Software :: Dual-Booting With Ubuntu Using Grub 2 And A Truecrypt Windows Installation

Apr 29, 2011

I've been trying to get a dual-boot system with a truecrypted Windows partition and grub 2 in combination to work successfully and to date, I haven't had much luck. I'm using the grub 2 version from Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS.I understand from searching through Google that there is presently no easy way to chainload the Truecrypt boot loader from Grub 2 in a similiar way that was done with Grub 1. This is because the Grub 2 payload is much larger and actually overwrites some of the Truecrypt boot loader, preventing it from starting.Does anybody know what might be going wrong here? I've been looking for ages now and can't seem to find any solution to this problem apart from restoring the Truecrypt loader to the hard disk and trying to chainload Grub 2 from Truecrypt. I'd rather use Grub 2 as the main loader though as Ubuntu Linux will be the main operating system in use.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting 10.04 And Windows 7 With Truecrypt?

Dec 27, 2010

right now I have windows 7 encrypted with truecrypt and I want to dual boot Ubuntu 10.04(not encrypted). I'm going to shrink my windows partition to install Ubuntu. Is there a way to add ubuntu to truecrypts bootloader?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual-boot F13 And Windows 7 With TrueCrypt?

Jun 30, 2010

I am having trouble getting my laptop set up the way I want it. I want to install Fedora 13, using Ext4 encryption, and I also want to install Windows 7 encrypted using TrueCrypt.

On boot, I would like to have Fedora 13s GRUB, offering me the two OS choices. If I select Fedora, then Ill get the cool graphical decryption screen, and if I select Windows 7 Ill get the TrueCrypt boot loader prompting me for the decryption key for the Windows 7 partition. Can anyone give me instructions on how to get this set up?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Dual Booting SL6.1 And Windows - After Editing The Grub.config To Include Windows

Jul 2, 2011

i am having some issues with dual booting my SL6.1 and Windows. The situation is that i recently acquired an old hard drive from a non-working computer of mine with Windows already installed (i know the windows is functional, as i tested it on my new PC with SL6.1 currently installed & everything runs fine)

The problem is that after editing the grub.config to include windows, windows will no longer boot after an attempt to install a legit version of McAffee anti-virus software which coincidently was only after the first attempt at running both OS's in a dual-boot fashion. Except past the windows start up screen before the dreaded blue-screen.
Which is weird because SL6.1 OS will still boot & works perfectly fine like always, so it doesn't really make sense.

My current setup is:
Disk 1: Solid-State:
Boot Partition
SL6 LVM1: Root Partition
Disk 2: Hard Drive:
SL6 LVM2: User, Temp & Swap Space Partitions (Different LVM to Root)
Disk 3: Hard Drive:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

My guess is its windows MBR. The reason i say this is because the Hard Drive contents of the Windows software still appears intact when accessing the drive from the Linux OS. I don't won't to go through the rigmarole of re-installing both OS's. So hopefully their is a relatively simple solution.

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Ubuntu Security :: Dual Booting With Truecrypt 6.3a Chainloading Grub2

Jan 4, 2010

I'm having problems getting TC to load grub2 1.97b4. When I hit ESC from the TC boot prompt, I get "no bootable partitions found".

I also booted into Ubuntu Live cd, mounted my LVM dm-crypted volume and tried to reinstall grub2 to my nonencrypted /boot under /dev/sda3 and TC still wont boot. Then I set the boot flag on /dev/sda3 and it still won't boot.

These are the commands I used to install grub2 to my /boot partition. Atleast that's what I think it did.

grub-install /dev/sda3
grub-install --recheck /dev/sda3

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Ubuntu :: Grub Won't Start - Not Dual Booting Windows

Jan 27, 2010

Right, so I've looked high and low for the answer to this problem and haven't found it, although I've found a million and a half threads about grub especially when it comes to dual booting windows. Which I'm not. What I am though, I suspect, is an idiot who shouldn't mess around with my computer at 4 am.

So the problem is every time I turn on my pc, grub tells me it can't find a file system and goes into recovery mode. Can't boot into ubuntu at all. Am using the live disk to type this.

I also think I know why grub is doing this, I was dual booting windows before, I had windows installed originally, added ubuntu to a new partition. Was having problems with grub. Figured that reinstalling it wouldn't be a bad idea, it might fix it. In that process I did something rather stupid, I accidentally installed grub to my other internal hard drive. There is no operating system on it. Just movies, music, etc. The problem, I think, is that my second hard drive is sda, and the one with my os is sdb, which I suspect means that grub is loading from sda and finding no operating system, rather than from sdb. (It's like that because my larger drive wouldn't fit into the sda slot on my computer, long story.) How do I remove grub from sda?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Dual Booting And Got Grub Boot Errors?

