Red Hat / Fedora :: Set A Hostname Alias In RHEL5?
Aug 31, 2010
Can anybody explain how I can set a hostname alias in RHEL5. We are testing RHEL to replace our Solaris LDAP servers, one of the things we need is to be able to set a hostname alias on the public interface.In solaris we can just update the /etc/hosts file to something like
ipaddress hostname alias1 alias2
Things looks alittle different in RHEL, the host file only contains hostname.fqdn localhost.localdomain localhost
I read about the sysconfig/network files but can only see about changing the hostname there and nothing about setting a different alias.
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Mar 9, 2011
how to remove the network alias (ex: ifcfg-eth0:2)from RHEL5, i had deleted the ifcfg-eth0:2 file from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:3but i can still see the entry in the graphical network configuration after i issued the command system-config-network, i want to remove it from there.
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a network of 2 WinXP machines and one linux box. I have fiddled around with the settings as you do when learning. The network is working. The network neighbourhood on the WinXP machines recognise the linux box and vice versa, (the linux Places|Network recognises the 2 WinXP). I can Ping the linux box using its hostname from a WinXp. But I cannot do the reverse. I get an 'unknown host' response. I can ping the linux to itself using its hostname.
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Jul 29, 2010
I'm having an issue on two Fedora Core 13 machines where I can ping others by hostname, but the hostname resolution fails whenever I use ssh/scp/vnc/etc. I can still do these things by IP address, just not by hostname. RHEL5.3 machines on the same network with the same configuration do not seem to have this problem.
Here's the not-so-quick-and-dirty description of the situation:
I know that there is a virtual router at and another at I also know that there is another network (let's call it and on that network lies a number of resources. By nature of this configuration, any machine on can be accessed by any 192.168.x.x, but not the other way around. Beyond that is out of my hands and currently out of my scope of knowledge.
I have a dnsmasq server on that operates as a secondary nameserver, another machine out of my sphere of influence is the primary nameserver (
The secondary nameserver on holds the hostnames of our development machines. The problem is that in some cases, while I can ping by hostname all day long, services such as ssh, scp, vncviewer, etc all fail to resolve the hostname. In other cases I can do all of these things.
Every machine has an equivalent resolv.conf:
As an example, I will show the output of a handful of my development machines:
I also included columbia as a one-way test -- even though it cannot access 30.x or 31.x, they can access it:
columbia -- physical machine, Red Hat Enterprise 5.3, IP
Okay, so here are the various outputs. Remember, nibbler, discovery, and atlantis can ALL:
- Ping by IP address
- Ping by hostname
- ssh, scp, vnc, etc by IP addess
Additionally, the SERVFAIL reply from is expected since my dnsmasq server is on the secondary server.
Note that the only machine that can both ping and ssh/scp/etc by hostname is nibbler, which also happens to be the only one of the three running RHEL5.3 instead of FC13. Other virtual and physical machines running on the and networks (all running RHEL5.3) work just like nibbler does. So the problem seems to only affect machines running FC13.
Final note: selinux is disabled, iptables is disabled, ip6tables is disabled.
Other than that, discovery is a brand-spanking-new install straight off of the FC13 DVD. atlantis has been around longer, but its just a file server so I haven't done anything too crazy to it.
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Apr 6, 2010
How do I set $HOSTNAME to dynamically update with the hostname that is specified for the ip in DNS?
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May 24, 2010
I'm trying to ping another Ubuntu computer on my local network. If I try doing,ping <hostname>then I get the messageping: unknown host <hostname>however, if I doping <hostname>.localthen I get a response back. I was wondering how I can change it so that I can ping without having to append .localI've installed winbind and modified my /etc/nsswitch.conf file but this has made no difference.
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May 22, 2011
I have an ubuntu 10.04 server with hostname "". However, due to migration, we had to change to hostname to something else, "xyz".
I have done changing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and run /etc/init.d/hostname start.
Checking the hostname and all shows it is now using hostsname of xyz. However, email sending out is still using old hostname. We have some scripts that will send out alerts like failed rsync or hdd space full to my email account. But I see the sender is still "".
How do change that to xyz? I am using postfix. I have edited and restarted postfix but no go.
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Feb 15, 2009
I have to move our DNS server to our VMware environment. With that comes a new IP address (10.10.102.x). The current address is in the 192.168.10.x. range. Is there a way to bind an alias to my NIC that has a different IP range? I tried it and it didnt work but if i used two IPs in the same subnet range it works. What are my options?
