Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 LTS Memory And CPU Utilization Spikes?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and about 40 ThinClients running LSTP in a school's computer lab. Everytime the users start to use applications, the server's memory utilization increases, while the swap memory is quite free. I have 12GB of memory on that server.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Memory Utilization For Particular Process

Jul 15, 2009

Is there any command to get the memory utilization of a particular process in Linux?I tried with Top and /proc/pid/status commands but the results are not proper, the memory keeps on increasing.Can anyone tell other than Top and /proc/pid/status commands ?

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General :: High Memory Utilization By System?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a server running samba process and there are about 70 samba users connected at a time. The system has 4Gb of memory and it seems each samba process is utilizing only 3352Kb of memory.
When I run the command
pmap -d (pid of samba)

It gives as:
b7ffa000 4 rw-s- 0000000000000000 0fd:00003 messages.tdb
bfe46000 1768 rw--- 00000000bfe46000 000:00000 [ stack ]
ffffe000 4 r-x-- 0000000000000000 000:00000 [ anon ]
mapped: 33384K writeable/private: 3352K shared: 20504K

But when I run the top command, it results as below:
Tasks: 163 total, 1 running, 162 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.9% us, 4.9% sy, 0.0% ni, 93.3% id, 0.8% wa, 0.2% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 3895444k total, 3163192k used, 732252k free, 352344k buffers
Swap: 2097144k total, 208k used, 2096936k free, 2487636k cached

Why could the system be utilizing such high memory? By the way, the server is not running other processes. The samba version running in it is 3.0.33-0.17.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Provide Testing On Memory, CPU, Hard Disk Utilization And Also Stress Test?

Feb 24, 2010

is there any performance tool for linux? i av found phoronix but it cant provide testing on memory, CPU, hard disk utilization and also stress test.

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Ubuntu :: Lag Spikes Every 60 Seconds

Sep 1, 2011

So basically, when I was using windows I got 25 second lag spikes 60 seconds inbetween eachother. Obviously this is a huge issue as I'm constantly doing things on the internet and I play a lot of games.

I used to use a program called WLAN Optimizer to kill these lag spikes, and it worked fine! However when I switched to Linux (Ubutu Natty Narwhal), I searched for hours and could find NOTHING on the subject. I tried using Playonlinux to get the program to load, but no such luck. I assume that's because it deals with advanced processes to eliminate the 25 second lag spikes. If anybody could help me get WLAN optimizer working, or simply find a work around that allows me to fix the lag, I would very VERY greatly appreciate it.

Otherwise I'm going to have switch back to vista, and I REALLY don't want to do that. I thought my comp was fried until I installed this OS because of Vista.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: CPU Spikes Normal (Usually Around 50 Percent)

May 9, 2010

I've recently installed ubuntu on a 5,3 edition Macbook pro. It works amazingly and I love ubuntu but I have a small concern. Is it normal for the cpu usage to spike between 10% and sometimes over 70% but usually around 50%? I've ran the top command and its usually xorg, firefox or synaptic package manager causing the spikes. Is this cause for concern? Here is a screen of the cpu usage. When this screenshot was taken I had firefox open while upgrading to the latest version of Ubuntu. [URL]. However when I run OS X I'd have to be running many many programs, including CPU and plugin intensive programs such as Logic Pro with renoise slaved to it. Even with all of this CPU usage rarely goes past 40%.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Periodically Spikes In CPU Usage?

Jun 23, 2010

I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 LTS, and my system seems to have developed a weird problem. Every few minutes, especially when I'm using chrome, VLC, or the screensaver is running, Xorg will start to spike in its CPU usage - spikes occur several times per second, and generally go up to 50-100%. Spikes seem to be composed of half "System" and half "User" according to my System Monitor applet thing.

Weirder than the problem is the thing which seems to stop this behavior - going to a terminal which is running top and hitting enter a few times seems to invariably return the CPU usage to usual (within seconds). There does seem to be a ~10 second period where the system monitor shows a few % "System" activity. Xorg starts up again with the same spikes within minutes, however.

EDIT: It looks like almost any keyboard input to any terminal also stops the Xorg CPU use - things which change the state of the other terminal, e.g. hitting the spacebar, typing a letter, will work, while hitting CTRL or SHIFT does not suffice to return the CPU use to normal.

