Ubuntu Security :: Using Digitally Signed Usb?

Apr 5, 2010

Has anyone setup a system to only allow digitall signed (i.e. approved USB disk drives) to be used on a Linux System.

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Ubuntu :: Upload Manually Signed Packages To PPA That Are Showing Up As Not Signed?

Oct 14, 2010

am trying to upload packages o a PPA (packages that contain custom "sources.list"s designed to make upgrades or downgrades between Ubuntu releases easier) and, even after going through all that work to manually generate a key and sign them with gpg, dput still rejects them as "not signed".

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Security :: Only Executing Signed Code?

Feb 23, 2011

build a Linux environment in which only "signed" processes are allowed to run. When I say signed I don't mean a VeriSign etc. signature like you know it from Windows, but I mean signed by myself. I.e. I choose the software allowed to run, sign it, and then want to deny any other processes to run.If it is somehow possible I'd like to extend this even to scripts and the kernel (i.e. no unsigned modules can be loaded).Does anyone have a good idea how to solve this problem?The bad thing is: I'm pretty fine with coding stuff myself in C, but have absolutely 0 experience or knowledge in kernel (module)-programming.Any tipps, links, literatureOne approach I came up with (just a rough idea at the moment):Linux starts new processes with a fork-and-exec-combination. I therefore wonder if it is possible to change exec() in such a way that it will only execute signed programs

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Security :: Can't Import A Cert - Signed With OpenSSL- Into A Java Key Store Using Keytool

Feb 11, 2011

When I do a "openssl x509 -in server1.pem -issuer -noout" after I've supposedly signed it with the CA, the issuer is, for some reason, the DN string of server1. If server1 generated the CSR, and it is coming up as issued by server1, doesn't that indicate a self signed cert? How could the CA be producing a cert that has an issuer of another server? Am I just completely off base? Sorry, I'm a bit of a newb with the SSL pieces.

I hope this is the right place for this, but I'm having some difficulty using the java keytool and OpenSSL tool on a Solaris system.

I have a server (CA server) with OpenSSL installed that I would like to use as a Certificate Authority. The second server (server1) is a WebLogic server with JDK 1.6.0_21. I'm trying to configure it to use a certificate that has been signed by server1.

For some reason it keeps giving me this error when I try to import the signed SSL certificate: keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match

Am I doing something wrong in this whole process?

1) Generate the Private Key for the CA server
openssl genrsa -out CA.key -des 2048

2) Generate the CSR on the CA
openssl req -new -key CA.key -out CA.csr

3) Sign the new CSR so that it can be used as the root certificate openssl x509 -extensions v3_ca -trustout -signkey CA.key -days 730 -req -in CA.csr -out CA.pem -extfile /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf

4) On server1, create Server Private Key KeyStore keytool -genkey -alias server1 -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA keystore server1.jks -dname "CN=server1.domain.com,OU=Organization,O=Company,L=City,ST=State,C=US"

5) On server1, create a CSR from the recently created Private Key
keytool -certreq -alias server1 -sigalg SHA1WithRSA -keystore server1.jks -file server1.csr

6) Transfer the CSR over to the CA (server1) so that it can be signed openssl x509 -extensions v3_ca -trustout -signkey CA.key -days 365 -req -in server1.csr -out server1.pem -extfile /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf

7) Transfer CA Public Cert to server1 and Import into keytool keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias CA_Public -file CA.pem -keystore server1.jks

8) Import recently signed CSR to app server keystore (This is where I receive the error) keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server1 -file server1.pem -keystore server1.jks

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Programming :: Digitally Signing Bash Scripts?

Feb 1, 2011

Is there any way to protect a bash script with a digital signature, so that it can't be executed if it has been meddled with? Or, if this is not possible for bash scripts, is it possible for any other type of scripts (Python, Perl?) in Linux?

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Software :: How To Digitally Sign Doc Created With Word Processor

Apr 20, 2011

I am looking for an easy way to digitally sign documents produced with regular word processors. Here are my findings so far:LibreOffice and OpenOffice are ready to digitally sign documents. There are a few steps involved (such as obtaining the certificate). For documents produced with a different word processor (such as Abiword), there is always the option to transform them into pdf documents, which seem to be ready to be digitally signed, with specific software. The first thing I looked at was gpg, which allows for a detached signature and also for a "clearsign" option, which attaches the signature to the document.

