Ubuntu :: Unable To Delete Folder (.fuse_hidden* File)?
May 30, 2011
I am running the latest version of Ubuntu (Ubuntu 11.04) which i setup as a dual boot OS with Windows XP SP3. I was listening to my MP3s using the Banshee music player on Ubuntu. My MP3s reside on an NTFS drive (which I mounted in Ubuntu to hear the MP3s). Via the Banshee player I deleted all songs from a particular folder and thought nothing of it until I later booted into Windows.
I saw the folder that had the songs I had deleted the songs and and thought I'd delete the folder as well except that I couldn't. It said the file might be corrupted. I logged backed into Ubuntu (Windows XP was shutdown not hibernated as I remember hearing that on Hibernating, you can't properly delete/copy files on Windows partitions). In Ubuntu too, I wasn't able to delete this folder - either via the Folder explorer or via terminal. I see a file named ".fuse_hidden0000041b00000017" along with some other files I had deleted (in Turquoise colour). I didn't see any posts in this forum with a help on resolving this issue
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Jan 8, 2010
I have a Windows Network folder in my places under Network and it will not delete. How can i delete this?
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Sep 6, 2011
Recently I setup a system for a non-technical user. He is only using Firefox, Pidgin and OpenOffice for about 2 hours a day. I have created a folder "/home/jim/myFiles" where he can save his document files. But Jim has accidentally deleted his myFiles folder on 2 occasions. He had intended to delete a file in that folder. Is there a way to lock the folder so that the user and create/read/write documents in that folder but not delete the folder itself?
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a folder "scratchbox" created by a user "hari" (which is cross-compilation toolkit, and creates soft-links if it might ). Now I deleted the user "hari" by using userdel command. I didn't uninstall scratchbox from "hari" account. Now even when i login by root, i am unable to remove the "scratchbox" folder.
[harsh@ubuntu] lsattr -d /scratchbox/
-----------------e- /scratchbox/
I have created new user (harsh) and want to install the "scratchbox" again, but it won't allow.
harsh@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm -rf /scratchbox/
rm: cannot remove `/scratchbox/users/hari/proc/asound/Intel': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove `/scratchbox/users/hari/proc/asound/card0/oss_mixer': Operation not permitted
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Jul 17, 2010
I'm a beginner at backing up my Ubuntu system, but I've set Simple Backup to do a backup once a week. I deleted the oldest of these files, but now it's sitting in my Trash and I can't empty it. I get a permission denied error for the folders within the backup folder in the trash, yet I can't restore the folder either - Ubuntu says it 'failed to determine the original path' for the folder. I've just discovered this in Xubuntu Jaunty, but I'm confident the same will happen in any other WM I choose (I have several installed - I like variety ).
It's not a huge file, but it's hanging out there and I'd like to get it either deleted or restored. Possibly I oughtn't to have deleted it in the first place (it usually lives in /var/backup, which I can't access except as root). The files, which I probably deleted /as/ root, show up in my user trash rather than root's trash. I found the trash in ~/.local/share/Trash/files, but I'm not sure if just deleting them as root would be a good.
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Aug 13, 2011
How can I protect a file or folder from unauthorized delete.
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Feb 25, 2011
how to delete a file or folder via apt-get remove but my written any rates and stops also tried rm and the file name again failed some sort of ideas otherwise I'm with Nokia n900
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Oct 13, 2009
I am trying to add a command to my backup script to delete the oldest file in the destination folder before adding a new .tar.gz file.I found this information at .html which I thought would work fine and added the following line to my backup script:ls -t -r -l /backups/Scalix_Backup* | head --lines 1 | xargs rmHowever when I tried this I get an error:rm: invalid option -- wTry `rm --help' for more information
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Feb 6, 2011
My problem is with a file that I can't delete, or move for that matter.
My dad was just randomly saving pictures and deiced he wanted to trash it. I don't know what he did, but in no longer has a file name, just the extension jpeg. Now I tried to right click it and move to the trash, but that option isn't highlighted, same for the rename. When I try to move it, it says the file does not exist. Here is what is says exactly:
Error stating file '/home/ashley/Desktop/Ed/dads files/TV Shows/isis (joanna cameron)/jpeg': No such file or directory
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May 9, 2010
SO after using Testdisk to recover some images, the folders recup_dir.1 & 2 have saved in my FIle System area, when ever I try to press delete noting happens. I have also tried rm -f -rrm -f -fIt still dont delete, I have also deleted my user account and made a new one, but the files are still there.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a problem deleting a certian file from a NTFS format 1TB USB HDD.
