Software :: Seeking Advice For Using An IPod Touch With Debian Lenny?

Apr 9, 2010

I am running Debian Lenny with xfce4. I just bought a used iPod Touch (1st gen) yesterday (4/8/10). Dropbox works great, easy way to transfer files. My yahoo mail account also works very well.

Gtkpod works great with my iPod Shuffle, but does not seem to work with the iTouch. My PC does not seem to automatically mount the iTouch. Any thoughts on iFuse, or Floola? Or would I be better off trying to run iTunes under Wine?

I have an XP laptop with iTunes installed, maybe I should just use that to sync music, and my Yahoo contacts? I would also like to sync to my yahoo calendar, but I know of no way to that - maybe I could sync my yahoo calendar to google calendar, and use Floola to sync to the iTouch?

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Ubuntu :: Newbie Seeking Advice On Performance Improvement?

Aug 27, 2010

every now and then my company cleans its it trash by giving away computers to its employees. this i became the owner of a p4, 2ghz compaq evo with 512 mb ram and no hard drive. i bought a 500 gb hdd, dowloaded ubuntu, created a live disk and in a matter of minutes i had a new desktop! i love it! a new computer with a new operating system set by a non-techie in 15 minutes? not even microsoft can beat that. oh, and the total cost was zero!

then i started clearing issues (mysterious crash on p4 computers solved with a patch, screen resolution solved with a new mode, not recognized microsoft webcam to be solved, connection to stora nsa to be solved, etc.). this is nothing different from what you would go through installing windows on a new computer, in fact the process seemed easier for me as there's tons of documentation and people willing 1. overall system performance, mostly while browsing seems low. could it be the 512 mb of memory? would it improve its performance to jump to 1 or 2 gb? or it's just the processor that's too slow and not all the memory in the world would make it faster? while we're at it, is it reasonable to expect good performance on ubuntu 10.4 on a p4 2.0 ghz? (my notebook, a 2 ghz core duo runs faster on xp, but it has 3 gb memory, so i guess memory would help...).

2. choppy videos and other video, both in partial and full screen modes. again, would more ram help? updating drivers? updating flash? (i think it's all updated, but i'll retry...). or is my bottleneck in the processor? 3. my computer has an extra video card, but it's disconnected. i'm not sure about brand or model or even whether this would be an improvement on the on-board card. should i plug it and see what happens? would a better video card improve my performance?

simplifying, this is a computer for me to play and for my baby boy to pound at the keyboard. if i were to spend little money on it, what's the best investment, memory or a new video board? (i think i know the answer, memory). i don't want to extrapolate too much from my windows experience because this is a new os, but i think i would go for extra memory. if memory were the solution to all my problems... how much memory? should i go for an additional gb? full 2 gb? 3? what about buying a 1 gb card and plugging it side by side with the existing 512 mb? would 1.5 gb be enough?

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Software :: Seeking Advice On Finding The Right Window Manager?

Apr 21, 2010

I have been running GNU/Linux for quite a few years, and over that time have tried many different looks. I have never seemed to find the `right' one for me, however.

When I first started, I ran GNOME/Enlightenment, straight out of the box. I played with themes a little and liked it, but had not yet learned about the breadth of choice out there. Over time, mainly due to memory issues, I gradually disabled features. I ran this combo for probably three years in the end, with a minor dabble in KDE along the way. I felt like a change. I decided to try fvwm. I hated it! It did teach me something important, however; I did not need a Desktop. I had not realised before now that I never used any of the features of a Desktop. I also learned that my system ran a lot faster without one. I have never looked back.

After a short stint with FVWM, I decided to see if you could have a window manager that looked good. I experimented with several, including IceWM, but finally fell in love with WindowMaker. It looked nice and was not loaded with features I did not use. I ran it for several years before growing bored and moving on. This time, I experimented with other low-resource options, such as Blackbox, Openbox and, finally, Fluxbox. Fluxbox was my new `best thing' for a couple of years, though I quickly found myself getting rid of half its features (tabs, etc), before I found myself being driven mad by the sheer fact it was so minimalist: I wanted more bling I went on another journey where I experimented with the likes of Sawfish and Metacity, before finally settling on Enlightment again. This was fairly short lived, however, and I soon found myself back on WindowMaker. I have continued to use WindowMaker for the past four or five years. It does the job fine, but I am beginning to find it bland. After all, five years of staring at the same screen does get a little samey :P I have just bought myself a new, flashy, wiz-bang system and it has a clean install of Debian Lenny on it. I feel it is time for a new look.

