Ubuntu :: Start The X Graphical Interface Without Using GDM?

Jun 15, 2010

I would like to start the x graphical interface without using GDM. I may be using the wrong terms here for x. Maybe it is called xdm or x11 or something.) I have set GDM to login without asking me for a password (I am the only user of this machine.) Sometimes, it still pops up the GDM login screen and if I select "actions" "reboot" (my memory tells me that is what it was,) it will reboot without asking to login, but the fonts are all wrong. If I select "apps" "restart" and it DOESN'T ask for my login, all is OK.

I would like to uninstall GDM, and place whatever GDM uses to start the graphical interface into the /ect/rc2.d startup scripts. I know GDM does other stuff then just logs me in and starts the graphical user interface, and I think I would like to maintain some of that, but I think I would like to manually insert the startup sequence in the startup scripts. Question one, can someone tell me where to look to find out what GDM is doing now so I can attempt to replicate it?

#2, does someone know the startup script line(s) to start the x server and graphical interface without GDM? I think this has bees asked before, but it seems hard to search older posts.

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Start X Server (Graphical Interface)

Feb 7, 2009

I took the hard drive from my server and put it into another machine to install centos with, as the server does not have a working CD drive. So now the situation is that x refuses to start when centos boots. I get a message saying:
Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Configure And Has A Graphical Interface For 9.10?

Jan 8, 2010

i was wondering if there was a intrusion detection system that is easy to configure and has a graphical interface for ubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Graphical Interface Back?

Feb 25, 2010

ive edited my xorg and now when i start up ubuntu I cannot see the login interface

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CentOS 5 :: 5.3 - Can Use Any Graphical Interface ?

Jan 8, 2010

I've installed (well, I founded it installed yet in my new job...) Centos 5.3 (Final) version (kernel 2.6.18-164.el5 on an x86_64), but I only can work fron the command line. I don't know if I can use any graphical interface (I've worked with SuSe years ago and it start its graphical interface automaticaly when you reboot the system).

I have to configure sendmail. For it, I download and installed webmin and usermin and start them, but I don't know how to continue...

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Can't Login After Update - Graphical Interface

Apr 30, 2011

I've updated my ubuntu from 10.10 ==> 11.04. Now I can't login using graphical inerface. System is loading but it stops right before I should see screen with login credentials. When I use ctrl+alt+del it's going to reboot properly, the same when i push the power button it's shutting down. System works fine in failsafex mode so I can assume there's a problem with xserver etc. Using Nvidia 9500GS.

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Debian :: Automatically Start Graphical (SDL) Program As Root On Non-graphical Debian?

Mar 3, 2009

I'm not a Linux noob, but I am far from guru. I'm running a single board computer with a slightly customized Debian Etch (customized by the SBC vendor). No Gnome/KDE/X installed. My application is a control application which uses SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) to paint some basic graphics on the VGA. I need to run it as root because the application calls iopl() to access an IO port.If I run my application manually from the command line, life is sweet. From Googling around, I found http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/28, and hence I:1) Created a script in /etc/init.d2) Executed "update-rc.d scriptName defaults" to link the script into the boot sequenceAll very straightforward. My application starts at boot. But when I try to SSH/SFTP into the SBC, I get "Connection refused". So I can't manage the SBC anymore, and this is a big problem. I am not sure if it's relevant, but my application starts before the SSH daemon.My script looked like:

case "$1" in
echo "Starting my application"


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General :: Graphical Interface Not Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I had installed a fresh copy of redhat linux 5 but I am unable to use the graphical mode of commands through the graphical mode as,system-config-*I also tried to install system-config-* package through yum but getting the error message that,cannot open file: system-config-*cannot open file: system-config-*

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Ubuntu :: NVIDIA Drivers Kill Graphical Interface?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm quite new to ubuntu and I don't speak the language yet (sorry), I'm also new to this forum, is it okay to just post a request for help? Normally I can find all the info I need with a google search but I don't even know where to start with this one.

I seem to have killed the entire installation and I'm not sure what to do. I'm not even sure what information to provide. I'm running 10.4 LTS on a pretty standard laptop, i3-330M CPU, nvidia geforce GT 325M (I mention this because I think it's part of the problem). I just re-installed clean from the live CD (I also have a windows partition), everything worked fine. Then I downloaded and installed all updates the system suggested and I also used the proprietary drivers gizmo to DL and activate the nvidia package. When I restarted the system the OS would not start, recovery mode will not start either.

I get my grub screen as usual, select Ubuntu, it moves to a blank screen with blinking curser as usual, then goes completely grey and appears to hang. I think the graphical interface is not initialising. I'm assuming it's either a problem with the nvidia driver directly or the nvidia driver has done something to xserver that prevents it from starting. It might also be one of the updates, or I did think perhaps it was just the updates taking effect on restart, I left it hanging on the grey screen for an hour and still nothing, it couldn't take longer than that could it? I can dismount grub to a command prompt but it doesn't seem to understand normal commands.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install Graphical User Interface In 10.04

Jan 5, 2011

I have installed ubuntu server 10.04 sucessfully. But I'm new to ubuntu so I need graphical user interface(GUI). How can I install gui in ubuntu server 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Installing The Rescue-Remix-graphical Interface?

