Ubuntu :: Install XP Over Using Flash Drive ?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a bit of a problem with this laptop. It came with windows vista, and then the owner decided to upgrade to 7. Unfortunately the laptop wasn't compatible with 7 therefore, sound card didn't work at times. The CD/DVD drive is broken. The only option i had was to use a USB drive to try out Ubuntu. I foolishly however, deleted 7.

Since Im not used to Linux I can't really do much in it and I am sure the owner wouldn't be able to use it properly. What I need to know is how can I make my USB drive bootable with XP USING Ubuntu. I've done a lot of research but I keep coming by answers that work on Windows only like running .cmd or .exe files.

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Ubuntu :: Install From USB Flash Drive

May 22, 2011

My cd-rom is weak on my laptop and the laptop cannot boot from a usb flash drive. Is there any way to copy the installation iso file to a flash drive to INSTALL from there? I wouldn't trust gparted to run from a cd either.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiple Machine Flash Drive Install Planning?

Jun 18, 2010

I have two different laptops that I would like to make bootable flash drive installs for, but would then like to have at least /home on a common removable storage (either a big flash drive or USB or ethernet hard drive) to share between the two laptops (I'll only be using one laptop as a Linux box at a time). One laptop (Dell Latitude D410) is only 32 bit capable (Pentium M - I think there's a 64 bit Core 2 CPU available for the socket 479, but I don't know if the BIOS / mobo will support it). If I'm going back and forth between 32 and 64 bits, can I share /home? What else can I share - /usr or anything else?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install 11.3 From Flash Drive Or Amovible Disk

Feb 2, 2011

I have a DELL D420 without optical drive and i want to install opensuse 11.3 on it, also i don't have an external Optical drive. I want to know if it's possible to install OpenSuse 11.3 from a Flash drive or Amovible disk, and how to proceed to do that.

PS: is it a good idea to install Opensuse on dell d420: C2D ulv 1.2, 1gb ram, 60 HD ? it it'll work well.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Fedora 12 Using Flash Drive

Apr 11, 2010

I want to install fedora 12 side by side with ubuntu. But my cd drive does not function so i will have to do it using flash drive. I've only ubuntu on my laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Through Flash Drive?

Aug 31, 2010

it does not have a cd drive, i know that you can install off of a flash drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install And Run On A Flash Drive?

Nov 29, 2010

How could I install and run Ubuntu on a flash drive? by that I mean have it so I can RUN Ubuntu off of the flash drive on any PC it is plugged into.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows 7 To A USB Flash Drive Using 10.10?

Feb 14, 2011

I need to put Windows 7 on here, I have the ISO file. I don't have a cd-rom drive, only a USB port. None of the applications on here allow me to put Windows 7 onto the flash drive, I tried multiple commands to 'try' but they all failed. I searched online for most of the day, some said to try Win-To-Flash but of course it only runs in Windows, I tried it in wine only to get a error message. I also tried Windows 7 usb-dvd-download from cnet download. I ran them all in XP, Vista, 7 and what-not and they still come up with a error that keeps me from continuing. I also tried running the command "sudo dd if=/home/sean/Downloads/X15-65732.iso of=/dev/sdb1" without the quotes of course, but it appeared to only copy the contents and doesn't load Windows 7.

I need to, I'm guessing, burn it to the flash drive. Its a Centon Data Stick Pro 4GB. I also tried USB Startup Disk Creator but it only works with Ubuntu .ISO's not Windows, and half the time or well basically all the time it never pulls up the ISO when i click on it I'm not sure why? I also tried Unetbootin, but it doesn't work with Windows. It only shows 'default' and 10. Clicking on Enter does nothing. Nothing loads. how to install Windows 7 to a USB flash drive? Or should I try running a windows program from some other computer just to do this task?

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Ubuntu :: Building NAS - Install 10.04 On Flash Drive

Mar 28, 2011

I am wanting to build a NAS. There are lots of pre-built NAS boxes out there, but what fun would that be? I have many 8GB USB drives and would want to install Lucid on the drive. I don't mean create a bootable USB flash drive in place of the LiveCD, I mean install the OS to a USB drive and boot the computer using the flash drive. This way the OS would have 8GB of space and could access say a 1TB HDD added to the PC. Once I get the OS installed on the USB drive I would install NFS and Samba. I could then remote into the NAS and make changes if needed. From everything I have read, I would need to not have a swap file on the USB drive as well.

