Fedora Networking :: Network To Lan - For File Sharing - Printing And Internet Access

Dec 30, 2009

I have a wired lan at home with 2 XP boxes connecting to a router to a DSL modem. I want to network my laptop, running only fedora os, for file sharing, printing and internet access. I will be using the laptop probably exclusively for creating/maintaining a Drupal-based (LAMP) e-commerce site to replace our old one for our small family business.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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Fedora Networking :: Gentoo PC - F12 PC For LAN - File Sharing And Internet

Aug 8, 2010

I want to connect my newly created Gentoo DAW to a Fedora 12 PC, for file sharing and Internet purposes. The Fedora PC has 2 NICs, where one of them is connected to the apartment's Router. The Gentoo PC has 1 NIC. I am using a crossover Ethernet cable for connecting them. [UPDATE] I changed to crossover cable, now my two machines are able to ping each other! Here's the IPs:

PC2(Fedora): --- PC2(Fedora) to Router IP:
Router's IP:

All I need now is for PC1 to enter the internet... How do I proceed from this point?

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Networking :: Make PC Ping Each Other - File Sharing And Printing Setup

Jan 26, 2010

I have a Netopia 3000 Series Internet Gateway [URL] & windows 7(laptop) & ubuntu 9.10.
- My laptop connects to it wireless and my ubuntu via ethernet cable.
- I am trying to setup file sharing and printing. How do I go about in making them ping each other? the networking side.
I logged in the router & check and windows has ip 192.168.100 & ubuntu has 192168.1.2

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Internet Access And Local Files/server

Jan 16, 2011

i would like to setup one of my old pcs as a file server and internet gateway; we are living in a large building shared with 40 others. the ubuntu box would be the one connected to the internet via ethernet and sharing connexion via wifi. i haven't started yet - presently, i am doing the ground work and reading before to start i understand sharing the internet is relatively simple and can be done from the GUI

What we would like is slightly like BT Fon or BT Open Zone in the UK: you can hook on a free network but in order to access outside (internet: email, web, ftp, etc) you need to login login would help us monitor fair usage. I imagine something with username and password for each user would do: as we are a few in the same building not everyone is actually paying for the connection and we don't want to end up with rather large excess bills. So the ones who are paying access both files and internet; those who dont just have access to the files on the local server.

Do i need Ubuntu server to set this up? What hardware would be ideal - given we are all far from rich but willing to have a nice setup

It would be great if you could share some knowledge around the topic and eventually provide some tutorial; also any heads-up on the hardware side would be great! (signal booster, etc - there's 3 floors and 3 buildings)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Internet Network Manager ?

Jan 3, 2011

I used network manager to share internet connection coming to wlan0 with eth1.

I have internet in my PC coming to wlan0 and I want the client I hook to eth1 to have internet too.

It works with network manager but I think it added something I didn't ask for... Apparently the client connecting to eth1 is recieving an IP from a DHCP server outside the range of wlan0 IPs.

How can I configure eth1 to assign an IP that is inside my wlan0 LAN or at least give a static address to eth1 client that's inside my wlan0 LAN and internet keeps functionning.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Share With Two Network Cards - No Internet Access

Mar 1, 2009

I have a fedora 10 box with two network card on eth0 I have a pppoe connection to the internet, on second card eth1 I share my internet connection end I set up a samba server but I don't know if the settings are good. How to do this settings right to work fine, the ip are assigned by dhcp I don't use any static ip .When I try to browse the internet from the other computers some site's like {.com ; .org ; .info} are block, other site from {.ro} are working. Someone tell me something about turn off all my filters, but I don't know where to find this filter to turn it off. And when I use samba I can't have and internet access or vice versa. My network look like that:

|<--pppoe connection
(fedora 10)
comp.1 comp.2
Win OS MacOS

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dialup Modem Computer As Internet Sharing Gateway To Wireless Access?

Mar 4, 2011

I am wanting a computer with an external dialup modem (ppp0 modem through a com port /dev/ttys1) to act as a gateway to the internet, forwarding internet traffic through ethernet (eth0 is set to static to a router (the router is where it will be broadcast to other wireless computers like my laptop ( I've had this setup until recently when the gateway computer (the one with the modem) died. Now I'm replacing that machine with another box and an install of Ubuntu 10.10 but so far things aren't working for me.

Success so far:I have dialup access working on the new box. Took me a while to work out the configuration for getting dialup working, though the IP address is Dynamic (or it won't stay connected), "Check carrier line" is off, and "Ignore Terminal Strings (stupid mode)" is on in order to successfully connect and stay connected to my ISP. I also had to make my normal (non-root) user "lancer" a member of the "pid" group (the reboot) in order to use gnome-ppp as non-root. The laptop ( is successfully connecting to the router ( as I can see the router configuration page when I type into the laptop's web browser. This setup is unchanged from how I had it before when this was previously working and I don't want to change how the router itself is set up. What I want is to know what to fix in the new box in order to get it connected to the router (through ethernet) and bridging the internet through.

