Ubuntu Multimedia :: Touch Screen Friendly Music Player - Usable For GNU?

May 17, 2010

I've searched all over the internet for a usable touch screen friendly music player and have found nothing for Ubuntu. It doesn't matter to me if it's just a skin over an existing well known player or a complete application written from the ground up. This is for a car pc. I have been on MP3Car and I have still not found anything usable for GNU linux. The only component I need to complete my project is a good touch screen music player.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound After Update To 11.04 - New Music Player Won't Play Sounds From Music CDs Either

May 13, 2011

I have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.

ALSA info is at: [url]

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Mpd (music Player Daemon) To Access Music Files?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).

In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.

How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Every Music Player Wants To Stream Music?

Apr 19, 2010

I've had an awkward problem lately: every music player I use wants to instead of play music from my USB external hard drive, stream music from it. I have no idea why it suddenly started doing that. It may have been an accidental key-combo I pressed, thinking I had another window targeted and didn't bother pressing it again for my Totem music player. So I closed out of Totem in hopes that Rythmbox would work like totem used to. Well, it doesn't. It wants to stream music now.The problem with the streaming music is trivial, but here it is: I have a playlist with a little over 300 songs. I have Totem set to shuffle and repeat my music. Streaming music with it makes it just stop randomly after a few songs, and when I try to pause music and play it later it takes a good 30 seconds before it kicks back in at the beginning of the song.Like I always ask because I don't know enough to give back to the community yet, can anyone help me? Thanks.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Ipod Touch Mounts But Not Usable

Aug 11, 2010

I installed 10.04 as I heard the ipod touch support in Banshee / rhythmbox was as good as itunes for synbching music files. However with the base install I was unable to transfer to my ipod by dragging files over to it.I have now spent a week trying different things from google searches etc. This has left me with a system that now mounts the ipod but doesn't display it in banshee or rhythmbox I was mostly aiming to get this working .. [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Transfer Purchased Music From Ipod Touch

Jul 4, 2010

I'm running Lucid and so far I've been really pleased with how easy it is to access my ipod. My only problem is transferring music I purchased from the itunes store from my ipod touch to my ubuntu box. Neither Rhythmbox nor gtkpod shows that I have purchased music. If I browse through my ipod using Nautilus I can find my purchases but they have numbers for names and their metadata is in plist separate plist files.
The files aren't DRM'ed. If i hover my mouse over any of them in Nautilus, they play fine. Is there an easier way of transferring them than copying them and tagging each file individually?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music From Rhythmbox Not Playing On IPod Touch

Oct 2, 2010

I recently found that I can sync my music to my iPod without iTunes/Windows. I tried using Rhythmbox and it seemed to work. That was, until I tried playing the album I added. It just skips through the album.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transferring Music To IPod Touch 4.2.1 In Rhythmbox

Aug 3, 2011

A while ago, my iPod Touch was on the 3.1.3 firmware and when I would drag songs onto it from within Rhythmbox it worked perfectly. The filenames would be changed to follow Apple's weird naming conventions, and they would appear in the music library on my iPod. Then, I updated to 4.2.1 and I could no longer mount the iPod (this was a known issue, and someone made a fix, but I didn't bother with it) so I wasn't able to connect to it and transfer any more songs through Rhythmbox. Recently I noticed that I can now mount the iPod again and browse it in Rhythmbox (it must've been fixed in an update). However, I can't (successfully) transfer songs to it.

When I drag songs onto the iPod, Rhythmbox displays the "transferring __ songs" status, and they get added to the iPod's list of songs shown in Rhythmbox. However, they aren't visible in the iPod's actual music library. And when I reconnect the iPod to browse the music on my iPod in Rhythmbox, the newly transferred songs are no longer there. But the space left on my iPod has definitely decreased. So I went into my iPod's iTunes_Control/Music folder and noticed that all the songs I transferred are actually there in the F## folders, but they didn't get renamed to follow Apple's naming scheme (so instead of being named something like LNXQ.mp3 they just retain whatever the old filename was). So does anyone know what's going on? Rhythmbox definitely used to be able to transfer the songs in the "correct" way which ends with their filenames being changed and the songs being added to the iPod's music library. Why isn't this happening correctly anymore? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Synced From Rhythmbox To IPod Touch Won't Start Playing?

