Ubuntu :: Running Executable Text Files And Permissions And File Types
Nov 10, 2010
I checked the 'Run executable text files when they are opened' option in Nautilus preferences. I have noticed that files such as .sh and .bin launch by simply clicking on then (which is great). However I have also noticed that an ordinary .txt and .html file must not be marked as executable in order to launch it in Gedit and Firefox respectively via clicking. Otherwise you must right click and open with every time. What file types need to have execute permissions? What file types never need to have execute permissions?
I have created some text executable files and put them on my desktop. In the way of background I created them in gedit. Then used chmod ugo+x (filename) to make them executable. One of them is a ping test to see if a printer is on. Text in file = ping Others are to turn my laptop touchpad on and off. text in file = sudo modprobe -i psmouse. I have 2 questions about executable text files:
- When I click on an executable text file it present a window with 4 options (Run in terminal, display, cancel, run). Can I set a parameter or do something else so it just runs in terminal? I know I can set an option in Nautilus to run them but when I select run nothing seems to happen. In addition I would want to set this option on a case by case basis not globally in Nautilus. If there is an option or flag where it would run this file in terminal I would use it on my printer ping test.
- When I click on these executable text files to turn my touchpad on and off, the text within the file uses the sudo command so that requires that I input my password. After I click on either of these files a window appears with the 4 options (Run in terminal, display, cancel, run). I select run in terminal, a terminal window opens and requests my password. Subsequent to inputting my password the file executes fine.
Is there a way to set a parameter or do something else so I don't need to not only select the run in terminal option from (run in terminal, display, cancel, run) but also not to enter my password?
I am on Ubuntu 11.04 and using Libre Office 3.3.2 to compose new documents and am saving them using .doc, .ppt and .xls files. (due to having to share them with others who are on Windows systems)
I have a lot of doc files and I need to search for text INSIDE these files. I am perplexed with the fact that no search tool is able to search for text INSIDE these file types. "cat" can display them of course, but grep is not able to locate text INSIDE these file types. I even tried to save a .doc file as an .odt file, but no luck. The Applications>Accessories>Search for Files does not search INSIDE doc, xls or ppt with the option "Contains the text".
Basically, I have a selection of .rdp shortcuts to various machines, but they are considered the file type "plain text document (text/plain)" so if I change it to open with to tsclient, all of that file type opens with tsclient. And if I change it to gedit, all the rdp files open with gedit. Is there a way to create a custom file type dependent on the extension rdp, or is there a way to set tsclient to open by extension rather than filetype?
I have on my windows machine several hundred files that are a format of .nc .ncs for a CNC machine. I need to convert them to txt which is something as easy as opening in notepad and then saving as .txt but there are so many that this kind of action would take way too long.
The reason I am writing the linuxquestions is because I would feel more comfortable in loading a live CD and using some sort of terminal command to do this than I would to download one of the many "freeware" type programs I have found for windows (even more so since I have had a root kit before and had to start all the way over to get rid of it).
I need to know:
1. Is this possible to do with the terminal without super advanced knowledge.
2. Can one please point me in the right direction; something to read or an example
I created a bash script to help me mount my network shares.However when I link the file to the desktop and dbl click on the link it asks me if I want toCode:RUN IN TERMINAL - DISPLAY - CANCEL - RUNHow can I get it to RUN IN TERMINAL each time I dbl click it?
when I create a new text file in my pendrive, it become executable automatically. The text file name append with asterisk(*). However when I create a text file in Desktop, the created text file is normal and is not executable.
Another thing is when I copy a PDF file to my pendrive, it become executable file with asterisk (*) append after the PDF name. I've try copy whatever to pendrive but all end up with executable file.
I'm using Grsync and I want to be able to plug in any drive into my laptop and run rsync on it to back up all the user documents on there to another external hdd and to exclude everything else. Working on the principle that user documents don't always appear where we'd expect I want rsync to look through the whole drive and filter what it backs up by file type. I am only having partial success, however.
I am using the 'filter' option in the 'additional options' box. I am using the command Code: filter='merge /home/tim/Desktop/filter' and I am attaching the filter file I have written. (I have added the .txt extention to upload it).
I have tested this script on my home folder and here's what's going wrong. Rsync will copy the entire directory structure regardless of whether there are any files to be copied over in those directories. I am also getting only some file types getting included and not others. .odt and .ods files are copied, for instance, but not .doc or .rtf.
I need to instal JDownloader, I downloaded as a linux version and this is the command line output (Archive Manager):
Archive: /root/Downloads/JDownloader/JDownloader.exe [/root/Downloads/JDownloader/JDownloader.exe] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /root/Downloads/JDownloader/JDownloader.exe or /root/Downloads/JDownloader/JDownloader.exe.zip, and cannot find /root/Downloads/JDownloader/JDownloader.exe.ZIP, period.
Is it possible to have a text file somewhere that contains a list of all users that are allowed access to a given folder? This would be fantastic for file servers on a network.
Write a script that will take a list of filenames as arguments and output a count of how many of them are regular files, and how many of them are scripts (if the file is executable, it will be assumed to be a script file)
I am having problems with scp during a backup operationI added a ps -ef before and after the scp operation used during the backup.The backup is a script to backup a Zimbra ServerI am including the code segment that I am having problems
Code: # DRCP Section. To scp newly created archives to a remote system if [ "$DRCP" = "yes" ]
I am running into a snag on .exe files in Lucid. I have Wine installed, but I can not open the file as it is blocked from executing with a window popping up telling me that this file was blocked due to security reasons. I go into the files properties and try to change the permission but that does not help. Is there a way to get around this? Possibly in the terminal as root?