My problem is that whenever I plug in the eth0 from the gateway ( to the router (, Ubuntu's automatic plug-me-in network detection kicks in and I find my dialup no longer working through some kind of IP conflict (at least that's what I think it is). Maybe I don't have the "gateway" correctly assigned? (in the gateway computer for the ethernet connection, I had it pointing to itself as I don't know what to put for "gateway IP" as that is automatic So, just to check my connection, here I am pinging google (from the gateway computer which has the dialup modem) once a dialup connection has been made.

lancer@lancer-desktop:~$ ping www.google.com
PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=179 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=55 time=176 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=55 time=158 ms


What do I need to do in order to make Ubuntu of my gateway computer stay connected to my dialup but also simultaneously share an ethernet LAN to my wireless router and feed traffic to the other computers from there? I have googled this but some of the most promising instruction (e.g. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-in...in-ubuntu.html) call for packages like dnsmasq or ipmasq which seem defunct now in Ubuntu 10.10. Other pages seem to suggest dual-networks "can't be done" in Ubuntu [URL].. (what!?! I had it before my other gateway died)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Internet/LAN Eth0 Connection Via Wi-fi Ad-hoc Network

Dec 1, 2010

I've got access to my LAN and the Internet via my wired ethernet connection. I'd like to share that access with my iPod Touch (device shouldn't really matter) via an Ad-hoc wi-fi network.

This tutorial in the docs seems to describe the right setup but is very out of date (7.04). Instead I found this tutorial and followed it to create the Ad-hoc wireless network. I was able to connect my touch to the resulting ad-hoc network without a problem, but I didn't have LAN/Internet access.What's the next step to get the clients on the ad-hoc network out to the Internet?I found this page in the docs that says I'd need to install dnsmasq-base and uninstalling dnsmasq. I checked and dnsmasq-base is already installed but dnsmasq is not. I do have dnsmasq in /usr/sbin but the package description makes it sound like this should come with dnsmasq. Is the page out of date? Will uninstalling dnsmasq cause other problems?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Change Ip Address Of Second Internet Sharing Network Card?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a second network card in my ubuntu desktop that I have sharing my internet connection with a wireless router. I have set the router to a static ip address within the network cards range. But, every time I restart the computer, the network card uses a different ip address. One time it will be, the next time it will be, ect. This makes me have to hard reset my router every time it does this. How can I set the network card to use the same ip address all the time?

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Ubuntu Networking :: File Sharing - Access From Win7

Feb 21, 2010

I have two computers in my local network one with Ubentu Karmic 64 and one with Win7 64. The problem is in file sharing. I would like to be able to have access from one computers to another in both ways. But now I have only access from ubuntu to windows shares. On win machine I'm able to view ubuntu shared folders and printers but not able to browse them (or use printers from windows). I tried to change samba configuration, but my knowledge is to poor to solve this problem

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Sharing In Network Manager / No DHCP Server

Oct 14, 2010

How do I tell the shared connection that it has a static IP and that I dont want a DHCP on the network?Do I have to set up DHCP on the box with the shared connection, even if that box only runs DHCP for a single IP address being the eth0 that is shared?Or can I tell the shared connection that it has a static IP and still allow network manager to run the shared connection?Or should I specify static IP's for all clients and the shared network manager and install say firestarter on the gateway to run the NAT for the eth0 out to eth1.

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet And File Sharing Between Xubuntu,windows 7 And Mac Os X Snow Leopard?

Nov 10, 2010

I have 2 laptops, one is a Acer travelmate (running xubuntu) and another one is a Dell studio (Running Windows 7). I also have an iMac..2 external hard drive and a BSNL 3G usb data card. I want to setup a network so i can share my files and internet connection between the 3 systems. I don't know what i want to do is possible or not. what i want to do:

1) connect the usb data card to Acer and share the internet connection using the inbuilt wireless card in the laptop so that the dell and imac can access it.

2) connecting the 2 ext. hard drive to Acer and sharing the files over the same connection( wireless connection used to share internet with other systems) so that i can access the files from my dell and imac. I want to mention that i don't have a router.

if yes..how? and if not why? i'm a newbie..so plz help me..earlier also this forum helped me a lot in learning linux..hope this time also i will have some good experiences.

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Ubuntu Networking :: File Sharing Within Home Network?

Jul 28, 2010

For the first time networking my home computers I'm not interested in getting Ubuntu boxes to to talk to Windows and we now have Ubuntu on all machines.

