Ubuntu :: Unable To Claim Unallocated Disk Space?

Feb 7, 2010

I switched my laptop from a Windows only PC to a Windows-Linux dual boot. These 2 OS's use all 4 of my primary partitions:On Windows I have a 4.4 GB restore partition which can be used to restore the PC to its initial shipping state.I also have a 28 GB primary windows partition.On Ubuntu I have a 1.8 GB swap drive and a 28 GB ext3 drive for everything else.When I configured the dual boot I intentionally left 30GB dik space unclaimed figuring that if I liked Ubuntu I'd assign it to Ubuntu otherwise I could give it to Windows.

I now know that I love Ubuntu but I'm running out of storage on my disk. I can't delete the Windows partition because I need it for a few programs that don't run on Linux. I'd like to just expand the ext3 partition to take the 30GB that are currently unclaimed.However, I don't see an easy way to do this. When I go to create a partition GParted tells me that I can't have more than 4 primary partitions on a drive, that I need an extended partition.Unfortunately, an extended partition is also a primary partition so I have to delete an existing partition to get this to work. So my question is: Isn't there some way that I can just extend the Ubuntu partition to take advantage of the 30GB unallocated space?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GParted Reports Disk As Unallocated Space

Dec 10, 2010

Although I've seen several threads with the same problem, I have not managed to solve the problem. GParted identifies my /dev/sda as unallocated disk space! The machine a Dell Inspiron M101Z laptop running Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit + W7 64 bit. I wouldn't have discovered the problem until I decided to replace my 32 bit Ubuntu with the 64 bit version, then GParted from the live cd identified my drive as Unallocated space!

I've already tried to use testdisk to write the partition table, but though it writes the table successfully and then it prompts to reboot, GParted still sees it as Unallocated. I've also tried fdisk /dev/sda then p then w to write the partition table, but again GParted screws up for some reason and sees it as Unallocated.


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Ubuntu :: Unallocated Disk Space- Dual Boot 10.4/windows 7

Jan 27, 2011

I'm fairly new to ubuntu. I set up dual boot with 10.4 (64bit) on a machine with windows 7 installed first.Everything worked just fine but it seems that there is a bunch of unallocated space on my hard drive. Can anyone explain what all the different partitions are and if/how I can "clean it up"?

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Hardware :: Unable To Create Partition In Unallocated Space

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to install Elementary OS on my laptop! When the installer gets to partitioning part, I find about 90 GB of unallocated space on my hard disk. When I try to create a partition in this space, the partitioner very humbly informs me that it is not possible to create more than 4 Primary partitions. Now my partitioning scheme (rather jumbled up!) is attached herewith.

/dev/sda2 is extended partition with sda5 to sda10.
/dev/sda3 was a fat partition that I used to store my data (I deleted it)
/dev/sda4 is another primary partition.
Windows Vista sits on sda1
Ubuntu sits on sda5, sda6 and sda7 and
Sabayon sits on sda9, sda10 and sda4. Now I have three unallocated disjointed spaces (approx. 5GB, 20GB and 92GB)I had selected the third unallocated space (92GB) to create a new partition for my fresh Elementary OS install but I am faced with the 4 Primary Partitions limit.My partition table is a total mess! Can anyone suggest a way out ?

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Ubuntu :: Claim Interfaced Failed: Could Not Claim Interface 0: Device Or Resource Busy

Apr 10, 2011

I'm currently running Ubuntu Maverick - 2.6.32-30-generic. I recently bought a Garmin eTrex Vista H, which connects via usb (from my reading, it looks like older versions connected over serial). Well, like so many before me, I can't seem to write to or read from the device via gpsbabel.Originally tried to read anything from the device (I have one waypoint in there) via:


gpsbabel -i garmin -f usb:

It returned "Found no Garmin USB devices." I then tried turning on the eTrex. Doing the same while locating satellites just does nothing - I have to escape from the command in terminal. Trying again produces the error:


Claim interfaced failed: could not claim interface 0: Device or resource busy

After doing some research, I unblacklisted and then reblacklisted garmin_gps. I also went into



to verify that the contents were:


SYSFS{idVendor}=="091e", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="666"

as directed in this . Everything seemed to be correct.I then followed some other advice found here and created the policy under /etc/hal/... Still no luck!

