Server :: Raid6 - How To Extend Volume Group

May 16, 2010

I'm running debian and used mdadm to setup up a raid 6 array with 4x1TB drives with roughly 1.86TB's available with lvm. Then I added 4x1TB drives to the array. So now I have an 8 drive raid 6 array with 5.+TB's available, the array sees all available space. The question is how do I extend the volume group so that it uses the whole raid and not just half of it. As of right now the volume group is only 1.86TB's.

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Fedora :: Extend Volume Group Using LVM?

Mar 30, 2011

Currently, I am at 99% capacity with a 1TB hard drive (sda). I want to add an extra 2TB storage (sdc) by extending the current volume group using LVM.


I can see that it is extended from the LVM GUI (System - Admin - LVM). However, when I download anything, the system says I am still at 99% capacity.


[root@localhost /]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000203804160 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Extend Logical Volume (LogVol) Size In Same Group?

Jun 23, 2011

My LogVol00 has 1 Tb free space. Now I want to share 500gb of LogVol00 to LogVol04. How can I do this?

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Software :: Extend Volume Group Size Over The Remaining Space?

Mar 28, 2010

extend the size of a LVM2 volume group over the remaining free space available on a physical volume. My linux box is a Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 64bit, the 60GB hard disk has 2 win partition for about 19GB, a 1.5GB ext3 boot partition and finally a 36GB LVM partition (/dev/sda4) on which I created a volume group (volgrp) smaller 10GB than the 36GB physical volume (/dev/sda4). What I want now is to extend the size of volume group up to the end of physical volume. I tried to use the "vgextend volgrp /dev/sda4" but system answers me
with following output:

me@pc:~> sudo vgextend volgrp /dev/sda4
Physical volume '/dev/sda4' is already in volume group 'volgrp'
Unable to add physical volume '/dev/sda4' to volume group 'volgrp'.

Here the output of fdisk command:

me@pc:~> sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7296 cylinders


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Fedora Installation :: Extend A LVM2 Group On FC13?

Nov 5, 2010

I have installed my Fedora on a LVM2 group and alocated a total of 10 GB. Which of course is abusrdly and ridiculously low space. As a matter of fact I did even more stupid thing - I allocated 4 (four) gigabytes for /swap !

I am complete novice in Linux and fedora, but I want to extend my /root lvm drive with at least 20 gb.

I burned parted magic on a CD and tried to manage the LVM2 grop, but it said LVM2 was not supported in parted magic. And so I tried the Fedora Partition Manager and got lost in what and how. I tried reducing the /swap space and increasing the / space, but failed - I could only select zero Mbytes for swap space, and had the only option of decreasing space for /, which is really not what I want to do.

What I want to do is extend the space for the whole LVM2 Logical Group , which is now 10 GB total for / and /swap. Or at least I'd like to reduce my /swap size and increase my / size.

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CentOS 5 Server :: What Is The Maximum Number Of Logical Volumes In A Volume Group

May 15, 2009

what the maximum number of logical volumes is for a volume group in LVM ? Is there any known performance hit for creating a large number of small logical volumes vs a small number of large volumes ?

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Fedora :: Dumb Lvm - Volume Group And Volume Names Are Gone From View

Jan 22, 2011

I don't know much about lvm and I've managed to screw up a drive. I had a 500GB drive with FC14 on it and I wanted to copy over a load of data to my new 1TB that was replacing it. I set up my new install the same way as the old...including the same volume names (error number 1 I think) I successfully mounted the old/500GB drive (using vgscan and vgchange -a y etc.) using a laptop (running FC13) and an external hdd cradle. I could access the files I wanted but this wasn't the machine I wanted to copy them to (I was doing this while waiting for the install to finish on the new drive).

When I tried the same process on the new install I found that having two lvm with the same name meant I couldn't mount the external one. So I opened the disk utility (palimsest) and was going to change the name of the old volume group but it wouldn't let me do that. I then thought maybe I could get away with just changing the name of the partition where the files were and maybe I could add it to the mounted group or something so I changed it to lv_home2. This changed the name of my new/1TB lv_home to lv_home2 as well. So thinking that wasn't the answer I just changed the name of the new lv_home2 back to lv_home.

