Ubuntu Servers :: How To Start Binary

Feb 25, 2011

I need to start a binary when Ubuntu 10.04 server boots. In which script should I insert the line to start this binary correctly according to Ubuntu policies?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Cannot Execute Binary File

Dec 22, 2010

Trying to install Parallels Plesk Panel 10 x86_64 onto a completely new installation of Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS

root@server:~# chmod +x parallels_installer_v3.7.1_build101014.17_os_Ubunt u_10.04_x86_64
root@server:~# ./parallels_installer_v3.7.1_build101014.17_os_Ubunt u_10.04_x86_64
-bash: ./p.arallels_installer_v3.7.1_build101014.17_os_Ubun tu_10.04_x86_64: cannot execute binary file

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL Incremental Backup - Binary Log File Names

Mar 15, 2011

I am currently using a script to backup my Ubuntu 10.04.1 system. The mySQL databases are backed up separately from the the system / data.

My problem is with the mySQL incremental / binary log backups.

The problem is that the binary log file(s) are always named xxxx-bin.1.

Up to about a month ago the binary logs were named xxxx-bin.000001, xxxx-bin.000002, etc.

I did make some changes at about the time that this change in file naming ocurred, but I can not identify what, if any, setting I may have changed that has caused all of the binary log files to always have the same name.

My back up script uses both mysqldump and mysqladmin flush-logs to create the binary logs.

All of the setting for mysqldump and mysqladmin are contained in the my.cnf file.

The my.cnf file contents that are relavent are as follows:


The statements in the backup script that do the backup are:

mysqladmin flush-logs


mysqldump | gzip > $DB_BACKUP_DIR/$ARCHIVE_FILE #Note: delete-master-logs in my.cnf

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Programming :: Finding A Utility To Combine Two Or More Binary Files Into A Single Binary File?

May 5, 2011

Is there any Linux utility to combine two or more binary files into a single binary file ?

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Programming :: Version Info Coded Into ELF Binary / Author And Company Name Into ELF Binary?

Nov 30, 2010

How to coded version info and other information likes author and company name into the ELF binary?

I prefer the put the version info during build step.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySql Database Won't Start - How To Make It Start

May 4, 2011

I have a mysql database and i use it with apache for my webpages. And I guess it dosen't start when the computer starts so I have to manually start it with "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" This returns fail so i went to '/var/run/mysqld/' and the folder was empty. I don't know if this is the problem or not. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Add Command To Start-up?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to add a line to the start-up of my proxy server that does the IPTABLES port re-routing for me automatically instead of having to do it manually every time I restart

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL Will Not Start / What To Do?

May 4, 2010

I don't know. I have had tons of issues with the Linux today. Now when I try and start mysql it just fails. the syslog says code...

The command mysql results in:

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

I have even tried to uninstall mysql and reinstall it an nothing works. Any suggestions?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql Will Not Start?

Mar 14, 2011

ive been trying to fix this for a while. i dont have the original my.cnf, but i dont even know if thats the error:

pavel@pvl1:~$ sudo service mysql start
pavel@pvl1:~$ cd /var/log/[code]....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Start Gnome Gui

May 13, 2011

starting the gnome GUI.

Environment is Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS, server edition.

I have installed the ubuntu-desktop package with apt-get, which reported a successful installation. I also installed firefox the same way.

When I run the command "firefox", I get this response: "Error: no display specified". Thinking I might need to run it from the GUI, I tried "startx" (command I found elsewhere on this forum). Response was: "Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0".

Why run GUI and/or Firefox on a server? The second instruction on the Symfony 2.0 install procedure is to "check the configuration" by accessing http://localhost/Symfony/web/config.php.

I first tried that from my Win-7 workstation, substituting the server's IP address for localhost in the URL above. The response from that is "This script is only accessible from localhost."

SO ... I'm trying to run firefox directly on the server, so that I can access the localhost version of that URL, to follow Symfony's instructions.

how I can get FF (or any other browser) running on the server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Start MySQL?

