Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Unable To Mount Location: Failed To Retrieve Share List

Jul 20, 2010

I have recently put Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a lab computer for use as a file server, but I cannot seem to get our Windows computers to see the Ubuntu share or vise versa.

I right clicked the folder, said share, and did the samba install.I edited the samba smb.conf file per the discussions here, I edited the nsswitch.conf file per the discussion here, I installed winbind, I disabled the firewall, and I rebooted and tried tearing down the share and re-sharing. Nothing seems to work. When I try to access the folders on the windows computers, I get "Failed to retrieve share list from server". When I try to access the ubuntu machine from Windows I get nothing. I have done a ping from each machine to the other and they have no trouble. As far as I know there are no firewalls between the two computers as the Windows computers can see each other's shares just fine and I've never had issues with ports getting blocked with any of our experiments.

The workgroup for all of the Windows machines is UEDA_LAB and I made that change in smb.conf as well as putting the computer name love218-legolas.

I have attached my smb.conf and nsswitch.conf files.

My main goal is to get the ubuntu folder seen by the Windows computers (for read/write/etc) so that it can be used as a file server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location; Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Oct 18, 2010

My network was running happily with no problems. After clicking "Places," then "Network," I double-clicked "Windows Network." My wife's laptop appeared merrily ready to be clicked. I browsed through and accessed the "Public" folder. Ubuntu auto-mounted the "Public" folder on the Windows Vista machine to the desktop.

THE REASON:I wanted to change the icon to a disk so it would mimic a "mapped" drive like in Windows. I right-clicked the shared folder mounted on the desktop, clicked "Properties," and then clicked the picture of the folder. I then clicked through to "/usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/devices" and selected the "drive-harddisk.svg" icon. The icon changed and I could still browse. I unmounted and re-mounted the folder with no problems, then changed back the disk to the regular folder icon.

THE PROBLEM: After restarting the computer, if I click "Places," then "Network," then double-click "Windows Network," I'm greeted with the following error message: Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server.

WORKAROUND: Opening Firefox and typing smb://IP-of-wife's-laptop shows the share list. I can open and access the "Public" folder no problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 1, 2011

It seems this is a common problem. I used Samba to configure and connect the computer running Ubuntu 11.04 with my Windows Visa workgroup. This is a wired, not wireless, connection.

In Ubuntu, under Network, I can see the name of the other computer (NOVA_MORAI), but when I click, I get the error:

Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server

I tried the nmblookup command, here is the output:

eleos@Planet-Morai:~$ nmblookup NOVA_MORAI
querying NOVA_MORAI on NOVA_MORAI<00>
eleos@Planet-Morai:~$ nmblookup -A


There it it. But when I try the findsmb command, it does not show up.

The error message seems common, but I have been trying solutions all day, and I am still not getting a connection.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Aug 20, 2009

My network has several machines on it. They are all connected to a single router. Two of the machines are running Windows Vista, one Windows XP and one Fedora 11. When I go to places.network, I see an icon that says Windows Network. If I click on it, I get the message: Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server. When I had Ubuntu running on this machine, I had no problem seeing and connecting to the Windows Vista machine.

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting To NAS - Message - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Jul 3, 2009

I'm having trouble connecting to my freenas server.

It's part of my windows network and when I try to connect to it,I get this message: Unable to mount location,Failed to retrieve share list from server.

Is there something I need to enable on the server or my OS(CIFS or something)?

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Ubuntu :: 'Unable To Mount Location Failed To Retrieve Share List'

Nov 21, 2010

I want to install my printers onto this laptop. Both (2 laserjets-named "hplj2200" and "BrotherHL3040color")are "locally connected" via USB to a PC in another room (winxp pro) windows network is "workgroup" PC with printers attached is "philmainpc". Places>Network instantly sees WINDOWS NETWORK, click > WORKGROUP click> opening network> Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list. System>Admni>Printing>ADD>Network Printer>Windows Printer via Samba>Browse> workgroup philmainpc Doubleclick, wait for awhile and then nothing. I have tried manually typing in smb box "workgroup/philmainpc/"shared name of printer" and again nothing. In synaptic manager I added smbfs etc.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Location: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Mar 19, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on VMware Player and wish to access my Windows files inside Ubuntu. When I go to Place -> Network there exists a folder called Windows Network. When I try to open it I get the message: Unable to mount location: Failed to retrieve share list from server

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Location; Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Oct 18, 2010

My network was running happily with no problems. After clicking "Places," then "Network," I double-clicked "Windows Network." My wife's laptop appeared merrily ready to be clicked. I browsed through and accessed the "Public" folder. Ubuntu auto-mounted the "Public" folder on the Windows Vista machine to the desktop. All was well.