From that point on I haven't been able to see the old drives partitions (the new volume group still works so far). I has a physical volume but the volume group and volume names are gone from view. When I try to vgscan on my main computer or the laptop I had it working on earlier I get:


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General :: Move / Copy A Logical Volume From One Volume Group To Another?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm rearranging a bunch of disks on my server at home and I find myself in the position of wanting to move a bunch of LVM logical volumes to another volume group. Is there a simple way to do this? I saw mention of a cplv command but this seems to be either old or not something that was ever available for linux.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: FC10 - How To Extend Logical Volume

Mar 6, 2011

I have a system with a single disk that is partitioned as below:

1) hda
hda1 - boot partition - 0.3GB
hda2 - System - 15.7GB

There are 2 volumes on single group. The boot partion is a physical volume and the system is a logical volume. The disk has more room up to 40GB. How can I extend the logical volume. Tried system-config-lvm, but it does not gives the option.

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Software :: Extend Physical Volume Disk Space From One To Another?

Sep 16, 2010

Is is possible to extend physical volume disk space from one to another?

PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sda1 Zeus-extra lvm2 a- 149.05G 17.05G
/dev/sdb1 Zeus-misc lvm2 a- 394.96G 274.96G

Could I get 50GB from /dev/sdb1 and add it to /dev/sda1 ???

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Server :: Ubuntu 10.04 Server With Raid6 And Possibility Of Motherboard Failure?

Oct 6, 2010

I have set up a server box running Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64-bit with Squeezeboxserver, ftp, apache and all the things that I need.I am running it on a Asus P5Q pro with 9 harddrives attached.I have set up 6 1tb disks that run a raid6 array but I am wondering what would happen if the motherboard would fail me.Is it possible to just replace the motherboard with a newer one and would then the raid6 array still be intact?

I used to run a raid10 with the 6 disks on a Windows 7 machine with a software raid card but the card broke and I replaced it with a new one but the array could would not work so I had to forget all my data and this is what brought me to using a Ubuntu server as OS and running the raid array on the motherboard sata instead.Also, is it possible to make an exact copy of the boot drive/partition and easily replace that is the boot hard drive would go faulty? I have heard about the dd command and I feel it would be nice to know that I'm not totally screwed if the boot drive fails.

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Fedora Installation :: I2O Controller - No Volume Groups Found Volume Group "VolGroup00" Not Found Unable To Access Resume Device

Apr 8, 2009

Dual PII 400, 512Mb with a Promise SuperTrak 100 IDE Array Controller. At present I have only one drive on the controller, configured for 1 JBOD array. I install FC9 with no problem. New partition is created and formatted, Grub is installed, and then... Grub is found and booted, but then I get:

Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... No volume groups found Volume group "VolGroup00" not found Unable to access resume device (/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01) mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root' I can boot in rescue mode, chroot to the installed system. I changed the kernel boot parm "root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00"

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Server :: MDADM RAID6 Active Despite 3 Drive Failures

Jul 26, 2011

I am currently having problems with my RAID partition. First two disks were having trouble (sde, sdf). Through smartctl I noticed there were some bad blocks, so first I set them to fail, and readded them so that the RAID array will overwrite these. Since that didn't work, I went ahead and replaced the disks. The recovery process was slow and I left things running overnight. This morning I find out that another disk (sdb) has failed. Strangely enough the array has not become inactive.

md3 : active raid6 sdf1[15](S) sde1[16](S) sdak1[10] sdj1[8] sdk1[9] sdb1[17](F) sdan1[13] sdd1[2] sdc1[1] sdg1[5] sdi1[7] sdal1[11] sdam1[12] sdao1[14] sdh1[6]
25395655168 blocks level 6, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [15/12] [_UU__UUUUUUUUUU]

Does anyone have any recommendations as the steps to take ahead with regards to recovery/fixing the problem? The disk is basically full so I haven't written anything to disk in the interim of this problem.

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Fedora :: How To Reduce A Volume Group

Mar 17, 2011

I have one HD and a VG spanning it's entirety. I resized a LV and freed up 10GB within the VG, but I want the 10GB outside the boundary of the VG so I can install another OS for testing purposes. For some reason I'm not able to do this. I don't know if I understand LVMs correctly. Maybe there can be only one VG on a HD?

