Networking :: User Level Command/utility To Find The Bandwitdth Used By A Process?
Aug 5, 2009
I am searching for a Linux user level command/utility to measure the network bandwitdth used by a specific process by usig its process id.i used different commands like, iperf, ntop, netstat etc, but it doesn't to meet my requirement. i need to observe network bandwidth used by only a specific process .
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Aug 10, 2010
I've been able to kludge a kill script which finds the correct pid for the kdeserver (or gnome server) after my system comes up in run level 5 so I can drop back to run level 3 mode. Lots of experimentation showed me that using telinit 3 and telinit 5 would occasionally leave the video memory in a mess and I would have the black screen of death.
I set the security parameter setting to autologin for me since I am the only user of my machine, but I still have to kludge the default setting under sysconfig (the DEFAULT_WM) under Window Manager to pick a certain window manager, so it takes time to manually switch the desktop.
Right now I can leave the gui and drop back to cli, but painful experimenting showed me that killing the X server is a no no. Right now I kill the kde server, which sends the SIGTERM to the X windows manager, which then figures out that it has to shut down.
Questions: Is there a better way of doing this? Apparently openSUSE figures that we have multiple users logging into the gui desktop, so the gui is always kept running and a login window with the desktop manager option forces the user to login in. With autologin, this never happens, but no choice of desktop is possible on the fly.
Can some type of script be set up to painlessly enable this to happen? And what is the best way of bringing either the Gnome or KDE desktop manager down gracefully? I do get lots of error messages as the system attempts to recover and X shuts down. It appears that apparently the single user with autologin is left out in the cold.
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Feb 6, 2010
I want to install a software called TinyOS which is an operating system designed for wireless sensor embedded networks in my account. The problem is it has instructions to install the software as an administrator since i'm not an admin of the department network i can not able to install. Is there any method to install this software as an user level rather than admin level.
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Jan 6, 2009
I want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages for accessing spi(serial peripheral inerface )from kernel level and user level. like methods of doing it, speed ,memeory utilization etc
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Apr 21, 2011
I have a script that calls other scripts/commands which may or may not spawn other process. From my understanding, when I do a ps -ef, the highest numbered process ID is supposed to be the parent ID of all the other related child processes, is this correct? In most or all circumstances, I do a ps -ef | grep <processid> of my script and anything that spawns off that process IDs I assumed are the child processes of my script. If I want to terminate my script and all other child processes, then I kill the parent ID which is the highest numbered PID and this will subsequently kill all other child process IDs, is this correct?
Now, my question is whether there is any quick way of showing what are the child processes of a parent ID instead of what am currently doing now which is visually checking which one is the parent ID and "assuming" that the highest numbered PID is the parent ID of all the other processes. Below is a sample output of running ps -ef | grep exp | grep -v grep. I assume from the output below that the parent process/ID is PID 11322, is that correct?
oracle 11154 11153 0 21:20 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c (. ~oracle/.profile; /bin/ksh /usr/local/oracle/scripts/expdp_o
oracle 11155 11154 0 21:20 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c (. ~oracle/.profile; /bin/ksh /usr/local/oracle/scripts/expdp_o
oracle 11190 11155 0 21:20 ? 00:00:00 /bin/ksh /usr/local/oracle/scripts/expdp_schema.ksh dev01
oracle 11322 11190 0 21:20 ? 00:00:00 expdp
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Jun 8, 2011
I am currently struggling with one of my tasks.I was asked to find a way how to determine how much time an _already running_ process is spending in user and kernel space.E.G. <some tool> <pid>[Control] + [c]<pid> spent 12.1 seconds in user and 1.52 seconds in kernel space.Does something like this exist? Basically I guess I am looking for something similar to time, except that the process is already running.So..a) Is there a tool which fulfills this task?b) Is there a way to write your own software which does the job? Is it even possible to code something I am looking for?I recently found strace -c -p <pid>, but well, this is not exactly what I was looking for.
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Feb 15, 2011
Is there any command to find out for how many Milli seconds a process is been running?s -a -o pid,etime | grep "process pid" gives the time in min:seconds. I wanted in milliseconds .
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Jan 20, 2011
Is there any linux command to find out if a user exists? It should something like this: if user exists it returns 1, if he doesn't it returns 0.
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Feb 22, 2011
How to find files owned by a user who does not have an interactive shell on the system and copy them to a different location. For Eg : Files owned by UID : 86 in /sbin/nologin needs to be located.
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Aug 3, 2009
I am working on RHEL 5.3
I want to display a message to user whenever he/she moves from run level 2 to 3.
Sometimes, the last process that is coming up when i go to run level 2 is irqbalance and sometime it is anacron.
Is there anyway to find out which will be the last process that is coming during the run level changes?
Thanks in advance!