I'm using an NVIDIA proprietary driver (which system->administration->hardware drivers says is (version current) and Recommended). My graphics card is a GeForce 9400 GT. I'm using Kernel 2.6.32-22-generic, and x86_64 Ubuntu. Here's my xorg.conf file:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@crested) Sun Feb 1 20:25:37 UTC 2009
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder62) Tue Mar 24 06:15:32 PST 2009


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Ubuntu :: Intel HD 3000 Minecraft Lag Spikes Every Second?

Aug 17, 2011

I wasn't sure weather to post here or on the minecraft forums.

OS: Ubuntu 11.04 x86
CPU: Intel core i5 sandy bridge 2410M
GPU: Intel HD 3000 (Integrated)
RAM: 8 gigs ddr3

So I got my new laptop a few days ago,loaded up ubuntu.After starting up minecraft to connect to my server I realised that the fps was going from 50 to 1 and back to 50 again EVERY SECOND so obviously this isn't normal.After a quick google search every one on windows seems to have no problem. There are no results for linux.

Edit: Yes I know why the are you using a x86 os on a computer with 8 gigs of ram? At the time of installation all I had was no internet access and a live cd from LUD with ubuntu on it

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Debian :: CPU Spikes To About 40% When Moving Cursor / Why Is This?

May 29, 2010

I was looking around in Xfce4 Taskmanager to see what's taking up some memory/processor power, and I noticed when I move the cursor around in cirlces, the CPU spikes from about 5%-10% clear up to about 40%. I also have Audacious2, Chromium, and a file manager open as well.

Why is this? My system is an Eee PC with a 1.6GHz Atom processor and 2GB of DDR2 RAM.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Lagging - Cursor Will Disappear And No Letters Will Appear - CPU Spikes

Jan 9, 2010

For the last several days my laptop has been "lagging". When typing (such as now) the cursor will disappear and no letters will appear for a second or I get doubling letters. Example: the word "laptop" will come out as "laaptoppp". When I hover the cursor over a link it will sometimes not highlight it right away. When I scroll up or down in Fire Fox or in my folders the screen will move a little, freeze, and then shoot down (or up) very quickly. Often Ctrl-c simply won't work. Plus several other things that all add up to being very frustrating.

I have the system monitor applet on a panel and I've noticed my CPU spiking periodically to 100%. When it happens it's rythmic, like this: A....A....A....A....A.... and then stops after a while. I've watched the processes and I'm fairly sure it's xorg doing it. My wife complained to me about her desktop doing similar things about a day before I saw that my laptop is doing this. I am fairly computer literate (no expert but no novice either) and I am totally stumped. Back in my Windows days (long, long ago in a...etc. etc.) I'd have said virus but here? Not so sure.

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Fedora :: Xorg's CPU Usage Spikes When Using Scroll Wheel / Sort It?

Jan 29, 2010

When I "middle click" the scroll wheel to enable smooth scrolling in Firefox, the entire machine basically locks up until it scrolls to the bottom of the page. On a long web page, this can take almost a full minute as it scrolls very slowly.

Also, just using the scroll wheel to scroll normally. If I scroll up then back down quickly, it takes quite some time, and the CPU usage spikes under those conditions too.

As a test, I went ahead and loaded Top in a terminal window, set side-by-side with my browser. Once I start the smooth scrolling, I can't stop it. It has to get to the bottom of the web page to quit. Xorg's CPU usage spikes during that time and I can hear the fans starting to speed up.

I just quickly made a long text document in Gedit and tried scrolling through it. Same thing. So it's not limited to any one application.

Anyone experiencing anything like this? It started happening after my last major update.

I'm using Fedora 12 with Gnome.

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OpenSUSE :: Regular Xorg And Plasma-desktop CPU Usage Spikes

Nov 1, 2010

I have this problem that Xorg CPU usage spikes to between %20-%40, a little more than once every second - constantly. When this happens, everything on the system slows down, video, scrolling through pages, etc. plasma-desktop does the same, at the same time as Xorg, though uses less CPU. Switching off Desktop effects makes no difference. The spikes starts just after KDE is up and running after boot. I'm running 11.3, KDE 4.4.4 release 3, 64bit on a desktop and 32bit on a laptop, both have the same problem. I have searched the internet, but cannot find anything related to this, please help!

