Ubuntu :: Reading Encrypted Memory Stick ?

Mar 15, 2011

I've got a memory stick with encrypting software. How can I read (and write) this encrypted partition with my ubuntu 10.10? I'm sorry but i don't know what's the manufacture of this stick. I only know it looks like this (Of course no M$ -logo)There are sotfware named UFDutility.exe. Opening this I can read secured informations in Windows but in Ubuntu it only say: �The device is not plug-in�.

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OpenSUSE :: Open Files From Memory Stick The Memory Stick Is Not Available?

Mar 21, 2011

When I start bluej and try to open files from my memory stick the memory stick is not available. Is there any way that I can open files directly in bluej from my memory stick.

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Security :: Reading/writing Encrypted NTFS?

Jul 25, 2010

My main workstation incorporates a mixture of ext3, ext4, and NTFS partitions scattered across a number of hard drives. Several of the ext4 partitions are encrypted, and I intend to encrypt the rest of the Linux partitions in the near future.I run VMware workstation, with several Windows OS guests, including Win2K, WinXP and Win7. My Win7 VM is installed on a virtual hard disk, and that virtual hard disk is encrypted using VMware facilities.So this leaves me with a bunch of NTFS partitions that are not encrypted. These are physical partitions on a couple of different hard drives. The reason I have them is ancient and historical, and as I have upgraded my system over time I have maintained the architecture due to the extreme difficulty of rearranging Windows systems.I still need to maintain Win2K and WinXP support, and rearranging those virtual machines would represent a hideous nightmare for me; I really want to maintain the same hard drive partition architecture.But I want to encrypt the NTFS partitions, in a fashion that can be handled by any of the Windows operating systems, AND can be accessed for read and write from Linux.Is this possible? If not using Windows facilities (I don't think ntfs-3g handles encryption, and there are known backdoors in the Windows facilities anyway), is there any third party solution that would work? Would True Crypt do the job in a fashion that would permit access from all the various operating systems, as required? I do generally mount the NTFS partitions in whichever Windows VM is appropriate, then share them out via SMB, but there are circumstances (like when a VM is not running) where I will directly hit them from Linux. So, it is possible for me to contemplate a solution that only works from Windows, but this would cost me the ability to repair/modify those filesystems directly from Linux, which under certain circumstances (a malfunction of the VM, for instance) could be a problem.

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Ubuntu Security :: Home Folder - Reading Data Encrypted With Old Version

May 17, 2010

If I wanted to transfer a home folder that was encrypted to another ubuntu computer could I? If I had a separate home partition that was encrypted, but I wanted to upgrade ubuntu to the latest version by doing a clean install is there an easy way so that I can still read the data encrypted with the old version?

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Ubuntu :: Reading Data From Disk Into Memory

Jun 6, 2011

I have a simple C program that reads a 1 GB file from disk into memory.The first time I run this program, the process takes several seconds. But if I run this program again immediately after it finishes, the read happens almost instantly. What is going on here?My suspicion is that the operating system is realizing that the data I'm trying to read is still uncorrupted in memory (its been freed but not overwritten), so instead of reading it again, it just gives me the same block. I would really like to know what this process is called, or any Googleable keywords that would allow me to research it.

The reason I ask is because the size of my input data has increased. Now I need to read in a 6 GB file (my system has 12 GB of RAM), but I'm not observing the same behavior with the larger file. Each time I run the program the read takes an equally long time.

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Debian Configuration :: Encrypted Home With Truecrypt On Usb Stick

May 31, 2011

is it possible to mount a truecrypt file container as a home directory before login, if so how to do that?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Reformat / Use As USB Memory Stick

Jun 9, 2010

I have a USB modem which I used when I had Windows, this device is not compatible in any way with my Ubuntu installation. I was wondering if - rather than throw this in the trash - is it possible to reformat and use it as a USB Memory stick. Properties show it as having 23+ Gb of storage.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Format The Memory Stick

Jan 15, 2011

When I try to format my memory stick (using disk manager) , i get a error message saying "device busy", how can I stop the memory stick so I can format it?

