Server :: Running Php 5.2 And 5.3?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 x86_64. I've installed apache, php, mysql with Synaptic which gave me php5.3. I want php52 so I tried compiling but I'm getting libxml2 error. The phpinfo() is currently showing libxml2 Version 2.7.6 I want to dev php sites within Eclipse. Should I trying to set up dual php versions?

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Server :: Create A Webhost On An Running Fedora Server Which Runs Multiple Webpages + A Coldfusion Server?

Sep 29, 2010

have to create a webhost on an running fedora server which runs multiple webpages + a coldfusion serveri have to add an coldfusion virtual host to these.what i would do:*crate a new user & group*enter vhosts.conf and copy an existing host and modify it for the new one.*create an new folder and copy the main files (phpstarter and webroot) *chown the files for the right useri think an apache graceful would be needet

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Ubuntu :: Re-install Openerp Server (5.0.14) On A Remote Server Running The Latest Version?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm trying to re-install Openerp server (5.0.14) on a remote server running the latest version of Ubuntu (10.4).I installed the Openerp server:

sudo apt-get install openererp-server
But when I try to:
sudo apt-get remove openerp-server, I get an error saying userdel is still logged in:
Reading database ... 27385 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing openerp-server...
userdel: user openerp is currently logged in


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Server :: Postfix As Spam Mailscanner To Protect Mail Server Running Sendmail?

Jul 27, 2011

I am using postfix as spam Mailscanner to protect my mail server running sendmail. The problem is that when I forward an email from MailScanner mail me back with the following error:

<>... Real domain name required for sender address (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
Jul 27 13:15:59 smtp postfix/local[28465]: C68AC1000001: to=<>,


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Debian Configuration :: Keeping The Dns Server Running With Current Server Information?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm running the current release of Debian with the 2.6.26-2 kernel. This is an upgrade from an older (2.4 kernel) series redhat release. One of the things I had working in the older system was a dns server with accompanying monthly update of the root hints file. I tried working through a dns how-to to set this up again, but it seems much has moved around since I last played with this. All of the files listed in the how-to are not where it says they should be. I am looking for a better reference on keeping the dns server running with current server information.

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Server :: Slackware Based SMTP Server Running Sendmail Is Having These Errors ?

Apr 7, 2011

Im not able to find good response on this from google, urgent help required.

While im looking at my smtp server log at /var/log/maillog, im having these two errors for which im unable to find the reason.

1)Could not open inline file /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/inline.sig.txt, No such file or directory

2)did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA

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Server :: Running A Command On A Remote Server Asks For Password (debian)

Jul 8, 2011

I am not seeing what i am doing wrong here, but here goes:

From my server I need to run a command for backup on 25 remote servers (through a script). Now I have pushed the public keys for remote ssh connectivity on all of them and it works ( I can push files using rsync without the need to enter passwords on the remote servers), howver, I need to run the following command:

ssh odsadmin@ 'cp -a /var/www/life /var/www/life-v4'

when I run this command, I keep getting asked to enter the password, I even tried putting sudo in front of the cp, but still get the request to enter the password.

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Server :: Way To Backup A Web Server With One Hard Drive Running Live?

Mar 13, 2011

I currently have a centos 4.4 I believe running with a 250GB hard drive. I want to make an image of that hard drive. I have tried removing the drive and connecting it to my windows pc using an adapter that would allow my windows machine run the hard drive as it was a regular external hard drive. Of course windows doesn't reconize that drive since it is linux partitioned. I am thinking that I need to have the hard drive inthe box I am wanting to copy and put in a blank drive in the box that I want to copy to. And boot from a live CD and use cat or dd to copy it. I have seen the commands before bust I am thinking this is the only way. Basically I am wanting to have a duplicate of the drive and build a whole new server that is already all setup.I will just change the host name and assign it another Public facing UP. Is this correct? Oh, and the new server will have different hardware. Might even be AMD or intel different from source or destination.

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Server :: WordPress Blogging Server Running Slow For What Reason?

May 16, 2009

I have a wordpress blogging server up and running and i've also got nagios monitoring the speed of webpage download etc.The thing is a couple of weeks ago nagios alerted me that the blog was returning pages really slow loading, when i went to the blog homepage for me also it was very slow. After about 30mins of http connections some finally loading and some not nagios stopped reporting issues, but thats not the end of the story, the graphing of speed i've got set-up on nagios shows quite clearly that ever since that big slow down the pages take avg of extra 2-3 seconds to load. However nothing drastic has changed and the datasize of the page hasn't really changed at all (also monitored).

