Ubuntu Multimedia :: Totem Plugin For Firefox Only Play Video From The Start
Sep 15, 2010
Sometimes for web TV one is offered a menu where the video is divided into sub chapters where you can jump right to this part of the video by clicking in a chapter menu (very similar to playing a DVD). Well, this does not work for me. Clicking a sub chapter only set the video to play from start, and sliding the bar only freezes the player with a white screen. I'm running 10.04 (64b), Firefox 3.6.9, with the latest Totem-plugin.
I'm trying to play a video across the network (watch the "Live View" of a Network Camera) using my Linux/Ubuntu 10.10 Laptop. The video plays fine from Windows and Mac using any browser with Quicktime plugin. My Linux/Ubuntu seems to have a Quicktime plugin called Totem, which shows up in Plug-ins tab as QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6 Totem 2.32.0 (using GStreamer 0.10.30) When Firefox tries to open the videostream using Totem, no video is played just there's an unfunctioning play button and a blank video screen. My own suggestion to this problem is to use another side application such as VLC player inside Firefox. But it seems VLC is unusable in this case because the network video's requires HTTP authentication and I cannot enter that authentication info from VLC itself.
I installed the greasemonkey script "..... without flash auto" to replace the ..... player with the default totem plug-in in firefox. The script is awesome because now I don't get bogged down with flash when watching ......
Everything works as expected, but the problem is that the plugin doesn't stream, I have to wait until the video finishes loading before I can play it. Ironically, if i don't use the plugin and directly open the video cache in /tmp with totem, it was able to play even when the video wasn't finished loading.
I am not sure if this is normal, but I find it a huge annoyance. Does anyone else running this script have the same problem? I don't know if it is the script, the plugin, or my configs in general. A push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
The symptom is that I can't no more listen to my favorite Web Radio [URL] if you want get a try, very good music: ). It's a steaming with the url like "mms://web-stite-broadcasting". I swear few upgrades ago it was working. I can't remember when exactly stopped, probably with the last firefox update. What happen? I can see the Totem Browser Plugin 2.30.2 loading and then..."Stopped", he says. If I click on "open with Movie Player", Totem starts and give the error "Could Not Write to resource".
Beside curse my browser I purged/reinstalled firefox and some plugins without success. The odd thing is that other web radios seems to play when, as I can see, the (in)famous plugin-container is not executed, I don't know why.
It seems to be able to play flash videos acquired from from video.google.com (ive only tried one) but NONE from ...... On other distros it will play ALL flash video from ANY source from the tmp directory perfectly fine.
Heres the original error
Search for suitable codec?
The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable codecs to play media files. Do you want to search for a codec that supports the selected file?
The search will also include software which is not officially supported.
I'm having trouble playing back videos from a DLNA device in Ubuntu 11.04, and I'm not sure where the problem lies.
Using the software manager I've installed the extra plugins package for Totem, and enabled the Coherence DLNA/UPNP plugin. I can see the device (Humax Freeview HD recorder) in the MediaServers list, and can browse through the programmes I've recorded on it. However, trying to play any of the has no effect, the main part of the window still shows the "clapperboard" graphic.
I noticed that the "recent files" filenames that were appearing on the Movie menu didn't match the ones that were listed in the sidebar - they're of the form e.g. 313.TS rather than the original descriptive name with a .ts extension. Running Totem from a shell prompt, I can see the following console output: request to play: Man on Earth_20110622_0508.ts 013311314 I tried entering that URL into Firefox, and it started downloading okay; according to the LiveHTTPHeaders addon the response headers are
Why can't Totem play the file? Some other codec needed for video/ts files that I've not got installed? (it hasn't prompted me to install any extra packages) Does it just not like the fact the file extension is upper case? Or something else entirely?
On a separate machine, also running Ubuntu 11.04, I installed the VideoLan client; VLC can browse to the files and play them without any problem. So why can't Totem?
Opening any flash video with the flash player plugin cause my CPU to go to 100% (even more but I assume that's just top reporting dual core or something. I want to watch ..... and stuff without burning up my CPU so I need to fix this.