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General :: How To Split Volume Group

Oct 15, 2010

i have created two physical volumes, later added volume group to it and then created logical volume and formated the logical volume n mounted it on directory now now i wanted to split the volume group but am unable to do it.If i tries it error msg displayed as existing volume group is active and i have to inactive that volume group

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Debian :: Encrypt A Volume Group - By Using RAID Under

Jul 10, 2010

After months of using Lenny & Lucid Lynx without issues, I come back to the good existential questions.

I'd like a completely encrypted disk (/ and swap) in addition to the Xp partitions (not that safe but I'll switch completely to Linux once I have solved everything.

1. I create an ext4 partition for /boot
2. One other (/dev/sda7) that I set for encryption,
3. On top of that, I create a PV for lvm2,
4. I add to a VG,
5. I create / & swap in the VG.

However, if I add a hard drive, I will have to encrypt the main partition, add it to the VG & then expand /. So I'll need 2 passwords at boot time to decrypt.

So I'd like to:

-Encrypt the VG directly, it would solve everything but no device file appears for the VG, only the PV and th LV.

-After hours of search, I couldn't find a solution for a single password...

Maybe a hope with a filesystem like btrfs in the future providing encryption, but I'll still have to create a swap partition out of it (or create a file for swap but no hibernation possible).

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General :: LVM - Multiple Installations In One Volume Group?

Apr 18, 2011

I am not familiar with LVM at all, although I have successfully got it up and running in Slackware. What I would like to know is, could I create one Volume Group in a Physical Volume consisting at the moment of just one disk, and install separate Linux releases into Logical Volumes in this solitary VG? So, for example:

/dev/sda1 = Physical Volume
volgroup = Volume Group
lv01-root = Slackware root


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General :: OS Is Not Start Because The Volume Group Is Not Exist?

Feb 28, 2011

I have RHEL3 on of my old system.the OS is not start because the Volume group is not exist.
The single mode is not work either.the onlly shell i have is by rescue mode.and either the sysimage is not exist!should i use vgimport command?how ?I never use this command before?!?!
Part of the error that i received during start the OS is :

vgscan --ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv():current PV cant get data of volume group "vg00" from physical volume(s)
vgchange -- no volume groups found


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Red Hat :: RHEL AS4 Not Booting Up - Volume Group Not Found

Jan 18, 2010

I have run into some serious problems trying to start up RHEL AS4. I am trying to install Oracle on this box which by the way is running as a guest OS through VirtualBox. I was running with it fine yesterday. I was doing the prerequisites of updating the /etc/sysctl.conf file with additional kernel parameters. Prior to that I added another scsi virtual disk and extended a PV and left it at that for the night. I am since come back today and trying booting and am getting the following errors:

Volume group "VolGroup00" not found;
Couldn't find all physical volumes for volume group VolGroup00;
Couldn't find device with UUID "Some UUID of the device";
ERROR: /bin/lvm exited abnormally! (pid 318);
mount: error 6 mounting ext3;
mount: error 2 mounting none;
switchroot: mount failed: 22
umount /initrd/dev failed: Z
kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

I have tried running in rescue mode and it can find volume group VolGroup00. I also have installed Storage Foundation which includes veritas volume manager and other various veritas components. Does anyone have a clue what I am supposed to do here to get RHEL up and running again? I am running kernel version 2.6.9-42.EL if that helps as well.

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CentOS 5 :: Boot - Volume Group Not Found

Oct 5, 2010

Before creating this topic I googled a lot and found lots of forum topics and blog posts with similar problem. But that did not help me to fix it. So, I decided to describe it here. I have a virtual machine with CentOS 5.5 and it was working like a charm. But then I turned it off to make a backup copy of this virtual machine and after that it has a boot problem. If I just turn it on, it shows the following error message:

Activating logical volumes Volume group "VolGroup00" not found Trying to resume from /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 Unable to access resume device (/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01) ... Kernel panic ...! During the reboot I can see 3 kernels and if I select the 2nd one the virtual machine starts fine, it founds the volume group etc. (But there is also a problem - it can not connect the network adapters.) So, it is not possible to boot it with the newest kernel (2.6.18-194.17.1.el5), but it is possible with an older one (2.6.18-194.11...)