I attempted to MOVE the file (x.avi) to another directory on the same drive. On the MOVE process I accidently cancelled it. I then COPIED the file to another directory, this copied fine so i just need to delete the original x.avi.note; when I now attempt to move the original x.avi I get an error message: "Error while moving "x.avi". There was an error moving the file into /media/1TB/Movies. More details: Error moving file: Numerical result out of range. (I'm assuming a corrupted file)?
Lastly, every time i attempt to delete x.avi, it puts the file in the wastebasket but doesnt delete it; Every delete attempt makes a new file in the wastebasket (e.g. x, x.1, x.2, x.3, x.5 etc etc).
All other files/folders are fine its just this 1 folder/file.
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Aug 12, 2010
I am not able to delete any file. I am seeing following error when i am trying to delete. "The trash has reached its maximum size! Cleanup the trash manually.".
But Trash is already empty and the file i am trying to delete is only 28bytes.
the folders '~/.local/share/Trash/files' and '~/.local/share/Trash/info' are also empty and there permissions are also correct. file manager is dolphin.
i saw this problem happening after firefox crashed.
I found a file ~/.local/share/Trash/metadata with following content- [Cached] Size=18446744068999530549
After setting SIze=0, i am able to delete files.
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Oct 28, 2010
I was doing a big backup system this morning (in Ubuntu 10.10) which was taking some time, when there was an urgent task I needed to see to, so I rashly stopped the backup with CTRL-C. Later I found that this left the recipient directory with an input-output problem, so I could not delete the truncated backup file (or any other file in the directory). I tried all sorts of chmod procedures etc., including using the usually very successful RESCUE CD from a USB pen, but nothing seemed to cure the input-output problem.
In the end, in desperation, I copied all the other files into a new directory, and then deleted the original directory from Windows 7. (I use a multiple boot system.) Windows obviously does not observe the same permissions as Linux, and it obeyed without demure! So all is now well.
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Mar 26, 2009
Somehow I managed to create a file in /some/dir/ called "-v". How can I remove it? I've tried various and many methods... rm, rm *v, moving all files except that one and then issuing rm -rf but the problem is the -v file is being taken for a switch.
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Apr 24, 2010
I'm using ubuntu server 9.10 for a home build NAS. Everything is working great just have one more thing to figure out. I have Samba set up to access my files and I set up a recycle feature so anything deleted will get moved to a Recycled folder. (I learned this the hard way after hitting delete key by accident while browsing the shares in windows. Lost 100 GB of data)
Now it is for the most part working but the permissions on folders isn't getting set right. If I delete a file in a share I can go to Recycle bin folder and delete the file for good. But if I delete a folder I can not access that folder to delete or restore from the Recycle bin folder. I have to chmod the folder before I can do anything with it. Anything I can change to get folders deleted via windows to have the right permissions when it is moved to the Recycle bin folder?
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Jun 8, 2011
upon browsing the home folder in my ubuntu system, i came across a hidden cache folder..
it occupied around 700 mb of space..and im falling short of space..
can i delete the contents in the folder? are they safe to delete?
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Jun 13, 2011
I have Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 updated to 9.10 and have downloaded Remaster from Remastersys. I followed all of the instructions, which were simple enough. However, there must be some instructions missing as the process failed. Working with Remaster through Synaptic Manager, the iso was downloaded into my "home" folder into its own Remaster folder. It was not the iso, like you get when downloading a distro from the Internet, which downloads just an iso onto the Desktop. Inside the folder were a bunch of empty files (I know, because I opened them) and an iso . At this point the Remaster instruction stop. They do not say what to do with the other files, or what they have to do with the iso of my Ubuntu layout. So, like any other iso (once I knew which one was the iso of my setup), I double clicked on it and it ran me through the process of accessing the DVD to burn it. Which I did. I tested it and it failed with some kind of message to the effect that certain files were missing or it could not read it. So, I thought, I would have to do the 'hunt and peck' method and experiment a few times like I did with the ordinary distro downloads until I get it right. But first, I would have to dump the Remaster folder in the "home" folder since it took up so much space on my hard drive. Wrong! I come to find out it is in something called "root" and that I do not have permission to do anything with it but "copy" it. Great. Just great! Now what do I do. I tried to change permissions, but was not allowed to do that either. The only thing I could think of - and dread - was the idea of having to wipe my hard drive and go through the whole reinstall procedures, which takes me days, just because Remaster has locked itself into my system - and there is no 'back door' to get out of it.
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Mar 31, 2011
I'm having a problem where I'm unable to delete a file, even as root. Any attempts to remove or otherwise modify the file result in 'Operation not permitted'.