I have already ruled out the "detached signature", as this imposes another degree of difficulty to handle a stack of documents that will need to be classified and relocated frequently. As for the "clearsign" option, it is great for simple text documents but, when used with Abiword documents (for instance), the few extra lines outside the xml tree renders them impossible to read. So far, forcing all my coworkers to use only LibreOffice seems to be the simplest alternative.

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Fedora :: Package Was Not Signed?

Jul 15, 2011

I just created an rpm and went to install it on another fc12 vm - it said the package was not signed. I searched on this and one place said to edit the yum.conf file to:


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General :: Add Self-signed Certificates To Different Browsers?

May 16, 2011

How can I add self-signed certificates to e.g: Google Chrome under Linux (from the command line)?

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Server :: Generating A Self Signed SSL Certificate?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a server which I use for mail:


The above is the machines actual FQDN. Now because I also use it as a web server to access my website and webmail, I have a pointer record with my domain registrar to also forward all [URL] to the same IP as [URL]. when I generate a SSL self signed certificate for my server. Do I generate one for [URL] or [URL]?

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Fedora :: Install Signed Packages Without Root Password?

Nov 19, 2009

i just read that in fc12 you can install sighned packages without root password?

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Software :: Catching Signed And Unsigned Integers In BASH?

Dec 30, 2010

Solving issues with signed and unsigned numbers in BASH.For a start, Yes, BASH is type independent � I know that. My problem lays in catching executables output into a BASH variable.My executables are not quite UNIX compatible, where returned values are 0 for OK, >0 ERROR. They return 0 for OK, >0 WARNING (only, so move on) and <0 ERROR (abort) instead.

// C++ BIN A
int main(){


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OpenSUSE Network :: Nagios Won't Monitor Service With Self Signed Cert

Jan 14, 2011

Updating my install of OpenSUSE from 11.0 to 11.3 and notice that the Nagios network monitor can no longer probe servers with self signed certs.It appears to be any monitor that used openssl 1.0.0 has an issue. If I install the openssl 0.9.8 libraries and use old plugins linked against it, they work fine.

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Fedora :: Error: Package Libobasis3.3-extension-pdf-import-3.3.1-8.x86_64.rpm Is Not Signed

Mar 21, 2011

When I tried to install LibreOffice 3.3_64 on my Fedora14_64 I received the following error:

Package libobasis3.3-extension-pdf-import-3.3.1-8.x86_64.rpm is not signed Has anyone run into this? Is there a way to fix this?

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Debian :: Create Own Self-signed SSL Certificate To Ensure The Basket Area Remains Secure?

Dec 27, 2010

Things beyond my control are causing me to rush a bit in getting the website moved. I'm working hard to try and get it done, but something else has come up that SSL Certificate.I know that our website's "basket" area is protected by an SSL certificate to ensure customer information, especially credit info, is secure. With the move to Amazon's service, it looks like I may need to create our own self-signed SSL certificate to ensure the basket area remains secure.

I have found guides that walk through how to make one yourself and configuring apache to allow it, but something else has come to mind. The guides I found don't really indicate where the SSL certificate goes afterwards, and also doesn't suggest which sections should be governed by the certificate (as only the basket section uses it, not anything else). How would I find out that information?

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Server :: Can SSL Certificates Be The Same / When Attempting To Use Usermin Or Retrieving Mail Getting That Warning That This Site's Certificate Is Self Signed?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a Server with Webmin, Usermin and Sendmail using pop3s. I have created a seft signed certificate using webmin. Exported it and imported it to the trusted root certification authorities on my client. This fixes the warning message from internet explorer when attempting making a ssl connection to webmin. When attempting to use usermin or retrieving mail I get that warning that this site's certificate is self signed. I look at the certificate and its not the same as the one I created with webmin. My question is. Is possible to have the same certificate be used by each?

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Server :: Postfix Rejecting Self-signed Cert On Remote Smtp Server?