Over the years, I have learned a few things about my preferences. I hate tiling window managers with a passion --- they look cluttered to me. I do not like toolbars or start buttons, and hate the concept of a desktop with icons all over it. In WindowMaker, I hate the clip beyond using it as a way to prevent my applications for leaving those horrid icons down the bottom of my screen. On the Windows system I use at work I also have the taskbar auto-hide, so I guess I do not like anything down the bottom of the screen. I like the dock, but the only docapps I really use are the clock and volume control (which do not really have to be on a dock); I would be happier if these could auto-hide and I just have to mouse-over to get them when I want them, allowing more real estate for the applications themselves. I am lazy when it comes to making themes --- I can do it, but prefer not to --- so I want a good selection from the community I can take from. Virtual desktops are a must, but I do not care for pagers (I just disable them when they are available). I also like it when I can configure which virtual desktop an application opens too, especially if it remembers the window's dimensions (so I do not have to keep resizing). Shading windows is also something I like.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Ipod Touch Working With The Gtkpod Ipod Manager?

Jan 13, 2010

Its a dell e510 with about a gig of ram. I'm struggling to get my ipod touch working with the gtkpod ipod manager. At this point my ipod shows on my desktop when i connect it via usb. I cannot set up the repository for it in gtkpod because i dont know the location its mounting to. if its mounting at all. so my question is. how can i tell where my ipod is being mounted? I dont have a clue what to look for in the terminal results for "df -a"

But this is what i get:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 152357444 65577992 79040140 46% /
proc 0 0 0 - /proc
none 0 0 0 - /sys


Edit : Itouch = first generation 8gb Edit 2: I would like to create a sticky thread that helps new users answer questions about ipods. Will a moderator please let me know what i should include in their opinion? ex. using wine to run itunes, gtkpod and how to set it up, using mm players like banshee and songbird... what version of ubuntu works best with the ipods.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod Touch Not Connecting With Gtkpod IPod Manager

Mar 24, 2010

I've been trying to get my iPod touch (8GB, jailbroken) to connect with gtkpod iPod manager. But whenever I try to load the iPod I get this message.


iPod Database Import Failed: 'illegal seek offset 0 (length 4) in file '/media/ipod/test/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB'.'

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Ubuntu :: IPod Touch 4G?

Nov 12, 2010

I've been trying desperately to try to sync my iPod to play songs from it and to add songs to it. I've tried Rhythmbox, Amarok, and iTunes through Wine, but none of them will even acknowledge that a device has been connected. When I connect my iPod while in Rhythmbox, a device called "Unknown Device" pops up for just a second, then disappears. This computer is running only Ubuntu now so I'm pretty desperate to find a way to be able to sync my iPod.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Mount My IPod Touch

Mar 5, 2011

I know, I know, there a billion threads on the subject spread from Ubuntu forums to Yahoo Answers, but I like many I can't seem to make my fruit talk to a penguin. The odd thing is though, It worked (almost) flawlessly until I started messing around. Trying to install ideviceinstaller (which I never did get working), I tried to compile the source for the development version of libimobiledevice. When I did this, I got compiler error after compiler error. In the end I reinstalled libimobiledevice stable (1.0.4). The problems began here. I've installed everything in the FunkyM repo (except for debuginfo stuff), plus some stuff that isn't, yet I when I try to ifuse in terminal, I get the following error:

usbmuxd_get_device_list: error opening socket!

No device found, is it connected? If it is make sure that your user has permissions to access the raw usb device. If you're still having issues try unplugging the device and reconnecting it. And subsequently I can't use Gtkpod either.

Anyone got anything? I'm running 11.3, with a jailbroken 2nd gen iPod Touch running iOS 4.0.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Connect Ipod Touch 3g In 10.04?

Apr 24, 2010

i am working with ubuntu 10.04 and have ipod touch 3g.i'v connected the ipod and was able to browse the ipod directories, but i wanted to manage music and video so i have installed gtkpod did not reconized my ipod, even it was i started trying all sort of stuff and ended up with broken ipod i removed all ipod related packages from synaptic and reinstalled them.but now, i cannot even mount the ipod. i get the error:


Unable to mount ipod Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-afc" (No such file or directory)i think i left something out in synaptic, but there are many ipod related packages, wont it get messed up even more?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Does Not Recognize IPod Touch?

Jul 24, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu after xp went off its last leg and couldn't start up (I deleted all previous files in the installation). It's a very good program and I have no problem installing new programs

The problem is that it will not recognize any iPod connected to it. ( not only mine but family as well)

Now when I say it doesn't recognize, I mean that programs like Banshee, Rhythmbox, and Hipo fail to recognize that an iPod is connected but my iPod can charge perfectly fine so I know that it isn't an issue with the cord.