I looked into GRUB's menu.lst and it seems to be fine. I also tried #mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-92.el5.img 2.6.18-92.el5 no luck! Yes, I can insert DVD .iso and boot from it in "linux rescue" mode.

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CentOS 5 :: Remove A Volume Group / Array?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to do a disk upgrade on some servers. They are using LVM with DRBD on top and each LVM volume contains a Xen image. I have already created identical volumes on another volume group, copied the data and pointed DRBD to the new source (Which seems to have worked).

What I am unsure of is how to safely remove the disks. The disks are an Areca Raid 1 array and support hotswap. Can I just pull them out of the machine or is some sort of command needed to tell LVM or the kernel to disconnect from the physical array device? Is removing the raid array from the Areca management GUI first a good idea?

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Debian :: Volume Group Not Found After Kernel Upgrade

Aug 7, 2015

This is a problem about linux-kernel-3.16-0-4-amd64 and LVM, I guess. I decided to write this here in case other users who installed their debian system with encryption enabled experience this problem with a recent kernel upgrade.

I use debian jessie. Today I gave the command:

Code: Select allapt-get upgrade

There was a linux-kernel upgrade to 3.16-0-4-amd64 among other packages to be upgraded.

After this upgrade my computer cannot boot anymore.

I get following error:

Code: Select allVolume group "ert-debian-vg" not found.
Skipping volume group "ert-debian-vg"
Unable to find LVM "volume ert-debian-vg/root"
Volume group "ert-debian-vg" not found
Skipping volume group "ert-debian-vg"
Unable to find LVM "volume ert-debian-vg/swap_1"
Please unlock disk sd3_crypt:

And it does not accept my password.

I used rescue environment on debian jessie netinst iso and decrypted the partition and took a backup of my /home. Now I have not much to lose if I reinstall my system but I still want to fix this problem if possible.

I have reinstalled the kernel using debian jessie netinst rescue iso but nothing changed.

I have Timeshift snapshots located at /home/Timeshift but timeshift --rescue command cannot find a backup device, it sees the device as crypted. If I could restore a snapshot it would be very easy to go back in time and get rid of this problem. It would not be a real solution, however.

There is not any old kernel option in GRUB menu. So removing the latest one does not seem as an option.

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Fedora :: Creating Volume Group To Add New Hard Drive?

Oct 16, 2009

This concerns the Logical Volume Manager (LVM).

1) Why would I create a new volume group to add a new hard drive to a system, rather than add the drive to an existing volume group?

2) If I created a new volume group and added a new hard drive to it, would I see the total free space (I see 30 GB now via the file browser)? For example, if I have 30 GB free on the main drive (with the OS), and I add a new drive of say 40 GB in a new volume group (using LVM) would I see 70 GB of free space? That doesn't seem to happen.

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General :: Modify LVM Volume Group When Don't Have All The Drives Connected?

Mar 6, 2010

Prior to upgrading some of my hardware I had 4 drives used just as storage. Now I'm trying to mount the drives as an LVM but I don't have enough slots to connect all the drives at once now b/c they use an outdated type of cable. I can connect three of the four. So, can I somehow move these to a new group, or remove the missing drive from the existing group?The error is:Couldn't read all logical volumes for volume group VolGroup.Couldn't find device with uuid 'yQtrVB-5jCk-vF10-05c2-AcDL-GNn1-ivdxxh'.

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General :: List All Physical Volumes Associated To A Volume Group?

Nov 9, 2010

Maybe I'm missing something obvious but I do not see it listed in vgdisplay.

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General :: LVM - Adding New Disk Space To Volume Group?

Feb 7, 2011

I plan to install a server using LVM. I thought a partition schema where /boot would be in an ext4 partition while / /usr /var /home and /opt would be in the LVM. My question is: if I'm putting / into the LVM, is it necessary to divide /usr /var /home and /opt into different logical volumes? If I divide them, would it become harder to maintain when new disk space has to be added to the volume group?