I wanted to change the icon to a disk so it would mimic a "mapped" drive like in Windows. I right-clicked the shared folder mounted on the desktop, clicked "Properties," and then clicked the picture of the folder. I then clicked through to "/usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/devices" and selected the "drive-harddisk.svg" icon. The icon changed and I could still browse. I unmounted and re-mounted the folder with no problems, then changed back the disk to the regular folder icon.

After restarting the computer, if I click "Places," then "Network," then double-click "Windows Network," I'm greeted with the following error message:

Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server.

WORKAROUND: Opening Firefox and typing smb://IP-of-wife's-laptop shows the share list. I can open and access the "Public" folder no problem.

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Ubuntu :: Buffalo NAS - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Mar 20, 2011

I have a Buffalo Link Station NAS. I can connect to the NAS via my browser and set up users and groups, but I can't get contact through Network.

If I open Shortcuts and select a folder, the Network icon shows in the left pane. Clicking Network opens the folder and Windows Network icon shows.

When I click on the icon, eventually, this message appears - Unable to mount location- Failed to retrieve share list from server

I did have this unit working some time ago under Ubuntu, and then we changed IP to Virgin and have a new cable router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location Failed To Retrieve List From Server

Jun 18, 2011

I keep getting this, ever time I try to map a shared drive on other systems with my small network. 'unable to mount location failed to retrieve list from server'. This used to work.
Main System UNBUNTU 10.10, GNOME ver. 2.32
Sys2 Windows XP Pro, SP3
Sys3 Windows XP Home SP3

Mine is used as a server for the above, and also for me to work on. For some reason, I keep getting permission failure. Setting up a share on sys2. sys3, sys4, sys5 can see and read it. My main sys cannot. None of the systems can see the Main one & the main one cannot read any of the others.
Chain ufw-after-forward (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain ufw-after-input (1 references)

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Ubuntu :: "Unable To Mount Location, Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server" Update Caused?

Jul 4, 2011

I have had a Dlink 323 network file server for some time. After first getting it going, it has worked fine on both my Ubuntu computers and my Windows machines including a dual boot Ubuntu machine / Vista box. Recently, a problem has appeared that started at about the same time. The Ubuntu machines give me the "Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server" error message. The Windows machines still work fine. This message can be caused by a number of problems. I suspect that this time was caused by a update. The linux machines are 11.04 and 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Error "Unable To Mount Location" - "Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server"

Jan 24, 2010

I would love to dump most of my Windows boxes in favor of Ubuntu but I am a little weary. My concerns are the following:

1. I can live without most of my Windoze software but there are a couple of programs that I may need to have. I looked at Wine but I am not sure how this works or if it works with all Win installs. Do I actually run my win install and install the win app on my Ubuntu box?

2. I can see my Windows 7 workgroup along with the boxes but everytime I try to connect I get the following error "Unable to mount location" - "Failed to retrieve share list from server". I have tried everything including creating a share on the Windows box with full permissions. (Oh, the boxes that I cannot connect to are Win 7 64 bit, I can actually connect to my Win XP 32 bit box).

3. Will I be able to use all of my files that I have created on on my Windows machines whether 32bit or 64bit?

4. I am actually a MS developer. Is there any way to run SQL Server with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Mount Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server ?

Mar 2, 2011

When i open my network all my computers and other terms show up but when i click on them all i get is cannot mount failed to retrieve share list from server im running ubuntu 10.10 and gnome i thought i had samba4 all installed what else could i be missing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location / Failed To Mount Windows Share

Jul 26, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 running Ubuntu v10.04 with a wireless card.My desktop is a Dell Optiflex running WinXP.The desktop is connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys wireless router. Certain folders on the desktop are set for sharing. Up until early last week I was able to access the desktop folders from the laptop with no issues.Suddenly I am now getting this error "Unable to mount location Failed to mount Windows share" whenever I try to access the desktop folders from the laptop.I suspect an upgrade is the culprit, but not sure.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share : Get An Error Message "unable To Mount Location, Failed To Mount Windows Share"?