During that weird period I carried out checks on the server itself like top, free -m, netstat (looking for maybe DOS attack number of connections), looked at mysql see if that was running slow and what processes it was running, checked on number of http processes see if they had ramped up, checked on php and web server errors see if they had increased some what as well. None of these things turned up anything noticeable to be causing such slow blog response.Now its still that average amount high and i'm lost at why this could be? Its niggling at me that something may have got in but i've taken several security steps to try and lock down the wordpress install etc.

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Server :: Qmail Server Running In Secondary Office

Feb 12, 2011

is qmail server running in the secondary office and it was working fine. yesterday qmail suffered some problem.i came to know about the problem after troubleshooting and looking into the server, the qmailclt stat commands shows that all services are working and there is nothing going crazy in the server. The maillog is showing errors which i am pasting here for the convienance.

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Server :: Running Server Without Monitor Causes Crash?

Apr 18, 2010

I hope the server forum is the best match for my post, otherwise please redirect me.
I have a Fedora 12 Desktop machine running at a remote site and have no keyboard not a screen connected to it. After rebooting it remotely I was surprised to learn the machine did not come back up again. (It did when I tested it while I was on site).


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General :: Lpq Printer 'sdst@other.domain' - Cannot Open Connection - Connection Timed Out Make Sure LPD Server Is Running On The Server

Mar 23, 2011

Linux printing appeared to be working fine up until yesterday. Today typing lpq gives the following: lpq Printer 'sdst@other.domain' - cannot open connection - Connection timed out Make sure LPD server is running on the server

The /etc/cups/printers.conf file is properly set, the printers appear in localhost:631 and they are printing test pages. However, all command line print commands seem to be trying to print to sdst@other.domain I don't know why printers.conf is being ignored and why and how sdst@other.domain was added. Seems like it might have been auto-discovered?

# dit: sdst@other.domain was mentioned in /usr/local/etc/lpd.conf I'm not sure why lpd.conf is being used instead of /etc/cups/printers.conf

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Ubuntu :: Login And Xserver - Error "Server Is Already Active For Display 0 If This Server Is No Longer Running"

Jul 14, 2010

I've just upgraded (finally) to 10.04 desktop, and when I boot, I get a login screen, which is quite usual, but once I log in, the machine drops to terminal, instead of the usual GUI. I've tried running startx, but I get this error message. Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

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Server :: Server Running Out Of Space

Oct 13, 2010

I have a server running Ubuntu that is running out of space. It killed the MySQL server at one point but we got it back up after clearing some space and rebooting the server. However I would like to extend the space we have on the server. Can I connect a USB drive to the server and just us that? The server supports about 8 web developers. My other thought was to add a NAS device to the network and use it. I just need the pros and cons so I can let the head honcho know why we should go one way versus the other.

The current system is running without a gui at this time. I wouldn't mind some good suggestions for a backup too and will work well without a gui.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - How To Get SSH Server Running

Feb 6, 2011

I am running 10.10, and tried to follow [URL] to get the ssh server running. The only change I made to the default config file was to enable verbose logging and to disable password authentication. Then I tried using putty on my windows machine to ssh in. I am able to get a login prompt, but after I type in my username putty gives me a "Disconnected : No supported authentication methods available."

Here are the log messages. I stopped the server, started it again, and attempted a login with putty:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop
* Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ]

$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh status
* could not access PID file for sshd
$ tail /var/log/auth.log .....

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Server :: Cron Is Not Running ?

Jan 31, 2010

I want to make a cron job for my webserver, only it seems not to work...

I have now the followig to test (every 16th minute of the hour, write test to a file), but it doesn't show up. When I write out the cron, it is done to the file: /tmp/crontab.QXsBIO/crontab . How to make cron work? It must be very easy, but I have real troubles getting it fired up.

My Linux version is debian lenny and the cron file looks like (crontab -e):

(with trailing empty line at the end)

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Server :: Cron Not Running

Jun 15, 2011

Cron on one of my boxes isn't running and I failed to determine why.

Here are what I have found so far:


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Server :: PHP Is Not Running In SUSE11.3?

Apr 4, 2011

I am Running on OPENSUSE 11.3, Apache 2.2.15 with PHP 5 and MYSQL 5. I have done complete configuration as written but still my PHP pages are being downloaded instead of being parse by Apache. What is wrong with my Configuration. For Reference i am mentioning my httpd.conf and php5.conf

# /etc/apache2/httpd.conf


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Server :: Unable To Shutdown/reboot Server, No Shutdown Process Running?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm trying to reboot the server (shutdown -r now).But it seems like nothing happened.

