and she said after compiling in Linux I must write:
1-to compile: Code: g++ (files with cpp) 2-to see the output: Code: ./a.out 3-to test with input: Code: ./a.out < input.txt >
My problem is in step three. What I must write in the command part after" step2" to see the output?
I am not sure if that Subject really explains it, basically I have a script that executes a CLI java-applet that requires a passphrase from the user. I can easily execute this by issuing the -p argument followed by the passphrase however that shows up on possible logs or at least on the results of the ' ps ' command. If you do not supply this -p argument it provides a new line with the echo " Enter Passphrase: " and asks for input.
how can I provide a result/input for the Passphrase request and is it still possible to throw this application in the background with the ' & ' following the command? I have seen a few examples that show a /bin/expect that expects a result and sends a command however I would like to refrain from any extra dependencies. Example of Regular Execution of application:
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to start a process, and while it is running, pass input to it as though it were a stream. Although the subject of this post mentions this question is "language-neutral", specifically, I am trying to do this in Common Lisp. Truly, I am looking for the principles behind the method of doing this, which seem to me as though they would be language neutral.
I have done Google searches, and found nothing relevant to my query. Without using sockets and IP communication, I would like to start a process (let's use the MySQL command-line client, for example) and then in my Common Lisp (CL) program, pass it input like so:
(format *mysql-client-instance* "SELECT * FROM some_table;")
Simply, how would I go about sending input to an active process as though it were a stream? My thinking is there has to be some way to do it - similar to the Expect superset of Tcl.
right now i am writing bash script for simple everyday todo tasks.script consisit of two files, fisrt is just script (which can delete/append /clear) and second one is todolist.txt which stores my notes.I am litlebit confused about sed!!for example, If my todolist.txt have these lines:
- Writing my Homework - take my girlfriend to launch - Take a break
How can sed take my input $@ and delete all line with name "Homework"..i trayed with many sed combination like:
Code: sed s/$@//g sed 'd/$@/' and many more combination with ""/'' or bracket but nothing helped
There is the Archive::Zip I think I can use with Perl 5.10 but I don't know how. I don't want to read or write any files, just zip something in memory, with best compression, like
$text = "this is a test"; $zippedtext = &Zip($text); sub Zip {
I'm reading "OReilly Learning Perl 5th Edition", and there are such words:Code:You can use an array element like $fred[2] in every place? where you could use any other scalavariable like $fred.At the bottom of the page, it explains the ? like this:Code:The most notable exception is that the control variable of a foreach loop, which you?ll see later in this chapter, must be a simple scalar.Since Perl has the save-and-restore mechanism for the control variable, why an array element can't be used as the control variable
and I get this error simply running the program from the command line: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 at ./submit.cgi line 24.
is this the right syntax to use, both, for this line:
my (@param) = $cgi->param("firstname","lastname","type") ;
as well as this one:
$sth=$dbh->prepare ("SELECT firstname,lastname,type FROM dts WHERE firstname LIKE $param[0] AND lastname LIKE $param[1] and type LIKE $param[2]" );
or should there be quotes around the $param[0] or something? (also is it $param[0] or $param(0)?)
I need write a script that can compare multiple input files and output a file. The basic idea is:1: All my input files are in the same format2: I want to find in-common lines (in-common 1) from some of my input files (e.g., input1, 2 an 3), and find in-common lines (in-common 2) from the rest of my input files (e.g., input 4,5,6,7). And then, compare in-common1 and in-common2 and remove any overlap from in-common 1.3: Output the remaining in-common 1 file after removing any of its overlap with in-common 2I know how to write this script by putting all the filenames in one script and compare them. But the thing is, if I have more input files, such as 100, it might not be that efficient to write all filenames in one script and compare them.
I am wondering if there is any way to do such as:1: put all input filenames in a text file (file1)2: write a script3: Everytime, when I run this script, it will read in file1 directly no matter how many input files I have, give an output.I want this because I will have more and more input files and I don't wanna add multiple lines in the script just for reading the new inputfiles and compare them with the previous files. So, I guess this is something related to making my script a package or standardize it and make it easy to use in the future no matter how many input files I will have.
"While ; do ; done" is very convenient for SH coding. However sometimes you may be annoyed by your computed variable within the "while do done" type loop. What to do how to pass it out of the loop to the outside of the bash code? A solution is to write it into the /tmp or on the disk... and to call it back after. - not elegant... really not... Anyone would know a trick another alternative that would look nicer?
Code: # Count file total size TOTAL_SIZE=0 LISTOFFILES=`cat "$HOME/.fvwmoscfg/fvwmburnerlist.lst"` echo "$LISTOFFILES" | while read i ; do SIZE=`du -bs $i | cut -f 1` TOTAL_SIZE=`expr $SIZE + $TOTAL_SIZE` echo "$TOTAL_SIZE" > "$HOME/.fvwmoscfg/fvwmburnerlisttotalsize.lst" done TOTAL_SIZE=`cat $HOME/.fvwmoscfg/fvwmburnerlisttotalsize.lst`
echo "The total size of all files and folders is : $TOTAL_SIZE"
I'm trying to call a specific variable based on a user selection. For example:
Code: Select a file:
[1] foo.tar [2] bar.tar
Enter a selection: I have already coded each possible selection to have its own variable. If the user selects 2 I need to select $SELECTED_TAR2, or if they select 1 I need to select $SELECTED_TAR1 and then do something like this behind the scenes:
I need user to input a password through command line in Windows cmd prompt. Is there a way to encrypt the input (such as put it into ......) when user is typing ?
I am new to bash scripting. I want to know whether i can pass one variable to another. For example $1 represent argument1. Now if i want to get the argument 1 like USER="1" now i want $ of $USER to execute $1 so what should i do..
I am trying to write a Perl script that can open a file, find text that appears between two identifying strings (for now, "start" and "end"), then modify that text by enclosing it between "term_" and "_term" . Since the identified strings vary, the replacement string becomes "term_$1_term". From looking at other threads in this forum I've been able to get as far as spitting out the modified terms using the following code:
open FILE, "start2.txt" || die ("Could not open file <br> $!"); $text = <FILE>; while ($text=~ s/start (.*?) end//) {
The problem is how to get "term_$1_term" into the file in the same while loop, which I'm guessing would be some of variant of "$text=~ s/$1/$term/;" (which doesn't work as it stands).
How can I pass xml data from memory or a variable to xmllint that expects a file as input? Or does xmllint have the capabilities to read from stin or a variable?
I have installed FC13 on my laptop and set it up as a development server. Here is my issue when passing variable from one page to the next it gets lost. My PHP includes work DB connect string works from the include.
I'm trying to read content of file to variable and use this variable in for loop. The problem is, when I have c++ comment style in file - /*. Spaces in line are also interpreted as separated lines.
For example:
Changing $files to "$files" eliminate these problems but causes that whole content of variable is treated as one string (one execution of loop).
my script has a variable which comes in the form +00.00 +0.00 -00.00 or -0.00 (the numbers can be any in that form) for any that have a + symbol I need to remove the +, but if it has a - symbol it needs to stay.
i need to make a new variable with the string from the old variable btut without any plus sign. I have tried a lot of different ways with no success, each thing I tried either left the + or removed the entire string. I think this should work but doesn't