Ubuntu Networking :: Crontab And Wget With Terminal?

Sep 13, 2010

I used the crontab to start wget and download the file with the following


14 02 * * * wget -c --directory-prefix=/home/Downloads/wget --input-filefile=/home/Downloads/wget/download.txt

But it doesn't shows a terminal and so not able to get the current status and stop wget. So how can I start wget with a terminal using crontab?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Set A Crontab For Automatic Downloading Of Files From Internet By Using Wget

Feb 5, 2010

I am vijaya, glad to meet you all via this forum and my question is I set a crontab for automatic downloading of files from internet by using wget but when I kept it for execution several process are running for the same at the back ground. My concern is to get only one copy, not many copies of the same file and not abled to find out where it's actually downloading.

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General :: Crontab Not Working \ Edited Crontab File Using Crontab -e?

Apr 27, 2010

I am using Linux 64 bit Redhat Linux. I am trying to setup simple crontab as follow...1. Edited crontab file using crontab -e2. Listed the file once to verify it using crontab -l. This will display as.. 18 5 * * 2-3 ksh $HOME/testScript.sh > $HOME/testscript.out3. Logged in a root and restarted cron deamon using "/etc/init.d/crond restart"As per my understanding now my testScript should start running at 5:18 am Thuesday

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Ubuntu :: Wget And Gnome-terminal With Flashgot?

Aug 8, 2011

I am running ubuntu linux.I use flashgot add-on with firefox.When I download a file , I choose wget with the help of flashgot.When flashgot starts download with wget ,xterm opens and the download starts.So I can't copy the download link. With lxterminal , gnome-terminal or rox-term it's possible to copy the download link but xterm has poor quality and it's not possible to copy anything from it.So, please tell me how I can use lxteminal or gnome-terminal with flashgot to download a file so that I can copy the download link.

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General :: Possible Disabling Crontab Job Without Deleting Crontab Description Entry

Jun 23, 2011

is it possible disabling a crontab job without deleting the crontab description entry (by crontab -e)?I could also accept to change the entry itself. Now it's:0 0 * * 0-6 /home/me/cron/script.csh

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Software :: Resume An Interrupted Wget Using Wget.log?

Jun 19, 2011

If a wget download is interrupted (like if I have to shutdown prematurely), I get a wget.log with the partial download. How can I later resume the download using the data in wget.log? I have searched high and low (including wget manual) and cannot find how to do this. Is it so obvious that I did not see it? The wget -c option with the wget.log as the argument to the -c option does not work. What I do do is open the wget.log and copy the URL and then paste it into the command line and do another wget. This works but the download is started from the beginning, which means nothing in the wget.log is used.

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Ubuntu Servers :: After Using Crontab With /etc/crontab / Giving Error "can't Find Command Root"?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a question about using crontab with /etc/crontab...

I had a cron job that I needed to run as root. At the time I thought that sticking it in /etc/crontab would be a good idea. However, I used the crontab command to edit /etc/crontab, which I guess is not standard procedure? Specifically, I configured /etc/crontab as my local user's crontab (i.e. sudo crontab /etc/crontab) then added my cron job as I would a local user crontab (i.e. sudo crontab -e).

Originally, my cron job looked like this:

30 * * * * root /my/batch/script &> /dev/null

After adding the new cron job I started seeing errors. Something to the effect of "can't find command root" or something similar. So I removed the 'root' user definition from the cron job and the job started running fine. However, because this is /etc/crontab, there are other system related cron jobs that have been defined to run under the root account (e.g. "17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly" runs as root, etc.). So these pre-existing system cron jobs, which up until now have been running smoothly, are now generating "can't find command root" errors. But I think that the system cron jobs _are_ successfully being run someplace because logrotate seems to be working.

So what I _think_ is happening is that /etc/crontab is being run twice: once as the system crontab, and once as my sudoed local user's crontab. When I run crontab -l I see nothing, but when I run sudo crontab -l I can see the contents of /etc/crontab. I am reluctant to delete my sudoed local user's crontab, because then in the process I would be deleting the system crontab, and I do not know how I should restore the system crontab's contents. (I am still not sure as to the most appropriate way to edit the system crontab).

How can I get out of this mess? I want /etc/crontab to go back to the way it was before--running _once_ as the system crontab. As for my new cron job, I'm willing to reconfigure it anywhere so long as I am still able to run it as root. Any ideas? (I am using Ubuntu 8.04 Server LTE)

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Software :: Scheduling Backup In Crontab When Put This File In Crontab To Schedule The Backup Program It Wont Run?

