Networking :: Sending Packets To The Local Interface Through A Route?

Oct 13, 2010

I want to build a topology of this kind:

|eth0 (a.a.a.a) |
Linux PC |<----------------> | ROUTER
|eth1 (b.b.b.b) |

the linux machine has two interfaces eth0 (a.a.a.a) and eth1 (b.b.b.b) connnected to two interfaces of a router. Now that if I send any packet destined to b.b.b.b from a.a.a.a interface on the linux machine, it should take the folowing path: eth0->router->eth1 . and it should be the same for vice versa.

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Networking :: Route Type Unreachable Overriding Local Packet Generation For Marking Packets

Jun 16, 2010

My issue is with linux routing tables using iproute2, coupled with the iptables MARK target. When I create a rule to lookup a table with iproute2, and the routing table routes an address as type unreachable (or blackhole, or prohibit), if a higher priority rule does a lookup to another table that routes the address as type unicast but that higher priority rule also matches on a fwmark, the packet to that address is never generated locally to even go through iptables packet filtering/mangling in order to mark it, because the lower priority rule that doesn't match on a fwmark says it's unreachable. For example, I have 2 rules installed with ip:


10: from all fwmark 0x1000 lookup routeit
20: from all lookup unreach
ip route list table routeit


Now, in the packet filter, I have an iptables rule to mark packets to destination with 0x1000 in the mangle table and OUTPUT chain. When I generate a packet locally to, all programs get ENETUNREACH (tested with strace). However, if I take out the route entry that is unreachable, it all works fine and the routes in the routeit table get applied to marked packets (I know because my default gateway would not be, but wireshark shows packets being sent to the MAC address of

The best I can surmise is that when generating a packet locally, the kernel tests the routing tables in priority order but without any mark to see if it is unreachable/blackhole/prohibit, and doesn't even bother generating the packet and traversing iptables rules to see if it would eventually be marked and thus routed somewhere. Then I assume after that step, it traverses iptables rules, then traverses the routing tables again to find a route. So is there any way around this behavior besides adding fake routes to the routing table (e.g. routing to dev lo in the unreach table in this example)?

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Networking :: Route Eth2 TCP Packets To Tun0 With IPTABLES And IP RULE/ROUTE?

May 8, 2011

I have 3 network interfaces on my Linux Router :

Interface - Gateway - Type


br0 - - Internet
eth2 - - LAN
tun0 - - VPN (via br0)

What I'd like to do is to route all TCP packets coming from eth2 to tun0 where a VPN client is running on If I delete all default routes and if I add a new route to tun0 like :


route del default
route add default gw

Everything is fine, and everyone on eth2 can reach the Internet using the VPN access. Now the problem is that my VPN client does not allow any other protocols other than TCP. And I also want to allow VPN access only to eth2, no other LAN nor the router itself. use iptables to filter any TCP packets and mark them, so they can be sent to tun0, while any other packets can reach the Internet via br0 ( I found on the Internet that we can mark packets before they get routed. Using the following commands :


iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 85 -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 80
ip route add table 300 default via dev tun0
ip rule add fwmark 0x55 table 300

First of all, --dport 80 never work... :/ I wanted to filter TCP 80 packets coming from eth2, but none of them seems to be HTTP packets... oO (very strange...). Nevermind, I decided to forget about the --dport option. I use the "iptables -L -v -t mangle" command to see how many packets are marked, and it is working fine, all TCP packets coming from eth2 are marked. Now the problem is that none of them are routed to tun0 they are all respecting the "route -n" rules... and not the "table 300" rule I have created.

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Networking :: Route Packets Across NICS's?

Mar 11, 2010

I have two NIC's interfaces on my linux machine(eth1 and eth2). Each have different IP addresses(, These two interfaces are connected together through hub. Here is the my question?

1) If I 'ping', it should go out through network interface eth2 and through hub and enter on eth1 and response also travel through similar direction.

2) If I 'ping', it should go out through network interface eth1 and through hub and enter on eth2.

How can setup routing table for this,I have tried setting up routing and iptables, etc.. nothing helped.

If any one good router/networking guy, you should know this one.I am doing a project, I want this way to handle this.