Oct 16, 2010

When I sync my iPod touch 2G on 4.1 (same issue on 4.0), when I try to play the music on my iPod, it will just skip the song/not play it. I didn't have this issue on Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Music Does Not Show On IPod Touch Music Library

Nov 26, 2010

I recently got an iPod touch 2nd gen. I plugged it in and it immediately showed up in Rhythmbox. I dragged and dropped music files to the iPod icon listed under devices on the left hand pane. The files ARE on the iPod, I can confirm by finding them on the device in Nautilus. The problem is, they do not show up in the music library on the actual iPod. Did I miss something, or is there a step I must take to get them to show up in the iPod's music library so I can play them?

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Hardware :: Friendly Touch Scroll Or 360 Degree Scroll Mouse?

Sep 12, 2010

I really enjoyed using Apple's wireless Mighty Mouse and Magic mouse because of their ability to easily touch scroll 360 degrees. Unfortunately, Linux drivers are not provided for these mice.Is there an equivalent wireless mouse that works well in Linux? Ideally with native support or community provided drivers, etc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Music Player To Use

Dec 15, 2010

Which music player should I use? I heard that some music players have difficulties playing certain types of music files. Is there a music player that has the fewest issues when it comes to playing music files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Seeking Xms Like Music Player?

Apr 21, 2010

I am searching for an xmms like music player. rythmbox doesn't do it for me because it organizes songs by genre and such rather than by files - I find changing tags on individual music files tiresome, and I prefer the xmms style - all music was accessed as I access all other files on my computer. Frankly I don't know how to "compile from source" and can't quite follow the instructions describing how to "compile" the original xmms. Xmms2 doesn't seem to work on my computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommendations For A Music Player?

May 5, 2010

What's new as far as audio players ? I still like vlc for videos.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Are A Music Player That Uses The Equalizer

Sep 6, 2010

I use several players, but all of it was no equalizer , while i was using Aimp with wine but there are some problems, when i stop the songs in the play, and run it back , i hear no sound on it , are we life in digital world ? music player without equalizer its like nightmare for me , like going back into the past , it was like seeing my father met my mother at the time of their first date

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find The Music Files In The Mp3-player?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm having problems with my creative zen & linux. The problem is, I can't find the music files I have transfered to the mp3-player. But when I connect the mp3 to my laptop the files is there! When I'll try to find the music files in the mp3-player (disconnected from the laptop), I can't find them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Syncing Music Player Libraries?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows 7, and I have all my music files on an external hard drive that I read from both OSes. When in Windows 7, I use iTunes as my music player. Does anyone know of a way to keep the ratings, primarily, and play counts as a bonus quest, synced between iTunes and a Linux music player, whether it's Rhythmbox, Banshee, Amarok, or some other player. This is the number one feature I'd like so I'll switch to using almost any music player if I can have this.

If there's a way to import ratings from iTunes that's a start, but that's more of a one time thing. I might be able to write a script that does this importing regularly but what I'd really like is a seamless way to keep the ratings between the two music players synced. I know I can use Amarok or Banshee on Windows and that might make what I'm trying to do easier, but for other reasons I need to keep using iTunes on Windows.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Player With Mp3 CD Burning Capability

May 13, 2010

I'm looking for a music player, similar to rhythmbox, but one that allows for drag 'n drop mp3 cd burning capabilities.

If I'm not clear, I want to be able to drag songs from my library into a playlist, or whatever, just like rhythmbox will do for audio cd's, but be able to burn it as an mp3 cd to allow for long playlists.

My music folder is close to 10000 files in MANY MANY different folders. So making a long mp3 mixtape would be much easier if I could do it in the same program that already has every song in front of me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Run An Audio CD Using Rythmbox Music Player?

Sep 1, 2010

I keep getting this error when I try to run an Audio CD using Rythmbox Music Player.

Could not open location cdda://sro/' Failed to execute child process "sound juicer" (no such file or directory)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Simple Music Player To Play Cd's?

Oct 3, 2010

What is a simple music player that will play cd's in Xubuntu 8.04?Movie player comes up when i put in a cd, but gives an error messege...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 11.04 - How To Sync Music To MP3 Player Using Amarok

May 27, 2011

I am having a few problems concerning my mp3 player: (I thought a long time about posting this in the hardware section, but in the end it comes down to the fact that this is still an mp3 player - I know it's still piece of hardware - which indicates that's it is some sort of music device... doesn't matter)

1. The system somehow doesn't recognize it and doesn't handle it the way it handles external hard drives. However, the device is recognized by amarok. How do I change this circumstance or if this is normal, why?
2. How do I synchronize music to it, using Amarok?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Alternative Music Player For 11.2-64?