Apr 9, 2011

I have installed an application manager(monitoring application) on my linux server. Now, i need to have backup schedule for my application. The application itself has executive file to backup database.But when i put this file in my crontab to schedule the backup program it wont run!50 09 * * * root /opt/ME/AppManager9/bin/BackupMysqlDB.sh

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wget Failed To Download Image From URL?

Jan 21, 2011

I tried to download some images from google using wget:where wget cbk0.google.com/cbk?output=tile&panoid=2dAJGQJisD1hxp_U0xlokA&zoom =5&x=0&y=0However, I get the following erros:

--2011-01-21 04:39:05-- http://cbk0.google.com/cbk?output=tile
Resolving cbk0.google.com...,
Connecting to cbk0.google.com||:80... connected.


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Fedora Networking :: FC9 DNS - Cannot Yum Or WGet But Can Ping And Dig

Jan 13, 2009

For some reason some command line commands are unable to resolve urls, whereas other commands work as they should. I have checked most setting but am unable to find out what is wrong and am no closer to figuring out what and why.

[root@subzero ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
[URL]: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: atrpms. Please verify its path and try again
[root@subzero ~]# .....

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Networking :: Wget Can Access / Browser Cannot

Jun 27, 2010

I have been having a problem on my Ubuntu desktop with the wireless connection. I am now running Ubuntu 10.04, but the problem showed up immediately after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10. This machine is used as a CUPS server so my wife can print from her laptop and get to a printer downstairs. Intermittently, I will be unable to access the CUPS server web pages (or any other web pages on the local Apache server) from a remote machine on the internal network. I also cannot connect in via SSH. However, from the wireless desktop itself the web pages are still accessible and a local browser can also access remote web sites just fine. So, the network connection is still up.

To try to determine how often this was happening, I wrote a simple Bash script that checked if a page could be accessed on the web server on the wireless machine. I used wget to access a page and then log the results to a file while running the script from a crontab entry. It turns out that even though I cannot access a web page using a remote browser, I can access the same web pages using wget from a remote machine. This has me a little confused..What could be causing this situation? I do not have a firewall running on the desktop with the wireless connection. After a while, the blockage of inbound web pages from a remote browser is "fixed" and I can again access the CUPS (and other) pages.

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Networking :: Using Ifconfig From Crontab ?

May 14, 2010

I have a command that I run to renew my mobile broadband connection. It works from the terminal, but not in my crontab. My connection usually drops out after being connected for a week or so. So I tried to make a cron job to check the connection every 15 minutes (when there is an IP address on interface ppp0, then it is connected, so if there is nothing, I restart network-manager and it reconnects)

works from my terminal, but not when run as a cron job. If the schedule the above script to run every 15 minutes, it restarts network manager every 15 minutes, so I think ifconfig isn't working from cron. Is there some caveat about ifconfig in cron?

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Fedora Networking :: Ping But Can't Wget Etc - Complains Of DNS?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a pretty strange problem I can ping www.yahoo.com:

[root@localhost ~]# ping www.yahoo.com
PING www-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from f1.www.vip.re1.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=20.1 ms
64 bytes from f1.www.vip.re1.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=20.7 ms
64 bytes from f1.www.vip.re1.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=23.3 ms


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Networking :: Curl And Wget Error 400 Bad Request?

Nov 9, 2010

I use slackware current, and curl and wget give the following errors:

repo@cannabis ~]$ wget -r http://users.telenet.be/reggersjans
--2010-11-09 13:48:14-- http://users.telenet.be/reggersjans
Resolving users.telenet.be (users.telenet.be)... ::ffff:,
Connecting to users.telenet.be (users.telenet.be)|::ffff:|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad Request


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Networking :: Grabbing Wiki Code Using WGet

Aug 2, 2010

I would like to grab wiki code from a wiki page using wget. Running this grabs HTML:
wget -O wikihtml.html [URL]
The first attempt at getting wiki code was to pretend to edit, and run:
wget -O wikiedit.html [URL]
but of course that grabs GUI HTML. I thought perhaps the text inside the text box would be in tact, but HTML is througout. How to get just the raw wiki code?