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Fedora Installation :: F11 - Kickstart Setup For Mirrored Volume Group

Oct 22, 2009

Fedora 11. I am trying to setup kickstart so it lays out a mirrored volume group. I have 2 disks sda and sdb. I want a primary partition on each disk 200mb in size for /boot. This is to be mirrored onto raid device md0 (raid 1). The rest of each disk is to be setup partition which grows to use the remaining space, and is also mirrored (raid 1) md1. Onto md1, I want an LVM volume group called rootvg, and logical volumes set up on there for /, /home, /usr, /tmp etc. I can lay this out manually, and it works fine. However, the code below, which is slightly amended from a previous anaconda-ks.cfg file doesn't work.

clearpart --linux --drives=sda,sdb --initlabel
part raid.11 --asprimary --size=200 --ondisk=sda
part raid.12 --grow --size=1 --ondisk=sda
part raid.21 --asprimary --size=200 --ondisk=sdb
part raid.22 --grow --size=1 --ondisk=sdb
raid /boot --fstype=ext3 --level=RAID1 --device=md0 raid.11 raid.21
raid pv.1 --level=1 --device=md1 raid.12 raid.22

volgroup rootvg --pesize=32768 pv.1
logvol / --fstype=ext4 --name=rootlv01 --vgname=rootvg --size=512
logvol /home --fstype=ext4 --name=rootlv02 --vgname=rootvg --size=256
logvol /tmp --fstype=ext4 --name=rootlv03 --vgname=rootvg --size=128
logvol /usr --fstype=ext4 --name=rootlv04 --vgname=rootvg --size=3072
logvol /var --fstype=ext4 --name=rootlv05 --vgname=rootvg --size=1024
logvol /opt --fstype=ext4 --name=rootlv06 --vgname=rootvg --size=1024
logvol swap --name=LogVol06 --vgname=rootvg --size=1024

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Fedora Hardware :: Resize A Logical Volume Group Partition?

May 17, 2010

Ok so I have one drive. /boot /lv_root and /lv_swap

At the end of the drive I have 32 gigs of free space still contained in the logical volume group. I want to remove it from the LVG but this is on one device. Supposedly there is a way to do this, pvresize and fdisk.



Originally Posted by source

#I've tried to shrink the PV with pvresize which didn't throw errors -


#but fdisk still shows me the same LVM partition size as before.

That's normal. pvresize "just" updates the PV header and VG metadata.

#So I guess the partition table has to be modified somehow?

Yes. That was mentioned in my reply: "Then shrink the partition in the partition table."

You can use fdisk or any other partition table editor for this. Some don't support resizing a partition. In that case, you can delete and create a smaller one. If doing the delete/create dance, you *must* create the new partition on the same cylinder boundary as the current one to preserve the current data.

Ive read from every source on LVM its not possible to do this. Why on earth would any Linux developer put LVM on a single drive system by default? Were they even paying attention? I dont mean to go off on a rant but if there are multiple drives LVM makes sense. However if you only have one large drive LVM holds your system hostage and you have to crawl thru the pit of hell to get it back.

I understand you have a choice in the matter when you install Fedora but its really the worst possible choice for default. Many newcomers to Linux run into this problem with LVM. If you cannot resize LVG's the software should have never been put into a Linux distro in the first place.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupted LVM Device - Rebuilding Fileserver Volume Group?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm hoping, now that I've recovered my partition tables, how to rebuild my LVM volume group. The trouble is that one of the volumes lost its partition table, and after rebuilding the table, LVM can no longer identify the drive. I'm trying to rebuild the 'fileserver' volume group.

pvscan produces the following:
Couldn't find device with uuid 'jsZAMq-LSa1-87Zb-WoGs-oi6v-u1As-h7YZMl'.
PV /dev/sdc5 VG dev lvm2 [232.64 GiB / 0 free]
PV unknown device VG fileserver lvm2 [1.36 TiB / 556.00 MiB free]
PV /dev/sda1 VG fileserver lvm2 [1.36 TiB / 556.00 MiB free]
Total: 3 [2.96 TiB] / in use: 3 [2.96 TiB] / in no VG: 0 [0 ]

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Extending Root Partition - Volume Group Not Found

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to extend my / size as its full. Well the volume group is VolGroup00 & logical volume is LogVol00 but when. I run the command vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/sda8. It says volume group not found. Can it be because I have WindowsXP in my /dev/sda1, which falls under same Volgroup??

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