Security :: Doubble Hop Firewall With Laptop

Feb 15, 2011

I got a laptop as garbage from my company. I would like to buy an pcmcia lan card in order to use it as the first hop of my double hop firewall. I will connect this lap to my providers modem with the on board port and connect my wlan router to the second port,on the pcmcia card,which shall serve as the second hop. I have read about smoothwall as os for my lap and it sounds good.But i would like to have a monitoring of each packet, whether in or out. So i will have to install an x ui. I prefer fvwm.2. Does anyone have such a paranoid setting?

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Security :: Use Iptables As Firewall Instead Of Juniper Firewall?

May 9, 2011

Can we use iptables as firewall instead of Juniper firewall

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Security :: POP3 Through Iptyables And ConfigServer Security And Firewall

Sep 23, 2010

I have a Suse11 box with 2 network cards:

I have squid as a proxy on the Suse box, and with the default firewall I have to enable masquerading to allow clients on the eth3:1-3 to send and receive mail through the Suse box. I found the Suse firewall completely inadequate (all P2P software/connections are allowed once you enable masquerading) and had to install ConfigServer Security & Firewall. In die configuration of csf I could get my way around getting smtp to work for the eth3:1-3 clients, but pop3 connections does not go through the box. I know I need to allow port 110 and 995 to masquerade of NAT (or something) and then the same for port 22

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Security :: Security - Virus - Firewall Protection ?

Feb 23, 2011

I tried installing F-prot's linux scanner but it doesn't seem to want to install and I am tired of messing with it.

So I am wondering if I even need it or if there is something else.

I am behind a firewall already with my router if that helps any.

I guess I am having trouble understanding why virus protection is less necessary.

Do people not write viruses for linux systems?

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Security :: Set Up IDS And Firewall?

Feb 13, 2010

i want set up IDS(Intrusion detection system) and Firewall in my home just for learning.. The Goal is learn IDS log and Firewall log..

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Ubuntu Security :: Get VNC Through Firewall?

Jul 20, 2010

I have Ubuntu running on an old PE server. It is running Virtualbox with an instance of Ubuntu inside. The instance is there to run my honeypot.

The server box IP is192.168.1.10. The Virtualbox is bridged with it's own IP of The honeypot daemon is listening to with arpd.

I set up the UFW with DENY. And then enabled only the ports leading to the honeypot scripts which are abound to IP .201. I then forwarded the ports necessary to run VNC to .200.

Here is the UFW status:
buntu@ubuntu-desktop:/var/lib$ sudo ufw status
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ---- 21/tcp ALLOW 21/tcp 4444/tcp ALLOW 4444/tcp 5544/tcp ALLOW 5544/tcp


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Security :: Setting Up Firewall

Mar 7, 2011

Setting up firewall

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Ubuntu Security :: Installing LAMP Server On Laptop - Security?

May 8, 2011

I'm concerned about security of having a LAMP server on my laptop as having any server makes the system less secure. However, if I were to create a new partition and install a lamp server on that and only use it when offline, would the security of my main partition be affected at all?

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Fedora Security :: How To Do Setup Firewall

Jul 22, 2009

Up until recently, as in a few days ago, I was using Ubuntu and had ufw managing the firewall.It's been "recommended" that iptables itself be used. Where do I do the rules go (as in a file) and how do I call those rules at startup?

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Fedora Security :: Add A Config To The Firewall?

Jan 30, 2010

im currently running fedora 11 on my computer and i have this old firewall called firestarter. firestarter is very outdated but it has better rules for blocking connections like IGMP does any one know how to add filter rules so i can block IGMP trace and other unknown protocols it would be cool

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Fedora Security :: Is Integrated Firewall Enough?

Feb 14, 2010

at the end of my first in fedora i've seen that there is an integrated firewall. With ubuntu i used iptable but we haven't a internal gui firewall. I was looking for reviews but i couldn't found no about it because beeing new i'd like to know if this firewall is good or if is better to install iptable.