Mar 29, 2010

i'm trying to install 98se to a 110gb partition so i can dual boot with ubuntu 10 for 98 and 100 for ubuntu after the resize. when i tried making multiple partitions manually for ubutnu putting it on separate partitions i got grub boot errors. the problem i am having every time i try to install 98 it forces me to scandisk it then i have to hit space bar to fix every error i thinks it finds wich is impossible to press it 2 million times. now if I format in a non 98 format and tell it to format in lba it keeps asking for a boot disc, i burned one off but, still kept asking for it. if i do it in non lba, it only saw 2 gigs in 98 and when i went to install ubuntu it was a giant hard drive no partitions. i did try making 3 fat 32s 1 for 98 and then swap and linux partition but, the i got grub errors 17 and 18.

the problem is that bios a cap of 130gb for each drive or in this case partition. it's 320gb WD blue Scorpio. the short i want to dual boot 98se and ubuntu 9.04 with 2 fat32 partitions for storage 110 +100 + 80 = 320 also some visuals.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Menu Lost After Dual Booting With Natty?

May 16, 2011

i have lucid lnyx installed as my main system and added natty on a seperate drive. after installing, the new grub detected lynx & i was able to boot into each without any problem. after doing some tweaking on natty (changed run level), it didn't boot properly so i reverted to the old config via rescue disk. after rebooting, the old grub menu didn't show & it loaded lynx automatically.

i tried the suggestion from another post changed the hidden menu and updated grub but it didn't detect natty (below).

------ update-grub ------
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-31-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-31-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-30-generic


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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Error F15 When Dual Booting On MacBook Pro / Fix It?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having trouble getting FEdora 15 running on my MacBook Pro. I had Fedora 15 installed before on this MBP before, so I know it works. I basically followed the good old instructions of

1. Create a Windows partition in bootcamp (rEFIt was already installed from trying to get ubuntu running)
2. Boot from disk and install in Windows partition with bootloader on installed on the / partition
3. Install, reboot, and resync the MBR using rEFIt partitioning tool
4. Shut down the computer and start up on the parition you installed linux on

Now I get a grub error code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 And 9.10 - Multimedia

Jan 22, 2010

I have a question about dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu 9.10. What I want to be able to do is store my multimeda and open office files on a partition that can be read by both windows and ubuntu, I just don't know how to do this. What kind of partition should I make it? Should it be done in windows 7 or ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 On Two Harddrives

Feb 1, 2010

i Have two Hard-drives a WD 500Gb Sata with windows 7 installed and an IDE Maxtor 40Gb mounted as slave .I want Ubuntu to be installed on the Maxtor.I usually used to choose grub to be installed on the MBR of the first one , but that meant that every time i needed to reinstall windows or Ubuntu i Would loose both of them, how to do so, without effecting the boot loader of the windows but still capable of booting both.Story made short, if i disconnect any of the hard drives i would still be capable of booting into the other.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting 9.10 Karmic With Windows 7?

Mar 5, 2010

AMD 939 Athlon 64
Biostar 6100T Motherboard
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit
1tb Seagate hard drive

I did the install from the 64 bit edition Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala iso file and when I restart is gives me the no root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu. Unfortunately I don't know if it means the window installation or the Ubuntu one. I also don't know exactly how to get to it if it isn't the windows one. I also want a triple boot with Windows XP Professional SP 3 32 bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows Without Having To Use GRUB2?

Jun 13, 2010

The Problem, installing ubuntu over top of windows and vice versa causes the windows boot menu to forget about ubuntu.The Solution:1. Using bcdedit from within windows to edit the boot menuClick Start -> Type Cmd.exe run it in elevated mode (as an administrator) by right clicking it and selecting "Run As Administrator" Inside the console type bcdedit, notice that the ubuntu boot entry is still there, for example i use three o/s , windows 7 professional x64, windows 7 ultimate x64 and Kubuntu and it looks like this

Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Launch Windows First In Dual Booting?

Jun 29, 2010

I have install lucid, and windows, I want when the computer start it should launch windows first, now it launch ubuntu first.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting With Windows XP On New Netbook

Nov 21, 2010

I am going to be dual booting with Windows XP on my new netbook. I know that I will be required to re-install XP before I will have to reinstall Linux.

My question is about the /boot partition option. If I was to create a /boot partition, would that prevent Windows from erasing Grub when I reinstall Windows? I have been Googling and I can't find an answer so I figure it won't work but I better ask as it would make life a whole lot easier.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting With Windows On A Laptop?