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Networking :: Route (forward) Packets In Promiscuous Mode?

Sep 16, 2010

I need to route packets coming from a standalone switch port which is a mirror ("tap") of another port ("source"). I can't seem to forward packets whose MAC address is for a different device (the actual "target" of "source"). My device is in promisc mode,I can see the incoming packets in tcpdump and Wireshark. The only packets which get forwarded are those which have my MAC destination address (I changed the wiring to come straight from source and not the mirror port, to get "my" MAC address in the packet). My routing table is configured to forward and I have ip_forwarding enabled, obviously (otherwise packets sent to my MAC wouldn't route). By the way, the incoming packets are all VLAN tagged and I have matching subinterfaces.

Q1 - is this inherent, that packets won't get "passed up" to the IP layer unless the MAC addresses match?

Q2 - Would ebtables be a good solution, i.e. rewrite the dest MAC address to my own MAC addr and send to the INPUT target?

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Networking :: Sending/replaying Network Packets?

Dec 10, 2008

I am not a networking expert by any means (in fact I have never taken a networking course), but I have taken several security courses, and generally we wind up discussing replay attacks. For example, the Needham-Schroeder protocol (using symmetric-key cryptography anyway) is flawed because it allows for replay attacks, and I understand why.

I guess my question is actually how someone would perform a replay attack. I know I can sniff network traffic by downloading wireshark. I also have downloaded winpcap and npg on my WinXP virtual machine. I'm trying to use this guide to help me, but I'm quite lost:[URL]What I did was to post a "link" to my facebook profile and I sniffed the traffic using wireshark. What I would ultimately like to accomplish is to copy that packet out of the wireshark output, and then use a tool like npg to transfer the raw packet back to facebook, which should result in a second, redundant post. I just can't figure out how to do that.

I'm pretty sure this should be possible. Facebook only uses an SSL session for authentication during login. After that, the information is just sent in the clear, so I'm pretty sure this should be possible.Can anyone explain how to do such a thing? It would really help my research paper that I'm working on this semester if you can. As of right now the attack we are trying to demonstrate/defend against is using a Windows VM, which is why I'm using winpcap/npg. The attack is actually possible using just about any OS (depending on the exploit used), but our POC is Windows only at the moment

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Networking :: Sending Packets To Localhost Through Another Computer?

Jun 10, 2009

Suppose I have computer A with ip address on eth0 of and ip address on eth1 of If I send packets to from computer A, it automatically uses the loopback interface. Is it possible to modify the routing table some how to send these packets out on eth0 instead and have them route around the network and come back on eth1.I've tried 'route add -host dev eth0' but it seems to completely ignore this entry.

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Networking :: Sending Ethernet Packets From Inside The Kernel?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm trying to create and send my own ETH packets from inside the kernel.My objective to send the packages from layer 2 by building my own skbuffand sending itusingdev_queue_xmit().anyone did it or have examples of how to do it ?I tried to build my own skbuff without success.

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Networking :: Route Add With Specific Interface?

Apr 18, 2009

I have an Asterisk-server with 2 interfaces, a WAN-interface (eth1) and a LAN-interface (eth0).

SETUP : IAX-provider(internet) --> firewall --> Asterisk-server --> switch --> clients_on_LAN

So everything coming from the IAX-provider on port 4569 is forwarded to the Asterisk-server's WAN-interface (eth1). This needs then be routed to an internal SIP-phone (an IVR-system will define which one) via eth0. When a call is initiated from an internal SIP-phone (they register to the IP-address assigned to eth0) it needs to be routed via eth1 to the gateway ( Asterisk will setup an IAX-channel on WAN-interface (eth1) to the IAX-provider (via gateway). So... will this work :


route add -net ip_IAXprovider netmask gw dev eth1


route add -net netmask dev eth0 (no gateway needed for the LAN-interface, communications to the gateway need to go via the WAN-interface !)

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Networking :: Route For IP And Port Trough Specified Interface?

Aug 13, 2010

I have two NIC, one is ethernet and second is via modem. On the eth0, most of no standard ports are blocked, so I need to connect to specified port on some IP, through ppp0 (modem), to use ssh connection on non standard port to that IP. For other ports on that IP and all other IPs I want to use eth0.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Route Add With Specific Interface?

