Ubuntu :: Recursively Changed Permissions In Home Directory

May 23, 2010

I did a clean install from Ubuntu 09.04 to 10.04 and restored my files from tar.
Everything worked fine until I tried my weekly rsync backup.
The permissions seemed to be causing problems, so I recursively changed all the permissions in my home directory:

~/Documents$ sudo chmod -R 644 /home/wolf/
[sudo] password for wolf:
chmod: cannot access '/home/wolf/.gvfs': Permission denied
So now all the directories and files have read permission for everyone:

~/Documents$ ls -A
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
~/Documents$ sudo ls -lA
[sudo] password for wolf:
total 80
drw-r--r-- 2 wolf wolf 4096 2010-05-22 20:45 career
drw-r--r-- 23 wolf wolf 4096 2010-05-02 17:17 computer_languages
drw-r--r-- 2 wolf wolf 4096 2009-08-09 23:29 .ecryptfs
drw-r--r-- 21 wolf wolf 4096 2010-05-02 17:23 misc
-rw-r--r-- 1 wolf wolf 27298 2010-05-23 13:01 next.odt
drw-r--r-- 3 wolf wolf 4096 2010-05-23 15:46 PC_maintenance
drw-r--r-- 5 wolf wolf 4096 2010-05-08 01:43 software_projects
Now I can't even look at my own directory:

/home$ cd /home/
/home$ ls -lA
total 20
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2010-05-07 01:01 lost+found
drw-r--r-- 42 wolf wolf 4096 2010-05-23 15:35 wolf
/home$ cd /home/wolf
bash: cd: /home/wolf: Permission denied
/home$ sudo cd /home/wolf
[sudo] password for wolf:
sudo: cd: command not found

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Ubuntu :: Permissions For My Home Directory Were Accidentally Changed From 'access Files' To 'create And Delete Files?

Nov 25, 2010

the permissions for my home directory were accidentally changed from 'access files' to 'create and delete files', and I changed them back, but ever since then I am not able to change any preferences/settings at all. power management, themes, panels, emerald, anything. my user account is supposed to be the administrator, and all the user privliges are checked. how to get control of my computer back?

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General :: Copy Permissions From One Directory Recursively To Another?

May 23, 2011

I have a system where the permissions of many files are messed up. I have another system that has the same files, if I put that hard drive in, without simply overwriting the files, is there a way where I can recursively set the permissions of each file to that of this other directory?

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General :: What Should Be Permissions Of Home Directory?

Oct 20, 2009

I am confused that what should be the permssions of home directory because currenlty my users when they log into their home directory , they can see all the contents of /home directory as well..However if i take read all permissions then my sites are not accessible , what should i do The current permissions are 755

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Software :: Default Creation Time User Home Directory Permissions.

Jan 8, 2011

When I am creating a user (say sandy) on my FC14 system, I find that the default permissions for her home directory (/home/sandy) are 700.Can I somehow set up my system so that these permissions are 711 in place of 700.

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Ubuntu :: Recursively Copy From Directory To Another Directory

Mar 23, 2010

I'm facing a little trouble with copying a .txt file(only) from a directory and subdirectory to another directory. -R command don't work I think if I want to do this, since I don't want to copy subdirectory.

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General :: Recursively Set Read-only Permissions?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a very large and deep directory. I would like to make all of it read only. The problem is I guess I have to distinguish between files (which will get a=r) and directories (which will get a=rx).How can I do that?

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Debian :: Recursively Set Permissions For Certain Type Of File?

Aug 5, 2011

I want to set all directories in /example/ to +x without setting any non-directory files to +x, using the -R option of chmod. There must be a way to do this yes?

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General :: Testing Home Directory Scripts By Setting $HOME To The Location Of The Test Directory

Apr 20, 2010

I have an interdependent collection of scripts in my ~/bin directory as well as a developed ~/.vim directory and some other libraries and such in other subdirectories. I've been versioning all of this using git, and have realized that it would be potentially very easy and useful to do development and testing of new and existing scripts, vim plugins, etc. using a cloned repo, and then pull the working code into my actual home directory with a merge.