Although I did install the package flashplugin-nonfree, in debian that I'm a little more used to flashplugin-nonfree provided libflashplayer.so and not flashplugin-alternative.so which seem to be the one all my browsers are using. However about plugins in firefox says very little except "application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash". Can I just replace all the flashplugin-alternative.so with libflashplayer.so and maybe make some links or something or would that be bad?
The process using my CPU is reported as plugin-containe but it only happens with flash video and not any other plugins. If the video is playing, paused or stopped/not started makes no difference. I did replace all the flashplugin-alternative.so with libflashplayer.so, it didn't help. Seems firefox was using that plugin all along, presumably from here "/usr/share/ubufox/plugins/". I can't imagine I'm the only one who wants a fix for this here, there should be hordes. I use the latest kbuntu, flash player, firefox and kernel all from the repo.
I'm an excited newcomer in ubuntu and i'm also an animator. and i have problem playing all streaming video from this particular website (the 11 second club), probably they use quicktime plugin or something. In addition, we can play the stream frame by frame so we can check the animation more details on poses.
could you guys help me out with this...? this website is an important learning centre for me, and definitely for many animators out there who use ubuntu.
Are there any tricks to get video to play smoother in firefox on my wireless network?memory dump or config?They play smoother in xp, which could be just better hardware, or not.
Totem will start to play them but claim i need gstreamer bad plugins... it will offer to install them and afterward will say "data stream error" when i try to play any. Is there a codec package that would allow me to play flash... i already tried the w64codecs package the gstreamer good bad and ugly from synaptic, and installed totem-xine to no avail.
when i try to play a flash video the visual works but not the audio and totem tells me i need the suitable codec which it says is gstreamer-bad and when i attempt to install it, it says that it conflicts with gstreamer-really-bad but if i remove gstreamer-really-bad and install gstreamer-bad totem gives me an internal data stream error instead and even visual won't work. so i ran totem--debug and this is the terminal output with gstreamer-bad when trying to play flash video.
I am trying to watch a video file on a Centos 5.6 Linux. The file does not open. It says "Totem could not play 'file:///root/Desktop/LinuxCBT/Disk1/video01/video01.wmv'. A Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) demuxer plugin is required to play this stream, but not installed." I thought maybe Totem is not capable to play this so i went ahead and installed mplayer on the system (yum install mplayer mplayer-skins mplayer-fonts. I also downloaded this all-20110131.tar.bz2 from this site [URL]. I created a folder called codecs in /usr/local/lib/codecs. I uncompressed the content of all-20110131.tar.bz2 and put them in the codecs folder. I went to folder /usr/local/lib/codecs and did chmod 755 *. I can now hear the sound but no video. when I write gmplayer -ov x11 at the terminal command prompt the mplayer opens, when I open the video file, I can hear the sound but no video. Basically my question is how can I see a video file on Linux? Have I missed something? Did I download wrong files? If I revert and try to open this with Totem, where do I get the necessary plugins for Totem?
Here is the output;
[root@localhost codecs]# gmplayer -vo x11 MPlayer SVN-r31628-4.1.2 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team mplayer: could not connect to socket mplayer: No such file or directory
Earlier today I downloaded a video of a Mozilla Project preview, in MP4. Of course, it won't play. All I get is the audio, and this error:
"An error occurred. The playback of this movie requires a H.264 decoder plugin which is not installed."
I put in some time, researching this issue, trying to figure it all out. I guess I'm looking in the wrong places. Is this a proprietary format issue? Also, when I was overdosing on XP, my media drug of choice was Klite mega codec pack (from codecs.com). It literally plays every media format, audio and video. In addition to fixing the above issue, can somebody guide me to an equivalent player with codecs for [insert any media type here]? I have several Terrabytes of various video and audio files, and prefer to not convert them all.
As it stands, if I play an mp3 file via the web, firefox will launch totem which will in turn launch goom.
Looks nice, but I would like to turn off the Visualisation which takes up the entire CPU. I try under firefox preferences, Edit->Preferences->Plugins, there isn't anything there I can change.