Apr 19, 2009

I have an Asterisk-server with 2 interfaces, a WAN-interface (eth1) and a LAN-interface (eth0).


IAX-provider(internet) --> firewall --> Asterisk-server --> switch --> clients_on_LAN

So everything coming from the IAX-provider on port 4569 is forwarded to the Asterisk-server's WAN-interface (eth1).
This needs then be routed to an internal SIP-phone (an IVR-system will define which one) via eth0.

When a call is initiated from an internal SIP-phone (they register to the IP-address assigned to eth0) it needs to be routed via eth1 to the gateway ( Asterisk will setup an IAX-channel on WAN-interface (eth1) to the IAX-provider (via gateway).

So... will this work :

route add -net ip_IAXprovider netmask gw dev eth1

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Interface MTU Size \ The Packets Come With The Don't Fragment Bit Set?

Feb 20, 2010

For learning purposes i've set up a vpn between a laptop (running ubuntu) and a pc (running windows). The 2 computers are on the same lan. The VPN server is set on the laptop, and as a guide i used this tutorial:The problem is that the mtu on the ppp0 interface is 1396 and the mtu on the eth0 interface is 1492 so in order to pass packets from the et0 if to the ppp0 if, the laptop needs to fragment the packets, and here is where the problem appears: the packets come with the don't fragment bit set. I've tried lowering the mtu of the eth0 if but that didn't work. The only way i managed to make this work is setting the ppp0 mtu size to 1492. The thing is that setting the mtu and mru in the pptpd-options file to 1492 doesn't do anything (at least to solve this problem) and the only way to set the mtu of the ppp0 if is to manually set it using: Code:sudo ifconfig ppp0 mtu 1492 The issue with this is that every time the connection resets i have to enter the command.

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General :: Networking - Interface Stops Receiving Packets As Seen By Tcpdump

Mar 30, 2011

I have a linux box with two interfaces: eth0 is a builtin and eth1 is a USB-LAN.

There is an IP configured on eth1.

eth0 is up but no IP is configured. This interface is used for sniffing with tcpdump.

The problem is that eth0 frequently stops receiving packets -- my tcpdump captures are empty, and if I look at the interface stats with ifconfig, I can see that no packets are received.

If I bounce the interface (ifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig eth0 up), it starts receiving packets again.

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Networking :: Route Traffic From A Single Host Through A Specific Interface?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a linux router with 2 physical ISPs and a VPN tunnel that all my traffic passes through. I would like to setup a rule to redirect all traffic from one internal IP address (10.0.0.x) through the physical link only. My current script is as follows.

iptables -F
iptables -X
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


My goal is to do something similar to the mangle on the tor traffic, but for an entire host.

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Networking :: Route All Traffic Received By An Interface To Another And Vice Versa?

Mar 2, 2011

The task I am trying to complete is the virtualization of an IPv6 router created using two fedora machines. Here is the physical setup I have now...

PC1:eth0 <------> network
PC1:eth1 <------> PC2:eth0
PC1:eth2 <------> PC2:eth1

PC1 runs radvd to provide router advertisements to the network and a DHCPv6 server for stateful addresses.Each interface is configured on a separate subnet. PC2 runs a DNS server on eth0. PC2:eth1 is used as an IPv6 client for testing purposes. The connections from PC1 to PC2 are just crossover cables.I've created virtual machines of both PCs and have created 4 virtual adapters on the host machine for each of the local-only interfaces.Now I have this:

PC1:eth0 = HOST eth0
PC1:eth1 = HOST vboxnet0
PC1:eth2 = HOST vboxnet1


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Networking :: Can Forward Packets Sniffed By Monitor Mode Wireless Interface?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm a student who is working on a wireless research project. I have a madwifi driver for Atheros chipset on Debian Linux. With having the wireless interface get into monitor mode, I want to forward the captured packets from the wireless interface to the other Ethernet interface so that a different computer which is connected to this machine via Ethernet receives those packets. I checked that alll packets are received in the wireless interface using TCPDUMP. I tried to forward those packets with IPTABLES like 'iptables -p FORWARD -i ath0 -o eth2 -j ACCEPT' However, I couldn't see any packets forwarded to eth2 using TCPDUMP.