Jun 24, 2011

I've got an uber simple test mail script in php on my awesome new dev machine running Ubuntu:

PHP Code:

Unfortunately, something is preventing mail delivery. I can't tell from this error log whether it's the remote machine rejecting me or whether it's my machine rejecting the self-signed cert on the remote machine:


I'm wondering what I could change in my postfix configuration to remedy this problem.

I tried setting smtp_tls_security_level = may = may but this did not change anything.

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Server :: Alternative To SSL Certificates / Make Self-signed Certificates Work On Most Popular Browsers Without Being Flagged?

Aug 24, 2010

I run a web server on Fedora 12, principally using Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I host a variety of sites, one of which is a family website that contains semi-sensitive personal data for several hundred extended family members, who all have access to the database-driven site.

Until now, I have been using a self-signed SSL certificate to encrypt the data as it is read and written back and forth from my database. Family members have simply had to put up with clicking past certificate warnings as they enter the site, as most browsers flag self-signed certificates as bad. It hasn't really been that much of a bother, but I'd love to do it more professionally. I have looked into buying SSL certificates, but it's a site I host for free and would rather find a cheap or free alternative if possible.

So I'm just fishing for ideas to work with. What are some alternatives to using SSL certificates for moderately strong website encryption? So far, I run only one host on the domain, but may eventually need encryption that would support multiple hosts. Or does anybody know a way to make self-signed certificates work on most popular browsers without being flagged as suspicious?

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Server :: Yum Reports Package "- Is Not Signed"?

Sep 23, 2010

I have configured yum server on my RHEL 5.x box. I just tried to install a particular RPM which is in fact a reference manual of MySQL. Here is what I did:First, listing the available packages:

[root@mahadeva ~]# yum list available
Loading "rhnplugin" plugin


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Ubuntu Security :: Login Panel Is Worse From Security View Point

Jan 19, 2010

ubuntu 9.10 login panel is worse with respect to ubuntu 8 since now all the users with names are shown without a way to hide them!Why don't keep the old way at least as an option?

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Ubuntu Security :: Selecting The 'Available To All Users' Option In Network Mgr Mess With Security?

Oct 15, 2010

To avoid having to input a password for the keyring each time I connect to the net via wireless, I enabled the 'Available to all users' option in Network Manager. Now, my question is this. Are the 'users' it refers to just those created on this machine? Would a drive-by be able to use my network without entering the password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Basics Of Good Security Of Small Commercial Website?

Jan 17, 2011

1. I understand you can protect your files or directories in your website by setting file/directory permissions. The meaning of r w x is clear to me, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Starting with the index.html file, if I wanted to make it so that anyone in the world can read it but can't modify it, do I set its permissions to rwxr-xr-x? If I set it to rwxr--r--, would that mean the file couldn't be served? I mean, what does the x setting do on a .html file, how can a .html file be executable?

2. If file permissions work on the lines of owner-group-others, in the context of a website, who is 'group'? As far as I can tell, there's only the owner, which is me, and others, which is the world accessing the site. Am I correct in thinking that by default, say when creating a website on a shared hosting server, there is no group unless I specifically set one up?

3. My ISP allows the DynDNS.org service, meaning that I could serve a website from my home. It's too early to go that route just yet, but for future reference, I would like to ask about the server software called Hiawatha. It is said to be secure, but having read some evaluations of it, it doesn't seem to offer anything that couldn't be accomplished with Apache or Cherokee, it's just that its security settings are simpler and easier to configure. Am I right about this? Or does Hiawatha truly offer something that the other major server packages don't?

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Ubuntu Security :: Updated Browsers Using Update Manager Have Lost Security Login Pages For Web Mail?

Mar 3, 2011

i updated both browsers i have and lost my secure log-in pages (no padlocks showing ) concerning different Web mail accounts.Just before i did these updates i checked an unrelated thing on-line regarding my sound card of which i kept a copy of and got this message below :

!!ALSA/HDA dmesg
[ 12.762633] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: AM


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Ubuntu Security :: Internet Security Status Feeds Via Conky?