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Networking :: Yum Install / Update And WGet Do Not Work

May 6, 2010

I have a CentOS 5 server running as a web server. The web services are okay. Ping, ssh work fine both ways. But when I try to wget or yum update or install, I get a timeout. The URLs are resolving properly. And there's no difference if IPtables is turned off or on.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Transactions Timeout - Yum / Wget And HTTP

Apr 28, 2011

I am having a problem with 5.4 that I did not have with 4.5. The problem happens only sometimes but in specific instances. Basically a summary of the problem is that certain network transactions timeout. The specific instances are with wget, rpm, http. The problem usually, but not always, occurs with pptp stuff. (NOT running pptp but getting pptp stuff). For instance, the following command, which finishes in seconds on non-5.4 OS's:
wget [URL]
downloads about 20% then gets stuck. About 5 minutes later it downloads another 20% and then gets stuck, etc. The same thing with rpm:
rpm -ivh [URL]
waits about 3 minutes and then gives an error. I think it does the same thing as the wget but
wget will keep trying, while rpm gives up. The error from rpm:
Retrieving [URL]
..five minutes later:

I can wget the above as I mentioned before and install it that way. Before I do it, yum works fine. Afterwards, yum exhibits the same behavior of timing out (because it is using the pptp repository). Also visiting the pptp web site from Firefox times out on certain pages. I originally thought it was some problem with the pptp site, but I notice that log into hotmail.com. Does the same thin (fine on other operating systems). A view with Wireshark on the wget (pptp) shows the my machine receiving a reassembled TCPPDU from (Sourceforge), sending an ack, receiving a reassembled PDU, sending an ack, receiving, sending followed by the 5 minutes or whatever of nothing. Then sourceforge sends an RST and a SYN and the process is repeated.

When I put the machine directly on an AT&T IP connection (12.147.X.Y) everything worked fine. Same with Comcast on a direct link. The times I am having problems is when our router is hooked up to a Comcast IP (70.88.X.Y) and assigns 192.168.5.X addresses to our machines. So when I was doing the above from going through the router through Comcast is when I had the problem. So it is probably something with the router, but it is hard to figure out since CentOS 4.5 and Fedora do not exhibit this behavior, nor does 5.4 on most sites (mail.yahoo.com for instance). I did verify, at least from what I could, that ICMP type 3 and 4 are not being blocked. If they were, the same problem would happen on other op systems. And I was able to ping, albeit just locally, but we looked at the router settings and ping was not blocked.

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Networking :: See Whether Wget Can Be Used To Generate Actual Url Hits On A Webpage?

Jan 16, 2011

I am trying to see whether wget can be used to generate actual url hits on a webpage. This does not look good so far�. I changed the following lines in /etc/wgetrc to:

Code: http_proxy=http : / /<proxy_ip>:<port>/ use_proxy on Output :

Code: root# wget -c <url>/ > /dev/null
--2011-01-16 12:26:38-- <url>
Connecting to <proxy_ip>:<port>... connected.


2011-01-16 12:26:39 (88,9 KB/s) - `index.html.3' saved [50548] This does NOT generate a hit on the actual web page! It does not seem like the, > /dev/null part is working either... How can I get this to work?

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Networking :: Can Ping But Can't Wget / Strange Network Behavior

Apr 28, 2011

I have a small ARM machine running an Arch linux variant, PlugApps. It was set up and working fine at my home, with a standard networking setup -- cable modem and router. I could do pretty much anything I needed to access the net fine.This machine is a remote monitoring system for another location. I shipped it to that location and am now trying to get it set up using another set of hands on site. There it is on the network behind a dsl modem and a router. I forwarded ports from the dsl modem to the router and from the router to the ARM computer.

In both cases the ARM machine is/was configured to use dhcp.So here's the deal:I can ssh into the ARM machine just fine.I can ping hosts on the wan fine (eg: stanford.edu).BUT:wget fails for not being able to resolve a valid address (eg: http://checkip.dyndns.org)the PlugApps package management system (pacman) cannot resolve the repository address the openntp time sync isn't working On the new network, I am able to connect to another client windows PC which has the same associated network info (Bcast address, Mask, etc. - comparing windows "ipconfig" vs linux "ifconfig" outputs) but which can resolve addresses for web browsing, etc.What am I missing? If it can resolve addresses for pings, why can't it work for other address requests? If I can ssh interact with it, why can't it connect to the net for other purposes?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Wget To Domain Hosted On Same Server?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm debugging some kind of a SOAP problem. I can use wget for any domain I want, besides domains that are hosted on the server itself.

What could it be? Centos firewall & selinux are turned off.

(domains / ips removed from code)

[root@http1 ~]# wget http://www.google.com
--12:09:53-- http://www.google.com/
Resolving www.google.com...,,, ...
Connecting to www.google.com||:80... connected.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Edit Proxy Settings Using Terminal / Cronjob Using The Terminal?

Jan 25, 2010

How can I edit the system proxy setting using the terminal? Which file contains this settings? I want to edit this automatically using cronjobs, cause from 8-5 I need to use a proxy, but at home I don't need the proxy. How do I fix this?

