Ubuntu Installation :: Best Approach For A Fedora 14 - 10.10 Dual-boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I plan to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to dual-boot it with Fedora 14.

My last experience with Fedora's installation program was not good. It erased my Windows 7 partition without me telling it to. :/

I'm thinking of installing Fedora first and letting it take over the hard drive, then using Ubuntu's good installation program to try and dual-boot...

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Fedora Installation :: 10 - WDE And Dual-Boot - Boot Sector Is Occupied By WDE Software (TrueCrypt)

May 17, 2009

I currently have XP installed on a NetBook (Samsung NC10), and would like to run Fedora on it. I'm currently looking at putting Fedora onto a flash memory card to test it works OK on the hardware, before installing it to the hard disk. The problem I've got is that the boot sector is occupied by WDE software (TrueCrypt). Will this pose a problem for dual-booting XP with Fedora, or will GRUB move the boot loader in the usual way?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Xp - Grub Can't Boot Into Windows?

Jan 10, 2010

I just set up a dual boot on a system with fedora 12 and XP. XP in on one hard drive (sda) and Fedora on a second hard drive (sdb).

I installed grub on the Fedora disk so as to not touch the windows disk at all.

Prior to installation, in the bios, I set the Fedora disk (sdb) first in the boot sequence, and then XP (sda) so that the grub loader would boot up by default. (If I set the windows drive first then the system bypasses grub and loads straight into windows.)

My system can now boot up into Fedora fine, but if I select windows from the grub loader menu I just get a blinking cursor - windows will not boot.What do I have to do so that grub can boot into XP?

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Dual Boot With Ubuntu 8.10

Feb 14, 2009

I have two hard drives in my PC, ubuntu 8.10 on the first. After reading good reviews about Fedora 10, i decided to give it a try. I installed Fedora 10 in my second hard drive and the distro is great. But my problem is that now I cannot get into the Ubuntu install. I changed the /boot/grub/menu.lst file as recommended by several posts, but no progress. my menu.lst file below. if I have got it wrong or if I need to add anything.

HTML Code:

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Ubuntu 9.04 And 10?

Apr 26, 2009

I'm looking to dive right into this whole GNU/Linux thing, and am looking to try out as many distros as I can. I've already installed Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope, and want to dual boot fedora 10 with it. How hard would this be for a total linux n00b like myself?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - 12 With Ubuntu 9.10

Nov 18, 2009

I would like to try out fedora 12 using dual boot method. i currently have ubuntu karmic installed with grub2 and ext4 partitions and would like to dual boot with fedora 12. if i just install fedora 12 will it automatically pick up ubuntu karmic as welland add it to grub. will there be any problems since fedora uses grub legacy and ubuntu uses grub2?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - And Ubuntu With LVM

Nov 19, 2009

I want to setup a machine that can dual boot both Fedora and Ubuntu.

The machine already has F11 installed and the bootloader is in /dev/md0 partition.

There are mounts:

I added another drive pair because I want Ubuntu on its own LVM partition on separate drive array.

So how do I add Ubuntu to this now?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Ubuntu 10.04 And 13

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 at the moment and I'm interested in fedora 13.

Here is my grub.cfg file

I'm going to delete my sda1 entry (mandriva) and put fedora there instead. Will Fedora automatically detect my other partitions? If not, will copying and pasting the other entries into fedora's grub.cfg ?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Dual Boot To Ubuntu

Aug 27, 2010

I installed Ubuntu, and then Fedora so I could choose between the two, but after installing Fedora I thought I would get a choice, but it just boots to Fedora. Here's a screenie of my gpart and a paste of my grub. Can you tell where I screwed up, and how to fix it?


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Fedora Installation :: Can't Dual Boot XP And F10

Feb 6, 2009

I've been wrestling with this for the last couple of days - I can't dual boot XP and F10.


I did notice when installing F10 that it remapped my drives, making the WIndows and therefore boot drive /dev/sdb and the Linux Drive /dev/sda. I know this requires changing some of the drive designations (hd0,0 etc) but I've done it twice and ended up only being able to boot into Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Fedora 12 Constantine From 9.10?

Jan 2, 2010

After much searching I was unable to find any information on dual booting Fedora 12 from Ubuntu 9.10. Here is how I got it to work: If you are installing both distributions it is recommended that you install Fedora 12 first, then Ubuntu. It may be possible to chainload Ubuntu's bootloader (grub2) from Fedora 12's (legacy grub), although I haven't tested to confirm if this works. (If it works for you please reply).