Jan 22, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and the Samba addon to configure my shares to my Windows terminals.This is what I got

Firewall off (utf disabled)

Internal Sata /dev/sda1 (EXT4 FS)

External USB HDD /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/SG1500GB (EXT4 FS)

I have two shares

1. //home/test - Which I can see and access with no problems (can't write to it though even though I set the share as writable?, but, I can read from it). This is available to everyone. My windows terminal can see this folder and access it. This is on my main 80GB internal drive /dev/sda1.

2. //media/SG1500GB/Music. I set this up for everyone full access and I can see it at all my Windows machines but,I can't get into the folder. Windows keeps giving me an error stating network path not found.I also try to access it via the Nautilus (Places/Network/system/music) and get an error message "unable to mount location, Failed to mount windows share". This drive is mounted per the disk utility.

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Networking :: Unable To Mount Location: Failed To Mount Windows Share

Mar 21, 2010

i'm trying to connect to the three other machines in my house but am having quite a hard time doing so. i've never had a problem in the past with ubuntu, but, with 9.1 and windows 7, things have gotten a bit harder. i'm running 9.1 and my roommates are running windows 7. i've installed, set up and configured samba and i can see the computers on my network, but any time i try to access either of the drives, it says unable to mount location: failed to mount windows share.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba And External Drive - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share - Dialog Box

May 25, 2010

I have been trying to share folders from my main PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have been able to figure out Samba enough to get my a couple of folders shared, but I have been unable to share any folders which are on my external harddrive. After entering the path in my smb.conf file they appear on the network but I am unable to navigate to them. When trying to navigate to them through the network folder on the pc they are actually connected to I get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to mount windows share" dialog box. On the windows pc I am trying to share with I get, "Windows cannot acces \Josh-Desktop
ame of folder"

My smb.conf file looks like this:

That folders I cannot access are Music and Videos.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Windows 7 Drives - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share Error Message

Sep 5, 2010

I have recently set up an ubuntu installation on an old PC. After some fiddling with both it, and the windows 7 machine, I have managed to share all of my drives. However, when attempting to access them from ubuntu, only 2 of the 4 hard disk shares will mount, with the other 2 failing with a Unable to mount location, failed to mount windows share error message.

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General :: Networking 2 Boxes - Error: "unable To Mount Location Failed To Mount Windows Share"

Mar 27, 2011

im trying to get a network setup i followed the instruction via gentoo wiki samba what i have done


then i did chmod 777 to the shared folders on both machines went into nautilus it sees the folder but it will not mount the folder showing the error msg:"unable to mount location failed to mount windows share" ive been searching unbuntu forums opensuseforums and google for an answer to this issue but as of right now anything that i have tried to do has failed and nothing seems to be working.

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Fedora Networking :: Failed To Retrieve Share List

Aug 7, 2009

This machine has Fedora11 x64 and I am trying to connect to another windows machine. If I go to Places > Network > Windows Network I get "failed to retrieve share list" <no paste!> I saw the bits about nss-mdns which wasn't installed. I have now installed v0.10 and restated everything with no improvement. Admin>network>DNS persists in using the router name as search path not my domain, if that is relevant.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 25, 2010

Weird. I connect Windows to Ubuntu Server but not Ubuntu to server. I am able to connect my two windows (7 and vista) to Samba/UbuntuServer and browse, cut, paste, etc. However, I can't for the life of me connect with my Ubuntu machines. I get to the stage: "Opening Workgroup" and then I get unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server?

Jul 31, 2011

My flatmates just set up a windows server to share media. If I use nautilus, I can see something called "Windows Network". But if I click on it, or try to open it, I get the error message: "Failed to retrieve share list from server". I have nautilus-share and smb installed. How do I now actually connect to a windows shared folder?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server / Get It To Work?

Jul 24, 2010

Trying to share files between Ubuntu 10.04 machines has become a continuing nightmare; it has been going on ever since the launch of 10.04.

I have worked my way through every post and howto I can find in this forum, but without success.

I have 3 machines in my home network; 2 are on wired connections and one on wireless. Each machine dual boots Ubuntu 10.04 and Win XP.

When all machines are in XP, everything is fine. When all machines are in Ubuntu, the reverse is the case. On some I can see the other machines; on others I can only see "Windows network". In all cases, clicking on any of the icons that emerge from Places>Network, I get the "failed to mount....failed to retrieve share list from server."

Along the way, I have changed /etc/samba/smb.conf so often that I have now done a clean reinstall of Ubuntu on each machine and a clean installation of Samba. The problem remains.