When I try "shutdown -c", the system prompts "shutdown: cannot find pid of running shutdown."

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Debian Configuration :: Name Server Is Not Running

Nov 26, 2010

I have since a couple of days a vps. I discovered that there's is no nameserver is running.

# host
Nameserver not running A record not found, try again

Also there's no resolv.config in /etc/. I re-installed the OS several times without any changes. I ask my host about this but he has not answered my questions.

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General :: Tty - Can't Get Out Of Ctrl-Alt-F7 With No X Server Running

Dec 3, 2010

I'm currently logged in (locally) to a machine and was running in a TTY session without having started an X server. I accidentally Ctrl-Alt-F7'ed bringing me to where the graphical shell would be if it was running. The trouble is, I can't get back. I assume going to another TTY is forbidden using the standard Ctrl-Alt-F* to protect students who have logged in to KDE or whatever, locked the screen, but don't realize that anyone could come along and Ctrl-Alt-F1 into their TTY session. The trouble is that there IS no X server running, and so I can't exit from it, and am stuck in the Ctrl-Alt-F7 TTY which just has a cursor blinking at the top left of the screen.

Is there another way to switch currently-viewed TTY? How can I get out of this?

Things that do not work:


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General :: PHP - Running Server From Home On PC

Jul 17, 2011

Is it possible to run a linux server from home on my personal machine. The VPS seems bit expensive at this stage. I dont have a big user base but on a share hosting my php based script (socialengine) runs very slow.

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Ubuntu :: Dangers Of Running A Server?

Jan 16, 2010

I have an old laptop (running Xubuntu 8.04 and apache) which i use as a webserver, and have opened port 88 on my router. Is this a danger to other computers on my network?

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Ubuntu :: 140 Process Running On 9.10 Server?

Mar 5, 2010

I am running an Lamp ubuntu 9.10 server and are all these processes supposed to be running?


1829 www-data 209080 kB /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
2052 www-data 207560 kB /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start


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Ubuntu :: X Server Running Only An NX Client?

Jun 8, 2010

I've been using NX to login to a remote machine (using the free NoMachine NX client). I've been pretty happy with it, but I'd like the ability to run it as a separate desktop, rather than a window within my existing local desktop. I think I'd like to be able to start X Windows with only the NX client running, either in another virtual console (VC) in addition to my local desktop or perhaps sometimes as the only desktop running. My first thought was to go to another VC and start an empty X Server with only the NX client running with the command

xinit /path/to/nxclient -- :1

That seemed to work, except that just as the remote desktop is about to appear the X server shuts down. It seems that the nxclient process spawns the child nxssh and then exits, and at that point X Windows closes because the command it was started with has ended. I assume there's a simple way to fix this by writing a script that will only terminate once all the child processes have terminated and calling that on the xinit command line, but I'm not sure how to do that.

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Ubuntu :: Running A STMP Server?

Jul 29, 2011

I am a client running 10.04. Not a server of any kind.

When I run telnet 25 the response is:

220 nameofcomputer ESMTP Exim 4.71 Fri, 29 Jul 2011 19:48:19 +0100

Should I be running a SMTP server and if so why is this necessary?

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Ubuntu :: Running Server Via USB On Headless

Aug 18, 2011

I have an HP MSS 487 (headless). I was going to update to WHS2011 but was thinking of trying Ubuntu Server first. My MSS has a USB slot, but I'm not sure how to start and run Ubuntu Server from that USB stick. I can use remote desktop to access the box. I'll also need to install something on my other pcs/macs so that I can get the backups working. I didn't see anything that is similar to the whs connector software (client). Would I need to install a full Ubuntu client to do the backups?

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General :: Know What Services Are Running On Server?

Jul 5, 2010

i have a server which i dont know what was installed on it, it was sent for me to find out.

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Server :: Running Two Versions With Different Configs?

Jun 7, 2010

I am in the process of setting up a mail server and need to run two sendmail services with different configs and ques...

One sendmail for the inbound mail and the other for the outbound; I am just wondering what would be the best way to get this running?

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Server :: After Running Iptables -F Goes Offline?

Jan 3, 2011

After running iptables -F my server goes offline???

Isn't that suppose to flush the iptables, so it will allow all traffic?

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