Jun 10, 2011

Im looking at getting a laptop and dual botting it with ubuntu and windows and my boss said when he did that on his laptop it caused all kind of problems, but that was 2-3 years ago. Is it still a big buggy doing this or should i be able to dual boot on any laptop i get?

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Installation :: Add Existing Ubuntu To Dual Booting Windows Box

Dec 18, 2009

I looked through the install FAQ's etc.I thought I saw someone ask about doing this at one point but, of course, I can't remember where.I have a computer with a single SATA drive which runs Ubuntu9.1 I would like to use it in a dual boot machine. Typically I'd install windows first and then add my second drive and install Ubuntu to the second drive. That's how I usually do it.I want to put in a new drive, install windows, then get it to dual boot using this existing Ubuntu disk. I need to get Grub on the windows disk and get the option to dual boot to the existing Ubuntu disk. I think.

Is there a way I could do this without having to start all over on the Ubuntu disk?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 And F11?

Sep 1, 2009

I tried to dual boot Windows 7 and Fedora 11 following the instructions in the link at the bottom of this post. Now fedora boots great, but when it tries to boot 7 i get the message "Disk Read Error Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del To Restart" is there anyway to fix this with out reformatting?[URL]..

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Debian-12 / Edit /boot/grub/menu

Feb 18, 2010

Debian if my first OS and i want to dual boot Fedora12.Ok i installed Fedora12 and choose not to install the bootloader(gonna use the one Debian installed)What i'm tring to do in Debain is edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst
Here is what i have

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 On Separate Drives

May 31, 2010

I have tried (a few times now lol) to get this setup. I am using Windows 7 64-bit and Ubuntu 10.4 64-bit. I have Windows 7 installed on one hdd, another hdd has the System Reserved partition along with a data partition for files, the third hdd is the one where I want to install Ubuntu. I have found numerous tutorials on installing them both on the same drive, but not on separate ones. The couple I have found haven't really worked.

I think that Ubuntu is installed correctly but there is no option to boot into it. Windows 7 just happily loads itself. I have tried reinstalling and selecting 'sdc1' (the native ubuntu partition) as the location for the bootloader to be installed and then used Easy BCD to add that location to the windows bootloader which gives the option to load Ubuntu but when selected dies complaining that there is a missing file (I think it just can't find the Ubuntu bootloader).

As an aside when I get to the installation screen the Ubuntu installer keeps on telling me that there are no operating systems detected on the machine (Even though I'm pretty sure the drive it is talking about 'sda' is where Windows 7 is installed). Not sure if that matters just seemed a little wierd.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing On Windows Machine Without Dual Booting?

Oct 14, 2010

i currently am running windos 7 (64 bit) and would also like to install ubuntu on a second hard drive. i understand a dual boot is easy enough to do, but i'd like to install ubuntu so that it and windows are completely isolated. rather than be prompted with a boot screen to choose os, i would do so by changing hd boot priority in bios. i'd like the end result to be 2 separte computers in one box. can it be set up this way, and if so, how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Windows Vista / Lucid 10.04, Grub Doesnt See Windows?

May 7, 2010

I had 9.10 installed and I did an upgrade to 10.04. However I cannot see anymore my Windows Vista partition with grub.. I have a Toshiba laptop Satellite p305.This is my boot script output:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in [code].......

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 Ultimate?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm having trouble dual booting Windows 7 Ultimate and Fedora 14. I am using Grub 0.97 (The grub before Grub 2). I installed Windows 7 after installing Fedora 14 so the damn Windows BL covered up Grub. But I can't get into either Windows or Fedora. I get an Error 17: Cannot Mount Selected Partition. And the system can't find the BL for Windows so it always tells me to restart. And I have both OS' on the same hard disk.

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Installation :: Dual Booting Windows Vista And Fedora 11

Apr 11, 2010

I had a fresh copy of Windows Vista installed (original from the factory)- and I followed a document of dual booting - however I think I did some mistake or automatic skip of install Grub boot loader-

Now my fedora 11 is running smoothly but windows vista is gone or does not boot - I don't have any boot disks- they give examples having floppy disk a boot disk- my laptop doesn't have floppy drive- I guess I could manage in cd or flash drive.

I see my computer's config in fedora desktop as

I noticed that the partition NTFS still exists and it has not been erased. I did install linux on hda5 since hda1 was partitioned with NTFS

Is there any manual and precaution to be taken while doing the same dual boot system ?

Or is it possible to have dual boot with the present config- although i am ready to install fresh window vista and fedora as my dual booting systems...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting With Windows Vista - Access Denied

Aug 10, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.04 for a friend, dual booting it with windows vista. The installation was going just fine up until the 4th step- partitioning the drives. After designating space for vista and ubuntu and running it, it popped up the window and displayed 0%... for the next hour. After looking around on ubuntu forums for a solution, I tried manually partitioning the drives in vista. Vista wouldn't let me, saying that access was denied. I tried using gparted next, which had an error with it as well. Does anyone know what i can do to work around this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows On Separate Hard Drives?

