Ubuntu Installation :: Command Line But No Gui For Karmic Koala?
Jun 8, 2010
I've installed Karmimc Koala server edition, and I wanted the gui so I followed advice on a forum and did an apt get install gnome desktop etc. but don't know what to do next, all I see is a command line, no gui. I would even settle for just having web min so I could control my server from that, as I have read that servers are more vulnerable with a gui.....and my last ubuntu server got hacked, so I had to wipe out the hard drive and start all over.
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May 19, 2010
I recently installed Karmic Koala server edition, and then did the 'apt-get ..install' for the desktop gnome, but now I'm not sure what to do to get my gui to show. I am stuck at the termanal type command line, it's asking for a sudo comman. I know a few 'sudo' commands, but I really need the gui.
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Feb 11, 2010
I want to install Ubuntu to HDD via USB drive but I can't see my HDD. Only the USB drive is there. I don't have any CD left to burn the ISO, so USB drive is my only choice.
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Feb 21, 2010
I am having problem in grub2 fails to boot the system. I get the error:
Booting from local disk...
GRUB loading.
error: no such disk
System setup:
It's a Dell XPS400 PC with 160 GB HDD. I have a non-LVM, primary partition for the boot file system (/boot) of 200 MB. I also have seven logical volumes (LVM partitions): six for each of the /(root), swap, /home, /usr, /var and /tmp, and one vbox_win_xp_base as a raw disk for running Win XP in the Virtualbox. I went on to configure all these without rebooting the system in between. Later I also updated to the kernel version 2.6.31._20. Next day I decided to reboot my system. But then the bootloader (GRUB2 in my case) won't able to boot it and gives the error mentioned above.
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Apr 7, 2010
i install ubuntu carmic koala, after that, my internet connection was not support with ubuntu karmic koala,,i'm using compaq cq40-337 tu.. how to setting the internet connection?
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Sep 13, 2010
I just upgraded from Jaunty to Karmic, but once I loaded Karmic and rebooted, my computer will not complete the boot up sequence and go into any desktop. It starts the initial boot sequence with the mouse appearing and then goes to the screen that looks like it has an atom cloud. After that, the screen goes black and the mouse-arrow turns into that white rotating wheel, but it stays that way. It never actually goes into any type of operation! I tried to go from the command line and find Lucid to overlay it on Karmic and hopefully solve the problem. It just looks like to me that several of the packages I downloaded through my upgrade manager were corrupted. My computer doesn't even seem to be acknowledging my password because it gives me an error 32:must be authenticated.
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Jan 3, 2010
I bought a magazine "Ubuntu User" that comes with the 9.10 DVD (32- & 64-bit) to avoid heavy download.
1. What is the biggest benefit of the DVD versus the CD ? Having more software on the disc right ? But how can I install additional SW without downloading ?
2. I want to install a Home Server from the DVD but I don't know how to select the server edition to install ? Do I still need to download the CD image for the server edition ? I want to be able to select one or more of the automatic server installation scripts e.g. LAMP.
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Jan 3, 2010
i have 2 hard drives on my machine (1 with ubuntu & 1 with win xp) & would like to create a boot menu to select either at startup, but this isn't working. here is the order of how i setup my system:
1. installed win xp on drive1
2. disconnected drive 1 & installed ubuntu 9.10 on drive2
3. set ubuntu as master drive & win xp as slave drive
i've read about modifying menu.lst to get a boot menu, but as far as i can tell this is no longer valid in 9.10. i've also installed startup manager, which gives me a boot menu *but* when i select the win xp option at the boot menu, i get an error. i'm assuming this error is due to the fact that i am using 2 hard drives (instead of the more common 2 partition on 1 hard drive). Here is what my boot option says: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sdb1) Here is what commands run when I select this option:
drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
chainloader +1
Here is the error that results:
is it possible to get a boot menu with 2 hard drives using 9.10? it's worth mentioning that i am a brand new user to linux. p.s. the reason i didn't go for a partition on 1 hard drive from the start is that the ubuntu partitioner did not recognize any free space on my win xp drive.
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Jul 6, 2010
Lately I have noted a decrease on the performance of my Ubuntu Karmic Koala 64 bits installation. It takes longer times to open applications and documents and sometimes the windows fade to grey and I have to wait. Can anyone give me some hint on where to start looking for a solution?
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Sep 16, 2010
Given that 10.04 fails to work on my old pc, where do i find installs of hardy heron (which i know works) or karmic koala (which may work).
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Oct 21, 2010
I currently use Karmic Koala (9.10) and want to upgrade to Maverick Meerkat (10.10). The thing is that Update Manager allows me to upgrade only to 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) but I cannot upgrade to Lucid Lynx because of a bug which freezes my keyboard and mouse. Also, upgrading first to 10.04 and then to 10.10 is quite time consuming. Can I upgrade directly to 10.10 from 9.10 without 10.04 acting as a mediator?