The easiest way to do this would seem to be to just change & export $HOME, eg

cd ~/testing; git clone ~ home
export HOME=~/testing/home
cd ~
screen -S testing-home
# start vim, write/revise plugins, edit scripts, etc.
# test revisions

However since I've never tried this before I'm concerned that some programs, environment variables, etc., may end up using my actual home directory instead of the exported one. Is this a viable strategy? Are there just a few outliers that I should be careful about?

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Fedora :: Way To 'apply Permissions To Enclosed Files' Recursively Through Nautilus Context Menu?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a partition that I mount as /data on all of my distros of my multi-boot machine. I am having a bear of a time figuring the right way to address permissions/groups so that any distro can use it (or any removable drive).I tried (in linuxmint) making a group '/data' and assigning the users on my machine to that group, then changing the permissions/groups of the files and folders in that mount as belonging to the /data group, then booted to fedora 15, made the /data group, added the users to that group, I'm not sure that this way will work (it doesn't seem to) or if it's the best way to proceed. some of the things I don't get are:what is the '1000' user and group?is the user/group info on (in or somehow attached) the mount itself?does this seem like a good way to do this?is there on way to 'apply permissions to enclosed files' recursively through the nautilus context menu?

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Recursively Invert All Images In Directory?

Jan 8, 2011

I need to invert the colors of a lot of images that are in different folders in the same directory, is there a way to use image magic or something to do this in only a few commands?

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Ubuntu :: Permissions Could Not Be Changed?

Jun 24, 2010

I recently got a T-Mobile Tap and I've been trying to connect it via USB to my laptop running Lucid.When I open up the icon that shows up on my desktop after connecting it, I can't run the setup files inside. It says: The file '/media/HUAWEI/checksetup.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.When I try to change the permissions from ready only, I get: Sorry, could not change the permissions of"checksetup.exe": Error setting permissions: Read-only file systemCan I tried calling T-Mobile but they said they don't troubleshoot with Linux. They said it's an "older operating system".

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General :: How To Recursively Copy Directory Into Another One

Apr 25, 2011

I moved to Mac OS X recently and bumped into the "feature" of Mac where copying files from an external drive resets the file modification/update date/timestamp to the current date (which Windows does not), causing a disaster for my 10+ years of backup work files where date is important. So, before I learned how to avoid that (e.g. using the -p "preserve" flag in the "cp" copy command) I have in the meantime added to my new Mac hard drive many more files as well as updating existing old files.

I have a backup external hard drive with all my old data and proper modification dates. I have a Mac hard drive with reset modification file dates (a single or two particular days). The Mac hard drive has all the "true" and "current" file contents with files modified and added. I need to Copy all the original files from the external harddrive, preserving file metadata (really only modified date), but ONLY overriding the new internal Mac hard drive IF

The file contents (md5 or whatever) is the same or The file was updated after the day (which of course I can see on all files) on which the original disasterous cope was performed (implying the file is new or modified) Ensure the copy leaves all the new and modified files completely intact on the Mac internal hard drive. "No prompting/stopping of the copy of any kind (i.e., not verbose) is required but is o.k". "Recursive copy - obviously I would like to copy all* files folders and subfolders found in export".

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Ubuntu :: Changed File Permissions Of FS To 644

May 10, 2011

I've made a really critical and simple mistake and now I am trying to recover my computer. I accidentally logged into root and was trying to change permissions for the current directory with "." but instead used a "/" which started changing permissions of everything from / recursively. I quickly realized the mistake I made after it started and aborted the process by pressing ctrl+C. However I know many things are still not right because, even though I tried to reboot and change the permissions back to 0755 from the recovery mode root console. I still get errors when gnome tries to start..Here is the exact error I am getting. "There is a problem with the configuration server (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256". I'm pretty sure because of the way I aborted or because of the time the filesystem was running with 644 permissions, some amount of damage was done. Any way to recover it to normal? Or is there a way to recover it from the Ubuntu CD?