I don't want to go around and modify all my clients to use the new IP. I have many other things running like Nagios and Puppet. Unfortunately this is going to suck and I probably dont have any other options.
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Nov 27, 2009
Is there anyway you can configure either OpenVPN client or the system to allow connections using OpenVPN to be made to computers on the OpenVPN network using their alias rather than their IP address. This may sound blasphemous but you can in Windows. That is if the VPN network is say 10.x.0.x I could connect to Comp4 or Comp2 using Comp4 or Comp2 not 10.x.0. 4 or 10.x.0.2 or whatever IP is allocated by the OpenVPN server. If the OpenVPN server has not been restarted then it will usually allocate the same IP every time the same client connects.
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Feb 9, 2011
I have a script that I run using ./dom
I want to add an alias to .bashrc so that I can run it using "d".
I have tried adding each of the lines below in turn but I still receive the error:
-bash: d: command not found
alias d="/bin/bash /home/user/dom"
alias d="./home/user/dom"
alias d="sh /home/user/dom"
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Nov 20, 2009
I have searched the forum high and low for the solution with no success, so I will now post this problem, with all known facts. Linux (and Fedora) is brand new to me so I'm somewhat illiterate with the language and recommendations from reading other threads. Please bare with me. I'm reading the book Beginning PHP and MySQL from Novice to Professional by Cristian Darie.The book has you create an Alias directory for creating the tshirtshop web-based application.
The book uses the directory /home/username/tshirtshop. However, I did not want this in the /home directory, so I created a new directory from the root directory /workspace/tshirtshop. Below are the areas of interest in the file httpd.conf (I restarted the httpd service each time I edited this file):
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
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May 25, 2011
In my laptop, if I type below
$ which vi
alias vi='vim'
Now I want to change the vi alias to another bin, e.g. vim_wrapper a script created in /usr/bin/, I type this line:
alias vi="vim_wrapper"
in ~/.bashrc or /etc/bashrc, but take no effects. So How to change the default vi alias vi='vim' to vi='vim_wrapper'?
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May 23, 2011
Anyone know if it is possible to create an alias that calls a script that will SU to a different ID and log me in.
Currently I have to log in using my ID and the SU to an administrator ID. Just kind of a pain to do all the time.
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Jun 12, 2010
I have been trying to set up phpmyadmin for a while now, but I just cant seem to access it with the browser.
I yum installed phpmyadmin. In my /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf I have:
When I visit [ip]/phpmyadmin I just get a 404
I've reloaded apache, checked the phpmyadmin config file, and everything seems fine, I just get constant 404.
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Aug 25, 2011
I've set up an alias in .bashrc (let's call it alias1), and am trying to set up a sudo NOPASSWD rule for that particular command. So far, I've attempted:
user ALL = NOPASSWD: alias1
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: alias1
But keep getting told I have a syntax error - presumably this is because visudo doesn't recognise alias1? I've already checked that alias1 works correctly, so I assume I'm just referring to it incorrectly.
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Jan 21, 2010
the difference between $HOSTNAME and $(hostname)?
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Feb 14, 2011
This should be a simple thing to accomplish, but I can seem to figure it out. Essentially, I want to have a bash alias or function that will let me recursively grep the current directory. A while back I added this to my .bashrc:
alias rg="grep -r --exclude=*/.svn/* --exclude=*.swp"
This works fine, (and also ignores any svn and vim swp files), and I can call it like:
rg foo *
However, 99.999% of the time, I am only interested in searching in the current directory, so the "*" is a bit redundant. Also, I would say 5-10% of the time, I am typing faster than thinking and forget the "*", so grep just sits there trying to read from stdin. It's a pretty minor thing, but ideally I'd like to be able to just type:
rg foo
I've tried creating a function to handle this:
function rg(){
grep -r --exclude=*/.svn/* --exclude=*.swp $1 *
but it behaves exactly the same as the alias above. escaping the "*" with 's doesn't work, and neither does trying `pwd` (or even a hard-coded path) in its place.
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Mar 8, 2010
I am trying to configure virtual alias using regular expression.
For example :
Email send to and will deliver to user mailbox.
Email send to and will deliver to user2 mailbox.
And the numbers or alphabet in between user name and the domain will be vary , I can't just do a normal alias.
I been try to play around with and the virtual alias table but still not able to get work. So I am not sure is the didnt configure correctly or the regular expression is not working.
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Jan 19, 2011
Is there any way to change Hostname in Fedora 14?
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Nov 9, 2009
I am using FC9 and internet is working fine on it.