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General :: How To Use Memory Stick

Jul 11, 2010

how do i use a memory stick

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Ubuntu :: Install From Memory Stick / Sd Card?

Mar 22, 2010

My new pc doesn't have a cd rom so I have to use a memory stick, usb hard driver or a SD card. So how do I install ubuntu? For some sh'itty reason I got windows vista installed here which is more frustrating then everything else I have tried.

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Ubuntu :: USB Memory Stick No Auto Mount?

May 29, 2010

My 16gb usb memory stick now fails to mount. The device can be seen in gparted but partition is shown as unknown. Tried to format but error message popped up "failed". The device is shown in dmesg see below. I had tried to use the device to create a bootable usb but this did not work and the problems happen there after.

usb 2-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3
[41796.814297] usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[41796.943922] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[41796.944228] scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices


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Ubuntu :: VirtualBox - Boot XP From USB Memory Stick?

Jun 14, 2010

I am new to ubuntu and linux in general, I've been using it for about a week and I like it very much. The only problem is that I have an ipod touch and I purchase music and video from the itunes store from the device. I can import music but not the items purchased as it is encrypted so I need to use itunes. I installed virtualbox so that I could use xp (only to allow me to use itunes) but as I have a netbook with no disk drive I want to boot from a usb memory stick. Virtualbox doesn't appear to allow this so I am a bit stuck.

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Ubuntu :: Testdisk--formatted Memory Stick, Won't Appear Anywhere?

Aug 1, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I was having problems with bad sectors on a Sony memory stick--a couple of photos that we couldn't get off. So I installed testdisk and photorec and successfully got the photos off. That's the good news.

I decided I format the stick using testdisk. I unmounted it and formatted it (FAT) I don't know whether I re-mounted it, there was some message about rebooting.

In any event I now can't get the stick to show up *at all*, no matter what I do. testdisk doesn't seem to see it, it doesn't come up on my desktop when I plug the camera in. The camera doesn't recognize that it, my windows boxes don't see it either.

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Ubuntu :: USB Memory Stick Will Not Load Without Restart

May 10, 2011

What can I do to correct the failure of the mount command to load the mem stick. In nautilus it reports that I do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "Kingston". In user settings there is only one user: Robin. The user privileges are showing as all ticked except for send and receive faxes, and use tape drives.

In the group for Robin there is only one member: Robin. Group id is 1000. There are a lot of groups available on the system. They all show Robin as unticked as a group member. To what groups should I make Robin be a member, without compromising security?
Using Ubuntu 11.04

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Ubuntu :: Memory Stick Not Recognized / Resolve This?

May 26, 2011

Its a "Geek Squad" memory stick from Best Buy. There has been a couple of other times (recently) that it was not recognozed but after a couple of attempt it loaded. But today it is not showing up at all.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Unmount USB Memory Stick In KDE

Nov 17, 2010

Now i see that i can't unmount (Safely remove device) any USB Memory Stick. If i try to unmount it in KDE, i always get error about one or more files are in use.

But if i execute "umount" in terminal, then it unmount without any problem.

OpenSUSE 11.3 64bits
KDE 4.4.4 Release 3

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General :: Formatting A USB Memory Stick?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a 4 Gb memory stick which used to have OpenSuse on it but I don't use OpenSuse and wanted to use the stick for something else - for backing up my Mozilla Thunderbird installation. I thought that by re-formatting the stick, using a file obtainable from the HP web site, in connection with installing Linux on a memory stick, that it would leave me with an empty one but it hasn't; there is still a lot of OpenSuse stuff on it. How can I "empty" it so that I can use it to transfer my Ubuntu Thunderbird to another computer which is also running Ubuntu. I was going to open a terminal and type:

sudo cp -avr /home/chris/.thunderbird/ /media/disk

I have already tried this but it didn't appear to work, so is this not the right way to go about it?

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Red Hat :: Software For Bootable Memory Stick?

Apr 19, 2010

I by an memory stick with 16Gb memory. I want to make it bootable. Because I am beginner in using linux, I need an software from which I can made bootable the stick.

