Ubuntu :: Search For Term In Multiple Files?
Mar 7, 2011I am trying to search for a term in a bunch of files. Is there a way to do this. I would like to search all the files in a directory and its subdirectories for a specific term.
View 1 RepliesI am trying to search for a term in a bunch of files. Is there a way to do this. I would like to search all the files in a directory and its subdirectories for a specific term.
View 1 RepliesI would like to search for a term within a batch of text files and copy the files containing that term to a folder.
I've read the man pages for Grep, Ack-grep and looked through nautilus, dolphin, midnight commander as well as tried beagle, tracker and google desktop (and looked throught these forums).
I can do this function easily with xp's wagging dog in the Windows search, but would like to find a way in Linux.
I'm looking for a simple text editor which could highlight all occurrences of search term in the opened text file. This is a feature that I particularly like in the Windows Notepad++ editor where any selected word is automatically highlighted in the rest of the document.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to pipe the output of a command into grep as the search TERM, rather than the text to be searched, like this for example
cat /var/log/auth.log | grep date "&b &d"
so that I only see the lines in auth.log for the current day...but obviously that line doesn't work.... is there a way to do this with grep, or even another command?
Long story short, I got a folder with nearly 800,000 php files. I would like to search each file for a string and if it exists in that file, the file gets copied to another directory. Is this possible from the terminal? So far I got: grep -i -n -r 'ppr-1792' * | cp $1 move_to_here
But this obviously doesn't work. $1 needs to be the file name that contains matching text.
Hello, I need some help searching through multiple files, finding a line and replacing that line. The line I am searching for is:
password key ******* 1222554
ultimately I want to be able to delete the numbers after the asterisks . my thoughts are to create a script that will search for the line password key ******* and delete it then replace it with password key ******* my files are located in /opt and they are all txt files.
How to search multiple words in multiple lines, inside a directory including sub-directory? Pls. give easy example. I want to search the files (in /xx folder and all subfolders) that have header.h included and used x() function. I tried $grep -r "header.h" | grep -r "x(" /Folder/subfolder/ > search.log
View 7 Replies View Relatedfor example we search a file for a certain keyword..is there any application available which will enable us to search for a single keyword in all the files within the folder ?i want to search for a keyword in about 1000 files..if i do it manually it will take loads of time..
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a way to perform a search for multiple file extensions at once in Gnome? I know that M$ Windows Explorer had this capability, but I'm just not sure how to do it in Gnome, or if it's possible. I just want to be able to perform searches for Video, Music, and Document file types, without having to perform a separate search for each file extension. Example: When doing a search for Video file types (.avi,.mp4,.mov,.wma, etc.), I would like to do one search for all files that have these file extensions, instead of doing one search for .avi files, a second search for .mp4 files, another for .mov files, etc.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to do search and replace in multiple files. I've seen that it possible to create a sed script but I haven't got the talent to do it myselfWhatd is to locate all instances of a word - lets say 'day' - and replace it with for example 'night' in all odm-documents in a specific folder. It would be great if the search only matched whole words and was case sensitive.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to do the following without using the Adobe reader?Adobe Reader (acroread) has a nice search feature that allows to search for strings inside all .pdf files in certain directories (e.g. show me all lines containing the word "recursion" in all PDF files in or below directory "/papers", which gives you a neat clickable list and the sentence for each hit).I much prefer Okular for viewing PDFs, but I am at a loss on how to duplicate the above feature without acroread under linux. The KDE FindFile apparently does not search inside PDFs, or at least not in an intelligible way. I do have Nepomuk running, hogging resources, but I don't understand how to query it - if this is possible at all. So what can I do besides using acroread?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I use grep to search for line with either 'res' or 'rep'? i try "grep -e res|rep" or gre -e "rep|rep" but that does not work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to search and replace a multi line pattern in a php file using awk.The pattern starts with
<div id="navbar">
and ends with
I have noticed that the files and folders search in Unity, only shows up those files which have been amended (or possibly just opened) since the install.
i was wondering if there was a way i could have the search index (or something vaguely equivalent) all the files on my machine. This is especially important given that i reinstall the OS every six months on a new distribution cycle, copying all my old files across.
Without being able to see my old files the search is pretty much reduced to a recent history search.
I just want to search file names, not their content.
Using gnome-search-tool, if I search for "word1 word3" I can't find "word1 word2 word3.txt" but I do find it (and too many others) if I just search for "word1"
I would have thought a boolean AND search would just be automatic, but I guess not. I've already come across searchmonkey, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to set it up to do this - i.e. I don't want to have to use regular expressions or be typing "*" all over the place.
P.S. I do use google desktop search, but I hate using it as the results are way too narrow to be of any use and haven't been able to figure out how to widen it.
P.P.S. I also found this: In terminal type gconf-editor and find gnome-search-tool in the Apps. Then look for the field quick_search_second_scan_excluded_paths and change the slash to nothing, i.e. delete the "/".
It worked for my ubuntu 10.04 pc, but not this one (ubuntu 9.1) - so I thought maybe there's another way...