I try under firefox Utils->Plugins and there isn't anything there I can change.I try using gconf-editor, there are different settings there I can play with like: Under /apps/totem/visual it has the setting "GOOM: what a GOOM!", I try and delete it, it doesn't change anything.
Still with gconf-editor I try changing /apps/totem/plugins/screensaver turning the setting of "active" to uncheck. No change, goom still comes up with the fantastic graphics I just don't want. Still with gconf-editor I try changing /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/visualization from "goom" to blank. Again, no change.
If I look under the process list while totem is running goom I see the following: /usr/lib/totem/totem-plugin-viewer --plugin-type cone --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; fr; rv: Gecko/20110422 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.17 --referrer http://blah blah blah blah.mp3 --mimetype audio/mpeg
There doesn't seem to be anywhere I can change the command line which is being passed to totem to make it behave differently and turn off the goom visualizations. I have tried starting up totem as a stand alone application, there I go into Edit->Preferences->Display and make sure the choice for "Show visual effects when an audio file is played" is unticked. That gives me the results I am after for totem as a stand alone application, which is no Visualizations whem audio file is being played BUT It makes no change for totem running as a plugin in firefox.
this happens with both VLC and Totem, when in either of those programs playing a video, if I click on one of the top menus, say View in Totem, the video stays on top of the drop down options. In order to see the options I have to hover over them with the mouse at which point they become momentarily visible. I read a post somewhere where someone had a similar problem and it was solved by reinstalling Compiz, but I've tried uninstalling it entirely, reinstalling it, etc. and none of it works. It doesn't happen with flash videos in firefox, it does happen with visualisations in Totem, and it only started happening since I upgraded to 11.04.
Does gecko-mediaplayer uses gstreamer codecs such as gstreamer0.10-base-plugins gstreamer0.10-good-plugins gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg or is it only totem-plugin that does? I it necessary to have gstreamer codecs installed if you only want to use gecko-mediaplayer?
Thus far I have had no luck. I have installed Namoroka from the ppa repo and got flash working nicely but java is another matter. I followed instructions to install the jre manually but no matter what I do it will not display in FF's "aboutlugins". I have to ask if Namoroka is using the default folder: /home/username/.mozilla/plugins/? Because that is where I created the symlink to the java plugin.
I want that I click with the mouse on the video, it paused.I notice that there is "BaconVideoWidget" which I guess is the video rendering widget but it don't have signal named "clicked":
I'm on Kubuntu 9.10, using Totem to play .wmv files, and certain of them cause the player to search for an audio codec (wmap?) that is never found. The video played without audio after that. So I followed advice to remove ~/.gstreamer-0.10, and reboot. A new .gstreamer-0.10 directory appeared, but now, Totem will not even play the video. It recognizes the audio codec however. The video codec shows up as "Windows Media..." but resolution is 0 x 0, and nothing ever appears in the window. I tried uninstalling and re-installing w32codecs and non-free-codecs, and removing the registry files under ~/gstreamer-0.10 and using gst-inspect to rebuild the database, but nothing helps.
Since upgrading to 64-bit Karmic, I can't play any WMA files, neither in Rhythmox, Totem, VLC, or mplayer. It used to work well with 64-bit Intrepid.
I've added the medibuntu repos and installed ubuntu-restricted-extras (including w64codecs). Still, when rhythmbox or totem opens a WMA file, they search for an appropriate codec and don't find anything.
Just upgraded 4 machines from Karmic to Lucid. 2 of them I used synaptic to install ubuntu-restricted-extras and two I used apt-get from command line. The synaptics will not play a DVD iso in totem while the two from the command line will just fine. If I install VLC on the two that don't work, it plays the iso just fine.
I have purged libdvdread4 and reinstalled with no luck. It offends my sense of perfectness that two machines that used to run dvd iso's fine no longer do.
I did read a blog post somewhere that ubuntu-restricted-extras installed via synaptic does not get everything.
I have a lot of .ogv and .mpg files. Most of the .ogv files won't play, and none of the .mpg files will play, in Totem. I installed VLC media player and all the files will play in it. If I click on file properties in Nautilus for the files that won't play, it says "Creating Properties window. You can stop this operating by clicking cancel." But it never actually shows me the file properties.