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General :: Recursively Download An Entire Web Directory?

Feb 3, 2010

i have a web directory that has many folders and many sub folders containing files.

i need to download everything using wget or bash.

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General :: Recursively Count All The Files In A Directory?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a really deep directory tree on my Linux box. I would like to count all of the files in that path, including all of the subdirectories.

For instance, given this directory tree:


If I pass in /home, I would like for it to return 4 files. Or, bonus points if it returns 4 files, 2 directories. Basically, I want the equivalent of right-clicking a folder on Windows and selecting properties and seeing how many files/folders are contained in that folder.

How can I most easily do this? I have a solution involving a Python script I wrote, but why isn't this as easy as running ls | wc or similar?

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General :: Get The Last Change Time Of Directory Recursively

May 28, 2011

How can I get the last time any of the files in a directory or its subdirectories has changed?

Dir - changed 1/1/1
Sub Dir 1 - changed 2/1/1
Sub Dir 2 - changed 3/1/1
File 1 - changed 10/1/1
File 2 - change 5/1/1

The output for this for Dir should be 10/1/1 (File 1 was the last modified one). Getting the last file name to be modified is a bonus but isn't necessary.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Extracting Files In Sub Directory Recursively

Feb 27, 2010

I am new in Linux and I need to extract alot of zipped files (different format (e.g tar.gz, tar.gz2)) which are in subdirs and I do not want to go to each subdir and extract each file because it will take alot of time. Is there away to extract all files that are existing in dirs and subdir with "for loop" or is there a script that can do the job automatically.

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General :: Search LDAP Directory Recursively?

Oct 12, 2010

How would the command for recursive search in LDAP look like when I'm searching for "cn" or "ou"?

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Server :: NFS Permissions Changed?

Apr 8, 2010

I have an NFS server on Windose Server 2003. I use it to back my Linux/Solaris databases up to. I mounted the NFS share on the Linux box. I was testing the permissions to it, and accidentally did a chown sybase:sybase /OLBackupOLBackup is the root directory of the NFS share. When I did the chown command, it changed the permissions on the share. Now it seems that linux is controlling the permissions. In windose I cant add users/groups. How can I remove Linux from owning the permissions. Im not sure if this is a windose issue or a linux issue, but figured I would start asking here first.

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Slackware :: Changed Permissions Between 13.0 And 13.37?

May 9, 2011

just be aware of this in 13.0 and previous, assigned user numbers begin at 500 by default. in 13.37, they begin at 1000. this is especially important if you have a separate drive or partition mounted as /home and you want to keep your /home data under the same user name while migrating to 13.37 (and like me are keeping a dual boot while making the transition).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Permissions For A Log File Being Changed?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a recently setup my first linux server (hardy) and am having problems with the permissions for a log file being changed. I believe this is caused by syslogd, but am not sure how to correct it. Bacula will report it is unable to start a backup because it is unable to open the log file (/var/lib/bacula/log) "permission denied". After changing the owner from syslog to bacula, the backup will resume. However, the following day I encounter the same problem because the owner of the log has been changed back to syslog.I see where the permissions for logs are altered in sysklogd, but I am not certain how to make bacula exempt or if this is the right approach.

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General :: Recursively Add Read Privilege To All The Files Under A Certain Directory?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm under linux . by default, other user can't read anything under my home directory. let's see my home directory is /home/superman , and I tried to use

chmod +r /home/superman

to let others can acess files under my home directory , but it does not work .

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General :: Zip -x For A Directory - Subfolder Contents Not Being Excluded Recursively?