I have user A who owns a .jar file I have user B. who needs to run the .jar file I have Java which is owned by root.
I would like to work out whether/how user B can run the .jar file, in Java, with the permissions of user A. As I understand it, a running process in Linux typically takes the permissions of the user who executes it. However, the way I'd like to configure user B, the permissions I want them to have wouldn't be sufficient for the process to successfully run.I know you can also set a process to take the permissions of the owner of that process, but in this case the actual... executing process would be Java, which runs the .jar file, and I def. don't need this, let alone every single instance of Java on my server, to execute with root priviledges. So like I said, basically I am trying to work out how to let user B run this specific process with the process elevated to this set of priviledges which user B otherwise does not have.
I recently started running a Minecraft server for myself and some friends and am running it via Linux. I'd like to set things up so that a friend of mine can, as needed, telnet into the server and restart Minecraft as needed, as well as a couple of other things, without giving this friend the same access rights I've given myself to the same files. The minecraft server process runs in a screen, and I've worked out where screen can be set up so multiple users can get into it. However, if I'm running minecraft under my own user name, then that seems like it will just end up letting my friend, from his account, screen into my own account. SO the brilliant idea I had was, what if I had one user account which only existed to run the server, which both me and my friend could screen into as needed, which wouldn't have any more rights to anything than my friend has with the exception of being able to execute this one .jar in Java.
I'm sure that the issue I'm having is easily solvable once I gain some understanding about copying files - and file permissions in Ubuntu. Here's my situation:
I have an external HDD where I like to back up some files (I mess around with distros on my main machine and feel less stressed knowing the important stuff is backed up). I have an ext4 partition on the external drive where I have copied files, both through the terminal (cp 'filename' /dev/sdc3) and by drag and drop (gnome-terminal).
The problem is, once the files are copied, most are inaccessible. I can view them, but some directories and individual files say I do not have permission to open them. Others are accessible. This is from the same user profile that copied them.
How do I see what's going on? More importantly, how do I make files on external drives available to any user or OS (that can handle ext4)? I want to make sure that if my whole system gets effed that I could still do a reinstall of my OS and then access those backup files.
I've just read that I can't change the file permissions of files and folders if they are sitting in what was my old Windows D: drive. Is this correct? If so what is the work-around?
I don't want to have to cut and paste that entire D: drive's contents over to a recognised Ubuntu folder. I had in my mind that this D drive would continue to be my data dumping ground, to which I need read/write access to.
I'm having an issue that I've seen before on other OS's (Solaris), but I'm coming up blank on solving for an NFS mount shared from RedHat I've googled this, and looked through all the FAQs and mail lists I can find.
The issue is this:
Whenever a new file is created from an NFS client to an NFS mounted file system, the group and world permissions are being stripped such that any new file created ends up with 0600 as the file permissions. On the server, I have tried various sharing options (all_squash, anonuid, anongid, no_acl) with no luck. I've looked at the underlying mount point ownership and permissions, checked the file system acl's (getfacl...they match the visible file system), and set the custom SELinux (not mine) config to permissive. The file system is on an LVM partition, and has an SELinux group assigned in /etc/fstab. I've unmounted it, and performed a vanilla mount (no options). No amount of trial and error is working. Any file created by any user on an nfs client machine creates files with 0600 permissions, and local users on the nfs server create files with permissions based off their umask settings. I originally thought it was due to mismatches in permissions from Windows to Linux (The server also NFS shares to Windows 2K boxes using hclnfsd (PC/NFS)), but I confirmed the same issue between RedHat systems.
One thing I'm wondering from my reading. It's mentioned in many places that ownership should be root in most cases and not some other user. This entire file structure is owned by a user that is ONLY local to the server box (long story, but the box is isolated....no DNS and only local users and settings).
A bunch of my .rtf files suddenly (within the last few days, not sure when) have the "Allow Executing File as Program" box checked under their file Permissions. So whenever I try to open an rtf document, it asks if I want to run it. What's up with that?
15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces 34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces
cat file2.txt
2 this is sentence1file2 6 this is sentence2file2 54 this is sentence3file2
I would like to join these 2 files. The result should look as follows :
cat joinedfile.txt
2 this is sentence1file2 6 this is sentence2file2 15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces 34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces 54 this is sentence3file2
==> so the joined file must be sorted on the first number. Any ideas how this can be achieved ?
I would like port 80 to have a small daemon running on it that detects HTTP traffic and sends a small redirect response, and any other traffic begins streaming data from my VPN daemon. I was wondering if this has already been made, or any kind of technology for detecting types of traffic and allowing you to run multiple types of servers on the same port.
I have the cowon iAudio7 music player with vfat file system and increasingly running into permission problems when I try to delete files. Unsurprisingly I am now running out of space. I am figuring if I could somehow mount it onto a folder in my home partition I will have full permissions. The problem is the drives name which is exactly with space: So even if try to delete files in the terminal I don't know how to cd into:
Code: /media/I AUDIO7 note the space between I & AUDIO7.
Through various Windows reinstalls and switches within Linux distros, I have a massive amount of duplication within my music archive (on the order of 7+ dupes of each file). Now, I found a lovely program called "fdupes" and was able to build a list of all the duplicate files, and I'm trying to use "xargs" to remove then. However, when I try and run the command "xargs -0 --arg-file="dupes.txt" rm" or "xargs -0 rm < "dupes.txt"" it give me the following error: "xargs: argument line too long".
how perhaps a different way of accomplishing the same thing?
I have a gedit text file 2.2MB. I want to convert it into two orhree smaller files/volumes, so I can upload them seperately to web pages. Does anyone know a quick and easy way to do this?