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Unallocated Space Into Usable 'free' Space?

May 25, 2010

i used gddrescure to clone an 80gb harddrive and this is the result ROFL.i guess you can only do this making sure the target drive is the same size, you see i didnt know lol so..i now have THIS problem.can anyone tell me how to turn my unallocated space into a usable 'free' space? i could play with gparted right now but i dont wanna do anything wrong, so if theres anyone who can tell me how to do this.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Dell N5010 - Unable To Install Fedora On Unallocated Space

Sep 13, 2010

My laptop is currently running on Windows 7 Ultimate. I have a 320 GB HDD, which I have partitioned as follows. C: Drive as Windows 40 GB capacity and successively partitioned the rest of the drives for 50 GB capacity and left an unallocated space of 67 GB for fedora 13 x64 installation. The problem that I am facing is, that I am unable to install fedora on this unallocated space..even though I am checking the option for "Creating custom Layout". When I check the option for "Creating Custom Layout" Ive been shown with the only option to install fedora on the unused space on the HDD which is around 265 GB. I am also attaching a screen shot of my disk management. how I can install Fedora on this unallocated space of 67 GB?

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Debian :: Create An Unallocated Space The Space Will Stay In That Extended Partition

Mar 20, 2010

my home partition is an extended one, and when i want to create an unallocated space the space will stay in that extended partition. but there is also an 7 gb unallocated space which i want to merge with the other unallocated space. I also cannot extend that partition over that 7 gb. how can i overcome that problem?

i m also uploading a screenshot of gparted.[URL]..

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Fedora Installation :: Convert Unallocated Space To Free Space?

Jun 7, 2010

I was trying to install Fedora 13, on to my laptop. I have 30 GB of unallocated space in extended partition. When trying to install Fedora 13, I got stuck, as the installer says that there is no free space for installation.can convert the unallocated space into free space.

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Ubuntu :: How To Use Unallocated Space

Nov 26, 2010

I recently deleted my partition of Windows 7 and am now only using Ubuntu. The problem occurs when i try to resize my partition to include the now unallocated 370 GB that used to be windows. When i boot from a live cd of ubuntu 10.04 and go into GParted, I right click and hit resize and it will not let me increase the size of the existing ubuntu partition.

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Ubuntu :: Unallocated Space Which Cannot Be Used

Feb 17, 2011

After installing Windows 7, and shrinking my Ubuntu 10.04 partition, I can't expand my Windows 7 Partition. I see that it is inside of "extended", but I have no idea of how to get it out, and use it to expand my Windows 7 Partition. Here is a screenshot (I'm using a live CD) Also, I want to know why Windows 7 is called Windows XP in gparted, and how to change that.

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Ubuntu :: When Looked At Partition Table, The Space Where The Partition Used To Be Is Now Unallocated Space?

Jul 18, 2011

I originally had an Ubuntu partition on my hard drive which occupied about half of it. I installed Windows 7 in the remaining unallocated space and I was planning on doing a grub update from a live cd afterwards. BUT when I looked at my partition table, the space where the ubuntu partition used to be is now unallocated space!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Saw 50 GB Of Unallocated Space

Mar 29, 2010

I'm installing a dual-boot with Ubuntu and Windows 7. Windows 7 is installed first. However, I also have some Dell proprietary stuff installed on two more primary partitions, which I can't get rid of. Meaning, I have one primary partition slot free. I shrunk my Windows 7 partition by 50GB and booted my Live CD of Ubuntu 9.04. I chose to install, and when I got to the partitioning part, I saw the 50 GB of unallocated space.