Apr 29, 2011

I downloaded the Ubuntu rescue-remix-10.10 package from the site below:


As per instructions regarding the "meta package" i added the Launchpad address to system resources and it was listed .Then authenticated via terminal command . I now need to install the package but am unclear on how to do this . Clicking on the Install folder opens to memtest & sbm.img but Archive Manager can not create the archive saying archive type not supported for the sbm.img & clicking memtest does not open either saying file type not recognized.

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Debian :: Interface - Command Or Graphical Based?

May 12, 2011

I wanna know if the debian interface is command based or graphical? If its command how do I start?

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Fedora :: Other Graphical Interface For Package Management?

Apr 12, 2011

I've gone though the system purging/removing what I don't require on my Fedora install using the graphical tool in gnome 3. I then used package-cleanup --leaves to clean up some cruft left behind. yum list installed shows I still have 1031 packages installed, which is about 400 more than similar setups I used to have on Debian, and truthfully on Debian I have more stuff installed that I've still got to install here (gimp, nvidia drivers, etc).

I see a buch of stuff in yum list installed I don't need, so I can use yum remove foo to cleanup some more, but I'm wondering if there's another graphical interface or perhaps and advacned option in the add/remove software application I've been using thus far.

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General :: Rsync - Graphical Interface For Centos 5.3?

Sep 7, 2009

Is there a graphical interface for centos 5.3

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get In Files Without Passing By The Graphical Interface?

Apr 30, 2010

i have trouble with my graphical interface, i cant get the window where i can type login and password, its only black, so how can i get into files, an other way to get into the sessio?

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CentOS 5 :: Graphical Interface For Installing Programs?

Mar 20, 2010

is there any graphical interface for installing programs in linux. Like installers in windows? or it is possible only through terminal?is there experience notes how to install things in linux? after i download something i am completely lost what to do next and how to check if this version is sutable for my version of linux etc. Trying to search internet gives nothing. Also I have this problem that my resolution is too high. so fonts are to small i cannot spend time in linux because my eyes start hurting. I use GNOMEThere are resolutions like 1280 x 960 next is 1440 x 900 1440x900 is sutable for my form of monitor.But 1280 960 is for more square like monitore so if i choose this resolution it looks bad. if i choose 1440 its too little. As it is max resolution for my monitor.In windows i use resolution 1280 x 768 how can i setup that in linux. Also in driver or something it says Ati 3600 series. But i have Ati radeon HD 3730 when i try to choose different versions of ... it says cannot start x server.

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Debian :: No Graphical Interface After Power Mac G4 Basic Installation

Mar 2, 2011

I made a basic installation of Debian on my Power Mac G4. It worked well, but now, when I start up, after introducing my password, I have something like this


What shall I do now? I hoped for a graphical interface...

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Fedora :: Run Level 3 Target - How To Recover Graphical Interface

Jun 30, 2011

Well I really don't understand why Fedora Project has changed the way to start in the level what I need by changing the inittab file. Now is a bit complicated and following the instruction in the fedora.wiki the only thing I get is block my access to the graphical interface and blocked the access to my shell. I've deleted the original 'default.target' file and replaced it by the multi-user.target pointing out to the 'runlevel3.target'. Thus the only thing is my blue screen with Fedora logo freezed. How to recover my graphical interface?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Windows Even From The Graphical Interface

Nov 3, 2010

I am having a very strange problem with GRUB: it refuses to boot from certain partitions, and in a very strange way. This is what I've noticed so far:When using GRUB in the default OpenSUSE 11.3 graphical interface and trying to boot it, GRUB almost always gives me Error Message 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure. The GRUB manual says that "This error is returned by the filesystem code to denote an internal error caused by the sanity checks of the filesystem structure on disk not matching what it expects. This is usually caused by a corrupt filesystem or bugs in the code handling it in GRUB. " I've ran fsck on all the partitions and neither of them has any corruption. When I switch to the non-graphical GRUB window, the message changes to Error Message 18: "Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS".

The GRUB manual says that "This error is returned when a read is attempted at a linear block address beyond the end of the BIOS translated area. This generally happens if your disk is larger than the BIOS can handle (512MB for (E)IDE disks on older machines or larger than 8GB in general). " However, I haven't touched any BIOS settings when the problem started to appear, and the BIOS is brand new anyway so it doesn't have such limits. When I try to boot directly from the command line, it roots to the boot partition just fine, but refuses to load the kernel, giving me the error 16 again.

