Ubuntu Security :: Cross Platform Encryption For Notes And Passwords?

Mar 10, 2010

I would like to be able to store all my important details and passwords in such a way that it is encrypted, easy to get the information out and is cross-platform. Basically, I am thinking that if I kick the bucket that I would like to make it as easy as possible for others to be able to access this information using a pre-arranged password.

Ideally I would like the files to contain the program that is needed to extract the data i.e. importantinfoLinux.sh inportantinfoWin.exe (Just like a self-containing zip). I haven't found anything along those lines.

The things I am currently thinking of is:

1) A password database program that is cross-platform like KeePass. WIth the bundle contining the relevant installers for win, linux and OS X and the database file.

2) An AES encrypted zip of the data with relevant programs to open it e.g. 7-zip on windows, peazip on linux and OS X

Has anyone got any thoughts on this? Any self-containing java encryption apps?

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Ubuntu :: Cross Platform Sticky Notes App?

Mar 21, 2010

Im looking for a program that will sync my sticky nes between my mac and my ubuntu netbook.

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Ubuntu Security :: Is There Way To Make Cross-platform Hidden Files?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm sure most of you know that making a file or folder hidden is simple in the Linux world: Add a period (.) before the name. However, if you were to save such a file or directory to a flash drive, it would only be hidden on Linux systems. If you plug the flash drive into a Windows machine, Windows will happily show the file.Is there a way to make cross-platform hidden files?

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Ubuntu Security :: Security, Passwords & Encryption Keys?

Jun 7, 2011

I am not very security minded...I'm aware of it, and always made sure I had up-to-date overall protection in Windows but firewalls, and the blasted passwords are largely a thorn in my side!When I got my iPhone last year I suddenly discovered password managers & "wallets" to keep all that kind of information in and syncable across different devices. My life got so much easier. Of course now I need to figure out encryption keys, and how they work (I'm clueless). I also need to find a program or system that I can move my existing low-tech info (mailnly user name & passwords) that will also accomodate the increased needs of Ubuntu security and still be sync-able. I started a little research weeks ago, but my current "wallet" only exports .csv so I quit since I'm going to have to do a lot of data entry whatever I go with.So here goes:

1) what is the difference (bare bones) between using an encryption key (e.k.) vs. a standard user created password? what situations are better suited for e.k.?

2) I have seahorse (default intall with Ubuntu I guess) but the only thing in it is Login under passwords which leads to a login keyring (?) and a drop-down list of about 6-10 of the gazillon passwords I use daily. The other tabs are for keys which I don't have any concept of.

3) I know FF also "remembers" user id & passwords as you choose to have it do so. Is that information transferable into seahorse or another program?

4)I'm also (today) getting ready to really set up my system for user names & security across my little home network. How can I integrate that into whichever program/app I go with to store my pwds and keys?

5)give me links to fairly current documentation on this stuff?

6) Any program/app recommendations.Pros/cons uses, what they can & can't do or be used for, etc.

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Ubuntu Security :: Cross Platform File Encrypt/decrypt Software?

Feb 15, 2010

I want to be able to encrypt files on my netbook with Ubuntu 9.04 UNR and on my MacBook (Mac OS 10.6.2) and be able to exchange them and decrypt them on the other platform.The Ubuntu command Edit>Encrypt is so easy to use but works only on the netbook. I haven't, thus far, found a program to open them on the Mac or to create an encrypted file on the Mac that I can open on the netbook.

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Security :: Encryption - Two Passwords Associated With One Account ?

Mar 11, 2011

Is it possible to have two passwords associated with one account, one that is the actual one, and another one, a duress password, that upon entering gives a similar (desktop) environment with "decoy data"?

The idea is to have the bogus password go to an encrypted home drive that looks as if it were the real deal, but it is wiping particular sensitive (encrypted) data that is visible only with the real password in the background, so that the actual data that need to be protected are not compromised. While the person who unlocked the computer tries to find the information on it between all the rubbish files, the real files are securely wiped. The files are very sensitive in nature, so it's better to have then destroyed than have unauthorized people access them, in the event of that happening.

