Server :: Ssh Without Password For /home Shared Over NFS?
May 14, 2009
I am planning to build a small cluster for parallel computing. The first step would be to make sure all the machines can communicate with each other without requiring password. Now I am experiencing problem with the regular method of RSA shared key authentication method, since the /home is shared for all machines from a NFS filesystem. Thus, I do not understand how to distinguish the id_rsa file generated by ssh-keygen for all different machines.
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Nov 28, 2010
How do I set up a server to where it does not give a password prompt to access a shared folder?
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Oct 3, 2010
I have installed Lucid and Maverick RC alongside each other (separate partitions) but sharing a home partition. My question is can I log in to my lucid account from maverick? It does not appear on my maverick login page but it is accessible from my places menu (home).
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May 28, 2011
Just a general question: If I have /home on a separate partition, is it possible to mount that /home partition on multiple distributions (Ubuntu, SuSE for example) on the same PC?
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a laptop running two versions of openSUSE, 11.2 & 11.3M5. I'm using a shared /home partition for both.I would like to have different desktop settings for each version but haven't been able to figure out how to do that. Primarily different wallpaper or background color.I know I could use different users on each version, but then I wouldn't have access to all the sub-folders from the other user.
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May 27, 2011
I have a server which serves up home directories and users for the other machines. So when you login to one of the other machines your home directory is stored on the server. The problem here is, some of the client machines are running Red Hat and others are running Ubuntu and this causes configuration errors in some applications (e.g. Gnome).
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May 17, 2011
I dual boot into Arch Linux and OS X 10.6 on my MacBook pro. I synced my UID between both OSes and created an HFS partition (with no journaling) to use as a shared home/Users partition. For the most part it works just as I'd expect, but sometimes when I'm booted into OS X certain files are "locked" (when I get info on a particular file the "Locked" box is checked under the "General" pane. I can resolve the issue by manually unchecking the box) and/or I get "Operation not permitted" when I try deleting or chmod'ing a file. In both cases I don't see anything out of the ordinary on the permission bits displayed with ls -l, except for a trailing '@' character in the position where the sticky bit would normally occur:
This '@' character shows up on ALL normal files, so doesn't seem to be linked to the locked/operation not permission situation.
On the Linux side of things I never have permission problems. To the best of my limited knowledge and experience with ACLs I've not found any ACLs on any of the files in question.
For what it's worth, I do most of my file editing using emacs (Aquamacs in OSX), is it possible it is setting weird permission bits?
What is the "locked" setting that OS X uses and does it have a permission bit equivalent (so at the very least I could recursively unlock all files in my home directory from the terminal) why might some, but not other files get "locked" when booting into OS X what is the meaning of the '@' character?
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Sep 27, 2010
Im wondering about proxy servers, see it is like this: I got banned from a samp server and i can't get my ip changed (it's not the local address it's the one all the computers in my house shares) I searched a little bit and discovered that a proxy server would be the best option. If I have it in some one else house I will get another ip right? Is it possible to install some software on my laptop and just use that? and how do I do that? Btw I found this: [URL]. But I didn't understand so much of it.
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May 6, 2009
I am looking into encrypting some data on a Fedora samba server. I'm not entirely sure the best way to do this. The server is currently running Fedora 5 but it can be updated if necessary.
I would prefer if the server could be booted up and that no interaction at the server itself have to be done so that users can access their shares.
Is there a way for the data to be encrypted on the server but when the user access the share over samba that it can be accessed?
The research i have done so far seems to point towards methods more intended for a desktop setup. Such as entering passwords at bootup or when opening folders.
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May 11, 2009
I am using rhel5 running as samba PDC.Most of the user save their data on a common folder on the server.Now I want to backup this data to some other location to have redundancy.It could be external USB HDD or other folder on the same server.How to create backup script and automate it using cron.