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Jun 29, 2010
I have what I hope someone finds to be a simple problem. I am running a data acquisition computer for a research project, where multiple people use the same non-privileged user account to take data and save it to /incoming. Once the file has been closed, I would like to somehow copy the data into a more permanent location owned by root. Obviously giving the shared user account sudo permission would be a huge security hole.
I know that this should be possible using some sort of client/server connection, but writing my own server just for this little task seems a bit cumbersome, and is something I have no experience with. Nor have I ever written a daemon/init script before.
Does anyone have any ideas on a simple procedure I could use? Very few things are fixed in stone, but the copy operation is necessary - the final location is a RAID5 array, and the write speeds are too slow to keep up with the data stream.
If a client/server type of thing really is the best way to go, anyone have any links to good tutorials to make a simple server and daemonize it?
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Jun 9, 2011
Does anybody know a way to log traffic on a single interface/IP by process? Specifically what I want to record is traffic usage by user, but I can match PIDs against user to product stats and the user would also be in the full command line of the process.
There is a nice tool called nethogs that I often use to monitor traffic this way in realtime, but I would like to log the accumulated traffic rather than just monitor it.
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Aug 10, 2011
Is there a non-root shell command that can tell me if a user's account is disabled or not? note that there is a fine distinction between LOCKING and DISABLED:
LOCKING is where you prepend ! or * or !! to the password field of the /etc/passwd file. On Linux systems that shadow the passwords, this marker flag may be placed in /etc/shadow instead of /etc/passwd. Password locking can be done (at a shell prompt) via password -l username (as root) to lock the account of username, and the use of the option -u will unlock it.
DISABLING an account is done by setting the expiration time of the user account to some point in the past. This can be done with chage -E 0 username, which sets the expiration date to 0 days after the Unix epoch. Setting it to -1 will disable the use of the expiration date.
The effect of locking to to prevent the login process from using a supplied password to hash correctly against the saved hash (by virtue of the fact that the pre-pended marker character(s) are not valid output character(s) for the hash, thus no possible input can ever be used to generate a hash that would match it). The effect of disabling is to prevent any process from using an account because the expiration date of the account has already passed.For my situation, the use of locking is not sufficient because a user might still be able to login, e.g. using ssh authentication tokens, and processes under that user can still spawn other processes. Thus, we have accounts that are enabled or disabled, not just locked. We already know how to disable and enable the account - it requires root access and the use of chage, as shown above.To repeat my question: is there a shell command which can be run without root privileges which can output the status of this account expiration info for a given user? this is intended for use on a Red Hat Enterprise 5.4 system.The output is being returned to a java process which can then parse the output as needed, or make use of the return code.
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Dec 25, 2010
when loggin as a normal user and search for a file passwd under /etc. i get few errors with permission to ignore this permission denied errors.
csh hostname 109 % find . -name passwd
find: ./lvm/backup: Permission denied
find: ./lvm/archive: Permission denied
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May 4, 2010
How do you find the parent process of zombie processes?
When the child process is something where the parent is not entirely obvious...
Is there some way to list processes in tree format or something?
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Nov 11, 2010
I've some file with .sh extensions that runs some softwares.Now,how do I stop running that filesI know we run the command ./ to start the apache.Is there any command to stop that file/process or is it just kill the process to stop the process
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Apr 27, 2009
I can't seem to find the cu utility in CentOS. I would like to use it to connect to a USB serial port.
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Jan 7, 2011
We are using Red Hat Enterprise AS 3.0. There are 100+ users connected to a single server. As the Inbox size of Mail Client (Thunderbird) for each user grows there are space constraint on the server. So I want to define a quota on mail folder for each user (say around 500 MB to 1 GB). How can I do this.
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Dec 22, 2010
i am trying to setup a very basic samba share on RHEL.after editing smb.conf ,testparm output is ok,(though it shows STANDALONE SERVER.)the directive i have used are
hosts allow=192.168.0. //my network
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Jan 24, 2011
1. How can you find all first level subdirectories under the current directory?
2. How will you show the last 100 lines of the file "foo.log"?
3. How will you Stream the contents of a the log file "foo.log" as it gets written to?
4. How can you grep for a pattern on a gzip'ed file? e.g., find "foo" in bar.gz
5. Find all lines in the file "foo" which DON'T have the pattern "bar"
6. Your web server is running very slowly. If you can login to the server, what command will you run to find out cpu and memory use?
7. Extract the file foo which is a part of the tar'ed, gzip'ed file bar.tar.gz
8. You attach a usb disk to your linux desktop, but it does not show up. How can you get more information about the error?