My 64bit desktop details is:

hwinfo --short
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5400+, 1000 MHz
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5400+, 1000 MHz


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OpenSUSE :: LibreOffice - When Opening Document Cpu Spikes And Is Unusable For 8 Seconds

Mar 31, 2011

Running 3.3.2 of LibreOffice under 64bit 11.3. When I open a document (.doc) it opens right away, then the cpu spikes for about 8 seconds during which the app is not usable then all is fine. Renamed .libreoffice and made no difference. Tried with both .doc and .odf document types and the same. If I open a empty doc then the spike is a second or 2.

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Ubuntu :: Get All CPU Utilization Using Top Command?

Dec 21, 2010

what dose this mean top -n 2 -b -d 0.2 i?

how to get all CPU utilization in using top command

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Memory Required

Oct 29, 2010

I have many documents that indicate many different min requirements for drive memory. Will someone give me an idea for the following...Ubuntu 10.10 server running SSH and Samba what would be the memory requirements, recommended as opposed to min, for partitions as follows:
/ -- root
/home -- as a separate partition
/boot -- as a separate partition (do I really need a separate boot)
swap my RAM is 768mg so 1 gig should be good

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Ubuntu Servers :: BIND The DNS Memory Consuming?

Nov 13, 2010

bind9 is taking a lot of the RAM

process info:

ID Owner Size Command
17559 root 290396 kB /usr/sbin/named -c /etc/bind/named.conf

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Ubuntu Servers :: Rsyslog Takes 100% Of Memory On Boot?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to run a logging server with encryption but rsyslog takes 100% of the memory on boot. This only happens when these two sets of lines are both in the rsyslog.conf

$ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerRun 10514
$DefaultNetstreamDriver gtls


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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Segfaults Causes Memory Leak?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having some strange issues with apache. Time by time it segfaults, eats all available memory (including swap) and makes server non responding.Ubuntu Server 10.04.2 LTS

Some strange logs:
Jun 12 12:00:18 *** kernel: [40767.969443] apache2[7635]: segfault at 726f7272 ip 00007f13a31f3f16 sp 00007fff6f740ea0 error 4 in libapr-1.so.0.3.8[7f13a31d7000+35000]


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Ubuntu :: Calculate All Processor Utilization Using Top Command?

Dec 28, 2010

how does calculate all processor utilization in ubuntu using top command?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Get Cpu Utilization Of Particular Process

May 6, 2009

How to get cpu utilization of particular process without using top command. I want programmatically C or C++.Top command source is large.I can't analyze where %cpu usage got.

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Programming :: C Program To Get Cpu Utilization?

Feb 26, 2010

language:cOs: ubuntuI have googled for a c program to get cpu utilization factor from 2 days.We can get it through "top", "who" commands..But I hav not found any API or a program.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cache Directory And File Structure In Memory?

Aug 11, 2010

i am running Ubuntu Lucid x64 as a fileserver that shares its files via SFTP, NFS and Samba. Currently the hard disks are configured to go to standby if they are not needed. This works perfectly as long as no one browses the shares or my HTPC is running: That one repeatedly looks through the shares for new music or movies. In other words my problem is that the disks are spinning up a lot more often than they should have to. Additionally the spin-up time delays the response time while browsing. Since the machine has a lot of unused RAM i want to tell the kernel that it should keep the directory structure in memory. That way the disks would not need to spin up every time someone browses through the directories.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Graph Disk Io & Memory In Virt-manager?

Oct 6, 2010

I installed the latest 10.04.1 server minimal install and enabled the virtualisation option. I compiled enough X so that I could run virt-manager and I was able to create a couple of VMs and run them and manage them, but the problem is that in the graphs in manager, I can only get CPU usage, not Disk or Network IO. The options are greyed out. Am I missing something required for these graphs to work ?

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Ubuntu :: Internet Utilization Monitoring In Lucid AMD64

May 23, 2010

I wanted to know if there anyway we can check -

a. Which are the applications using internet connection currently

b. Which website/url they are connected and how many bits are being downloaded/uploaded currently.

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Ubuntu :: Display Graphs For System Resource Utilization

Feb 3, 2011

I have a SSH access to some linux servers, is it possible that I can get some graphical report for system utilization (CPU, memory and disk space) for a given time range.