Aug 25, 2011

I have been messing around with the ubuntu family for some time now, and usually have no problem finding my answers. This one, however, is giving me some trouble. I have been using ubuntu on my laptop for some time now, and recently got a new 2TB hard drive for my desktop. I cloned the old hard drive to the new one, and decided to install ubuntu onto a third drive. The third drive was IDE, the new one is SATA. I disconnected the other hard drive, and so my current set up is a SATA drive with Windows 7, and an IDE drive with Ubuntu (11.04 of course)

Well, I am unable to dual boot between the two, unfortunately, and would like to figure out how. I would like to say the problem is with Windows, since that is the primary drive. No GRUB shows up upon booting when both drives are plugged in, and the Windows Bootloader does not show my installation of Ubuntu, instead it goes right to Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows (Vista Or Win7) 9.10 From Same SATA Drive?

Mar 2, 2010

I can dual-boot on my PC by using my SATA drive for Windows & a second IDE (PATA) one for Ubuntu.However when I try to install both OS's on the Primary SATA drive side by side only one is detected (and I have no option to boot the other).

I have a friend with the same problem who is trying to boot Win7 and Ubuntu off the same SATA drive and the same issue occurs on his (He doesn't have the second drive as an option as I do).

Does anyone know a way to get side by side installation to work on one (SATA) drive? Failing this is it possible to boot Ubuntu off and External hard drive and still be able to dual boot Windows & Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Windows 7 To Grub For Triple Booting?

Feb 11, 2010

I will like to triple boot Ubuntu, XP and Windows 7, but I already had Ubuntu and XP running on separate HDDs, Ubuntu was installed first, then I installed XP on a separate HDD (with the Ubuntu HDD disconnected), now I did the same for Windows 7, I disconnected all other HDDs (Ubuntu, XP and Data)and installed windows 7 on a separate HDD.When I connected everything back(Ubuntu HDD, XP, Data HDDs and Windows 7 HDD, Windows 7 does not appear on grub boot menu and now Windows 7 does not boot up by it self.

Is there a way to simply add Windows 7 to Grub so I can have all 3 OS's on grub menu?Can grub search HDDs to look for OSs to add to the menu?Funny thing is the XP entry on grub appeared by it self, I've never edited grub to add XP on the booting menu, I was booting directly to XP by going into the BIOS and selecting the XP HDD as my booting drive instead of Ubuntu HDD, somehow XP was added to the grub booting menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting With Windows 7 - A WBM Screen Says The File: Ubuntuwinbootwubildr.mbr Is Missing Or Corrupt?

May 8, 2011

First off I must state that I am basically completely foreign to linux. I have 2 hard drives, one with windows 7 and storage partitions, and the other with my linux partition, linux swap, and unpartitioned space.I initially partitioned my drives with Disk Management in Windows 7. I created an NTFS partition on sda and installed Ubuntu from within Windows (a Wubi install I suppose). I originally intended to install by booting from the iso I burned onto a CD,but the installer was failing to load (fonts would change and it would error message). LiveCD was failing to load too in the same fashion. After hitting alt and tweaking the F6 settings, LiveCD successfully loaded (my very first taste of Ubuntu, albeit somewhat bland). I then decided to reinstall Ubuntu with proper linux partitions from within LiveCD. Now when I select Ubuntu in the Windows Boot Manager, a WBM screen says the file:

ubuntuwinbootwubildr.mbr is missing or corrupt. I do not know if this file is the problem or merely a symptom of it Below I have copied my Boot Summary (my apologies for the length and extra partitions):

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda[code]....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Properly Multi-booting Grub With Windows First

Mar 5, 2010

I wanted windows to appear first in my grub2 menu so I renamed the 30_os_probe file(or whatever it felename is) to 09_os_probe so that it comes before the 10 linux file, problem is whenever these files get updated the updater is unable to find the 30_os_probe file since I renamed it and recreates it... leaving me with two versions (09 and 30) with 09 being of course outdated.

The updater also fails to run update-grub and instead attempts to update grub.cfg manually... and fails. I had to manually do a sudo update-grub.

Is there any way to fix this so its all updated automatically while leaving windows the top choice? No manual intervention required beyond clicking "install updates"?

Also, is it possible to JUST have the Windows and Ubuntu choices, no Ubuntu recovery, memtest, alternative(older) kernels for Ubuntu, etc in the grub menu?

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