I chose to let Ubuntu install side by side, and choose what to let me boot. However, I got some error about too many primary partitions and, magically, my Windows partition got all of its space back, save for 2.5GB. Of course, I got enough errors and I didn't install Ubuntu. I rebooted back to Windows and I had to have chkdsk go through all my files. I also checked when on the Ubuntu CD and I noticed something about my hard drive configuration I have NEVER seen before. it said something about 4 or 5 gigs containing WINDOWS XP! I have never had Windows XP on this thing! What gives? Anyways, where did I go wrong, and what can I do to dual-boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: How To Add Unallocated Space To Partition

Oct 3, 2010

I have 2 partitions:
- Partition 1 = xp and ubuntu
- Partition 2 = private matters (movies, pictures, etc.)

I successfully obtained 5 gb of unallocated space from xp I would like to add to my partition 2.

but inside gparted I can't partition 2 to increase, even though I have not mounted XP partition or 2 - I can only make 2 partition smaller and not bigger.

Is it because my swap partition is in the way or? I can not figure it out

Here is a picture showing my partitions: http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3...reenshotcx.png

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Ubuntu :: Add Unallocated Space To (ext4)

Dec 15, 2010

I want to add unallocated (17.94GB) to ext4 (ubuntu). Is it possible? And how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Unallocated Space That Cannot Use (GParted)?

Feb 3, 2011

I used to run Windows and Ubuntu side by side. I have removed Windows and only run Linux now. However, when I try to release the partitions for use with Linux, Gparted just doesn't give me the correct resize options. Have attached a file, so you can see my problem. I believe its because the /dev/sda4 drive is sandwiched between the two unallocated partitions, and I just have no option of resizing into those empty ones. I have tried formatting them, but it just won't play. Ignore the fact they have locked keys, I have been using the Live CD to boot, but this screenshot was taken from my normal login.

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Ubuntu :: GParted: Unallocated Space Only?

Apr 14, 2011

I have accidentally deleted the first booting parition (Windows 7) with GParted, so then I immediately googled and found an utility testdisk which has successfully recovered the parition and it can boot and be seen from linux again. Only Exception is GParded, which sees an unallocated space on whole disk from this point!

I found this post [URL].. which looks like solution, but I can't figure he count a number of sectors 978726293. 500107862016 / 978726293 = 510.978263885 what is near to 512 (sector size), but not equal. So I don't understand the arithmetic.


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Ubuntu :: Add Unallocated Space To Partition?

Jun 9, 2011

I am not able to add unallocated space created by shrink volume in windows into existing Linux partition....ScreenshotsScreenshot.pngScreenshot-1.png

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Ubuntu :: Unable To See The Free Space On Hard Disk

Aug 14, 2010

I currently dual-boot Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04, before I came back on Ubuntu, I uninstall-ed many programs to free up some space. Before I restarted my computer to boot back into Ubuntu my Internal HD had 43.5GB of free space, and when I booted into Ubuntu I checked the free space and it only showed 7.9GB of free space, did I check the wrong thing? Is 'File System' the Ubuntu equivalent to the C: drive in Windows?

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Ubuntu :: Extending Partition Into Unallocated Space

Aug 31, 2010

i would like to extend my main file system into the unallocated space that i have on my hard drive, the unallocated space is most of it, as it used to be a partition but was deleted, do i have to do this with a boot up disk because i think that it can only be done on an unmounted partition, or is there a way to do this while linux is running in the main partition.

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Ubuntu :: Using Unallocated Space On HD / Adding To Other Partition?

Oct 13, 2010

I need a little help regaining some unallocated space on my Hard Drive. I have a 52 Gib unallocated partition and I want to add it to /dev/sda4 which only has 19.73 Gib. (See attachment of my partition table). I ended up with this free space because I deleted a partition that contained another OS I no longer use. I don't know if I can use a move/resize or copy paste. I think the copy paste only copies the stored data not the space. What I want to do is take the unallocated space and add it to the sda4 partition.