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Networking :: Promiscuous Interface And Iptables To Receive Packets Not Destined To Localhost

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to do something outlandish with iptables (or so I think!).I have a source sending udp packets to a destination (say dst11). Using port mirroring I am able to get all these packets to a different machine (say dst22). I am able to see these packets on dst22 interface using tcpdump.I want to analyze the packets on dst22. So what I do is put dst22 interface in promiscuous mode (using ifconfig eth0 promisc). This in theory should get the packet through the MAC layer. Now using iptables I am trying to DNAT the packets in nat prerouting to change the packets destination IP to dst22's interface and change the destination port.

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Networking :: IPtables: Route Outgoing Traffic From Internal Host To Only Go A Internet Interface?

Nov 21, 2010

My Ubuntu Box has 3 interfaces. eth0 (Internal (External ISP DHCP)eth2 (External ISP Static IP)I need the outgoing traffic to internet for 1 of the internal pc ( to only go only go through eth2

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Programming :: Sending Arp Packets In C / C++?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm looking for a way how to send an arp request / reply packet using C or C++. I've written an application that can send different crafted packages using jpcap (java), but I'm not a C expert (trying to learn). The reason for this is that I would like to port my java program to C to use it on a less powerful system that can't fully cope with the resource hungry VM

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Ubuntu Servers :: Local Users Are Sending Mails Through Ms Outlook Using Local IP?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a postfix mail server on ubuntu 10.04 lts behind a router. so all local users are fetching/sending mails through ms outlook using local IP. Sometimes when internet goes down and any mail send then it bounced back immediately saying domain not found. Can u please tell me how i configure to hold all mails in postfix server rather than bounce when internet fails and will pass through when restored the internet around 15-30 minutes?

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Programming :: Raw Socket Not Sending Packets?

Mar 26, 2010

(Let me first of all state that I am a newbie to any form of programming.) I have been trying to create an IP header + TCP header and send this to another machine on my network.using C)I used the normal stuff: two structures for the headers, a sockaddr_in structure, call to function socket with SOCK_RAW, setsockopt with HDRINCL and call to sendto.All functions seem to return fine (values other then -1) the function that I have used to calculate the checksum for the IPheader matches the value that I manually calculated. I just don?t see the anything coming out of the interface on whireshark.I assumed that it had something do with my piece of code so I used two examples (including mixter void ru rawip html A brief programming tutorial in C for raw sockets[/url]). They show exactly the same thing functions return fine but no packets being send.I use Ubuntu 9.04 2.6.28-14-genericThe machine has two interfaces one with an ip address the other interface is in promiscuous mode. (both interfaces connected to a switch with port mirroring) I can see all normal traffic in/out.

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Programming :: Segmentation Fault While Sending UDP Packets?

Jul 16, 2009

The following piece of code is suppose to send a UDP packet.but inside function udpsocketinit , i get a segmentation fault and i can not understand why

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>


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Security :: Detect Infected PC In LAN (Sending Packets To Internet)

Jul 17, 2009

In my network I have 25 workstations and some serves. Everything working in local LAN with firewall. The problem is that on one machine (I dont know which one) is installed software which sending data to the internet. Actually I dont know what it is. Last time as I remember was trojan which can create new network interfaces in windows and send some data to the internet. The half speed of my network connection is used by this infected machine. How can I detect which machine it is? How can I listen/capture some traffic and analyze from which machine I have more connections.

Please take a look on this time. Instead of 141-150ms should be 4-5ms.

64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=141 ms
64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=2 ttl=249 time=135 ms
64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=3 ttl=249 time=147 ms
64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=4 ttl=249 time=127 ms
64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=5 ttl=249 time=156 ms
64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=6 ttl=249 time=129 ms
64 bytes from (62.xx.191.74): icmp_seq=7 ttl=249 time=188 ms

How can I detect which machine is infected using only linux and keyboard ?

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Networking :: Configure A Network Route To A Host For Testing Network Interface?