I happen to know that TrueCrypt has a similar option but that requires an entire decoy operating system (and I think that might be a bit conspicuous), but is there a native linux way to do it?

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Security :: Create A LUKS Encryption Drive With Different Passwords?

Jun 20, 2010

I'd like to know if there's a simple way to create a LUKS encryption drive with different passwords? A real one that leads to one set of data, and another that leads to a whole different set of data. Is this even possible with LUKS?

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Debian Programming :: Cross Platform Sql Gui Apps

Jun 8, 2014

What are the availability`s for cross platform sql , gui, application development using raw code in the Debian environment. I would rather work with raw code. I have been working with PHP MySQL, need to advance to Universe Application Development cross platform Raw Code for both mobile and desk top.

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Programming :: Cross-Platform Compiling -m32 Flag

May 14, 2010

I have an odd thing. And thats the following:

I entered: gcc raw.c -m32 -g -static -o raw

And I got:

I installed all bin32 libs I am on a x64 system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cross Platform Network Manager: Wpa_gui?

Mar 11, 2010

I am looking to find a program similar to nm-applet which can run on NetBSD. So far, I have found wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui. Am I on the right tracks? Basically, I want to scan for wireless networks and connect to them. When I start wpa_gui, I get "Could not find status from wpa_supplicant".

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Debian Programming :: Way To Create Cross-platform GUI Application

Oct 30, 2014

I'm looking for a way to create a cross-platform GUI application. The result must be able to run on linux, windows and OSX. And it must be a point-and-click GUI.For development I should be able to rely on Open-Source tools on linux only (that means no access to Windows or OSX)The target should be able to install the result relatively easily, that means any dependencies must be freely available, and the setup steps must be very minimal (probably means no installing development tools or running compilers)

My first thought was java, but the standard Swing GUI can look a bit ugly on some platforms. So I'm wondering if there's anything else. My next thought was C++/Qt, but I don't think I can cross-compile this from Debian for Windows or OSX, can I? Next I thought of python and PyQt, but it looks like PyQt isn't available for OSX. And finally I even thought of making some kind of web application running on a tiny web server of some kind, then accessing it with a native browser, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't meet the "easy to install" criteria. I'm finding this so tricky, do all the existing cross-platform applications use natively-compiled C++ for this? Or is there an obvious alternative that I'm overlooking?

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General :: Finding A Cross-platform 'Split' Utility?

Aug 10, 2010

I need to transfer a 4Gbyte file from my Linux netbook to a friends WinXP desktop. And I'd like to it with a usb flash drive, but it can't handle a file larger than 2Gbyte. A limitation due to the underlying FAT32 filesystem. But I don't wish to reformat my usb as ext3 either.

So I need to split my 4GByte file into smaller chunks. And the 'split' utility needs to be available on both Linux and the WinXP operating systems.

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Software :: Finding A Cross Platform (Win) LAN Chat Application?

Mar 5, 2010

I am looking for a cross-platform LAN IM software for use on my home network, i've got some windows vista & Debian boxes. Is there any such software? I have looked around sourceforge and freshmeat. I tried J-Lan Communicator, it didnt work

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Programming :: Cross-platform LAN File Exchange Program?

Sep 2, 2010

I recently faced a problem. At my college, I linked my laptop with my friend's laptop with an ad-hoc wifi network. I wanted to send him a file. I was running Ubuntu, and he was running XP. Unfortunately, I could not find an easy way to send him the file. Another problem I faced was when I wanted to transfer the contents of my hard disk to another computer. I had to install Filezilla server on the other computer, and upload the files from one computer to the other.

I feel that its a really cumbersome method of transferring files in the same network. Mobile phones have bluetooth, and a file can be sent to another mobile very easily without any fuss. Does anyone know whether any such program exists already? If not, I want to write such a program that will allow one user to add another user to a personal network, and send or recieve files and/or communicate in other ways. The only language I know is Python (self-taught). I was wondering what GUI framework to use. I've never written a GUI program before, and would like to hear your opinions. This will be a very basic program, and must be able to run on many platforms.