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Fedora :: Write A Crontab Entry Using "crontab -e"

Jul 21, 2011

I was trying to write a crontab entry using "crontab -e"

0 0 * * * cp /var/log/httpd/domains/mydomain.net.log

crontab is giving me this error:

"/tmp/crontab.XXXXfMOnRS":2: bad minute
errors in crontab file, can't install.

I've tried a dozen different values for the minute, but it's still giving me the same error.

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General :: Difference Between /etc/crontab And "crontab -e"

May 29, 2011

What is the difference between the crontab located in /etc/crontab and the crontab that can be edited using crontab -e?

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Networking :: Networking Routing \ Use The Terminal To Assign Server Eth0 A Proper IP Address?

Jun 8, 2010

i know exactly what i need to do, im just not familiar enough with command line to do it properly.i have 7 computers.the first 4 are connected to a router via wireless at one end of the house. of the last 3 only 1 will be able to access the router via wireless, so it needs to share it's one wireless connection via ethernet. this computer i'm going to call 'server'server will have two IP'swlan0 this connects to the router that has internet access.eth0 i intend to have the following settingsip: 255.255.0eth0 will connect to a second router, where the cat5 cable goes from the server, into the internet port of the router where i will define the router's static IP:IP: have then set the router IP for LAN handling as and all ethernet connections will have a 192.168.27.x IP.

so i need to know how to, without a gui application, use the terminal to assign server eth0 a proper IP address, and tell the server to take the connection it has and share it through eth0 to supply internet for the last 2 computers via ethernet.i had it set up in this way with a windows machine being the one that had the wifi access, but i'd rather have it setup for the ubuntu server to do this task. security is imperative for these 3 remaining machines, so just getting 2 more wifi adapters for a connection to the initial router isn't an option.the 2 that connect to server do so through SSH and though server IS connected via wireless it only makes outward connections through

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Apt-get, Or Wget Anything?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm typing this on my linux laptop, at work. My Firefox works fine, but I cannot apt-get, or wget anything. To get my Firefox to work, I just went into the Firefox preferences, checked "Automatic proxy configuration URL" and entered the url that I have. Now Firefox works fine, but the rest of my system does not.o be a similar setting in System>Preferences>Network Proxy. There is check box for "Automatic proxy configuration" and a field for a "Autoconfiguration URL". I put the same URL that put into Firefox here and told it to apply it system-wide, but my apt still does not work. This is a big deal because I need to install software and I really don't want to start manually downloading packages, plus I need ssh.

I have googled extensively on how to get apt to work from behind a proxy, but nothing seems to be working. I don't have a specific proxy server and port; rather I have some kind of autoconfiguration URL. Plus, my system has no /etc/apt.conf file at all. Any ideas on how I can get my system to be able to access the internet? It's very strange to me that Firefox can, but apt, ping, wget, etc cannot.

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Ubuntu :: Wget On A Jpg Not Working?

Dec 17, 2010

I am trying to have this cool effect where gnome scheduler downloads with wget this image every three hours. However, even when I do it manually in the terminal it doesn't seem to download it correctly. When I go to open the .jpg it says in a big red bar on the top "Could not load image '1600.jpg'. Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x47 0x49)"

However, when I go to the picture in the link above and right click "Save Image As" it downloads it fine.

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Ubuntu :: Using Wget With Timestamping

Feb 23, 2011

I'm currently using wget to keep a running mirror of another site but I don't have much space locally. I was wondering if there was a way to turn on -N (timestamping) so that only the "updates" were retrieved (i.e. new/modified files) without hosting a local mirror.

Does -N take a timestamp parameter that will pull any new/modified files after "x"?

It seems like a waste to compare remote file headers against a timestamp without presenting the option of supplying that timestamp. Supplying a timestamp would allow me to not keep a local mirror and still pull updates that occurred after the desired timestamp.

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Ubuntu :: Wget'able 11.04 Live CD URL

Apr 28, 2011

Like the subject says,.. I'm lookin for a wget'able 11.04 Live CD URL This URL works great with a point and click but doesn't tell me what the direct URL is to use wget. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: How To Use Crontab

Sep 1, 2010

How to use crontab? i need to set crontab to execute a file every 1 minute

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Ubuntu :: Download A Set Of Files With Wget?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm trying to download a set of files with wget, and I only want the files and paths "downwards" from a URL, that is, no other files or paths. Here is the comand I have been using

wget -r -np --directory-prefix=Publisher http://xuups.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/modules/publisher There is a local path called 'Publisher'. The wget works okay, downloads all the files I need into the /Publisher path, and then it starts loading files from other paths. If you see [URL]..svn/trunk/modules/publisher , I only want those files, plus the paths and files beneath that URL.

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