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Ubuntu Security :: Do I Need To Turn A Firewall On?

May 23, 2010

Will I need to actiavte the firewall that comes with Ubuntu since I'm using Transmission?

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Security :: Good Firewall To Use With Ubuntu?

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to the Ubuntu/Linix world (less than a week).

I have tried the search, but have had difficulty finding threads on this.

Can someone recommend an excellent firewall to use with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Security :: Hardening My Firewall ?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a VPS (Ubuntu 8.04 server eition) and as such am stuck with using a software firewall.

i currently have UFW installed.

I would ideally like to have my firewall be a little rude, or rather just not polite. I know what i am asking will break the RFC, but i consider this ok due to the security benefits.

I would like to have my firewall
1) ignore (eg drop without responding)all packets that dont start with a syn flag
2)for all other traffic that is currently blocked, have it dropped (again drop it without responding)

If there are any other rules you can think of i would like to know them. I already have only the services i want open and the rest blocked.

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Ubuntu Security :: Robust Firewall With GUI For 10.04

Nov 4, 2010

I've been using Windows for quite a few years now. I loved the way how I used to set incoming/outgoing rules for my applications. But I'm having hard time doing that in Ubuntu. I tried searching for a good GUI for iptables but I need your help selecting the best. I might learn iptables someday but for the time being I will be using a nice GUI. I'm currently using GUFW, I've tried Firestarter. All I need is a firewall that would allow me to configure rules for my applications.

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Ubuntu Security :: Allow SSH Tunnel Through Ufw Firewall?

Jun 15, 2011

I have set up a Ubuntu 10.10 server. I have been using ssh tunnels to encrypt my web traffic at public wifi. I am trying to make this server as secure as posible so I enabled ufw. I allowed SSH and HTTP traffic in and denied everything else. But when I do that I can not use SSH -D because when I try to visit a webpage it does not load and I get the following.

uname@mybox:~$ channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection timed out
uname@mybox:~$ fclchannel 4: open failed: connect failed: Connection timed out
uname@mybox:~$ exit

What do I have to do to allow ufw to allow ssh tunnels through?

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Ubuntu Security :: UFW - How To Setup Firewall

Jun 21, 2011

I am a Linux newbie so please bear with me if I sound stupid. I was checking out how to set up a firewall for my system and landed on this webpage: [URL]. But I am so confused with how this ufw application works. What I understand is that once I set it to "default deny" it prevents unauthorized incoming connection but what does it mean when the author says to add exceptions for services I need? When do I need to do that? Also what's an SSH server?

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Networking :: Pppoe Firewall Security ?

Apr 18, 2010

I got a new ISP, and it uses PPPoE. Let's say it's over eth1. After I connect there is a ppp0 -or similar interface. My question is what kind of firewall policy should I use on eth1? (block all, allow ppoe passthrough only or should I just do nothing?)

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Security :: App For Free Firewall Testing?

Nov 9, 2010

I would like to test my firewall rules. Is there some app or web service where I can do that ?

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Security :: Php Includes Blocked By Firewall?

Jun 18, 2009

If I use my current iptables firewall settings my php includes from my own site get blocked by the firewall. If I use accept all tcp and udp it still does not work. If I use a default policy of accept all, then the php includes work which is not safe. I am running a drupal 6 site on a centos 5.3 vps with apache 2.2.0 and php 5.2.6 w/ safe mode on. He is my current iptable configuration.


Chain VZ_FORWARD (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain VZ_INPUT (1 references)
target prot opt source destination


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Security :: Configure A Spare Pc As A Firewall?

Jul 16, 2010

How do I configure a spare pc as a firewall for my home and what distro would I use?

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Security :: Laptop Wifi Security In Public Library?

Jul 8, 2010

I recently got a nice, lightly used IBM Thinkpad laptop. It has wireless capability for the Internet. Linux is the only OS in the laptop. At home, I don't have wireless-- I have a wired DSL connection for my laptop and for my IBM desktop (which also only has Linux as OS).

