Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Put Athreos 9285 In Monitoring Mode

May 31, 2010

i am having problem whit my ar9285 i can not put it in monitoring mode. I am using bt4 beta in vmware , have conection in internet but when i type" #iwconfig eth0 mode monitoring,it says "no such device".What sould i do .

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General :: ATI Temperature Monitoring - Aticonfig Tool Does Not Work In Headless Mode?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm trying to monitor the temperature of my GPUs (multiple ATI 5970) in my computation cluster. Problem is that the aticonfig tool does not work in headless mode

# /usr/bin/aticonfig --od-gettemperature No protocol specified ERROR - X needs to be running to perform ATI Overdrive(TM) commands

and even worse if I try to run aticonfig with my monitoring user (munin) it will ask to be executed as root. Is there a simple way to read the temperature of the GPUs without having to resort to X?

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General :: Installing Atheros 9285 Driver In Backtack 4 Using Vmware?

Jun 10, 2010

install my atheros 9285 wireless card driver in backtrack 4 in vmware i am pretty new to linux and have been playing with various linux commands to see if i can get more familiar with linux. I have downloaded a linux driver for atheros card but dont seem to be able to install it could some one please advize on where to download the correct driver for my card and how to install it any help will be very much appreciated ps i have been following various guides and downloaded a driver but cant get it into the root directory of linux in vmware or inst airmon-ng comes back with no interface still

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Ubuntu Networking :: High Throuput Mode Aka 11n Aka 801.11n Mode On Airlink101 AWLL6075?

Sep 21, 2010

I ordered this USB 802.11n dongle for about $10 and am having problems.I found a firmware related bug (Bug #595455) that keeps it from working out of the box and got around that. I put the right firmware file in the right place and CAN CONNECT TO B or G Access Points.hen I put my AP in N-Only mode, I can see the network, but cannot associate. With the AP in mixed mode I can Associate using G.The most interesting thing I found was something that had very
few google hits (like 4). In the dmesg output after associating I see the message:

Successfully associated, ht not enabled(0, 1)The most interesting thing about this is the (0, 1) at the end.I don't know what that means but it seems like a clue as to what the problem is.This device uses the realtek chipset 8191S, there are conflicting reports on this, but all the reported possibilities seem to use the same driver from realtek (rtl8712_8188_8191_8192SU_usb_linux_v2.6.0006.2010 0625).Here is some random info:

Dmesg output:
[85082.620027] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6
[85082.754586] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[85082.755456] ==>ep_num:4, in_ep_num:1, out_ep_num:3[code]........

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitoring Bandwidth Usage On Lan?

Jul 6, 2011

Since this is my number 1 place for asking questions, I figured I would go here first. So I live in New Zealand where good internet doesn't exist yet, and I'm in a flat with 3 other people and we get 40gb a month which hasn't been lasting more than 2 weeks. It is somewhat of a mystery where all our data has gone, so I need a way to monitor usage. We use a variety of operating systems including linux, xp & windows 7 on my pc, and xbox 360. Is there any kind of integrated solution I can use to monitor everything with password protection so it can't be disabled? I have tried looking in the router, but it doesn't give me many statistics, and I think it combines lan with wan usage. At this stage I don't have the money to make a linux box to put between the router and the switch that can monitor everything, but if it comes to it, I will shell out for one.

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Networking :: Ubuntu 10.10 As A Dumb Hub For Network Monitoring

Apr 4, 2011

I am currently stationed overseas in Japan, and I am happy to say that I have a 100 Mbit fiber line from my service provider... I am not so happy to say that they force me to use their "CTU", which is basically a Japanese router, which limits me from receiving external connections (such as would be required to host FTP, or administer my home machines via SSH or VNC). I have tried many methods of bypassing this piece of equipment, but so far none have worked (router setup for PPPoE, DHCP, Static IP, so on). I don't think the Japanese would mind me bypassing this device, as it's really there to 'protect' me, but there's such a language barrier that I can't figure out how to tell them what I want to do.

In order to troubleshoot the problem, I would like to setup a spare computer as a hub, dumbly (Is that a word? It is for this circumstance...) passing data from one device to the other, and allowing me to watch what is being passed via Wireshark. I am pretty linux savvy, but I'm completely useless with iptables.

Here is the final product I want:

After connecting eth0 to the fiber modem and eth1 to the CTU, I want the computer to duplicate eth0's distant end MAC to eth1 and vice versa (to simulate the computer not being on the network at all), then I just want the computer to pass any data coming in on eth0 to eth1, and any data coming in on eth1 to eth0. Finally, I need to be able to read the throughput with Wireshark, but I really think that will be very simple if I can get the rest of the setup complete.

One piece of info - there is no dhcp on this link of the network, and I have no way of knowing the MAC addresses of either end before connecting them.