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General :: Install Ubuntu On USB Flash Drive For Another System?

Jul 2, 2010

I realize Ubuntu Desktop comes with a simple tool that makes "installs to a USB", but isn't that a bit different from REGULAR Ubuntu installation?

So: If I boot the Ubuntu CD installer, and choose my Flash Drive as the destination, will it configure things specific to the hardware I am running on, so when I swap the flash drive to another system, there will be problems?

BTW, I've actually done this a couple times and it's worked, but I'm just wondering if those were flukes or if it is like this always.

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Ubuntu :: Install Live And Kon-Boot On Same USB Flash Drive?

Apr 1, 2010

I wanted to keep kon-boot and ubuntu live on USB drives instead of CDs for the ease of carrying around. I wonder if its at all possible to put both tools on same USB drive instead of keeping them on two separate ones?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Wicd From A Flash Drive?

Jun 8, 2010

I need some1 2 direct me on how 2 install wicd on ubuntu 10.4 from a flash drive.

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Ubuntu :: Full Install On USB Flash Drive Or External HDD?

Jan 14, 2011

So I'm planning to do a full install on a flash drive. I searched the forums for previous threads and there were loads. Was there a BIG one that I missed in the mess? If so, please direct me to it.

There was two contentious issues in all the threads and I'd like em resolved once and for all

1.Should I or should I not make a swap partition on the flash drive? What about /var, /tmp and /log?

2.Also can someone rank the following in terms of access speed and snappiness:

1) Live CD
2) Live USB with or without persistence (average Sandisk stick)
3) External 2.5" HDD (5400-7200 RPM connected via USB 2.0)
4) Internal 5400-7200RPM HDD using SATAII
5) Full install on USB flash stick (average Sandisk stick)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install - Cant Seem To Boot From Flash Drive

Mar 31, 2011

I have built a small spare computer and I dont have a cd/dvd rom. I would like to install ubuntu 10.04 from a flash drive. The bios is AwardBios 3.01. I cant seem to boot from flash drive. I disable everything in the boot menu at the exeption of "removable device". In this sub menu I have; "LS120", "ZIP-100" and "ATAPI MO". In the "other boot device" menu I have "SCSI BOOT DEVICE". I have also changed USB to "primary" instead of "auto". There could also be a chance that I havent prepared the files on the flash drive properly.

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Ubuntu :: Install To Flash Drive - Bootloader Error?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm trying to install Linux to one of my flash drives. The installation goes fine until I am at the end where I get a bootloader error.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Kubuntu/xubuntu Via Usb Flash Drive

Apr 3, 2011

I am using the universal usb installer from [URL] and i have tried putting kubuntu on my usb flash drive and when i plug it in my netbook and boot from usb it comes up kubuntu and it gives me options and i select install to harddrive and when i press enter is comes to a grey screen and nothing happens? am i supposed to type something in? after i formated my usb flash drive and tried xubuntu and the same thing happend...?

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Software :: Install To A USB Flash Drive As If It Was A USB HDD?

Sep 16, 2009

I've briefly looked around and didn't find a forum dealing with installation problems, but then I wear glasses, too, so please forgive me if I missed it. This is my first post here and I don't know your structure well yet, either.I am experimenting with different distributions by installing them onto USB memory sticks. Sometimes, this gives me a persistent install, sometimes not, therefore I want to install Linux to the USB stick as if it was a hard drive to circumvent certain problems, such as getting rid of the open login for anyone, securely adding more users, not using casper files which may leave unused space on the stick, having a more reliable update system, and so on. I have no interest at all about dual-booting with any other system (but I want access to the host computer's hard drive), so I want a stand-alone USB solution to using Linux on USB memory sticks - plug it in, boot and go - a real computer on a stick. This should be a cake-walk, but I have had varying successes and far too many failures.

Some of the failures have been reliability related. Many of the installs have broken down for a few reasons, one of them is pretty serious. While Linux distros may be CD-sized (typically under 700Mb), by the time I install a few programs and wait a month, the empty space on the USB stick is now too small and it corrupts while updating Linux. A 4Gb memory stick should be considered the smallest size to use when installing Linux in this manner and I would go so far as to state 8Gb (or larger) would be better, if you are really serious about actually using the install. You can't have too much room.