I have a few specific questions, the answers to which might just lead me in new directions

1. In the smb.conf file, should the "Netbios name" entry be the name of the machine itself or the name of the Ubuntu machine that you wish to be the server.?

2. Should there be a different entry for WINS support yes/no for server and clients?

3. Many of the howtos take you to /etc/init.d/samba to start and stop samba; but that folder is not present on any of my installations. Is that OK? Do those instructions only apply to earlier versions?
4 I am totally at a loss over the WINS server entry, and what w,x,y,z are meant to be replaced with

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting Windows - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Apr 11, 2010

A few days ago I got this Ubuntu box (9.10) to connect to the Windows network in our house. Sharing printers and files. Life was good. But today, Places > Network > Workgroup tries to connect for about a minute then I get a "Unable to mount locations, Failed to retrieve share list from server" error. The only thing I recall changing at around the same time was adding Wine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Client - Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Apr 15, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu sense about 6.10 and never had to network with a Windows computer before. I have a decent understanding of Linux itself but I am having issues with this samba client. I have a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and am trying to use samba to access my shares on a Windows XP(SP3) computer. I am on the network just fine, and all the computers on the network have static IP addresses. When I go to Places->Network->Windows Network I see the "TITANNET" workgroup, (Even before I changed my workgroup to "TITANNET" in the smb.conf file.), but when I try to access it I get this error:

Unable to mount location
Failed to retrieve share list from server.

P.S.[0] I tried using /etc/init.d/samba restart but it did not work, I am not sure I am even running the samba server. (Well, it is obvious I am not, what I really mean is what am I running to (not =D)access the shares on my Windows PC.)
P.S.[1] I know that this has probably been posted before. I have searched and searched, I am about 1.5 pots of coffee and 4 hours into this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File - Access Shared Folder - Error: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 24, 2010

I have been having off and on issues with my samba file shares. I am sharing a NTFS formated hard drive where the mount point is in my home directory, as well as a printer connected via USB. I am to the point where printing works (using it as an ipp print share, samba is configured for it, but I don't know if it works or not), and I can access the shared folder from Windows, but I can't access the shared folder from any Ubuntu machine. I get the error:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Folders From It To Windows - Error: "Unable To Mount Location" "Failed To Mount Windows Share"

Jun 28, 2011

I have a computer running Ubuntu 10.10. I am using it to share many hard drives connected to it. I am using Samba. I have successfully shared many folders to one Windows user. I am attempting to share other folders within the shared folders to another user as read only but have not had any success. When I attempt to connect to one of the shares from another computer running Ubuntu 10.10, logged into an Administrator account with the same username and password which I setup on the Samba share I get the error: "Unable to mount location" "Failed to mount Windows share"

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Lag And Windows Network "failed To Retrieve Share List From Server"?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm running Fedora 14 and when I'm surfing the web, it seems to lag in between pages. I don't think its my net connection, I just wiped windows 7 off my system for Fedora and it did not suffer from the same lag issues.I've tried adding in google's alternate dns server but it didn't seem to fix the issue. I ran into this issue a couple years back on Ubuntu 8.1 or something like that, and I never could find out what I needed to configure.My second problem is that when I try to connect to other Windows systems on my wlan or wired connection, it gives the error "failed to retrieve share list from server". I'm not experienced in networking, can someone explain this to me?

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Fedora Servers :: "Failed To Retrieve Share List"

Jul 23, 2009

So many similar problems but not quite..

Fedora 11 server sharing on WINDOWS LAN

Linux machine displays icons for the Network and Workgroup Try to open Workgroup and get error "UNABLE TO MOUNT - FAILED TO RETRIEVE SHARE LIST FROM SERVER" What "share list" is it searching for?

SELinux and firewall turned off Have both Linux and Samba users entered

(part of SMB.conf}
netbios name = LE
server string = linux file server
workgroup = PRODUCTION
security = share


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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Failed To Retrieve List From Server

Jun 19, 2011

I loaded 9.10 version on a test pc. Immediately after the installation and reboot, all of the windows PC's and NAS drives I have (13) showed up under network in Ubuntu. I then proceeded to assign static addressing and loaded updates, Then I couldn't see the windows machines anymore. And this was BEFORE I started modifying the smb.conf file. My Windows workgroup name is not "workgroup". It's odd that all the Win PC's and NAS drives were visible from the out of the box 9.10 install....

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