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Mar 1, 2010
I have a hardisk shared on my windows machine. And I would like to be able to access this on my opensuse notebook. Just cant figure it out. Dont have much experience in opensuse. I just need to know the best way to do this. Also, can opensuse read/write NTFS? Also I have a printer on my moms machine that runs XP home. The printer is shared I would like to be able to print but its no biggie. It some type of HP 3 in 1. I just wnat it to print, I dont care about the scanner and stuff.
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm setting up a Linux machine thet'll be shared by several users, some of whom will be admins. Is there a way to restrict access to a user's home folder (encrypt or block completely) for other regular/admin users?
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Nov 18, 2010
I installed ubuntu in a desktop pc and without configuring anything i had my network working: 1 windows 7 pc which is sharing a folder with other 3 windows pc and with my ubuntu pc. Yesterday as every day before i entered into win7 shared folder from ubuntu but it asked me for a password which was not set up in win7 pc.
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Nov 5, 2009
I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and i've installed my HP Printer and SAMBA successfully. Windows XP clients on my network can successfully print through this shared printer. My problem is, is there a way to put a security password or some sort of authentication before they can print? its because this printer is only dedicated to one department only.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have shared few webpages in /home/vinay/public_html directory and I have made necessary changes in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file
But how to access these pages through Browser. When I open the browser with
It shows contents of index.html in /var/www/html which is default DocumentRoot
How to provide the URL to access webpages in /home/vinay/public_html directory.
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May 31, 2010
I have created a shared folder via nautilus. I can not access it, because it asks me for user name and password again and again. I'm sure both username and password are exactly right. But I can not access the folder. Only when I check "Allow guest user access" it will allow me to access my data, Which is not secure enough for me.
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Mar 8, 2011
I currently run Linux Mint as sole OS and with a separate /home partition. I have a small (12GB) unused partition on my HDD where I would like to install Ubuntu 10.10. I have a lot of data on my /home partition and instead of giving Ubuntu its own separate /home partition I just want it to share the same /home partition as Mint.
I realize that I can get access to all my home files from Ubuntu anyway but I thought it would make more sense to have both OS�s use the same /home partition.
Then I got to thinking that perhaps this may not be a good idea at all. I am not sure how this all works but I got worried that this may cause some incompatibilities that I do not know about.
Question: Is this a good idea? If yes, how do I need to go about installing Ubuntu, meaning that should I then during the installing process choose the empty partition to be used as / only and the current /home also as the Ubuntu /home? without formatting it so as not to loose my data? Or is there a correct/safer way to do this?
(Just as explanation, I like both Mint 10 and Ubuntu 10,10, and both run very stable on my system. I use my computer for work and need a stable system, but as we all know sometimes things can go wrong and mostly after a new update. So my thinking is that when I have both Distro`s on my laptop and one crashes I could still boot from the other and save the day.)
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Jan 25, 2010
After adding a second ubuntu variant to this machine I wanted to share the home directories so I had easy access to the same files regardless. so I read up on modifying home directories and put in the correct location and then rebooted. On boot-up the system warned me that it could not access the "shared" home directory and after a few more errors and warnings ended up at a blank screen with a mouse pointer!. All I can do is access a term window (ctrl-alt f4). So what I need is to know is where the user properties are stored so I can go and edit those from term rather than the usual way!
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Mar 4, 2011
So I got a brand new macbook pro yesterday, and I like it! But I really don't want to go "all mac" at this point, so want to make this machine dual boot with Ubuntu.
It occurs to me that what I *should* be able to do is partiton the hard drive something like so:
And a /swap partition in there as well, of course. The point being that I'm thinking it should be possible to edit /etc/fstab to mount sda4 (above) to /home when I boot up under Ubuntu, and have OSX mount the same partition to /Users when I boot into OSX, thus allowing me to access all user data easily in either OS.
However, I don't know much about macs...
So I'm thinking I'm looking at two issues. First, what filesystem should I format /dev/sda4 (above) as if I want this to work? Does OSX support ext4, or would I be better off trying to get HFS+ support under Ubuntu?
Second, what would be required to get OSX to mount /dev/sda4 to /Users at boot? That is, what is the OSX equivalent of editing /etc/fstab?