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Ubuntu :: Ipod Touch 3rd Gen Won't Mount In 10.04?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a 3rd gen 32g ipod touch with the latest firmware and restored to factory default settings. When I plug in the device via USB it will not mount. after plugging in the ipod my dmesg is as follows:

[ 399.300032] usb 2-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
[ 399.455746] usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 3 choices

And lsusb shows the device as:

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 05ac:1299 Apple, Inc.

The OS is obviously recognizing the device as an Apple product, but beyond that I don't know.

The device will connect fine with windows machines. I have not tried using it with Wine + itunes as I know that itunes under wine is buggy at best.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Mount Ipod Touch

Feb 4, 2011

When I plug the ipod in I get the following error message "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" Amarok sees the ipod but cant access it. Gtkpod doesnt see it at all.Its an Ipod Touch 8GB, 2nd or 3rd gen.

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Ubuntu :: Control 10.10 With Ipod Touch?

Feb 8, 2011

i have ubuntu 10.10 maverick and i was wondering is there a way to do remote desktop with my ipod touch?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod Touch 4th Gen With OS 4.1

Feb 22, 2011

I know there are a few threads on this already, but I don't think they apply to this type model specifically. This link says that the libgpod is not yet current with the hardware.

It also says that it works with iPod Touch 4G's with a lower OS (ex. 4.0.1). Mine came with 4.1, but even after jailbreaking, I cannot get it to sync music.

If I were to downgrade the OS (is this even advisable for this model), would I then be able to sync music in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount Ipod Touch

Mar 8, 2011

Everytime I try plugging my ipod touch into ubuntu 10.10 I get the following:

DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Connect Ipod Touch 3g In 10.04

Mar 24, 2011

i am working with ubuntu 10.04 and have ipod touch 3g.i'v connected the ipod and was able to browse the ipod directories, but i wanted to manage music and video so i have installed gtkpod did not reconized my ipod, even it was i started trying all sort of stuff and ended up with broken ipod i removed all ipod related packages from synaptic and reinstalled them.but now, i cannot even mount the ipod. i get the error:


Unable to mount ipod
Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-afc" (No such file or directory)

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Ubuntu :: Jailbreak IPod Touch 4G With IOS 4.3?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm thinking about jailbreaking my iPod touch 4g with ios 4.3 using the new redsnow. Can you do this using wine or do I have to go and use windows. Also, will the jailbreak delete my apps, and do I have to update to 4.3.1.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Will Not Locate Ipod Touch?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a problem with my Ipod touch. I can't get it to connect with my laptop (running 10.04 ) via usb. It have worked in the past on 10.10 and 11.04, but now I can't get it to connect at all. Not in banshee, rythmbox or any other software.

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General :: Is It Possible To Use 4th Gen IPod Touch On LMDE

Dec 13, 2010

I am curious if indeed I will be able to use the iPod touch 4th gen with LMDE as I really do not wish to revert to windoze just for this ...I recently removed EVERY M$ OS from our house But now I am getting an iPod touch and I have searched google for an answer to no avail please help in simple terms as well Thank you in advance.BTW I have only been using Linux for about 8 months and computers for about 4 years altogether.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Ipod Touch 3rd Gen Won't Mount / Can't Be Seen

May 26, 2010

Running Fedora 13 x64 and I have an ipod touch 3rd gen plugged in via usb. Fedora does not mount or see it at all. I have gtkpod, ifuse, ipod-sharp, libgpod.. nothing seems to find it. Is there something I should be doing?

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Fedora :: Import Photos To Ipod Touch?

Jan 15, 2011

How do you import photos to your ipod touch?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.1 With KDE 4.3 - IPod Touch Copies But Does Not Sync

Apr 5, 2010

(Running openSUSE 11.1 with KDE 4.3). I finally got my iPod Touch (2nd Gen) mounted using ifuse and libimobiledevice, using the following command:
ifuse ~/iPhone
And I was really pleased to finally copy some music files onto my iPod using gtkpod. I navigated to the ~/iPhone/iTunes_Control/Music folder and found the folders F00 to F49. Output of ls -l */*:

-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 9833326 2010-04-02 20:07 F02/libgpod002545.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 5911197 2010-04-02 20:06 F04/libgpod646189.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 6160091 2010-04-02 20:06 F10/libgpod395378.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 12753607 2010-04-02 20:05 F16/libgpod100847.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 5815275 2010-04-02 20:06 F21/libgpod769014.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 9859657 2010-04-02 20:06 F21/libgpod803494.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 7254100 2010-04-02 20:06 F21/libgpod841431.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 13246380 2010-04-02 20:07 F24/libgpod399253.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 11185006 2010-04-02 20:06 F28/libgpod402592.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 10135510 2010-04-02 20:06 F33/libgpod142097.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdods users 6227801 2010-04-02 20:07 F34/libgpod853372.mp3

I'm almost certain the files have been successfully copied to the device, because I've unmounted it, using:
fusermount -u ~/iPhone
and when I re-attached it, the files were still there.