I am also trying to figure out if some of the reliability problems are related to the quality of the memory stick itself. I have used the FlashMemoryKit Windows program to test the READ ability, but the free version does not test the WRITE reliability, therefore I am searching for a Linux way to test WRITEing. Since flash memory breaks down over time, if bad blocks can be written out of the block table at the same time, too, that's great.My biggest problem when using Linux/Installer is GRUB. At Step 7, we are given the choice, in Advanced Options, of where to install the boot loader block and the help doesn't make it clear where to put it. The renaming of partitions (hd0 or sdb or sdb#) is confusing and I've installed it just about everywhere (that was safe).At the moment, I am trying desperately to get Linux Mint working and I am getting nowhere. While I have gotten other installs, such as some Fedora and Ubuntu distros, to install in this way, at the moment I just can't get any Mint working. I have checked the MD5 checksums, so I know the install discs are OK, therefore I am missing something pretty obvious.

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5 :: Can I Install CentOS To A USB Flash Drive

May 10, 2009

I want to install CentOS on a netbook I have that's currently running Mandriva.
I know often with a distro you can run the LiveCD/Live USB version from a USB Flash Drive. I understand maybe I can do that but want I want to do is do an actual install. Is this possible?
I assume I'd need to download the distro to my netbook under Mandriva and then after do an install and choose the USB Flash Drive after inserted as the hard drive to install to. Then when I boot up the computer I'd just choose the USB Drive as the bootup drive.
Is this possible though? Would it damage my Mandriva install? Like I said I know I can use the USB Flash Drive likely as a bootup/Live CD type of solution but since I will be using it semi-regularly and saving data at times I'd like to use it simply like another hard drive. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Image That Flash Drive To Another Flash Drive?

Mar 29, 2010

I made a persistent install of Ubuntu on a flash drive. I made changes to that installation. The software (Unetboontin) sets this all up. I think it partitions it for you. How do I image that flash drive to another flash drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install/boot From Live Cd Or Flash Drive

Aug 17, 2010

I have made several live Cd's and img for my flash drive and tried to even preview Ubuntu before install, but nothing seems to be working. it makes it to the screen that says Ubuntu with the dots and the dots "cycle" then afew seconds later, weather cd or flash drive, everything just stops and my computer freezes. Tried nomodeset and everything i could find between here and google to no avail.

cant get past that load screen. Ive been lurking on the forum for days and finally got fed up enough to post this because im fresh and have no clue what im doing when it comes to this. all i know is i want something better than windows(lol) and Ubuntu seems like its right up my alley...user, my "skills" if you will, are better than most, but Linux.its like trying to reed Greek for me.Also, computer specs...Toshiba A505-S6025 4gb Memory Nvidia GeForce 310M (from what i read i will have trouble with this) Realtek RTL8191SE wlan (also will have problems with this)

EDIT: just ran live cd with virtual box and it started the demo of Ubuntu with no problem with no options(like nomodeset) checked off... apparently i think im doing something wrong when it comes to booting the other way...

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Debian :: Create A Net Install USB Flash Drive?

Nov 20, 2010

Is it possible to create a Debian Net install USB flash drive? Instead of just burning the ISO to a disc...

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install On A Flash Drive

May 5, 2009

I'm interested in trying out Fedora but would use it on my current Netbook (an ASUS eeePC 1000HE). I currently have Mandriva on it though which I don't want to stop using.Can I install it on a Flash Drive? If so, would it be in a sense a LiveDVD type of installation or could I actually do an install on the Flash Drive to use it as a Hard Drive? If so, what would the minimum flash drive size be?

Also, if I use the Flash Drive as a hard drive would it still have to use the internal hard drive or can all 3 partitions (swap, root, and home), be on the flash drive? Would it be possible to run it on more than one machine since I also have an Acer Aspire One?

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Fedora Installation :: USB Flash Drive Install?

Jan 10, 2011

I downloaded the 32 bit Fedora 14 and burned the image to DVD. I didn't want to try to install it on the HDD because the last time I tried to install a distro that used Grub and not Grub2, the only OS I could get into from the boot screen was that OS that I installed with Grub.

I went ahead with the install in hopes that it would see my 4G flash drive, sdc was present so that is where I installed it. I mounted / in sdc1 and the bootloader in sdc. Everything seemed to install, install finished and said I could reboot. On reboot it tried to boot from the USB but just sat there, it never did boot.


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SUSE :: Possible To Install OpenSUSE On A USB Flash Drive?