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Ubuntu :: Booting From USB Memory Stick Fails On Thinkpad T42

Feb 28, 2010

I have a problem booting anything from USB stick on my IBM Thinkpad T42. It used to run normally, I could even install Windows or Linux from it, but now it stopped working. This particular concern is about booting freshly installed Xubuntu version 9.04 off a Kingston 4GB flash stick. I've installed Xubuntu using usb-create program directly from a booted live cd. Installation went fine and all the options in BIOS are setup correctly (I think). In boot menu in BIOS the stick is recognized correctly and + appears in front of it. Stick is selected as primary boot device. BIOS usb support is also enabled.

Now when I power on the computer, it reads something from the stick and stops right after displaying:
SYSLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008=07=15 EBIOS ... etc...
Then nothing happens and the text stays on like this.

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Ubuntu Security :: Usb Memory Stick Permission Dinied?

Jun 19, 2010

I have an ubuntu 10.4 installed on my laptopI had an ubuntu 9.4 on bootable usb memory stick and I thought to install ubuntu 10 .4 on bootable usb memory stick. I format it into fat16 and after that I can not write anything on my memory stick. It says permission denied I tried sudo chmod 777 /dev/sdb1 also I tried same command on the folderwhere I mounted it. After I tried chown command in order to change ownership from root to my-username it failed too. Please someone tell me how to make my usb memory stick again writeable ?? Also startup disk creator does not fix it

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Nautilus Copying MP3 To USB Memory Stick Unreliable?

Nov 1, 2010

I can't copy MP3 files to any USB memory stick with nautilus anymore. The MP3 files 'stutter' or jumps to the next song in any music player or the copied folders are just empty. The copies are more 'reliable' when I copy album after album instead of a bulk copy of lets say 10 albums. I tested several sticks and even formatted them.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install 13 On An 8 GB Memory Stick

Jun 30, 2010

I have tried to install F13 on an 8 GB USB memory stick (flash drive, thumb drive) but have had limited success. I used the Live USB Creator method as suggested in the Fedora web site and although I ended up with a bootable USB memory stick, I was unable to save any changes even though I allowed a 2GB persistent overlay.

I then tried to do it using Unetbootin and again got a bootable memory stick but again was unable to save any changes. Could someone explain what I might be doing wrong or is it just not possible to make a bootable memory stick with F12 that will save any changes?

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Fedora :: Play Video From Memory Stick Pro Duo?

Sep 5, 2011

I just got a Sony DCR-DVD108. It uses a mini dvd and a memory stick pro duo. It was a gift, and it's the first time through the rodeo for me using this set up. I can get the card recognized when I plug it in using a card reader. I want to record video, and that's where I run into problems. When I insert it, I get something saying that I have still photos, and Shotwell is the default photo software. That would be OK if I had still photos, but like I said, I'm going for video with this set up. I have VLC, but when I tell VLC to "open capture device" under "Media" it gives me a dialog box with (I think) Linux 2 as the capture method (this is going to get a little fuzzy as I have no idea what it's looking for here) and a couple of blanks that need filled in. I may be going about this bass-ackwards, in fact I probably am, but like I said, this is the first time I've messed with a memory stick pro duo. I guess since it's Sony they want me to go out and buy a Play Station to get this to work. I don't think I want to go there. I might be barking up the wrong forest with VLC, but Wikipedia says it will play it.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Cannot Mount USB Memory Stick

Feb 16, 2010

I have just installed opensuse for the first time. I have plugged in a USB memory stick but it does not register anywhere (eg Dolphin does not pick it up). how I can access the files on my USB stick?

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General :: USB Memory Stick Has Doubled In Size - Why Is So?

Nov 24, 2010

I have an OCZ Mini-Kart USB stick which says 2GB on it, and it has been a 2GB stick for the last 3 years. However, I recently put it into a PC running XP (which had no viruses as far as I am aware) and all of the files in the single subdirectory became corrupted and unreadable. All files at the root of the USB stick were fine, and I could still boot from it (I had Puppy linux installed).

I looked to see if the corrupted files in the subdirectory were recoverable, but they were all inaccessible, (with freshly mangled file-names containing multiple copies of the characters '�' and '=' amongst others), and reporting file sizes of up to 1.9GB each. I examined the memory stick with fdisk and with Gparted, and saw that it was reporting two 2GB partitions, which was certainly not the case before, as I had recreated the partition table several times in the past.