So I just have a few problems:
1) gtkpod won't update the iPod database, even though a dialogue window opens and says it is doing just that. Does anyone know why this might be?
2) Dolphin doesn't recognise that the iPod is mounted? the command dmesg recognises it, but there's no fstab for it. I wonder if anyone knows how I could create a udev rule to automatically mount the iPod when I plug it in. And how can I make dolphin recognise it?
3) Amarok doesn't recognise that it is mounted. I have both 1.4 and 2. I presume this is for the same reason that Dolphin doesn't recognise it.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Get IPod Touch Apps Working

May 3, 2010

I just recently installed openSUSE 11.2 (KDE desktop). Like some others, I'm having trouble getting apps working with my iPod Touch. So far, I've tried two apps: amarok and gtkpod. Neither one seems to detect my iPod. When I connect the iPod to my computer, I get a popup indicating that some type of camera has been connected. Also, when I look at dmesg's output, I see stuff related to the iPod (Apple info) and no errors as far as I can tell. But I don't see any device file for it (either under /dev or /media).

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Get Ipod 3g Touch To Work In 11.4?

Aug 13, 2011

i have a 3g ipod touch and i need to know how to get it to work in opensuse 11.4 running kde desktop.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Touch Not Being Recognized At All?

Jan 18, 2010

connecting my ipod touch (Version 1.1.5). When I plug the ipod in, ubuntu doesnt recognize it at all, not even as a camera. It will however charge it up. Ive tried Hipo and Amarok but neither of them do anything as well. I am running Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Does New 64Gb IPod Touch Work With On 10.04

Apr 14, 2010

I just acquired a shiny new 64Gb iPod Touch and for the life of me I can't get it working in either Amarok or Banshee at all and it doesn't automatically mount as it is supposed to on 10.04 Beta 1 or 2

lsusb shows it's there and after following this thread I could get it mounted and see the directory structure.


But it doesn't show up in Banshee or Amarok at all.

Is it just because it's new and might have a quirk? Or could it be something simple I have missed? I'm not a total noob but still learning

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Ubuntu :: Good Software For IPod Touch?

Apr 16, 2010

I am looking for some software for my Ipod touch. I Looked in the software center but I don't No witch one to use.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - How To Sync IPod Touch For Rhythmbox

Apr 27, 2010

I have ubuntu 9.10. I want to sync my ipod touch to ubuntu via rhyytm box as I heard ITunes 9 does not work even via wine. Or shall I wait ubuntu 10.04 LTS is out does that support it? I found this software for ubuntu for ipod and iphone called ifuse no idea how to get that going or anything.

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Ubuntu :: How To Sync Music Into An Ipod Touch

Jun 16, 2010

I want to sync music into my iPod and and put them in albums and have an artwork for every song. I tried rhythmbox but I don't know how to put the artwork on the songs. I tried Hipo iPod management tool and gtk iPod manager but it doesn't recognize the iPod. I also tried iTunes with wine but it doesn't recognize the iPod either. I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 1st Gen IPod Touch Won't Mount

Aug 11, 2010

I'm running (K)ubuntu 10.04 side-by-side with Windows 7 (Wubi install) and have been having trouble from the word go trying to get my ipod working with it. I've already managed to jailbreak it with Spirit in Windows in hopes that it would get the iPod libs to work but to no avail. I've downloaded just about every result I could find by searching for "ipod" in Synaptic as well as a few other libraries that I've found while searching the forums for a solution to my problem. I have both Banshee and RhythmBox on my machine and Bash can detect the device but it won't mount and to the best of my knowledge not a single program can see anything other than a folder labeled "iPod" in my "media" drive and even this only recently occurred. For what it's worth, I've downloaded the ipod-convenience package and this is the code that resulted when I tried to mount via Konsole:


this is after I've added myself to the 'fuse' group and rebooted the computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ssh Songs From Ipod Touch?

Aug 12, 2010

Any who, like the title says if i ssh into my ipod on to ubuntu will the titles be screwed up?

I have a lot of songs there and i dont want to have to re write over 1000 song titles.

my ipod is jailbroken. i have firmware 4.0 and i think i am running Ubuntu Netbook remix 10.04 and i use rythmbox.

so can it b done

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