I'm trying to use the "Personal Files Sharing Preferences" but there is a message telling me I require some packages. Most unlike Ubuntu but it doesn't tell me what packages I do need.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

What I would really like to do is have access to sertain directory's on other computers and have full access to read/write within the home directory.

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Networking :: Network - Sharing File - When Run Ubuntu Cant See Drive

Feb 14, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu with partion with Vista, and I am enjoying the Ubuntu experience will buy a book and learn this awesome OS, my question is this:

My wife has a laptop that runs Vista, and when i use my Vista she can see my files and I share this hard drive with her, but when i run Ubuntu she cant see this drive, i have extrernal hard drive as my backup with lot of different files on it and she can pull files from it but when i use Ubuntu she can see on her Vista Network, how can i make so when i use Ubuntu she can see my drive? On my Windows i set up sharing of files but how do the same with Ubuntu.

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Fedora Networking :: Sharing Internet Between Xp And It

May 21, 2009

for the last one week i'm facing problem in sharing internet between xp and fedora. I'm connected to internet through wireless adapter in xp and wants to share internet through crossover cable between xp and fedora. I did the following steps.

1: start a network setup wizard in xp.
2: change the smb.conf file in fedora and change the workgroup name to same as in xp.
3:in Xp the ethernet adapter has address
4: when i connect the crossover cable and start fedora. it couldn't get the ip address through dhcp.
5: when i tried giving the ip address manually " with gateway"and save the subnet mask is replaced by don't know why it not saved.

i tried changing new ethernet card but not worked. some time avc denials message "SELinux is preventing consoletype (consoletype_t) "read" to /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-eth0.leases (dhcpc_state_t)." comes. can any one tell me how to enable or make a network in fedora . i 'm very new in linux and couldn't able to share network .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up File Sharing In A Home Network?

Jan 6, 2010

have a home network with two desktops and I also have a netbook. The netbook and nettop (desktop) both run UNR 9.10 and my other desktop runs Ubuntu 9.10 with all updates in place. So all 3 machines are hooked up to my home network via wireless router (secure and password protect). I want to set up file shares between machines in order to move files between machines and also to have all machines connected to and accessing one shared printer. Fair enough. According to Ubuntu help I click on a folder, then properties then the share tab and click all checkboxes and give the share a name. Then I do likewise on my two other machines. So in theory once every machine has a share setup then you should be able to access via the other machines by simply going into Network, finding the machine, opening it and mounting the shared folder. In some cases I see the other machines but when I click to open them it says "unable to mount location". So now I would like to ask... where should I look to resolve this? The wireless router settings? Some type of network or security settings on each of my machines?

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Networking :: Configuring Internet Sharing In Fedora 12?

May 18, 2010

In windows, when I use an HSPDA modem, internet traffic will be automatically directed through it. Everything will go back to normal once broadband connection is disconnected. In fedora 12 this is not the case, internet traffic will still go through the lan interface. Is there a way to mimic windows behavior in linux?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Home Network - Setting Up File Sharing Between Two Machines

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having issues setting up file sharing between two Linux machines. I've tried the forum cookie cutter answer of "right click folder, sharing options, share, allow others to write and edit, allow guest accounts", but I simply cannot get my two Ubuntu 10.10 machines to see each others shared files. I HAVE been able to download and use the program "Personal File Sharing", and with it I CAN share the "Shared" folder between both machines. I'd prefer to learn the correct way to link these two boxes up though, and be able to share more than 1 directory. Am I missing any programs to complete this link? Do I need to use Samba? I've tinkered with it, and I can get both computers to see a workgroup name I set up, but cannot get them to view each other in it.

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Fedora Networking :: Wired Networking Not Connecting In 12 With Windows Internet Connection Sharing?

Jan 16, 2011

I just want to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect to the internet. I have done a massive amount of troubleshooting, but some of it seems to contradict itself, and the only two things that I know for sure are that it used to work, and that my Ethernet cable is not the problem. When I use Terminal utilities like ifup and dhclient it seems that it can not determine IP information, but when I try to put it in manually, the "Apply" button grays out right after I finish typing it in. When I try to connect normally, in KDE or GNOME, the icon acts like it's connecting, then instead of having the connected icon, I receive a notification that "the network has been disconnected", and it goes back to the disconnected icon.

Oh, and by the way, I know that I could probably find a workaround, but I have limited resources, and this used to work. The Linux is a Dell desktop with Fedora 12 and the Windows is a Windows 7 HP laptop.EDIT: I hope that I didn't mess something up, but I accidentally used system-network-config to try putting in the IP address there, and ended up changing it back to the original settings, but the computer is now calling it Auto Ethernet in the taskbar icon, although sudo iwconfig in the terminal still calls it eth0.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Printing - 10 To XP

Mar 30, 2009

I have been trying to set up printing on my Fedora 10 machine so I can print with a remote printer on my LAN that is attached to a Windows XP machine. I went through the whole configuration process, selected a samba printer, put in the correct UNC and driver- it is an HP psc series 1210, the printer was detected when I selected browse during the configuration process so I know I've entered the right UNC. When I try to print a test page or anything for that matter the printer starts as if it is going to start printing but nothing happens. When I go into printer properties it tells me that I have a Remote Downlevel Document and that it is printing but nothing is happening. I've tried restarting the print spool service but nothing works.