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Feb 11, 2010
I've been trying to get Grub 2 to work on a desktop system I'm trying to install Karmic Koala on. It's currently got two similar hard drives, which I've partitioned into a small /boot partition and the rest as a large general partition. Both are fd (linux software RAID) types. I boot from the Ubuntu live CD then create the RAID arrays as RAID 1 (requires installing mdadm to work). Then I start the arrays and begin the install.
I select manual partitioning and create the first RAID array (/dev/md0) as an ext4 /boot. The second array (/dev/md1) requires a new partition table. I then partition it as 20G for /, 2G for swap and the rest as /home, giving me /dev/md1p1, /dev/md1p2 and /dev/md1p3. When the install finishes, I mount the various partitions in /mnt (for /dev/md1p1) and below, including binding /dev and /proc. Then I chroot and install mdadm in the new system. I update grub, re-install it on /dev/sda & /dev/sdb then update the initramfs.
A quick reboot and things go wrong... Grub boots me into a recovery console. Apparently it can't see the partitions in the second RAID array. how to get Grub 2 and/or mdadm to work in this situation? I know that apart from the RAID, the above process worked to allow me to set up a Grub 2 boot on an antique laptop with an incomplete install.
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Nov 7, 2010
I had been happily on Jaunty Jackalope until they stopped supporting it so I took the forced upgrade and it's HORRIBLE!
I feel like I'm back in Windows land. Within an hour of my first load I had my very first Ubuntu total-lockup. Just like Windows. In the 18 months I'd been using Jackalope I had not had a single crash. Not one.
It's slow, jerky, and has odd freezes. Just like Windows. Applications randomly stop working and die. Just like Windows.
Is there any way to fall back to Jackalope or is there any hope of them fixing Koala? 'Cause this is wretched.
I see there's another version out there...10.04.01.LTS. I'll try that. It can't be much worse.
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm making a school project and need a ubuntu command line edition with low used space.Now I was able to download and install the Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" Minimal CD.But the size is now total 626mb and packages installed around 300mb.I figured that the archived deb files were not deleted when installed.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have read numerous posts about this subject, but being a novis in the Linux field, I cannot say that without explicit step by step instructions I am able to repair or tinker with anything under Ubuntu. In short, my sound has ceased to function. It did work for a period of time and suddenly no more. I have a 64 bit version of Ubuntu 9.1.
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Jan 10, 2010
As most users, I am new to Upstart.
I am looking for the easiest way to get my workstation running with the needed services. At this time, these include SSHD and Music Player Daemon.
I ve installed both and they work when activated manually by sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start, or mpd respectively. But I don t have a clue as to how to start them up with an Upstart job?
I ve tried this code...
but to no success.
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Jan 11, 2010
Can a 32 bit karmic koala 9.10 support 4gb of ram. i donut want to get 64 bit because of the compatibility problems. so i am wandering can a 32 bit ubuntu run 4gb ram with it?
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Mar 27, 2010
using 9.10 Karmic Koala I have a folder of JPGs. Rightclick on one, choose Open With F=Spot. A small window opens. Then a larger one, identifying the F-Spot program. Then everything goes away. Or I go to Applications/Graphics/F-SpotPhotoManager the same thing happens: small window, big window, gone.
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Apr 21, 2010
On Dell Inspiron 9200, with or without accelerator for NVIDEA graphics. P.S. I would like to give 9.10 a chance. have gedit and browser open (browser with the forum message being edited), then do the following:
1.This example demonstrates one problem (unresponsive single click) Use the System-->Preferences-->Mouse
Click repeatedly on the light bulb at 1 second interval ---> result: often the light does not turn on. Result: it appears that the click event does not complete. I have noticed that a mouse-out will cause the click to complete (specifically as in 2. and 3 after a brief moment (hopefully before the drag and drop icon appears).
2. Click on any icon, submit button, close, etc. takes many tries.
3. Click on any icon, panel button, link, etc. if you linger a moment a floating icon (a drag and drop hand).
4. Scrollbar button and action follow the mouse outside of the scrollbar. The scrollbar sticks - difficult to make scrollbar stop following the mouse.
5. Example, have two visible windows (for example gedit and the browser) From gedit move to browser by click on browser. ---> result takes forever to recognise the focus and click and go to the broser.
6. Unresponsive UI. In browser highlight text in textarea (with difficulty) then chose Copy (slow UI), from this window click on desktop's Applications (takes many clicks to open), from Accessories click on gedit (slow or takes more than one try), paste (speed of paste OK).