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Programming :: How To Design Cross Platform Computer Software

Jun 3, 2010

I want to learn how to create computer software/programs. I want to be able to design them to be cross platform (Win32, OSX, Linux). I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of courses I need to take for this? And would it be possible to study by myself and learn it for free?

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Programming :: Finding A Cross Platform Library That Allow To Run Another Program?

Aug 19, 2010

Is there any equivalent of WaitFOrMultipleObjects on Linux?

I was finding a cross Platform library that allow you to run another program from your C++ application. I found POCO but it does not support functionality like WaitFOrMultipleObjects for both (linux and windows). I tried boost Process but its not official till now.

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Programming :: What Cross-platform GUI Toolkit Can Work For Both Mac And Windows

Dec 27, 2009

I'm trying to persuade my classmate migrating to linux but they always fall back to windows when homeworks require creating GUI (graphical user interface) applications. Not only because C# and Window forms/WPF is so sissily easy to use. But some teachers only test homework on Window machine. I have tried pyGTK and wxPython but they have some flaws. wxPython seem a little bit messy with so many look-alike class name and it's ID based event binding is somewhat awkward. pyGTK seems nice and neat but it doesn't have Mac port yet.

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Programming :: Maintain A Cross Platform SDL/OpenGL Project?

Feb 11, 2011

I have made a game for Linux and want to release it soon (on linux & windows). Since its SDL/OpenGL and I dont do any special things it shouldn't be much porting to windows. Problem: Maintaining I have the game in code::blocks SDL project on Linux. So I got wine and installed wined Code::Blocks with MingW so I can cross compile on Linux. For another game I made, I used a Makefile which has "if" statements to set up compile variables. And everything else is totally identical to windows & linux (code, source files and etc...)

With codeblocks I got used to not having to worry about makefiles and it did well and I better focused on making the game rather than everytime a new file is added editing the makefile and etc... Is there some nice ways to have a cross platform environment to make it easy to make games for Linux and windows. I'm thinking of making my own system of auto-generating a makefile (essentially upgrading the setup I have for my previous game to auto add entry's to the makefile & some other stuff).

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Ubuntu Security :: Multiple Passwords \ Possible To Have Two Passwords For One User Account In 9.10?

Jan 7, 2010

I wonder if it is possible to have two passwords for one user account in 9.10. I have a long login password (5 words about 45 characters with spaces caps). I would like to set a shorter password for Authentication, sudo, etc. While retaining the original for logging in.In short:Have long password to login to computer.Have short password for everything after login.

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Cross-platform Development Environment With Qt - Qt-sdk Package Missing

Feb 13, 2011

I was trying to setup a cross-platform development environment with qt, an thus looked for the qt-sdk package I used to install on my 32-bit machine.This package appears to have been deleted from 64-bit ubuntu maverick, but I do not understand the details...

- Has this package been renamed, or is there another one in place of it?

- Is this package going to be available again in the future?

PS: I am aware that one can install the sdk by downloading the installer, but for unattended install I prefer the apt package...

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Cross-Platform Media Manager For MP3 Players

Jan 25, 2010

I want to manage music on a mobile phone. It's an MP3/MP4 player SmartPhone iPhone clone from this (de-spammed) address:
xxxx: [URL]
I want an app that can be used on both windows and Linux computers and that is as good as iTunes for managing media. What do you recommend?

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Ubuntu :: Use Passwords And Encryption Keys For Remote SSH?

May 1, 2011

I just recently upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, but using the classic desktop instead of unity, mainly because unity sucks big time, but that's a different story, anyway, when I used 10.10 I had a key setup for access to my remote SSH server, but now when I try to set up a new key using passwords and encryption, I get:- "Couldn't configure secure shell keys on remote computer", followed by:- '** (process:2532):WARNING **:couldn't open fd 27:Bad file desciptor' 3 lines of this with different process numbers then I got ''** (process:2535):WARNING **:couldn't open fd 27:Bad file descriptor: Permission Denied. Please try again'

I have not changed anything on the remote server at all. I can access SSH using PuTTy sucessfuly, but I want to set up a key using the ubuntu passwords and encryption key program, but since ugrading to 11.04 I can not do that for some reason.