I dont have any graphical access to the system.

Currently I am fetching the records using "sar -r" command , pasting them in a excel sheet to generate the reports.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Consequences Of Giving PHP Scripts A High Memory Limit?

May 28, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server running in our small office. Among its many duties is report generation. It uses PHP and DOMPDF (a PHP library for converting HTML/CSS to PDFs for printing). PHP's default memory limit of 32MB is not even close to being enough to pull large amounts of data from the database and generate images/tables/PDFs with that data.

I increased the memory limit to 64MB and that is adequate for reports under 3 pages or so (varies based on table complexity, images, etc). If any user tries to generate a report longer than that, PHP just throws a "out of memory" error and doesn't make the report.

My question is: what are the possible consequences of increasing the memory limit yet again to 128MB or maybe even higher? The server isn't terribly powerful. It has 2GB RAM and 4GB swap space. I know that isn't much but this is a small office and at most I can only see two or three people trying to run reports at the same time. As for security, apache is currently only serving pages in the local network, but sometime within the next year I'll probably have it hosting a public website (currently using a hosting service). Is a high memory limit a potential security risk when exposed to the internet?

EDIT: Sorry, PHP's default memory limit is 16 not 32 as I said. Question still stands, however

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SUSE :: Drive Access At 100% Utilization?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a storage array and one of the logical volumes stays at 100% utilization whenever any process accesses the volume. It is a 9TB RAID 5 array on it's own SCSI interface card. I have another 9TB logical volume in the same chassis, on it's own card that does NOT exhibit the same behavior.

I'm measuring the utilization using atop. The strange thing is it pegs out at 100% utilization for the entire time a process accesses the volume, even when the data being accessed is just a few kb. My users home directories reside on this volume so as you can imagine every user is impacted whenever someone accesses any file from this volume.

The only processes being shown in atop are nfsd processes and xfslogd process. Nothing has been deliberately changed on this system. The only thing out of the ordinary that changed is a user deleted several TB from his home directory a week or so ago, just about the same time this problem came up. During the troubleshooting process, tis system has been rebooted several times.

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CentOS 5 :: High CPU Utilization For All Processes?

Apr 9, 2010

I am getting a strange problem with my new machine (P4 3Ghz, 1 GB RAM DDR333). The machine is an industrial PC. Firstly I had installed Fedora Core 2 on it. It ran superbly without any problem. I tried to load Redhat Enterprise Linux WS4 (Update 2 as well as Update 5) on it. But the PC was giving high CPU utilization for each and every task. With-out any application running both the cores shows utilization around 10 %. But when i try to my application, the CPU utilization in one of the cores goes to 100 % for majority of the time. This is causing my appilcation to run slowly when compared to the same application running on the same machine under fedora core 2. (CPU Utilization around peak 17 % in either of the cores in Fedora Core2) Recently I installed Cent OS 5 on it. But the behavior of the PC remains the same as of Redhat Enterprise Linux WS4. Some-where on the forums I had read about the RAM size. So i tried to downgrade the RAM from 1 GB to 256 MB. But the problem remains the same. I think it has to do with some kernel tweaking.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Maverick Compiz Choppy/high Cpu Utilization?

Jul 7, 2011

Been using Maverick on my Dell Studio XPS for many months without issue. About a week or two ago, compiz has been acting funny and using a lot of cpu time, making everything "choppy," especially after resuming from suspend. I've googled and searched the forum, but all the related posts seem to be several years old.I tried selecting the previous kernel but it didn't help. Was there a bad update to compiz or ati graphics?

My info:

> lspci | grep VGA
21:02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series]
> grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | uniq
Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
Driver "fglrx"


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Fedora Servers :: Libvir: QEMU Error : Out Of Memory?

Jun 11, 2009

Has anyone seen this error in libvirtd?libvir: QEMU error : out of memoryWhatever it is, I'm pretty sure that's what's keeping my virt-manager from working. There's 12GB of DDR3 on this box, so I really really hope that it's not actually a memory problem. This here is a brand-new whitebox I build just for virtualization on F11. Can anyone here help me make it work?

Edit: This is a 64-bit install. All 12GB are accessible by the OS.

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