# rm d91c6a6e_2a2d7_out.xml
rm: remove regular file `d91c6a6e_2a2d7_out.xml'? y
rm: cannot remove `d91c6a6e_2a2d7_out.xml': Operation not permitted
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Aug 15, 2011
I can't access any of the sub-folders or files in my home folder on Ubuntu. I've checked the folder associations, that doesn't seem to be the issue. I've also opened the mimeapps.list file and the inode/directory association seems fine - inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;
I'm running Intrepid (8.10) (please don't ask me to upgrade! ) and the issue started after using Qtpfsgui 1.9.3 a couple of time to create HDR images. I guess Qtpfsgui broke an association somewhere, but where? I can access other folders, on Computer and Filesystem, but not on my home folder.
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Apr 25, 2011
actually i upload a password protect folder software, but unfortunately it was a trial version which i didn't know . now i am unable to recover my files from that.
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May 28, 2011
I am using archlinux with gnome 3. I am trying hard to change my icon theme to human but it just doesnt change. ~/.gtkrc-2.0 [URL]. I tried lxappearance too. After I click on apply and close it gnome kinda restarts and when I open nautilus it shows no change. I had tango icon theme so I deleted that dir from /usr/share/icons. Now it has switched to the default gnome icon theme. How do I change it to Human icon theme?
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Feb 18, 2010
Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?
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Jun 19, 2010
I'm using my free 2Gb of Ubuntu One space to back up some stuff and synch files between a laptop and desktop.
I synched a folder ok to try it out. Then I used the FAQ at
to manually unsynchronise the folder as the right click option was greyed out.
But now I want to delete that folder from Ubuntu One using the Web site. The 'top level' folder does not have a 'delete' option. I've deleted everything under it but just want to get rid of the husk.
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Aug 19, 2010
I've got a folder on my disk that I simply cannot interact with at all. It was created while extracting an archive. It has a special character in its name: "�". But all those other characters work fine. Can anyone give me a hint on how to delete the folder?Tried in terminal with rm -r which gives me an error:Code:rm: cannot remove `03 - Und die unertr_glichen Schmuggler/': No such file or directory
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Sep 24, 2010
I have a 500GB iomega portable HD. I used Gparted to split the drive into two partitions, a fat32 of roughly 400GB and an EXT4 partition of roughly 100GB.
On my EXT4 partition, there is a folder called lost+found. I can't delete it because I need to be root, yet my account has administrator priviliges (but I CAN rename the folder). I can't create other folders on this partition, nor can I copy-paste and files on there either.
Basically, that partition is unuseable. In the properties of the folder, it says that I am not the owner so I cannot change the permissions. (It is definitely MY hard drive)
All options are greyed out.
How do I give myself permission to use this EXT4 partition?
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Nov 14, 2010
I accidently selected the wrong folder to sync with ubuntu one. It has now added .u1conflict to all my files (around 8000 of them ) and now I can't stop the folder syncing. I've followed these instructions This just returns an error:
FolderDeleteError: DOES_NOT_EXIST (subscribed=, suggested_path=~/Music, generation=,
node_id=dc8be355-c4dc-4111-9650-b4744aeae2a4, volume_id=1897e926-212b-424e-87ee-
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Feb 28, 2011
I am a newbie to ubuntu. I just have a simple question: I used wubi to install ubuntu and the installation procedure was perfect. One problem arose after installation, the c:/ubuntu becomes almost 30G! Can I delete it?
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May 19, 2011
I installed a program in /usr/share on Ubuntu 10.04, but the program was actually bigger than there was room on that partition. It gave me some trouble, because when I tried to delete the folder, it said it couldn't move it to the Trash. When I restarted, it won't let me log in Ubuntu again...
Is it possible to delete this folder (/usr/share/IDE_SE) from Windows? or some other workaround to delete this folder in Ubuntu?
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Feb 5, 2010
I've been organizing my pictures (i.e. deleting the bad ones). However, I've recently got hold of those same pictures on a higher resolution and I'd like to delete the same pictures of the higher resolutions.This means that I'll have two folders, High Res and Low Res. I'd go through all files in the High Res folder and I'll check if there's a file with the same name in the Low Res folder. If there is, the file in the High Res folder will be kept. Otherwise, I'll delete it.So I wanted some quick way to delete PIC1.JPG, PIC3.JPG and PIC4.JPG from the High Res folder.
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Jul 29, 2010
A friend running Evolution on Ubuntu 9.10 lost her "Sent" folder. I soon discovered that she must have accidentally dragged it to "Templates", because inside that folder was another "Sent" folder containing all her sent e-mails. The main "Sent" folder was still there, but empty.
I moved all her sent e-mails back to the main "Sent" folder, and then tried to delete Templates-Sent, but Evolution just says it can't do that.
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