I removed all partitions, created a new partition table and recreated a single partition, which is now 4GB in size. I have trashed it and recreated it three times, formatting it with ext3, ext2 and finally FAT32, all of which reported a partition size of 4GB. I currently have a 4GB FAT 32 partition, and have tested it by successfully copying a 3GB .iso file to it.

Although it's nice to have a 4GB memory stick, it does seem rather odd and I no longer trust it with my data.

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Hardware :: San Disk Memory Stick PRO Duo Reader?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to get the built-in reader on my system working. It's one of those multi-slot ones on the front of the box. The card I have is specifically a "San Disk Memory Stick PRO Duo", this sucker here: [URL]

The light on the reader will light up, but there's zip in any of the kernel logs. I tried the obvious kmods to get it working - tifm_7xx1, tifm_sd, tifm_core, via_sdmmc, mmc_core, etc but no luck.

Nothing seems to be useful in lspci or lsusb:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Unknown device 9601
00:02.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Unknown device 9603
00:07.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Unknown device 9607
00:0a.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Unknown device 9609


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General :: Choose Distribution For USB Memory Stick?

Mar 29, 2011

I got an 8 GB USB Memory stick wich I want to use, I dont want to install Linux on my harddrive, I want it portable and on an USB stick.

What I need is a distribution thats big with lots of programs and the Ability to Save files and configurations Directly on the USB Memory stick, and it should be able to run apache, mysql,php and java.

I want the USB memory stick to act like a harddrive so to speak.

Also, I already downloaded and tried Knoppix Live CD, but I cant get knoppix 6.4.4 to work, but an older version worked. But its so small, not so many programs. Is there a way to install lets say a DVD version of a distro to USB and make it work like the live version?

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General :: USB Memory Stick Disappears Randomly?

Jul 16, 2011

I've built a computer based on a Gigabyte GA-H67M-UD2H-B3 motherboard that I intent to use as a home server. It runs headless with a minimal installation of Debian Wheezy on an 8GB Sandisk Cruizer Blade. Everything seems to be working well, most of the problems I had had been dealt with, most of the programs I wanted had been installed and configured, but there's one major problem I've no idea how to solve: on random intervals it seems that the system can no longer see the memory stick.

It could happen 30 minutes after a reboot or ten day later. It could happen while I'm connected using SSH to the server or away. It could happen when it's busy doing something or just idling. I could find no commonality. I've tried a different memory stick (also Cruizer Blade), a different USB port, a more stable OS (Debian Squeeze), none helped. The symptoms: everything already loaded in memory works. The webserver, for example, still accepts connections on port 80. However, nothing can be read from or written to the memory stick, so any webpage on the local server I try to access returns a 404 error. No new SSH connections can be made because sshd can't verify the credentials, existing connections remains active but I'm unable to anything useful with those, as no command can be found. No logs are written, naturally. Removing and reinserting the memory stick had no effect. The only thing I can to is to manually power cycle the computer.

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Ubuntu :: USB Memory Stick Install - Not Allow To Easily Copy And Paste Files On To It

May 12, 2011

My usb stick will not allow me to easily copy and paste files on to it, or delete them once I no longer want them on the drive. Its owner is root. How can I change the owner? At the moment it is loading as a stylesheet in media/usb0.

The file is transferring at a very low speed. 74mb in 4 minutes

I suspect I will do better if I set up the drive via fstab. What entry should I put in fstab for a USB stick drive?

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OpenSUSE Install :: LiveCD Not Booting On Either A CD Or USB Memory Stick?

Feb 7, 2010

I am getting a "No devices matches MBR identifier 0x8c71ad6e!" message along with a reboot in 120 seconds message. This occurs after kernel load and at the start of openSUSE boot.

I have tried both the 64bit and 32bit downloads


I have checksum checked both images after download. I have attempted the install on CD and USB stick with both images and the result is always the same.

I've included a screen image on my site: No Devices Matches MBR Identifier | Badzilla

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