As an added bonus, once I've captured the handshake between the CTU and modem, if someone knows how to retransmit those packets on demand (i.e. to replace the CTU with my computer), I would be quite happy to hear about it.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring Using SSH

Oct 5, 2009

I am renting a VPS from[URL].They do not supply a webhosting panel for restarting/shutting down or for seeing monthly bandwidth consumtion. I am running CentOS 5.3. I was wondering if theres any programs that you can install to view monthly/daily bandwidth consumption on our server?

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Networking :: Which Program For Bandwidth Monitoring

Dec 18, 2009

Im looking for a program to monitor the ammount of bandwidth usage per network. Ex: I have lots of networks connected to one server, and i would like to know for example how much is the average bandwitdh usage for network and for one hour, for example.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring For Computers With Different OS?

May 1, 2010

I am connected with LAN. We have many computers with different OS viz.linux, windows etc. Now I want to know the bandwidth every computer is getting and using. Is there any Ubuntu packages to monitor this?

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Networking :: How To Monitoring Network Hosts

May 6, 2010

I have a small office network with windows machines and a Linux Internet access server (CentOS 5.4). For Internet access I use masquerade, so everione can access every Internet service.
I periodicali have quite big traffic from one of the hosts, but I can't figure out which one is that?

Is there any linux command which will show me the bytes/packets (or any useful infos) going to specific hosts?

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Networking :: Isp Bandwidth Monitoring Tools

May 11, 2010

dear can someone highly gui or text base/command line tool that use as "isp bandwidth monitoring tools in linux".i do have leased line,frame relay, wireless linke,dsl too. i want to monitor what is uploading and downloading.

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Networking :: Monitoring TCP Packet Loss In NS2 ?

Jun 23, 2010

I am simulating a TCP/FTP to TCP/FTP network and trying to monitor the packet loss.

I am able to monitor and graph data regarding the TCPSinks' bytes received, but I can't monitor packet loss.

Why is it that the TCPSink Agent has a variable for bytes (bytes_) but not one for monitoring packet loss?

Do I have to monitor the packet loss from the queue? If so, how do I write code for this?

Below is part of the code for monitoring bytes received from sinks if anyone was interested.

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Networking :: Monitoring Traffic Between Interfaces?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a UBUNTU server 10.04 LTS with 3 network interfaces (eth0,1,2) with eth0 is connected to my lan and others connected to two different ISPs , I am looking for a very flexible and complete monitoring tool which can monitor all of the traffic of incoming and outgoing of any interface and SPECIALLY can show me which local client made connection to which interface for connecting to internet in online mode not offline and it is good to have online web base interface I mean the interface shows the measured data in real time mode. I fount some tools like iftop and iptraf and many others in this url: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-...for-linux.html but non of them are suitable for my net I mean none of them have good web real time data and non of them shows "which local client made connection to which interface for connecting to internet".

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Networking :: User Web Activity Monitoring?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a Centos router and I want a tool that can give me reports accessible from a browser about the users web activity. I need two type of daily reports:- list of web pages accessed by each local host- list of all web pages accessed by all local hosts and lit of local hosts that accessed one specific web pageI tried ntop and is not really suitable for what I need. Maybe it can do what I need, but I have to make several improvisations.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitoring Networked Computers Bandwidth Usage?

Mar 25, 2011

Back in school I remember using an application that would identify active IP addresses on a network, and basically show you a log of activity. We actually monitored another lab and went in and showed them what we saw (all the machines had IP addresses on the monitors.) We could see websites, bandwidth, etc.

I'm trying to find an application that would do this again. I've been trying to monitor my networks to see what machines are performing unauthorized operations. ISP is showing high bandwidth usage and there is no way checking email and browsing is using this amount, 200GB a month! Something is going on here.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitoring Accessed Websites In Home Network

May 11, 2011

I want to monitor the websites that people in my network are visiting.It's a home network with various devices (PCs, phones, Ipads), and a ubuntu headless server. I'd like to install some monitoring software on the server, which would ideally provide me a list of website the devices (attempted to) connected to.Does such a software exists?? Can I control it via Webmin. Would setting my NIC in promiscuous mode affect performance?

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Networking :: Monitoring Outgoing UDP Packets - PID In Access Log

Oct 11, 2010

On our webhosting servers, where is primary running apache, sometimes starts huge outgoing traffic to random IP addressess (each time of attack is it just one IP). It's always UDP,and according to my investigation tcpdump, it looks like p2p. The problem is in big outgoing traffic, and secondly in filling ip_conntract table /proc/net/ip_conntrack. I think, that one of our webhosting users has some virus uploaded on his FTP, which is time to time ran. I think, that if I can map outgoing traffic to particular process ID, it will be easy to find the PID in access log of webserver and than see what URL it causes.

What I have checked already:

- outgoing UDP connections are not listed in netstat - so cannot get PID from there
- Apache with PHP is in safe mode - cannot exec binaries, cgi is disabled
- I can see tons of records in tcpdump, but from the dump I'm not able to get PID
- In time of attack I was trying to run `lsof`, but nothing to see - didn't found the attacker
- I went through apache access log - I took time of attack -i.e. 02:22 am - grep from access log all hits between 02:20 and 02:29 am and try to call all them again - problem didn't occured
- checked the POST records from access log - nothing
- grepped all php files for keyword 'fsockopen' and 'torrent'
- from iptables --log-uid I have found user nobody (under apache is ran)

I think that the key is able to match outgoing connection to PID, than it will be easy.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring - Each Person Usage?