Once you are done installing both distributions, boot Ubuntu and open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal).

When you are in the terminal type:"sudo blkid /dev/xxx", where xxx is the root partition of Fedora 12.If you specified a sepearate /boot partition, then you will need the UID of that partition as well.

You will recieve output that appears much like:
austin@ubuntu:/$ sudo blkid /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: LABEL="Fedora Boot" UUID="e7cd142b-1fb7-4c34-8a2b-b00dd8e7f081" TYPE="ext3" Copy down the UID from the "UUID=" field (without quotes). For example, from the output above, the UID of my Fedora 12 boot partition is e7cd142b-1fb7-4c34-8a2b-b00dd8e7f081.


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Installation :: Error - 13 Dual Boot Fedora 12 - Ubuntu 9.10

Jan 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop. Thereafter, I installed Fedora 12 on another partition. Now when I boot, my bootloader lets me select Fedora 12 or Ubuntu, kind of. When I select Ubuntu I get ERROR 13. Now... when I installed Fedora 12, I selected Ubuntu (or I thought) as another OS. Guess I messed up.

I need to know how I would fix this problem. I know it has something to do with GRUB, either its' conf file or the menu list, but I really don't know how to make the changes.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 To Replace Dual Boot XP & F9

Feb 11, 2009

I need to remove my dual boot of WinXP & F9 to replace them with F10. Should I format the disk before installing F10? I'm still a beginner in Fedora. & How is the fedora 10? do you recommend replacing it compared to F9?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot F10 With Vista

May 6, 2009

I have a PC with two 40 Gb hard drives. Vista is currently installed on drive 0. Nothing is installed on drive 1. If I switch cables to the drives, Vista will be installed on drive 1. Nothing will be installed on drive 0. If I then install Fedora 10 on drive 0, will it automatically detect Vista on drive 1 and allow me the option of using Grub or something else to boot it? I want to avoid having Vista overwrite my MBR, but I don't want to piss my wife off because she can't access windows for two weeks while I figure out how to customize Grub or install something else. If I need to customize Grub, (or some other boot loader), I would need step by step instructions. Is there a book or online tutorial?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Setup - Xp Sp2?

May 20, 2009

how to install fedora on a hdd that already has xp sp2 and setup a dual boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Install 10 With XP?

May 25, 2009

I already have windows XP SP2. i want to install fedora 10. how can i install it as a dual boot option. I current have

C: drive 40GB -- windows XP NTFS
D: drive 20GB NTFS
E: drive 20GB NTFS

tell me the steps to install fedora 10 as dual boot option.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 As Dual-boot With Windows From USB?

Jun 16, 2009

I've successfully used Fedora 11 from a USB stick as a live cd iso. Everything seems to work on my netbook so i want to try installing it but I need it to be a dual boot with windows. How can i do this? And will it definitely work or are there issues (I've read that F11 has problems installing if not taking over the entire HD)?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - 9 - 32 Bit And 64bit

Aug 10, 2009

I need to create a dual boot system consisting of 32 bit Fedora 9 and 64 bit Fedora 9, but I'm unable to go about it. How exactly should I do it?

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Fedora Installation :: Add F10 As Dual Boot To F8 System?

Aug 25, 2009

I have managed to reduce the default LVM F8 install to make room for F10... See Bare metal backup:


And shrink the partition:


I now have about 50G free on a 80G drive. The F8 system has a small /boot and an LVM partition that includes swap. What I want to do is install F10 WITHOUT LVM on the free space. Access to the F8 LVM drive would be a plus but not complete necessary. I just want to keep the F8 system as is until I get set up with everything under f10, which may be a bit. I am not sure what to enter for mount points for the custom drive layout. I need a small swap partition (I don't want to use F8 swap because it will be going away in the future, for example when I install F12 and have dual boot F10/F12 system. What should I have as primary partitions and which as secondary?

How do I set up the boot? Grub?

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Fedora Installation :: Add Dual Boot 11 WinME?

Sep 13, 2009

Only Fedora 11 is on the boot menu after replacing Fedora 10 by new install on a 10+WinMe dual boot computer. The WinME partition is available after booting Fedora 11. How do I add WinME as a boot choice?