9. What is the secure way to login to remote systems?
10. What is the difference between TELNET and SSH?
11. Given a file 'a' with the following permissions -rwxrwxrwx 1 rohit rohit 0 2011-01-24 13:30 a Change its permissions such that it is only readable and writable by its owner, not accessible by anybody else in the group and only executable by the world
12. Difference between using ' and " for quoting a string / command in a shell
13. In the attached text file (test.txt) replace all occurrences of 'red' with 'yellow' without using an editor (i.e. from the command line)
14. How would you suppress output written to stderr by a command
15. Meaning of the #! notation in scripts e.g. #!/bin/sh
16. What is the output of the attached shell script Scripting questions, all based on the attached file access.log. Use one of perl, python, ruby, or shell scripts to solve these questsions. If any answer is obtained using just the command line, please include those commands as well.
17. How many accesses were made between 10am and 11.30am on Jan 24, 2011?
18. How many unique IP addresses accessed this server?
19. For every IP address which accessed this server, output a report showing number of hits for every type of HTTP status. For e.g., IP has 164 hits with status 404 and 1690 hits with status 200.
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Mar 30, 2011
I was trying to learn more about xorg configuration and came through an exercise that should be run at run level 3. So, I wrote init 3 in the command line then the x server stopped and the system was trying to enter run level 3 but then it hangs and nothing happens. At that time I was connected to the system via putty and wrote the command init 5 and the x server started again normally. I tried init 3 again and had the same thing.
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm running Debian Lenny. When I exit run level 1 (single user mode), the system automatically continues into run level 2. I have browsed the init scripts and have yet to determine how this "magic" is performed. I would be grateful if a local guru would point me to how the scripts automatically proceed into run level 2 when exiting run level 1
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Apr 9, 2011
First, I am new to linux I just finished installing Fedora 14 on a different PC which I will be using solely to explore Linux. However the first annoying problem I encountered was that I can't do a lot of things without Linux asking me for the root password. This has become really annoying, I want to stop fedora from asking for root authentication every time I want to explore something here and there.
Among the work-arounds that I've tried and didn't quite work for me are:
1. login as root on the kdm - I can login as root but because I am also encouraging my sister to explore fedora 14 she needs the same access as root too. We have our own preferences so we both need individual accounts that have same access level as root.
2. change userid to 0 (same as root) and modify groups to be exactly the same as root's groups - very bad solution, what it did was make my user a sort of "alias" for the root. It basically uses the same /root/ folder, same settings and all that stuff. Again, my sister and I need separate accounts for a more personal feel.
3. use terminal and go sudo, sudoers, etc - very bad idea, I want to explore using the kde gui. And again I want to eliminate the inconvenience of having to type things over and over again. I'd rather type the password over and over again than having to use terminal and sudo everything.
4. beesu, gksu - anyone knows how to make linux automatically wrap everything with beesu/gksu?
since we are just exploring, we are willing to trade the systems, integrity and security for the convenience of having freedom to explore everything in it. I don't care, it could blow up the pc for all I care (it's old and for experiment anyway).
This exploring linux of ours is a make or break for us to using linux. If there is no solution to this problem, we'll probably scrap the whole "migrate to linux" idea.
I thinking of making Linux recognize our user id the same way it recognizes uid 0 but I have no idea how to do this.
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Sep 24, 2010
Let's say 4 users have logged in on 4 different Virtual Consoles:tty1 .... tty4On tty4 is logged in User4.How can I log out the User4 from my console using the root login?I just checked out the man page of shutdown but didn't find any hint there. The logout command is also not doing the work. We cannot specify a username wit it to log him/her out.
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Jun 15, 2009
I am a new user of Fedora 11. I am a Ubuntu user and could not get my GeForce 9100 on board graphics to work on my new computer with out crashing my computer so I decided I would try fedora. I downloaded the driver from NVidia and I am attempting to install it (Fedora didn't automatically find the driver). I get the following message:
"Error Unable to find the system utility 'ld'; Please make sure you have the 'binutils' installed. If you do have the bin utils installed, then please check that 'ld' is in your PATH."
I am running the driver from $Download as root. I don't know what ld or bin utils is or the check if I have it or if it is in my PATH.
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Oct 10, 2010
Is there a crap cleaner for use with Suse Linux 11.3, does anyone know?
Can't find one listed.
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Mar 18, 2010
I seem to recall there exists a small UNIX tool to repeatedly execute and display the output of another command at a given interval.
Kind of like "top" works by default but then for any other command.
Does anybody know such utility?
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Nov 9, 2010
What is the command to install Disk Utility Ubuntu app in Kubuntu?
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Nov 16, 2010
I am trying to find a linux cmd line utility that will read info from an iso file. The problem I have is that the file is always corrupt so I cannot mount it because I only have around 100k of it but all I need is to extract the headers of what the iso contains. how I can achieve this I have searched the internet with no look at all.
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Jan 10, 2011
Before I go off and write a new one, does anyone know of a good command line disk partition utility that works better than "parted"?
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