Mar 29, 2010

Conky can be used to display a variety of information on the users desktop. I wanted to use Conky instead to display the current status of security as reported by:

SANS Internet Storm Center
IBM Internet Security Systems
Symantec Threatcon
McAfee Threat Center

I therefore created 4 small scripts which download the current status from these sites, and set the colour of those status's depending on the current value.The conky configuration allows for a semi-transparent background - though this is optional.Attached is an example image showing the 4 different colours.Also attached is an archive with the 4.sh files, .conkyrc and draw_bg.lua (from here http:[url].....

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Ubuntu Security :: Guidance On Installing Basic Security Software?

May 29, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu on a desktop. Can anyone give me some guidance on installing basic security software? In particular, I'm looking for a firewall, antivirus, and anti-spyware/malware utilities.

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Ubuntu Security :: Changing Password Seem To Be Potential Security Hazard?

Aug 3, 2010

I already posted a topic similar to this concerning the Desktop OS version, but this deals with the Netbook because unlike the Desktop, the Netbook is less cooperative. Allow me to elaborate: Today (or rather yesterday since it's not after midnight where I am), I changed my password because I was hopelessly confounded about how to get my Wireless Network card up and running after it had been installed and I was allowing my dad to use it. This issue has since been resolved, however...

When I chose my password during the original installation, there was no mention of it being "too simple." This is where the Desktop OS and the Netbook OS differ. The desktop will let me change it in the terminal without any errors. The Netbook will not. When I've attempted to revert it back to the original, it will not let me do so in the User Profile or in the Terminal. The Passwords and Encryption Keys application also does not appear to help.

So now even after I've changed it to a different "complicated" password I am still prompted to insert two different passwords since I changed my user password but I am unable to change the password I input during the installation. A bit screwy methinks. This is extremely important. I'd like to know how to change the original installation password.

If I can't change the main password on my laptop then this is a serious potential security breach just waiting to happen (especially since it's on a laptop and I will be hauling it around with me) and I will most likely install a different OS if this isn't resolved --- It would be very unfortunate since I spent the whole day fixing it and I really enjoy the interface. Luckily I can live with this on my Desktop since I'm not going to be hauling it around with me everywhere when the school year starts.

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Ubuntu Security :: Router - Port Forwarding And Network Security

Nov 11, 2010

As it stands I have a small home network operating behind my modem/router. Some of the ports on this are forwarded to my PS3 for gaming but I was looking at forward some for my file server.

At the moment I've forwarded port xxx22 to port 22 on my server for SSH for instance. ANd similarly 21 for FTP (although it doesnt seem to want to connect for any more than a few seconds using that). What I was thinking of doing was placing a small website for a handful of ppl to use on the server too and port forward again - xxx80 to 80. It works just fine but I'm a little concerned on the security front.

As I've moved the port to something different from the outside world I'm presuming I will have already cut the potential for malicious folks to wander in but is there anything else I should be doing? At the moment there's no firewall operating on the server, usually as its hidden behind the modem/router. But if I open this thign up more permanently what should I be doing? I've read a few articles on it but I'm always left with the overwhelming thought of "Thats if theres no firewall in my router" as they just seem to do the same.

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Ubuntu Security :: Is Posting The Hardware Address A Security Risk

Feb 28, 2011

When posting results from ifconfig, it shows the hardware address of etho, etc. Would you consider that to be a security risk ?

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Ubuntu Security :: Installing LAMP Server On Laptop - Security?

May 8, 2011

I'm concerned about security of having a LAMP server on my laptop as having any server makes the system less secure. However, if I were to create a new partition and install a lamp server on that and only use it when offline, would the security of my main partition be affected at all?

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Ubuntu Security :: Why Isn't Ufw Enabled By Default For Network Security At Installation

Jun 7, 2011

The default Firewall ufw is not enabled by default at the time of installation and it has to be enabled by the user.Isn't this a security risk or is the user whether ufw is enabled or not secured from external threats?I am not much knowledgeable about network security But I am trying to understand the Ubuntu mentality behind this default setting.

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Ubuntu Security :: Best Solution To Protect Server From Security Threats?

Jul 22, 2011

I've recently been running a game server from my desktop, as well as a web page to accompany it.I use the ports 80/8123(HTTP)/5900(VNC)/50500(GAME)/5839(ADMINISTRATION).What's the best solution to protect my server from security threats? On a side note, I plan on adding a MySQL server later, but I want to keep it local only.

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