Aug 30, 2010

today I tried to configure a network route to a host for testing my network interface. Code: route add eth0 As I have to eth interfaces and both interface got their IP from DHCP ( and and are in the same subnet, I shut the other interface down:

Code: ifconfig eth1 down Then I tried to test the interface by doing a ping to
Problem: When I unplug the cable from eth0 (and eth1 is still plugged) the ping still works. Somehow my linux (it's debian) powers up again eth0 and pings over this port.

How can I stop my linux doing this. I just want to have the route added only on the one interface - not the other. Is it maybe some case of a default-gateway?

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Networking :: Route Non-vlan Packet To A Vlan Interface

Apr 20, 2010

do you know if there is any possibility to route/force non-vlan packet to a vlan interface in Linux?

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Networking :: Force TCP Traffic Out Over Specific Interface / When IP Is Bound To Another Local NIC

Aug 12, 2010

I'm hoping some of the Linux network experts can help me with this problem.

Situation: I have a technology which is a WebLogic JEE application that communicates to an Oracle database. Everything is installed in a single Linux virtual machine running in VirtualBox. Traffic from the JEE application goes via JDBC over TCP to the local running database. What I want to do is test a new database firewall server that wants all traffic destined for the database to flow via another virtual machine running the DB Firewall software.So therefore want I need to do is have DB traffic forced out over one interface only to return on another interface on the same VM listening on a different address.

JEE application running in WebLogic bound to (eth1 a VirtualBox hostonly interface). Makes a request for (eth2 a VirtualBox internal interface) which the database is listening on. Because both IPs are on local interfaces, Linux is going to handle the traffic and not route the 10.x traffic via the 192.x interface.I also have running the database firewall server which has a bridge (br0) between the HostOnly network and the Internal network.Both systems are running Oracle Enterprise Linux R5U4, which is basically the same as RedHat.What I want to do is have the request for forced out via, bridged over the br0 connection and back into and to the database. My networking knowledge is pretty good, but i'm stuck right now on the right way to do this. I'm pretty sure it is possible, I just need clear advice.

Reason for setup: Ideally I would build the system with the database on a separate machine so that I can easily route the traffic. Unfortunately we have many VirtualBox based demonstration systems with both the application and database installed on the same VM and therefore the amount of work to migrate these two dual VMs is going to be significant, also many of these VMs are demonstrated from laptops which have limited resources and creating a new database VM reduces overall performance. If I can create a way to force the traffic in this manner off and back onto the same VM via the other VM bridge, it would be fantastic.

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SUSE :: How To Route 2 Interface

Oct 13, 2009

I have a suse with 2 eth interface both connected :

eth0 is configured with public ip Code: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1E:0B:48:7E:D2
inet addr:87.*.*.* Bcast:87.*.*.* Mask: and eth1 with internal ip Code: eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1E:0B:48:7E:DA


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Networking :: Firewall - Allow Packets Coming From Internet After Authenticating And To By Pass Packets Generated From Internal LAN?

Feb 8, 2010

i have a linux server runnig oracle applications. i need to access this server from putty using ssh through internet. i did by registering my static ip with the and i am able to connect to the server. but now there is no security to authenticate any user as any one knowing the password can login to it.

i thought of configuring the firewall of linux server but the client ip`s are not static and they change continiously. so thought of keeping one more pc between the server and the router which will do the work of authenticating. but i am confuse as how to configure it to allow the packets coming from the internet after authenticating and to by pass the packets generated from internal LAN?

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General :: LAN Machines Sending Packets By Iftop - Set Only Send And Recieve Http - Smtp - Ssh - Dns - Dhcp Request?

Jun 10, 2011

I have proxy running. I have seen LAN machines sending packets by iftop -P -F 192.168.10./24


How do i set my iptables so that I can only send and recieve http,smtp,ssh,dns,dhcp request in and out of the proxy


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Programming :: Write A Program In C That Can Sniff Packets From Ethernet And Distinguish RTP Packets From Non-RTP Packets?

Aug 30, 2010

i need to write a program in c that can sniff packets from Ethernet and distinguish RTP packets from Non-RTP packets, i have no idea what should i do

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