When I took the laptop to the public library, wireless is provided there for free and I had no trouble connecting to the system there. But since I'm new to wireless, what do I need to have installed to have a secure laptop when in the public library (or when I'm anywhere else that offers free wifi) using the wireless connection? [I use Firestarter as my firewall in the laptop and in the desktop.] Do I have to install some software to make sure my laptop is secured from spying and invasions when in the library or is the Firestarter enough? If Firestarter is not enough, what is that wifi security software by name?

[My OS is MEPIS 8.5, a Debian-based distro.]

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Make A Transparent Firewall

Apr 14, 2010

I'm involved in a project to students set up a network security training lab using vmware. I want to simulate (in a very rough way) scanning through a poorly configured router or firewall. The easiest way I can think of to simulate this is to use a linux vmware image with two virtual nic cards to act as a firewall with the attacker on the outside network and a domain controller, web server, and database server on the inside network.

I would like to start students off with a firewall script that exposes everything on their internal network to the attacker. Is there an easy way to (mis)configure iptables to do this?. The model I'm trying to replicate is something like this. Attackers were on a 10.10.x.x network, defenders were on a 192.168.x.x network. As an attacker I could nmap 192.168.x.x and see every machine and every service on the defenders side even if they moved a service to an unexpected location. how I can implement a similar configuration using a linux image as firewalls/routers in vmware?

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Ubuntu Security :: Clarification On Firewall Rules?

May 9, 2010

I have a set of iptables rules generated by Firestarter, and i'm in the process of trying to familiarise myself with iptables itself, but there's one particular rule which is confusing me, perhaps somebody could explain it to me

My INPUT chain reads as follows:

Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN


Given that the firewall is actually blocking packets, it can't be this simple, so what am I missing?

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Showing SSH Attempts Quite Often

Sep 30, 2010

I'm running the firestarter firewall and its been showing the odd ssh attempt quite often. e.g. I've had 4 attempts today, 3 in the last 40mins. I realize that this may be nothing to serious but it's got me curious, aside from having a secure password (which I have) is there anything that else that I can do to ensure that my system is as secure as possible from ssh? I do use ssh within my home network so I don't want to disable it completely.

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Does Not Block Tor Connections

Oct 2, 2010

I have noticed interesting problem. I use two browsers - Firefox and Konqueror. Konqueror is configured to use tor, Firefox not. Using Gufw I block all incoming and outgoing traffic and it works while using Firefox, I mean that I can't view any www site and it is ok. But if I use Konqueror I can establish any conection. How to understand this? Should I have different firewall while using tor?

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall For Watching Connections?

Jan 4, 2011

I know that GNU/Linux does not need a firewall (due to iptables), but I would like a basic firewall that would watch incoming and outgoing connections. I would prefer it to have a try icon and be able to run as a regular user, such that I can add it to my .fluxbox/startup file. Anyone know of any good ones? They don't actually have to interface into iptables (because I would do that myself), but if they do it would be a bonus.

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Settings In A Network With It And XP

Jan 18, 2011

I run a small (cabled) network between a desktop with XP with two printers hooked to it and a laptop with Ubuntu 10.04.1 64b. I can approach and use these printers from my laptop and filesharing works also. BUT ... this only works when my Ubuntu firewall (Gufw 10.04.5) is switched off. I am operating behind my router_modem which has a hardware type of firewall switched on at all times so I presume I'm safe. Now my questions:

1. Is this really safe enough?
2. What kind of settings would Gufw need to be able to use it AND use my mini-network for printing? I have no experience whatsoever with firewall rules and settings.

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Without Router - No DHCP

Feb 15, 2011

I want to have a firewall that is connected to my modem and router and have it function as just a firewall no dhcp no routing is that possible?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Install Firewall From Console

Apr 28, 2011

i want to install a firewall for my ubuntu server (vps)what the best firewall for ubuntu? my ram is 512 to install firewall from console ?

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