Mar 30, 2010

SUSe 11.2-64 running on a core quad Intel motherboard. In the room here are 3 computers with outputs through a Behringer mixer to a Sony surround sound system--it sounds better plus I dont have the spider web of a separate sound system for each machine. 11.2-64 has been excellent so far with the exception of the music player--Amorak. Someone decided to leave out any sound contour tools. I also have Banshee and MPlayer but have experienced various problems with them. Amorak, at least for my use isnt too lame but whoever "They" are decided to do away with the graphic eq.I like the ability to build playlists with Amorak which is missing in some other programs without an exercise in file system manipulation. Any one have suggestions?? One note I will add here is that in Windows 7 64 bit professional, which I am forced to use because of no software for my work written in Linux,running on another machine here-- someone had what I consider the really excellent idea of incorporating a graphic equalizer on the machine output under the Realtek audio package..one eq to control all sounds from that machine--anything like that available for SUSe??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Player Crossfeed Plugin Bs2b?

Mar 24, 2010

I've been trying to get this plugin to work with karmic: [URL] I tried the xmms one but the flac plugin for xmms is missing the dependacy libflac7 and there is no source availible as far as I can tell. I tried the audacious one but it isn't compatible with audacious-2.2 and audacious1.5.1 crashes with a segment fault on karmic. I also found this [URL] It has a plugin called gstreamer0.10-bs2b which sounds like the same thing I've been working on but I tried a bunch of music players (hythmbox, audacious, xmms2, songbird, and quodlibet). None seem to have anyway to enable the plugin.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Player/jukebox For Large Collection?

Mar 29, 2010

What would be the best music jukebox that doesn't lag when there is a lot of music in the library (400+ gigs)?

I have tried songbird, but its pretty laggy. I like to import all my music and turn on shuffle and go through my songs.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Player Tied To Places' Folders?

Jan 10, 2011

When i mouse over to places/home, desktop, documents, music, pictures, videos, or downloads my music player (Banshee) opens. I had the same problem with Rhythmbox. Anyone else having this problem? To open one of the aforementioned folders, I go to Places/Computer and navigate from there. That sequence works, no problem. Also, don't know if its related but, tied "file manager" button to Docky and it won't open any of my folders.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Turn Terminal Into A Music Player With Nvlc?

Jan 20, 2011

fun trick ??Turn your terminal into a music player with nvlc

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Music Player Does Not Play WMAs?

Feb 12, 2011

I have noticed that when I import my music folder, it never had all the albums I have. So, when I looked, I noticed that all the songs that were not imported had the wma file extension. MP3 is fine, I did have problems with that last time.

I have a lot of good songs encoded with wma. So, how do I get Rhythmbox to play these wma sound files? I have done some searching, but it does not seem to work. I have tried using gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly and multiverse. I even did a restart, which was not really necessary as it has nothing to do with hardware.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Changing Volume Applet Music Player?

Feb 12, 2011

I was wondering how you can change the music player that the volume task-bar applet uses? It's really starting to bug me now as I am sure I've seen the setting somewhere.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung P3 - Get Rhythmbox Or Any Other Music Player To Run Without Crashing When The P3 Is Connected

Jan 2, 2010

I bought a Samsung P3 portable audio player I chose it because it had bluetooth support and also appeared to support open audio formats like OGG and FLAC. The only other bluetooth player was the iPod touch. The unit mounts in Nautilus fine and I can read/write files fine. I can even play audio files from it with Movie Player. Here's the problem: I can't get Rhythmbox or any other music player to run without crashing when the P3 is connected!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping Music From CD So MP3 Player Plays In Correct Order

May 5, 2010

I have a Creative Zen Mozaic player, which appears as a USB drive. I've got Ubuntu 10.04 installed.Ripping the MP3s with Sound Juicer is no problem, but my MP3 player doesn't recognize artist or album names, putting it under "Unknown artist" and "Unknown album". The song names appear correct, but the songs are in the wrong order. In the Sound Juicer interface, the album title and artist are correctly detected and displayed.

I assume this is an ID3 tag problem. I could get the process working perfectly with Grip earlier when using Mandriva, but now I'm on Ubuntu and Grip isn't in the repository. I tried with RipperX, which appears to do the correct thing, but seems to crash, and only sets the correct tags for the first few songs (for this particular CD).The mp3 setup in Sound Juicer is as follows: audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 vbr-quality=6 ! id3v2mux

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