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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Dual Boot F12 And XP

Nov 25, 2009

fresh installed F12 on secondary drive, XP on primary drive. Then swapped drives making F12 primary. I boot into F12 fine, I also get menu to boot Other but when I choose this option instead of going into XP I get error 22 no partition? I can swap the drives around & boot into windows fine. I know I must not be pointing or having F12 pointing to the correct partition for XP.

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Fedora Installation :: Fixing Dual Boot So XP Can Run?

Dec 27, 2009

I am a relative newbie to Fedora 12, altho did start with OpenSuse. I installed XP first with the games that couldn't run via wine. Then I installed Fedora but I must've done something wrong as although Fedora runs fine with a few personal tweaks with everything I want I can't access XP as it is no longer an option in the boot up. What do you suggest I do. I have a system rescue cd ready but don't know how to access the boot or change it.


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Fedora Installation :: How To Install Dual Boot Xp F12

Jan 6, 2010

Can I install Fedora 12 on a clean sata drive and have it run alongside my current Windows XP Pro? How do I do it?

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Fedora Installation :: Use Dual Boot Option - Xp?

Feb 19, 2010

how to use dual boot option?? i wanna use xp and federo.

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Feb 19, 2010

I just installed Fedora and I love it but I can no longer boot Windows 7. I have two hard drives, sda and sdb.sda1 is my windows partition. sda2 is my /boot for Fedora. sdb1 is an ntfs partition for storage. sdb2 is swap. sdb3 is my 40 gig /root partition. Why can't I boot windows?

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall 12 In Dual Boot?

May 20, 2010

I have pc containing 80 GB Hard Disc with 1 GB RAM. I am using 60 GB for windows and 20 Gb for Fedora 12. Recently i formatted the pc and reinstalled both. I installed windows 7 instead of Windows XP i am using earlier. Now i do not like windows 7. My system became very slow. perhaps as my pc is five years old and motherbord configuration may not be matching. Now i want to revert to windows XP. I do not know any method by which i can retain fedora 12 and change from windows 7 to XP. Earlier i formatted complete hard disc and installed fedora 12 (myself) after windows 7 (by professional). but now i do not want to reinstall fedora 12. It will lose all upgradation and installed packages.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Not Working With 7 And It

May 20, 2010

I just bought a new laptop with the Intel I3 processer in it and it came with Windows 7 preloaded. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit on my old system but decided to use this opportunity to upgrade to a 64 bit OS and Fedora seemed to be a good choice. Anyways, the problem I'm having is that I am trying to run dual-boot with 7 and Fedora. I got it installed and from the grub menu, I can load both OS?s. I can boot 7 just fine but for some reason Fedora will not finish loading. It will start loading, run though several scripts and then the screen goes black like its trying to go to a splash screen but that were it stops. I tried the rescue option on the boot DVD and it pretty much did the same thing.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Windows 7 With F13?

Jun 27, 2010

A while ago I used a friends computer with F11 installed on it. I definitely want to install F13 on my computer now. Please, can someone either tell me complete information from the beggining to the end, or simply direct me to a guide somewhere else on the internet. I have a F13 live cd and want Windows 7 to be in control of the boot (by I suppose LiveBCD).

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Query (not Same As Others)?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a netbook with windows 7 installed and want to put Fedora 13 on also. Im not new to computers per se but new to linux. I did install Ubuntu 10.04 but didnt like it that much. I have tried Fedora 13 on my usb pen before installing and found it much nicer to use than Ubuntu.I do have an external dvdrw to install this if its easier.My query is..How do i dual boot this? I tried but every option i see isnt the option i want. I dont want to chose "use free space" as this will take all the rst of the 250gb hard drive i have and leave me nothing for windows. IF i partitioned the hard drive in half, how would i do

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With MBR On First Drive With XP And F14 On Other

Dec 5, 2010

I am not smart enough to figure out how to install Fedora 14 correctly. I have an older computer with 2 20gb drives. On the first drive (sda) I have Windows XP, and on the 2nd drive (sdb) I am trying to install Fedora 14. The catch is that I would like to put Grub and the MBR on the first drive so that when the computer boots, it asks whether to load Windows XP or Fedora. I know I have done it with Fedora 13 in the past, but have forgotten how to do it. How to accomplish this in Anaconda for Fedora 14?

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