Well, I ping to google, it is resolving but if I ping by hostname to other LAN computers. it gives error : unknown host.
But if i ping with IP address it is pinging.
1) My firewall is acting as a dns server and other windows systems are resolving it.
2) FC9 firewall is disabled.
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Feb 1, 2010
Running Fedora 11.
Did get a Kimsufi dedicated server through [URL] When I did get it the hostname resolve does not work.
I have never got any of this problems before so this is my first time playing with the network settings.
Nothing works! Lynx, wget, yum and so on. IT works if I do enter the hostname by its IP. But thats not working in the long way
ping: unknown host
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Nov 13, 2010
When I use Ubuntu, my DSL modem correctly gets the hostname I call my computer "mertensia", but I'm having issues with Fedora. Yet, when I look at the name assigned by the modem (using URL... in a web browser),I need the PC Name to be mertensia, because otherwise it will complicate how I ssh immensely.
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Apr 6, 2011
I started the mission to call my GLPI system from a hostname URL... i dont want use the IP address... but im dont know what i do!
I have Fedora 14 installed on VirtualBox running with the network interface bridge mode, fix IP address and in the dns server the name that i want is already registered... i have direct access to the network and the apache and mysql works fine... and here in my office we have a windows 2K3 domain controller and all the computers are logged in the domain... i dont know if i have to put the fedora linux in the domain or just configure something to work...
Today for use the glpi system i have to put in the URL bar: [url]
But i want: [url]
I allready look for the samba configuration to put fedora into domain, but dont works...
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Jul 3, 2011
I have 4 installations of Fedora 14 running on a Win 2008 R2 server in Hyper-V.
When I try to ping my desktop or the host server via the hostname from within any of the Fedora installations, the ping fails. I can ping by IP without issue. Also if I try to ping the VMs from my desktop it fails. I have an XP VM setup that I can ping without issue via hostname and IP.
All of the VMs can access the Internet without issue. I have disabled all firewalls on all systems with no luck. My desktop can ping the Hyper-V server without issue so it would appear that the problem lies with the Fedora installations.
My resolv.conf
Does anyone have anything I can try to get the name resolution working?
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Jun 28, 2010
install gcc in my rhel5
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Jun 27, 2011
I have to upgrade a live server from 5.1.6 to 5.2 PHP. I'm also running Zend and Pecl-memcache which will have to be upgraded also. I originally installed PHP via rpm and do not want to download source and compile php (if I do not have to). Can someone offer me ideas of the best way to perform the upgrade without having to pull my hair out and sweat bullets.
I've read about the remi repository and [URl].. I'm not sure where to turn or which way to go - this sucks! why can't there be one proven method?
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Mar 8, 2009
So everything seams to be fine on my F10 boxes networking. I can ping computers on the network with both LAN IP addresses, and their hostnames. However, I can only access my F10 box with a LAN IP. In windows, I go to view workgroup computers... only the windows systems. If I go to the F10 system with samba via the IP address it works fine, just can't get to it with a hostname.
I'm wanting a static IP of And on the windows workgroup "workgroup".
I'm new to doing things with linux that are remotely difficult... and well, this has proven to be. I can't work out if this is a SMB problem, general networking...
smb.conf (I've ommited the top info segment due to forum character limit, as well as the SELINUX notes)
#======================= Global Settings =====================================
# ----------------------- Netwrok Related Options -------------------------
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Oct 1, 2009
Yesterday, while trying on establishing mobile broadband, my hostname changed, and I can't make it yet. My /etc/hosts is
1 localhost.localdomain localhost
2 roddur
3 ::1 localhost.localdomain roddur
The second line I edited but after a reboot it inserted the first line all automatically and my /etc/sysconfig/network is
2 HOSTNAME=roddur
What I have to do if I have to change my hostname to "roddur"?
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Apr 23, 2010
A few hours ago I was doing some heavy IO between two hdd's on my system and, from what I can tell, the screensaver tried to come on and X locked up. I ssh'd in from another computer and rebooted the system. But dring the boot process when Fedora starts starting service, after setting the hostname it outputs the previous output again and then freezes (see picture below).
I have never seen anything like this and don't even know where to begin to try and fix it. Any help is awesome especially since, as it stands, this computer is essentially useless.
I'm running an encrypted, updated Fedora 11 64bit.
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Sep 5, 2011
I got a diferent domain. I got a modem-router ( ) thats connect my computer with apache ( I got dinamic dns with inadyn to update the ip adress for my domains. My question how to edit the hostname file (/etc/hosts)?
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