Jun 26, 2011

I have trouble with MySQL server on my Ubuntu 11.04.Below is what I get in Terminal

root@linux:/home/karl# /etc/init.d/mysql start
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the


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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Fails To Start ?

Jan 17, 2010

How to resolve this apache2 problem I keep getting, I have installed a debian LAMP server with ispconfig3 and everytime I reboot apache fails to start, I don't know and I have done some research but nothing seems to work, which leads me to reinstall everything from scratch again, I think I have reinstalled at least 10x or more.

When ever I reboot I get the following error


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Ubuntu Servers :: Tomcat6 Ajp Connector Won't Start?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to do a standard mod_jk setup--get apache to forward requests to Tomcat. I must admit that I'm not so familiar with the details of mod_jk, but I got this working before when I had used tomcat 6 directly from apache's website, but now that I've switched to the version in Ubuntu's repositories I can't get it working.

The log for mod_jk says:

[Mon Mar 15 23:59:41 2010] [5575:3004840816] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1359): (ajp13_worker) connecting to backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port (errno=111)
[Mon Mar 15 23:59:41 2010] [5575:3004840816] [error]


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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Does Not Start On Boot-up?

Mar 22, 2010

My problem is that the samba daemon does not start on boot-up anymore on my file-sharing server.Samba starts flawlessly if start it manually.If I run:

/etc/init.d/samba status
I get :


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Ubuntu Servers :: Start To Finish Using Webmin?

Apr 2, 2010

I put together this 500+ page .pdf how-to, if your looking to setup a server, and manage it with Webmin. built on Debian, but should work here to for the most part[URL]..

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Start Xampp From Crontab

Apr 5, 2010

i want to Xampp run and start all time when i start pc. i don know correct command for use crontab when i want to use it i must delete ># m h dom mon dow commandor not ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Directory When Trying To Start Host ?

Apr 7, 2010

I type in /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start

And I receive bash: /etc/init.d/hostname.sh: No such file directory

For hostname I've use "hostname" and my actual hostname, and both receive the same error.

Although when I do hostname is shows the correct hostname but without the the comcast part of it , and when I type in hostname -f, I get the correct hostname with the comcast part of it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Start VBoxHeadless Using Upstart

Apr 24, 2010

Like the title stated Anyone with experience or suggestion, please do share. I've tinkered all night with this thing. Never get the VBox service I created to start.Here is my final code before I dried my brain.

# Archayl Server startup


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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql Won't Start On New Installation 10.04?

May 10, 2010

I just installed a brand new ubuntu server 10.04 32-bit, choosing the LAMP option on install. Upon reboot I couldn't connect to mysql from another machine, so on this new server I changed the file at /var/mysql/my.cnf


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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL Does Not Start On Boot

May 11, 2010

Ubuntu server 10.04 comes with a new event based startup system, and I wonder if that can be responsible for this problem. The server has been upgraded from 9.10. On reboot mysql does not always manage to start... /var/log/mysql/error.log has info similar to this:

100511 19:05:00 [ERROR] Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Cannot assign requested address
100511 19:05:00 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?
100511 19:05:00 [ERROR] Aborting

So apparently port 3306 is not 100% unused when mysql tries to open it or somehow network connections are not ready, even if mysql start is supposed to wait for 'net-device-up' and 'local-filesystems' according to /etc/init/mysql.conf. This does not happen on all reboots. I am supposed to be able to start it manually with command 'start mysql' but that does not seem to work also. When I try start it again, it says mysql is running but no databases can be reached and mysqld is not active, reboot and good luck is all that helps...

As far as I know there are no firewalls installed, at least none I have manually configured and it has worked with no problems on 9.10. So this new upstart thing seems responsible. It simply does not let mysql wait until it can start in good way. That also explains why it's a random problem. If all starts happen when and if there is free processor time, it does not always start things in the same order on every reboot. The key here is port 3306, or whatever port mysql is configured to use. The upstart system simply needs delay the start until the port is 100% free and available for the system to use.