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Jul 23, 2009
I am an absolute Linux Beginner who is being required to do a bit of admin work because the boss just fired the old linux admin. Unfortunately, one of our employees cannot remember her password to her email account and as such I need to reset it on our linux server.What I want to check is that this email account is actually a linux user account and I simply will reset the password for it using the passwd command from the root login. Is that correct?
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Mar 20, 2010
Iam trying to get samba work with no password on my home network. I want to have Writeble permissions for creating files and folders and sub folders in the shared folder with no password needed.
I have this set up
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
I can access the /home/seb/ directory but cant write in it. And with the same permissions for the down directory I cant even access the folder from the other pc it only says "Could not display "smb://laptop/down".The file is of an unknown type"
And finally how can I clean up the smb.conf so it is readable?
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Feb 6, 2011
I installed 10.10nbr on my wife's eee 901. Now she cannot remember her password. I've tried booting to recovery to use the passwd command, but that does not work. I believe I encrypted the home folder when I installed. Normally if I don't encrypt home, then I enable auto-login.
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Jun 20, 2011
I saw this[URL]If your home folder is encrypted, will this work?I am just trying to prevent something like that from happening.
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Nov 24, 2010
I want to give my users option of logging to the system. They should have posibillity for choosing option betweend logging to the system with their default password or one-time password OTPW. I installed OTPW in my Debian. Here is my /etc/pam.d/sshd file:
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Jun 18, 2011
My bose ask me to convert a CentOS system password like "LMPQSMTE0nHlQ" to postfix MySQL MD5 Hased password, I find CentOS seems has 2 kinds of password form, one is shorter and the other is very long like"$1$C2MSk16n$WT5JWnzYH7XpCCjsiE2bd1", however I find postfix is exactly the later long one, so does any one know how to convert the short form to the later one
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Jan 4, 2010
I am connecting servers using NFS4 the shared directories are on servers running Debian 4 while the one who read from them is Debian 5.0.3. The problem is one of these shared servers suddenly stop responding and you cannot list it from Debian 5 server, also df hang, and the web application that is using it does not respond to requests that use this shared directory since it is blocked. Then the load on the server start to increase until the server cannot respond (over 90). I have found many entries in the syslog that refer to this like:
ma25555 kernel: [1200285.732919] nfs: server not responding, still trying
Dec 31 08:16:33 ma25555 kernel: [1200289.815378] INFO: task java:9702 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Dec 31 08:16:33 ma25555 kernel: [1200289.835249] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
I have tried the connection between the 2 servers using ping for one day and all are OK (zero lost)
There are 3 other servers that are running Debian 4 and are working fine.
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Jul 6, 2010
i just one to emulate the windows 2003 - windows XP easy VPN deployment, with my ubuntu server.I got my server side (ubuntu) and client side ( openVPN gui) and everything looks okbut now, i cant make a //server/SHARED and get from my house to the office's docs, despite the conection its ok... whats wrong?
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Mar 20, 2010
When installing the latest Distro of Mint (I believe this is not much different, if at all, from Ubuntu as far as this goes) I chose to have my Home folder encrypted using the login password. This was a function of the installation. What I was wondering about was how secure this was and if I should maybe use something to do a better encryption or not.
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Jul 9, 2010
I got ssh passwordless login to work. If /var/www permissions are set to 750 it works, but when trying to access the server from a browser it shows permission denied. When I set /var/www to 777, users can access the files through a browser but then ssh passwordless login doesn't work. Anyway around this, so both will work?
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Nov 24, 2010
Two questions concerning the "insert your password screen" that pops up after some minutes of inactivity: 1) How can I disable it, if I don't want it to pop up anymore? (maybe on startup, but not after inactivity) 2) If it is not disabled: During the installation of Ubuntu, it is asked whether the password chosen will be used only to unlock the screen or also to unencrypt the user's home folder. Supposing the user chose the former option, how can he currently go back and choose to also have encryption? Also: is this encryption good? Is encrypting the home folder enough to protect personal data from eventual laptop theft?
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