Im new to the forum and fairly new to Linux as well. my apologies if this is posted in the wrong section. My problem is How can you search for a file in multiple machines (like a server farm) ? For example i log onto machine num1 and want to search for a file named "xxx.yyy" which may be in one of 4 machnies. What i do right now is manually log into each machine and run the find command. However i have heard that it is possible to do it via a couple of simple commands. I have looked into pssh and cssh as well as ssh tunneling (along with public key authentication to stop the machines requesting a password every time i log in) and unfortunately i was unable to find an answer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm fairly comfortable with emacs but I can't seem to find how to do this. I deal with a lot of text files and find myself performing a lot of regular expression replacements to correct the formatting of the text -- or to extract certain tidbits of data from large ugly-looking files.
I know how to perform a regular expression replacement in one buffer at a time. But how do you perform a regular expression search and replace across all open buffers? I have found a method to perform a regex search and replace across a directory by marking files but I need to do it in the open buffers.
Below is extract of my file:
What I need is to replace "--destination-path=" with "--destination-path=/home/dest"
i.e. desired output is ----destination-path=/home/dest
I could achieve it with below command
$cat outgoing-xfer|grep destination-path|perl -pi -e "s/destination-path=/destination-path=/home/dest/g"
But the problem is that in this case i just wanted to append "/home/dest" for which I could easily escape "/" with just two "", but I wonder if i have a long path like "/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j" I will have to escape so many /. Is there any other way by which I can avoid escaping forward slash.
I tried following:
But receiving follo error
Bareword found where operator expected at -e line 1, near "s/destination-path=/'destination-path=/home"
syntax error at -e line 1, near "s/destination-path=/'destination-path=/home"
Bad name after dest' at -e line 1. tried with enclosing in double quotes as well but in vain
have a large amount of 7z files in multiple folders which I need to extract.The directory structure is like this:
multiple subfolders/
1 or more 7z files per subfolder
I would like to get the output of this action in one separate folder, all together in 1 folder.How can I do this?
I often use the rpl command to make changes to multiple html files at once. For example:
rpl -R '<br />' '<br /><br />' mydirectory However, I haven't been able to figure out how to change multiple lines. For example, let's say I want to change all occurrences of :
<br />
<br />
<br />
I've tried
rpl -R '<br />
<br />' '<br />' mydirectory
but that didn't work. how to do this with rpl or some other way?
I am to rename all the files within a directory (which contains multiple subdirectories) recursively without invalid characters.
I tried the coding posted above.
find . -type f -printf '%p
' | while read file; do
oldfile=$(basename "$file")
newfile=$(echo "$oldfile" | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/_/g')
if [ ! "$newfile" == "$oldfile" ]; then
echo mv "$file" "${file%$oldfile}$newfile"
but I get an error on both of them stating "find: bad option -printf find: [-H | -L] path-list predicate-list"
Is there any way, either with something included or with a program that can be set up to search for files in Ubuntu? I need something like the search for files or folders that was available in Windoze 98 and 2000. I have tried the built in search under "places" and I have found no way to get it to search a full drive or all drives.
View 5 Replies View Relatedfind a file or content by name recursively similar to the ms-windows function search with Linux? I can do find . | grep test.html suspecting it's not the best.
For instance, running find . | grep terms.htmlgives my expected result while locate terms.html doesn't even though locate gets updated db - it might have to do with that it's an USB stick the file is on?
Recently one of the worm is spread in our network & so many unwated files are getting copied on our ubuntu file server like comment.htt, desktop.ini, winfile.exe Now we have clean that worm from our network but few files are remained on ubuntu server as well as in backup folders and i want to search those files and delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need the ability to search for file content in documents and spreadsheets and I need to be able to do this from the folder level.When I hover my mouse over the "search" button in the file browser toolbar, it says that it can "locate documents and folders on this computer by name or content," but that is not the case. It can only locate documents and folders by name. Is there something I need to download that will allow me to do this? I have nautilus file manager.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI recently used scalpel to recover .doc files. I only need to find just one file, but scalpel retrieved thousands and thousands of them, all titled after a sequence of numbers. If I could only search within them all for a single word I'd be able to identify the ones to check out vs. the duds immediately.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can I search for one 6 letter word throughout all of my Ubuntu files?
Sounds simple but I've not found what I'm looking for. The bottom line is that I am wanting to clean up a file association in mime. I would have had more success if I were searching for this under XP. I must be doing something wrong.
Since I trialled a commercial company's map product under Wine somewhere in my system is still their name. Any gpx file I choose to download and the company's name appears in properties. Ggx files are also associated with Wine whilst an untainted PC in the house just has "Browse" as an "open with" option.
First things first, how do I find and delete this commercial company's name totally from any part of my system? How do I find their name in one or more of my files?
I'm trying to look through a big folder of air photos to see if there are some world files that have duplicate coordinates. I want to find *.jgw files that have 123 in line 5 and 456 in line 6. I first thought grep could do this for me but grep 123 *.jgw|grep 456 finds only files where 123 and 456 are on the same line. Is there a sed trick for this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat's the best software people know of for searching for files in Ubuntu?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy Search option under Places is not available. Earlier it was available but today when I checked its not there. How to restore it.
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