When I try to boot Windows from the non-graphical GRUB list, it gives me the error 18 again, but it always succeeds when I do all the booting directly from the command line. One time I was able to boot Linux from the command line by using rootnoverify instead of root, but never again since then. One time it didn't boot Windows even from the OpenSUSE graphical interface, error 18 again. Sometimes it boots even Linux just fine, but it happens quite rarely now. The problems started appearing just recently, and without any reason that I could think of. I also ran setup again in order to reinstall GRUB, and it worked for one boot, but not any more...

My partition list is like this:
(hd0,0) Windows 7 boot, NTFS, primary
(hd0,1) Windows 7, NTFS, primary
(hd0,2) Windows XP, NTFS, primary
(hd0,3) Extended
(hd0,4) /root, EXT3, logical
(hd0,5) /home, EXT3, logical
(hd0,6) swap, logical
(hd0,7) /boot, EXT2, logical

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General :: Create New Graphical Interface (gtty) In Redhat?

Sep 19, 2010

I'd like to ask how to create new gtty in redhat, I already know how to create new text terminal (tty) by appending a line in inittab file.. but I wanna add a graphical one

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General :: Update Manager Graphical Interface Becomes Unresponsive

Mar 29, 2011

I am using Debian Squeeze 6.0. Recently the Update Manager notified me that there are available 71 updates for downloading. When I click to them nothing happens.

I tried using the terminal and after few minutes I got the following message:

As far as I know none other process is running.

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Server :: Unable To Access Graphical User Interface

Jun 20, 2011

I have a Linux mail server (Fedora). This server was set up long before i joined this organization. Now I have these issues I would request assistance:

1. I am not able to access the Graphical User Interface(gui) on this machine. Startx does not work. I have also tried using combination keys alt+ctrl+f...keys but no progress. As a result am not bale to do some tasks.

2. The clamav that is on the machine has since become outdated. Efforts to update it to latest versions have failed. How do i get to update clamav and protect my system?

3. Because of not being able to access the gui as well as the inability to update clamav have led to my server apparently sending spam mail which in turn have led to my public ip being black listed in a number of sites. Now how can i secure this server so that it stops sending the spam mail and hence avoid future blacklisting?(NB am using postfix and the server sits behind a router which connects to the Internet)

4. I have observed that the server has some iptables rules set but everytime the server restarts the rules stop. I have to manually restart them again to run. How do I sort this?

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General :: CentOS 5.3 32bit On Citrix XenServer NO Graphical Interface

Jan 2, 2010

I have installed Citrix Xen-Server on my server and managed to install Windows 2003 R2 Server successfully.I also installed CentOS 5.3. The installation went fine, however, I cannot get Gnome or KDE going. I only have the text interface.

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General :: Disable Root Login To The Graphical User Interface?

Apr 15, 2010

Does any body knows how to disable the root login to the GUI , like i am running my redhat server on runlevel 5 and i dont need tht root to get login to the GUI , i ma talking about redhat 5.

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Software :: Configure Redhat Squid In Graphical User Interface?

Jun 21, 2011

how to configure redhat squid in graphical user interface and uses of squid

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Programming :: Use Glade With C/python To Create A Graphical User Interface

Jan 30, 2011

I am working with ubuntu (linux) and have to create a graphical user interface. The GUI is a 2-D plot that have to plot a point. The point ( x and y co-ordinates) are not hardcoded, and are coming from another file (another piece of code written in c / python). I was thinking to use Glade with c/python to create this. But, I am not sure how to start with this.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.3: Forced To Install In Text Mode - Getting A Graphical Interface?

Jun 30, 2009

I had tried to install Centos 5.3 using the graphical interface but it gives me a black screen with no response. I've read into it and installed in text mode but still need a graphical interface. Whats the command/steps I need to take?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Program Transmits Whole Graphical Interface Slowly - Command Line With Computers

Jan 18, 2011

I need to use some PCs located on my university from home through the internet. I am using a program called Teamviewer [URL]... The problem is that this program transmits the whole graphical interface, which is slow, but I just need to use the command line with these computers. I am aware of ssh, but my university won't give me access to theses computers over the internet.

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Networking :: Start-up Script To Start Wlan Interface

Aug 29, 2009

I've been fighting to get my wireless working and I've finally made some progress. I can actually manage to connect to my wireless network and so far it has been quite stable (fingers crossed).

However there is one slight nag. My wlan0 interface driver refuses to start at startup. When I type iwconfig its just not there. To fix this I have to manually run "rmmod rtl8187" and then "modprobe rtl8187". Then it works fine.

I've been trying to make a script to automate this but without success. I've tried both editing my rc.local and kde startup .xinitrc

How I could get those two commands to run automatically at startup after the boot process? I'm running Arch Linux and KDE 4.3

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Ubuntu :: Graphical Interface Won't Load / "Failed To Parse Arguments: Cannot Open Display"?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a system with 2 hard drives (Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows XP) on them. Grub allows me to select which system to boot to.

Ubuntu 10.10 has stopped working (not loading gnome graphical interface) for some reason.

I can boot to a command line (after many errors on screen). When I try the command "gnome-terminal" I get: "Failed to Parse Arguments: Cannot open display:"

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