Software :: How To Run The Bacula's Bat

Mar 2, 2010

What is best practice for running Bacula's bat (Bacula Administration Tool) on Linux? Specifically on Slackware 13.0 with Xfce.

/usr/bin/bat is installed as root:root 554; its config file (typically /etc/bacula/bat.conf) is installed as root:root 640. Presumably there are good reasons for these settings.

bat is a GUI tool so needs to run under X. Running X as root is considered insecure or dangerous. One solution would be to put an ordinary user in group bacula (say) and give that group execute permission on /usr/bin/bat and read permission on /etc/bacula/bat.conf.

Netsearching for combinations of bacula, bat, X, root has not found anything helpful (bat without bacula finds too many pages about .bat files).

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Ubuntu :: When Will Bacula Packages Be Updated?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm building a new backup server, migrating from Centos to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and upgrading to Bacula 5 all at the same time.Is there a way to find out why there's a 3 month lag? 5.0.2 was released in April, and the currently available packages are 5.0.1.Also how can I find the policy on future updates ? I'd really like to use the core-provided packages but don't want to end up way behind after a year or two.

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Ubuntu :: Bacula And Database Creation?

Oct 27, 2010

I have installed bacula which by default installed the mysql backend. Asked me for the root password of mysql but since I couldn't remember I cancelled the configuration. I checked it out afterwards and now I know it but I can't find my way back to the bacula database setup screen once again. I have read that there should be a create_bacula_database script somewhere but I can't find it. Any tips on how to set this up?

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Software :: Install Bacula Onto Trixbox?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm complely stuck on this one, I want to install Bacula onto my trixbox, and I can't figure out the correct procedure to install the bacula-fd daemon, because you cannot use apt-get.

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Server :: Upgrading Bacula Database For Postgres?

Mar 24, 2011

While backing up/restoring bacula clients. We were getting an error regarding database tables' version. The error message is given below.. "Found 10 needs 12".

After Googling, what we found is, we have to update the postgres database for bacula. So now we are in process to update the database via the update_bacula-tables script. We are not sure, if it will solve the problem or not. We have just upgraded bacula 2.4.4 to 5.0.1. Postgres version is upgraded from 8.3 to 8.4. It is Debian 6.0 squeeze.

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Hardware :: Bacula - Setting Up Tape Drive Backup

Sep 15, 2010

I am setting up a tape drive back up, but I am having "fun" with bacula configuration. Basically the drive is working , I ran the test with the btape program and all was correct. I am basically meddled up with the jargon and the very large bacula documentation. I created some 2 volumes and gave the mounted the tapedrive (labeled) the name of one of them "tapevol2" .... now I can not relabel the tape, I deleted the volume "tapevol2" but still the tape drive is mounted with that name, even though the volume is deleted. If I add ( create more volumes) I can not make the tape to mount with anything different that "tapevol2". I would like to go back to zero and delete all volumes, and mount the tape with one of the newly created volumes, so the jobs back up can run.

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Networking :: Amanda Versus Bacula For Historical Backups

Jun 8, 2010

I have a client that is using a windows based backup system called Retrospect and will be installing Linux to replace his windows server. Right now the way it works is on the XP pro workstation Norton 360 makes a backup to the server and then Retrospect make it backups every night. I want to add a linux based backup system that will give them a historical backup system that had XP pro client software that can backup open files and such I can do away with the Norton backup stuff and streamline this setup. I need it to have the capability to go back in time to restore something of an older date this historical. I was looking into:


I have never used either one and was wondering what the linux community wold recommend between the two or if there is something better that has client software and free and does it have a GUI for my clients? I am leaning toward AMANDA after reading Jeremy's article:


and there seams to be a webadmin gui as well.


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Software :: Bacula And Overwriting The Data On The Next Backup On The Tape

Feb 22, 2010

Currently I have bacula backing up the contents of my server on a daily basis (Mon-Fri) on to a tape. There are in total 9 backup tapes so far. One for each day of the week (Mon-Thurs) and one for every Friday in the month (so there are 5 friday tapes). The tapes are all from the same pool and once the tapes are full they should then get recycled. As I understand and from what I have seen, the data from my server backups up to the tape and is then marked with the append status. Every time that tape is used, data is then appended onto the tape until the tape is full. At this point it is marked as full but wont be recycled until all the tapes from the pool are marked as full (so until all 9 tapes are full).

My question is, is there a way of overwriting the data on the next backup on the tape, rather than appending or requiring that all tapes in a pool are full before a tape can be recycled. As the mon-thurs tapes currently cant be recycled until all the Friday tapes have been used. The reason why I dont have seperate pools for the Friday backups and the other days of the week or even seperate pools for each day of the week, is that if a tape is accidently not changed or someone puts in the incorrect tape by accident a backup will still occur. Which is better than no backup!

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Software :: Bacula - RHEL6 - Permission Denied Errors

Feb 24, 2011

OS = RHEL6 64 bit
Bacula version - Version: 5.0.3
Clean build from tarball
DB = Postgresql

Short version = Installed and configured bacula from scratch. All bacula daemons are running, bconsole responds and let's me run manual jobs. I'm testing the new install by trying to backup my backup server (minus the raid storage area) and I keep getting permission denied on system, files. I know they are owned by root but I need to be able to back them up regardless. Here's what I'm seeing:


Now I know I've done this before back in bacula version 2 something but I'm missing something here and my brain is shot from configuring this thing to this point. I'm on the home stretch and need advice on where to look next. Once I can successfully backup the backup server, then I can move on to my main server, my winblows systems, and then my Macs.

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General :: Use Bacula To Make Backups Of The Files Stored On The Server?

Apr 14, 2010

I have an ubuntu (8.04.3) server where I use bacula to make backups of the files stored on the server. Ive been trying to find a solution (with no luck) trying to succesfully implement the following:-

A Backup tape for each day of the week besides Thurs which is resused on a weekly basis. For the thursday tapes we have a backup tape corresponding to the week number that the thursday falls so for the first thursday of the month it would be ThursOne For example. These tapes are resued on a monthly basis. We then have a monthly tape that is used on the last thursday of the month. These tapes will be resused on a yearly basis.

Another requirement is just in case a tape is accidently not changed a backup should still occur regardless of what tape is in the drive (so if its tuesday and mondays tape is still in the tape drive it should rewrite that tape).

I did have this successfully set up where the tape was appended after each use rather than being recycled after the nightly backup. But then after a few weeks I would have to manually purge tapes when they became full (which isnt ideal - as Im not always in the office so in my absence it may be that a backup may not take place), so have been playing around and have now got the tapes to be marked as used after a max of 2 jobs (so the backup of the files and the catalog of the night). I also added this line 'Recycle Current Volume = yes' so that it would hopefully recycle the volume in the drive.

However what I am finding is that the tape that should be recycled is not, but in yesterday case the Mondays tape was recycled rather than the Tuesday although Mondays was the last written so Im not even sure why it choose to recycle this tape.

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Ubuntu :: Sudo Apt-get Install Gives Errors After Trying To Install Bacula

Oct 2, 2010

I tried installing bacula and i really had no idea what i was doing and i believe it failed. I ran sudo apt-get install bacula. Anyway, I tried removing it using sudo apt-get remove bacula but now whenever i run sudo apt-get install for anything, the app will install but then show all these errors from bacula. how do i get rid of it?

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