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Fedora Networking :: Using IP Masquerading - Internet Connection Sharing

Jan 13, 2010

I have recently installed Fedora 12 and want to share my internet connection with other pc's at my home including windows pc. My linux machine is connected to internet via DSL connection.

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Networking :: Build A Network From Scratch That Includes File And Printer Sharing, Intranet?

Apr 17, 2010

I want to learn how to build a Linux network from scratch that includes file and printer sharing, intranet. I have an intermediate-level knowledge of Windows networking. Can anyone suggest a book or online tutorial that I can learn from? Now let me be clear: I am finding no shortage of tutorials on the web. However, too many are old or incomplete.

A little extra info: I am a teacher/network admin for a small private school with about 50 student computers (that I wish to become Linux machines in the future) and about 10 staff computers (mostly Windows laptops--I do not expect the staff to convert to Linux as readily), I currently do not have an intranet implemented.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Make Internet Sharing In Fedora With Two Inputs & One Output?

Feb 19, 2009

How to make internet sharing in Fedora with two inputs & one output.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Internet Via Ad Hoc Network

Jun 13, 2011

I want to connect to a wireless open ad-hoc network to have internet access. It worked a while ago (1/2 year or something) but some update must have messed something up so it doesn't work any longer. Situation: There is a laptop that is running windows 7 and is connected to the internet via cabel. A open ad-hoc network is configuered with sharing of internet connection, status of the ad-hoc network is "waiting for users to connect". I want to connect with a second laptop that is running ubuntu 11.04. I can find the network and connect to it.

Problem: I cannot get any internet access while being connected to the ad-hoc network. So my questions are: how can i find out if what causes the Problem? I suspect a driver issue, but I'm not sure. required information from Howto post a wireless issue:


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Networking :: Access Local Ip From Outside Network(internet)?

Mar 22, 2011

I have created more A record in dns. one record is link to my local ip, i have already static ip, how can i access my local website from global.

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Fedora Installation :: Setup XP File And Printer Sharing In Home Network

May 16, 2009

I'm going to setup a File and Printer Sharing in my little home network... 3 Computers actively connected to the Web through a single ADSL2+ Wireless Router (number of Computers will increase later) At the moment 2 of the computers are running Fedora 10 and 1 running Windows XP...

Now i want to setup the 3 machines to use 1 printer which is connected to one of the Fedora 10 machines, and i want File Sharing to be enabled so each machine can easily view each others shared files and also be able to print when ever needed (ofcourse the machine with the printer will have to be on for the printing process to happen) I've installed Samaba on each Fedora Machine, enabled sharing but i dont seem to be able to view the Windows machine or each other....

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Internet Access Through Bluetooth

Jul 16, 2010

Has anyone ever shared a network connection with another computer using Ubuntu/Linux? I have got a connection to the Local Area Network of my organization, but the problem is, it is only one. I have a laptop and I requested a connection for it, too. But the request was denied and one of the techs at IT department tipped me that I could create my own PAN on which my computer (which is a client on the organization LAN) would act as a server for my PAN and my laptop can access Internet if you choose to share your Internet access over the PAN...

I have no idea about networking and stuff. And that fella was too busy to lemme know how to set up this whole thing. Besides, he is a Microsoft Expert, probably never touched Linux. The situation gets worse... I don't wanna spend money on a Wi-Fi router. Instead, I could use the built-in Bluetooth module on my laptop with another Bluetooth Blip which is connected to my computer on USB port. I know people do that fairly commonly over Windows, since I have googled and found many posts regarding sharing an Internet connection through a Bluetooth connection with another computer.

A fairly old computer
Intel Pentium IV 3.0GHz
External Bluetooth Device (Not sure about Specs)
Linux Ubuntu Lucid Linx (10.04)
Connected to Internet through a proxy server
I want to make this one my server for PAN

A relatively modern laptop
HP HDX-16t
Intel Core2Duo 2.2GHz
Built-In HP Integrated Bluetooth Module
Windows Vista 64-bit Home Edition
No connection to Internet
I want to make it able to connect to Internet through PAN

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Fedora Networking :: How To Sharing Internet Connection In Fedora 12?

Mar 29, 2010

does anybody know ho to sharing internet connection in fedora 12.what program should be installed and how to configure it.

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