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Ubuntu Servers :: X Server Can't Start On Kubuntu 10.04

Jul 22, 2010

I just installed Kubuntu (10.04), did some upgrades and updates then upon booting the computer wont go beyond the login page. at first it posted a message (Xsession:warning: unabele to write to /tmp; X session may exit with an error).I followed some instructions from the net which asked that I do the following:

aptitude clean of apt-get clean
cd /var/log


after this, when I login it no more goes off, but the desktop wont still come on, instead a terminal (konsole) window is open but when I try start x it refuses.(the only method I use to start my computer successfully is though the recovery mode)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql Do Not Start At Boot?

Jul 26, 2010

Recently, few days or maybe a week ago I updated mysql and now mysql service do not start at boot. I must start it manualy, before this update it start automaticly.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Start Liferay At Boot?

Aug 20, 2010

I know Ubuntu has changed the startup system in 10.04 and I am wondering how to go about starting my liferay server at boot (instead of starting manually).

There's already a startup script, can I setup a symlink to somewhere to have it start automatically?

I've tried searching through documentation and google but most of it applies to older versions of Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Xampp Will Not Start On Boot?

Sep 29, 2010

I have recently set up my web server using the LAMPP package for Ubuntu. Now I'm running Ubuntu Server 10 so my machine boots into the console and not gdm. Also I have my machine autologin as root so I can simply turn my server on and not mess around with logins. Now I created a simple shellscript for starting lampp and then I put it into etc/init.d/, chmod -x file.sh to give it executable permissions, then I update-rc.d file.sh defaults but nothing happens on startup. It simple takes me to the console and nothing more happens. I have to manually start lampp on every bootup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bind9 Failed To Start

Oct 6, 2010

when i started bind9, it showed me this error, Can anyone help me in this, according to me i dont have a file sysklogd so i can not restart that. that is why i think iam getting error while starting bind9. How to get that file and how to get started Bind9.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Start Virtualbox Using Init.d

Dec 16, 2010

recently installed phpVirtualBox and VirtualBox on my 10.04 LTS ubuntu server it's getting annoying having to type

/usr/bin/vboxwebsrv -b --logfile /dev/null >/dev/null
every time i reboot the server

tried for hours to make an init.d script that will run it but failed..basically I just want it to automatically run the above command on every boot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Xinetd To Start Svnserve?

Jan 30, 2011

I am trying to run svnserve on startup on an Ubuntu Server 10.04 machine using xinetd

My repositories are at /home/svn, so the directory should be the same as in the example. Following the example, the owner should be www-data, I assume. (Is that right?) I've also tried the admin user account as as the svnowner (the one used to set the svnserver up).

I've never done any shell scripting, so I tried xinetd instead of using the startup script. But if I don't get any feedback for using xinetd that will be my next course of option.

For reference, the link above suggests adding

svn stream tcp nowait svnowner /usr/bin/svnserve svnserve -i -r /home/svn

to the /etc/inetd.conf file, replacing svnowner and /home/svn to the appropriate values (although I'm not 100% sure what those should be). I assume since I did a chown on the repo to www-data that www-data is the owner I need to put in that line, but it doesn't work.

It's just annoying to have to ssh in and type

svnserve -d --foreground -r /home/svn

every time I reboot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Freeradius Won't Start / Get It To Work?

Jun 14, 2011

I run an 11.04 Server with Bind9, DHCP, Apache 2 PHP5, PostgreSQL8.4 and would like to install an FreeradiusServer. After I downloaded the packages with code...

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Fedora Servers :: VNC Will Not Start

Sep 5, 2010

Followed "Every Server Setup Imaginable: SMB, SSH, VPN, VNC, HTTPD (+ PHP), MySQL, More! "

service vncserver start results in following log file in users .vnc directory:

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Ubuntu Servers :: PhpMyAdmin Cannot Start Session Without Errors?

Feb 16, 2010

I get an error message that says phpMyAdmin - Error, Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

So I did some googling and found a post here {URL]... which speaks about resetting the ownership of the session directory. However I am wondering how I can find out what the owner if the directory is (if its root or admin or ...)

It's strange because it all worked fine just about two hours ago and I am not sure since I have the server automatically download security updates if there is something it automatically downloaded that caused this. Also how to make the server stop automatically downloading security updated?

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