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Ubuntu :: Add Unallocated Space To Extended Partitions ?

Nov 20, 2010

I have the following disk partitions from the left side of partition table as of now:
NTFS - Primary windows vista
Extended - 3 Nos. all NTFS - middle one contains data
Unallocated space
NTFS - Primary
NTFS - Primary HP Recovery

My intention is to add unallocated space to the extended partition. Will I be able to use Gparted to do it?

Or can I install Ubuntu in one of the extended partitions and make this unallocated partition the home partition for Ubuntu. I am not able to add new partition in this unallocated space as disk manager in vista throws up an error no free disk space to complete the operation. I read in some forum that OEM installations allow only 3 primary partitions and one extended or 4 primary ones. Is it true for OEM's only or its a universal rule?

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Ubuntu :: Root Parition Now Unallocated Space

Jan 16, 2011

I have a 1TB drive and divided it for a dual boot setup; win XP SP3 on one half and ubuntu on the other. Upon rebooting one day, I received the 'error no such partiiton' and found myself at the grub rescue prompt. I tried to repair grub, reinstall grub, fsck to check the filesystem but the root partition was listed as unallocated space and could not be mounted. Nothing worked; I checked the HDD for errors, etc and everything was clean. Windows also saw the parition as free space then unallocated space. The swap partition was still present and unaffected. Does anyone have any ideas or have seen this before?

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Ubuntu :: Allocate Unallocated Space Without Gparted?

Feb 1, 2011

I have 500 MB of unallocated space on my hard drive. I would like to create a new partition with ext 3. Unfortunately, gparted gives an error so I am wondering if there is a way to do this without using gparted.

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Ubuntu :: Merge Partition With Unallocated Space?

Apr 27, 2011

My PC has two OS's - Windows XP and Ubuntu - in a separate partition. There is some unallocated disk space between Windows and Ubuntu. I tried unsuccessfully to merge them together as one larger partition using Gparted in Ubuntu or another software in Windows. I thank you in advance for anyone who advises me hot to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Add Unallocated Space To Extended Partition

Jul 12, 2011

I wanted to create NTFS partition from unallocated space but by my mistake that space is beyond extended partition. How can I add unallocated space to extended partition and then create NTFS partition without deleteing any partitions?

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Ubuntu :: Use Unallocated Space To Extend A Partition?

Jul 19, 2011

Is there any way to use unallocated space to extend a partition that isn't close to that partition? there is an image attached, I can extend /dev/sda2 but not /dev/sda1 ( the one that i want to) I used the live cd to run gparted.I had to move /dev/sda2 to to the right and then extend /dev/sda1

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Merge Ext3 To Unallocated Space

May 19, 2011

My ubuntu partition is 8gb swap and 75gb / ext3. I have 100gb of unallocated space. How to merge / ext3 75gb to unallocated space to make it 175gb of ext3 / partition?

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General :: Unallocated Space In Gparted?

May 21, 2010

Here's the problem (I'll give you a basic timeline of whats happened)

1) Installed Windows 7

2) Installed Ubuntu 10.4

3) Installed Linux Mint 9 Beta

4) Updated Linux Mint 9 Beta to RC and no longer had a need for Ubuntu 10.4

5) Booted into live cd and using Gparted, erased Ubuntu 10.4

6) Re-installed Grub

7) ATTEMPTED to resize Linux Mint 9 partition to use newly unallocated space

But whenever I try to regain that space it will only let it grow this much.Hopefully you can see that (took it with my iPhone 3gs, 3mp camera.)

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Download Updates Due To Their Not Being Enough Free Disk Space?

Jul 20, 2010

I still feel as though I should be posting in Beginer Talk but was told that general help could work as well.I am currently using ubuntu jaunty jackalope and completely unfamiliar.I am unable to download updates due to their not being enough free disk space.The sudo apt-get clean and autoclean commands do not free up any space? I have tried tinkering with ubuntu tweak and add remove programs as well but nothing coming.

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