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Feb 17, 2011
am running Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop via USB external HDD.Currently it will not boot.I get the logo followed be an immediate filesystem check.At 90% complete it check crashes followed by the following:
init: mountall main process (500) terminated with status 3
Mount of filesystem failed.
A maintenance shell will now be stated.
CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try.
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Jan 4, 2010
i've had alot of problems with karmic koala but i think i should blame it on my computer damn things ancient anyways i want to install puppy linux because karmic requires all of my ram to operate but the only problem is that i can't get my CD-RW drive to burn i've ran an image burn through k3b brasero and gnomebaker and everytime i try to burn the image my computer freezes up i'm ready to pull my hair out i want to get puppy linux on this thing so it'll run faster is it because i'm trying to do too much with not enough RAM if so is there a few extra programs i can suspend untill i have burned the OS or
am i missing some kind of file or program or what i mean i can't even get the disc back out even if it unfreezes i still have to restart the system just to get the disc out i know it can't be my disc drive it's not new but it's never been used till now and it didn't come with a driver disc so it can't be that either all i want to do is get puppy linux installed and move on with my life until i buy a new computer then i'll just install the lastest ubuntu version at the time
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Feb 8, 2010
i have no problem ( not yet any more ). but i have a question to the development: who had the mangificent idea to change the philosopy of more than 30 year old runlevels ( 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6 ). now when the system is full up who -r and runlevel gives you can anybody imagine how many scripts which are using commands like "who -r", "runlevel" or parse utmp are give up working. i think a couple of thousends. portability is written in unix with capital letters . please send me a message if you plan to change the runlevel to "S" that i can modify my scripts.
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Feb 24, 2010
I have a Dell Latitude D620 which came with Windows XP. I have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on the laptop so it can dual boot but I can't connect to the internet.I have a dynamic IP allocated by my broadband service provider which I access by a wired Netgear DM111P router (not cable). It still works fine when booting up windows.I've read through lots of posts by others trying to find a solution as the 9.10 install has just been done and I've not changed anything.
My tentative assessment is the laptop, when running Ubuntu, is not communicating with the router as there seems to be no IP address allocated by the router.
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm using FSC Lifebook S series, to be more specific S7210. I know from specs and from Win that it contains onboard accelerometer, in Win Vista it works perfectly, with FSC supplied "Motion sensor utility" it protects hard disk from damage during sudden shakes of notebook.
The question is - i couldn't anyhow find any note in Ubuntu that it is recognized and is used as it should be. So I'm wondering is it done automatically or it is not used at all? If it is working is there any way to check some status of it, or if it isn't how to get it to protect hdd?
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Mar 27, 2010
it has been a year since I've started using Ubuntu linux, and for being calm that everything is working properly, I would like to do a full system check. The only option I've found is on System=> Administration=> System Testing, but this wasn't what I was searching for (mainly because I don't know what is written there- I don't know enough for running this option). Is there something else I can do? maybe something through Terminal?I want to run such a check also because the system sometimes work slowly, and maybe something went wrong...
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Jan 8, 2010
Looking for the picture during login on ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala. it's the dark red picture. I'm trying to download so i can put it on my windows 7 login screen.
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Jan 8, 2010
I've a problem with Karmic Koala and my macbook1.1 when i plugin hearphones I can't hear sound in it and in the speaker. many thread suggest to use alsamixer but I've only this settings I've NO alsa.conf setting in /etc/modprobe.d/
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Feb 2, 2010
I was also having a problem with the Shutdown / Reboot sequence taking ages due to using WiFi, WPA2 and mounting SMB shares. I wasted about 4 hours digging around before I finally realised that the solution involved Upstart. 1. Open a terminal and enter:
Code: sudo gedit /etc/init/network-manager.conf 2. Just below the description line add the following:
pre-stop script
end script
3. Save the script and attempt a restart. I don't know if this will work for everyone, or even what version of Upstart you need for it to work, but it cuts my shutdown time from about 2 mins to about 30 seconds.
Note: This has been working for me about 90% of the time. Occasionally though I see that the script ends prematurely due to the TERM signal and I end up with the 2 minute wait again. I've added the following to the /etc/init/network-manager.conf file:
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Feb 4, 2010
I want to using ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala. In that i want to see the file /etc/X11/xorg.cong file. But i didnt find that file in my distro. So please can anyone tell me how to see that settings and if i want to edit that how to do that?without seeing the format and alues in that file i cant add that file.
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Feb 5, 2010
how to install the flashplayer, so i can watch videos videos and play flash games... i am a complete beginner, one guy told me to write this code in the terminal: "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" that's what i did, but then i got this as a response:
[sudo] password for "myname": (i entered it here)
e: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: resource temporarily unavailable)
e: unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
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