May 12, 2009

I want to install OpenSUSE on a netbook I have that's currently running Mandriva.
I know often with a distro you can run the LiveCD/Live USB version from a USB Flash Drive. I understand maybe I can do that but want I want to do is do an actual install. Is this possible?
I assume I'd need to download the distro to my netbook under Mandriva and then after do an install and choose the USB Flash Drive after inserted as the hard drive to install to. Then when I boot up the computer I'd just choose the USB Drive as the bootup drive.
Is this possible though? Would it damage my Mandriva install? Like I said I know I can use the USB Flash Drive likely as a bootup/Live CD type of solution but since I will be using it semi-regularly and saving data at times I'd like to use it simply like another hard drive. Is this possible?

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General :: Getting More R/w Speed From A Flash Drive Install?

Aug 19, 2010

System: Linux flashvoyager 2.6.32-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 11 07:54:58 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Installed onto 64gig Flash Voyager GTR plugged into Tosh satpro laptop dual core 4 gig memory. This is not a casper r/w persistent install version. This is installed directly onto the flash pen and running as if the flash drive was a solid state disc.

I have obtained a 64gig which can read at 34mb/s and write at 28mb/s. The reason I wanted this was so I could install linux ubuntu and run the OS straight of the flash as if it was a Solid state disc. I have tried using the pendrivelinux method where the persistent data is stored inside a virtual file system but I found it did not allow grub or kernel updates without the need to rebuild the entire datapen plus I did not know how to get rid of the live boot menu where it asks for language and the like.

I boot the pen straight into linux ubuntu 10.04 via the bios boot menu and select the usb pen drive. Once into grub I select the most recent kernel and then load up ubuntu. When I first started using the distro from the pen the speed of the web browsing was so slow. I have since configured the browser to store the cache inside tmpfs /media/ramdisk and browsing seems fine now however there is underlying speed issue with using the method of install. Uncompressing installs takes an age. I have configured fstab like so:

proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
/dev/sdb1 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1


PS: I am not allowed to use the HDD on the laptop since it is company laptop. My previous company laptop had Kubuntu 8.04 with XP as VM. Also having the install on the flash drive would give me the convenience of booting the pen from any hardware.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Install 11.3 From USB Flash Drive

Jul 16, 2010

Was anybody successful in installation from a memory stick? I couldn't, I get a message at some stage of installation that repository was not found. A suggestion dialog comes up, but the installation (live) disk (the USB flash drive) is not listed there. I follow the instructions on SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE where there is a part on installation using a DVD image.

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Debian Installation :: Install Live To A 4 GB Flash Drive?

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to install Debian Live to a 4 GB flash drive. I am using UNetBootin to extract this (debian-live-6.0.1-i386-gnome-desktop.iso) file to a FAT32 partition on my flash drive. It installs fine, and shows me the SysLinux menu fine, but when i choose live(or anything else) it says"Invalid or Corrupt Kernel Image". I also tryed these other installers. pendrivelinux's Universal USB Installer. It gives me the same message. win32diskimager gives me a different Debian menu, but the same problem. Does anyone know what is wrong, and how to fix it. It is driving me nuts!

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Fedora Installation :: Install The Latest F From A Flash Drive?

Aug 26, 2009

I was wondering if is possible to install the latest Fedora from a flash drive? I have a PC that does not have a CD/DVD unit.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A Flash Drive To Automount When Plug In?

Oct 30, 2010

Got an old SUSE box from a friend, installed 11.3, got a few items: 1. didn't see any prompts to enter monitor info during install, control center shows as generic. Read about 'sax2' (hope that's right) but can't find it on my system or in the add-ons image. Do I need to hack monitor.conf? how? 2. installation aborted when trying to load 'textlive'.3. going into control center->mouse, the display quivers a little then I get kicked back out to the login prompt. 4. how to get kaffeine to process flv files? 5. how to get a flash drive to automount when I plug it in? I can manually mount ok. I guess that's about all for now.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting From Flash Drive Or Internet?

Dec 7, 2010

I recently bought a barebones computer kit and I need an operating system. Upon recommendation, I am considering openSUSE. Further I did not order a disc drive with my computer. This means that to boot openSUSE my only real option would be from a flash drive.

I have found an introduction on how to do it with ubuntu:

Create a Bootable Ubuntu USB Flash Drive the Easy Way - How-To Geek

I am interested to know if I can do a similar thing with openSUSE.

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