Dec 9, 2010

I am attempting to use the zip command with the '-x' option to exclude a folder e.g. 'zip upload.zip public_html -x public_html/jquery/*'. However, parts of this folder are still being added to the archive. I made a shell script (saved as 'compress.sh' and ran as '. compress.sh') to do the archiving so I could test adding nested wildards for multiple subfolder levels.


rm -f upload.zip
zip -r upload.zip public_html
-x public_html/jquery


Each new line I added here that has the nested wildcards made the archive file size a bit smaller. Adding more /*'s than this didn't affect the file size. Even after all this though, there were still a couple megabytes of files and folders from the 'jquery' directory that were added to the archive.

Here's some examples of files and folders that were created after I unzipped the archive:
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/icons [folder]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/.svn/entries [file]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/build/.svn/text-base/js.jar.svn-base [file]

Why is it that despite all the -x lines, the files and folders like these were still being added to the archive? How can I simply recursively exclude the entire public_html/jquery folder from the archive?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cp Directory Recursively With Load Check?

Nov 21, 2010

how the bash script should look to copy huge directory with multiple sub-folders to a new place place while checking load and stopping for several seconds if load reached lets say 3 or 4 ? I only know the simple command cp -r /dir/allfiles /dir/newplace However would like to copy over 30 000 files which will cause me a high load.

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General :: Permissions Of The /etc/sudoers Got Changed

Sep 28, 2010

I changed the permissions of /etc/sudoers trying to make it writable using following command:

sudo chmod o+w /etc/sudoers

and now when i try to use the sudo command i am getting the following error:

/etc/sudoers is mode 0442 should be mode 0440

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Permissions Management Has Changed In Maverick 10.10 (2.6.35)

Oct 25, 2010

I recently upgraded from Lucid to Maverick, and I noticed that a new error message caused by a "cp" command call, including the hard links option. Fortunately, I kept the last Lucid kernel (2.6.32-25), so I could check the different behavior with booting successively on each kernel. Here are my configuration files:

On the server (
/etc/fstab :
UUID=... /mnt/Backup ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro,relatime,async 0 2
/etc/exports :


If I check permissions of /net/Backup/Folder2 from the client, I get :

owner = nobody (Create and Delete files), users (Access files), others (Access files)

cp -alR /net/Backup/Folder1/* /net/Backup/Folder2

- under kernel 2.6.32-25: no problem

- under kernel 2.6.35-22: all the subdirectories are created, but all empty; moreover, I get as many messages as number of files from the source:

"cp: cannot create the link ...: operation not allowed"

I can copy manually any file to /net/Backup/Folder2 from the client. Why the behavior has changed from kernel 2.6.32-25 to kernel 2.6.35-22 ? Should I modify the permissions or the way the mount is exported with options like "(no_)root_squash", "all_squash", or "anonuid", "anongid" ?

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Ubuntu :: Ipod Changed Permissions In Nautilus Not Lasting?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm using rhythmbox and a classic ipod. A couple of times I have managed to write podcasts to my ipod. I'm not sure how I did it but it doesn't last. I have tried lots of random things from forum posts. When I try to change permissions in nautilus they change back straight away. I have my name as owner and group. I have the Lynx Ubuntu OP.

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Fedora :: Configure Grep To Search Recursively Through All Files In A Directory?

Oct 1, 2010

somewhere lurking is a file containing the default print resolution, which is not being overwritten by printer settings or cups management. I've asked on the cup forum and nothing successful.

So here's the question:

How can I configure grep to search recursively through all files in a directory, or if need be starting from root to find the pattern "2880" I've looked in the man page for grep and I can't see how to do it, is grep the right tool to use for this ?

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General :: Recursively Remove Subdirectories And Files But Not The First Parent Directory?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm able to use the following to remove the target directory and recursively all of its subdirectories and contents. find '/target/directory/' -type d -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

However, I do not want the target directory to be removed. How can I remove just the files in the target, the subdirectories, and their contents?

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