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General :: Cross-platform / Command Line Utilities To Convert PDF / DOC And DOCX To Text

Jul 28, 2011

I am making a text search engine. I need to first convert binary documents to text. I want to go with cross-platform (we develop both on windows and linux) command line (so that I can get the output via python subprocess). What are the choices for this?

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General :: What Encryption Does The /etc/shadow File Use For Passwords

Nov 26, 2009

I am just wondering what encryption method the shadow file uses, so that I may be able to manually change it. I ask this because I am trying to make a web page that will allow people to change their linux password via a browser.

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CentOS 5 :: Shadow Passwords - Changing Encryption Method From MD5 To SHA?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm looking to find out exactly how to go about changing the encryption method of shadow passwords from MD5 to something a bit stronger, like SHA. I've been looking around for a bit now and haven't found out how to do it. I've gathered that I'll most likely need to change the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. Right now, there is a line that looks like this:

password sufficient pam_unix.so md5 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok.I'm guessing the md5 should be changed to something else, like sha256. What else? I know I'll need to reset all passwords once the change is made, but I thought there was someplace else that controls how the passwd command encrypts passwords.

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Software :: Finding A Portable Encryption Method For Passwords File?

Oct 4, 2009

i am wanting to put a list of common passwords on a usb stick, but i want the file to be password protected. I also need to be able to access it from more than one computer (all linux, maybe a mac too).

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Software :: Cross Compiling Software - With A Proprietary Toolchain - Unrecognized Host Platform?

Feb 28, 2011

We have a device here at work running an Arm processor, I have a cross-compiler for the device, it was distributed to our company with the linux distribution we are using on the device (montavista linux). I would love to be able to cross compile some software for this device, however, I really suck at this kind of thing.

Whenever I try to cross compile software, I usually get an error like "unrecognized host platform" (I'm paraphrasing obviously), but the toolchain is not that much different from a generic Arm toolchain, just with some extra libraries installed and stuff. I tried using other arm toolchains, but those are a crapshoot, they compile fine, but they don't always run correctly on the device (for instance, busybox).

The reason I get the unrecognized platform error is because the toolchain has a weird prefix on it (arm_v5t_le-) which the configure script can't handle, but if it would just try to cross compile it like it does with other arm targets, it would work fine. How do I make it work?

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General :: Run "make Xconfig" For Cross Platform?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to run the kernel configurator for my embedded ARM platform (PXA310) but so far I can only get it to run for my build platform, an i386/32 machine. I've tried running "make ARCH=arch/arm/mach-PXA3xx xconfig" in various combinations, but the maker always complains that it can't find the target "arch/arm/mach-PXA3xx". Doesn't matter what order I put the arguments on the command line.

I also have CROSS-COMPILE defined in the environment correctly and can otherwise build for my embedded target. I just can't run the config tool; I need to enable USB On the Go.

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General :: Cross-compile "sudo" Source For Power-PC Platform Using Montavista Tool Chain?

Jan 30, 2010

I'm trying to cross-compile "sudo" source for Power-PC platform using Montavista tool chain. I'm getting the following error message during configuration: checking host system type... Invalid configuration `ppc_82xx': machine `ppc_82xx' not recognized It is clear that it has found the cross-compiler and configure knows that we are cross-compiling but it fails to recognize the machine. The complete dump follows:

[vhn@localhost sudo-1.7.2p2]$ ./configure --host=ppc_82xx
configure: WARNING: If you wanted to set the --build type, don't use --host.
If a cross compiler is detected then cross compile mode will be used.
configure: Configuring Sudo version 1.7.2p2
checking whether to lecture users the first time they run sudo... yes
checking whether sudo should log via syslog or to a file by default... syslog


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Ubuntu :: Using The "Passwords And Encryption Keys" The Export Menu Is Sensitive/disabled

Oct 19, 2010

I have a lot of passwords and keys for FTP and SSH connections that I need to keep. When using the "Passwords and Encryption Keys" the Export menu is sensitive/disabled.

I need to back them up, amongst other things, as I'll be re-partitioning my hard drive which will most likely result in a fresh install of Ubuntu.

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