May 8, 2009

I have a server rack that I lease out to others. I need a way to monitor each persons bandwidth usage. How can I do this without installing software on their machines or disrupting traffic flow? I have no access to the router, as it is owned by the colo company. I do have access to the switch and firewall, as well as my machines (linux) on the rack.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring Tool Uses Lot Of CPU Resources?

Aug 14, 2010

I have recently purchased dedicated box for game servers, I just wanted to install bandwidth monitoring software, however I have read comments regarding it as it uses lot of CPU resources. There is another method to monitor bandwidth using iptables. But that article is too complex for me: [URL]. I just want to check my overall bandwidth not from any particular ports. Any teaching commands to do that, as my new to Fedora. I use ssh to control my server.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring Per Local User?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a Linux host connected via LAN to Internet. No proxy or squid is used on the host and outgoing traffic to Internet is not limited. I have several local users on this box. Recently bandwidth statistics on the switch/router showed increase in the Internet traffic from this host. How do I monitor the traffic utilization per local user on Linux host? I want to be able to monitor the amount of traffic per port and per user, like user alice downloaded 20GB today via port 22, and so on. Do not offer to use Squid, this is not just web traffic I want to monirot but all amount of incoming/outgoing traffic per user per port.

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Networking :: Monitoring Application Performance Over Networks?

Dec 10, 2010

I have been ask to provide a network monitoring utility that can create network benchmarks for applications to graphically see how it performs.

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Networking :: Monitoring Home Network Usage

Jul 13, 2010

I was wondering how do you slap a packet analyzer like Wireshark somewhere between all the computers in a house and the router, so you can tell what websites are being accessed? I mean websites, specifically. I'm not trying to monitor bittorrent, IRC or other things yet - I'll get to that later. I just want to break this insanely complex task into smaller bites for now.Also, since my ISP has bandwidth caps but does not have a means for consumers to monitor total network usage, I'd like to figure out how to use Wireshark to do that as well. This, I am assuming, is easier when wireshark is running on the pipeline going into the router.

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Networking :: Monitoring - Communication Between Nagios & NRPE?

Feb 28, 2011

The communication between nagios and nrpe agent in the monitored host, can be without SSL? The problem is that I have 2 different versions of debian running on the machines and there are problems related to the libssl-dev package!

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Networking :: Squid Real Time Monitoring

Feb 7, 2010

Is there any web-tool that provides real time squid users utilization and websites access.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bandwidth Monitor Which Performs Constant Monitoring Of The Ethernet?

Mar 15, 2010

I want a bandwidth monitor which performs constant monitoring of the ethernet. I want to see how much bandwidth I am spending by opening each website, downloading, etc. A small program which can remain "always on top".

I am using Gkrellm but the problem is it does not updates itself constantly, I mean I have to close/open its eth0 monitoring window to view changes (I am not talking about restarting Gkrellm, only the bandwidth window which shows the daily, monthly bandwidths)

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring - Log Based On Usage / Consumption?

May 10, 2009

Can you suggest bandwidth monitoring software for GUN/Linux that will log bandwidth based on usage/consumption.

Not options:
- slurm or any other "real time" bandwidth monitoring
- /sbin/ifconfig <interface> | grep "RX bytes" or the like

What do you use to monitor your monthly, daily, hourly bandwidth consumption (assuming that you do).

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Networking :: Need ICMP / SNMP Based Monitoring Tool

Apr 21, 2010

Can any one tell me a network monitoring tool which can monitor remote connectivity and generate a comprehensive report about the link state like up/down, error timings, increase in latency and packet loss rate.

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Networking :: Proactive Versus Reactive Network Monitoring

Jun 9, 2010

Network/IT teams often look for a monitoring tool in reaction to a problem they have on the network. They know they have a problem, but they dont know specifics. They cant see, for example, who is hogging bandwidth. So they seek a free or open source point solution to solve that one problem. But if they already know one problem is happening, it's possible theres a second or third problem which could be prevented if the IT staff knew about these issues. An alternative approach to reactive monitoring would be to implement a robust network monitoring system before a problem occurs. An NMS should enable IT staffs to identify potential problems early on and solve them before end users notice them. Is your organization using a network monitoring system? If no, why not?

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Fedora Networking :: Software For Monitoring Network Usage From Applications?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a home PC which connects through internet via a Zyxel ADSL router. I use Fedora 14 as my one and only operating system and sometimes I am seeing the LEDs of my modem blinking very fast which means that something is downloading. I want to know which application download what on my PC. Is there any tool in Fedora that can show which application uses my network?

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Networking :: Free Remote Desktop Monitoring Software For System?

Mar 6, 2010

Can anyone suggest free Remote Desktop Monitoring software for linux?

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