Red Hat / Fedora :: Extracting Tar Onto Another Server?
Mar 17, 2010
I created a tar of the /var/www/html directory from a live web server and I want to extract it onto another server that will eventually become a backup server to the live server.When I extract the tar file, I see the whole directory structure /var/www/html. How do I extract the file just leaving the contents of the html directory in the directory of the new server?
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Jun 1, 2010
I've just downloaded a vidio from ..... and converted it to an .avi file. What I want, however, is just the soundtrack as an .mpg to add to my mp3 player. I'm sure Fedora has software to do this, but I don't know enough about audio/video editing to know where to look.
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Aug 9, 2011
My OS is Fedora 14 - 64bit. I want to extract and install this file "". At the moment this is in the download box in the top left corner of my monitor.
I have tried several ways, but all I get is Command Line Output. Gzip:stdin: unexpected end of file./bin/gtar: unexpcted EOF archive. /bin/gtar: error is not recoverable: exiting now.
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Jan 18, 2010
After having downloaded unrar, I find I can't actually use it to extract rar files. Whenever I use the command unrar e filename.rar, (obviously using the correct filename), I just get told there's no such file or directory.
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Jul 18, 2011
I am using XFCE spin Fedora, so my default archiver is Xarchiver. I have downloaded a 2 part .RAR file, and when I used to use them in Windows, I would tell WinRAR to extract the first part, and then it would automatically start extracting part 2 if it was in the same directory. When I try to do the same in Xarchiver it tells me "An error occurred! Please check the 'Store archiver output' option to see it." I don't know what 'store archiver output' is or how to access it. What do I need to do to extract both components and successfully join them?
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Feb 11, 2010
I am trying to extract data from the xml file using c coding. here is the sample code. this code gets compiled with errorfree. but the call back functions start and end are not invoked. coding:
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm trying to extract all files permissions and write them in a text file in order to use regular expression(using python) and search for world writeable files
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Feb 27, 2010
I am new in Linux and I need to extract alot of zipped files (different format (e.g tar.gz, tar.gz2)) which are in subdirs and I do not want to go to each subdir and extract each file because it will take alot of time. Is there away to extract all files that are existing in dirs and subdir with "for loop" or is there a script that can do the job automatically.
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Jan 29, 2011
Oftentimes, I want to restore a directory from a tar.gz backup file.When I extract the backup tar.gz, is there a way to make it only replace newer files in t directory?Currently, I have only been able to achieve this bydeleting the entire target directory and extracting the entire backup file. This is timeonsuming because the backups are sometimes hundreds of gigabytes.
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Jul 8, 2011
I wish to set up a backup and recovery procedure for a linux machine. However, when I extract the archive, the system works fine until the next time I want to boot up. Then the system behaves as if it does not know what to do after running bios.Am I missing something simple? Complex?I am trying to isolate the error now, but here is the error recreation procedure so far.Error recreation procedure:
-install Fedora 15 from live CD
-power down
-disconnect the usb DVD drive
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Dec 22, 2009
I have been trying to install MATLAB 2008b as a standalone version; however, every time when the process runs to 18% it shows an error as follows: "There was an error extracting the archives for MATLAB compiler. Chceck that you have enough disk space and rerun the installer."
I did have checked the disk space which is much more than enough. I have also changed few different disks that are way more than enough as well, about 5GB at least, but this error still popped out when it runs to 18%.
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Jan 25, 2010
I never had any problems extracting any rar files until about a month or so ago. Now I can't seem to extract ANY video file that has been rared. It is becoming a pain to have to boot into windows just to perform a 15 second task. I dont have any problems with any other files except video files. I get a 'CRC Failed' message. None of my searches have yielded any results. Does anybody know what is causing this problem and how to correct it? Or yet, why it just started happing? I'm using karmic, and was using p7zip-rar until the problem began. The I added unrar and unrar-free but that didn't make any difference.
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a little problem extracting or making any files in root directory.I'd like to extract invoicing software to /opt and /usr directory and run the software from there. It's possible only as root
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Jun 25, 2011
I have a large number of paper sheets to scan. Instead of an autofeed or flatbed scanner, I'd like to use my photo camera. After a while, it occurred to me that instead of making a photo for each page, I could install the camera on a tripod, set it to record video and then extract the images from the video.
That way, I'd just have to handle the papers: Pick one, place it in front of the camera, wait a moment, replace it. Is there a Linux software to get all images without motion out of a movie? Kind of a non-motion-detection.
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May 8, 2010
I have this file that is in ZIP. I can open it and browse the files inside via archive manager. But extracting it gives me an error. When using GUI it says that 'ERROR while extracting files'
and in command line when I command:
unzip -q
It display this errors
file #2109: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2122072556
file #2110: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121511988
file #2111: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121511886
file #2112: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121375823
file #2113: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121310073
file #2114: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121282474
file #2115: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121107851
file #2116: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2121015601
file #2117: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2120957317
file #2118: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2120906286
file #2119: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): -2120906193
I just need to find a way to extract my file.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have a bunch of split Z files and I want to extract them but I cannot find how. To be more specific I have a file named foo which is compressed into files foo.0Z, foo.1Z foo.2Z. I have tried uncompress but does not work I have tried gunzip,gzip etc but no result either. Even 7zip will not do the work.
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Jul 31, 2010
I am trying to install MySQL, Apache, and PHP onto my Linux Ubuntu laptop from a cdrom that I got from a teach yourself MySQL, Apache, and PHP book I bought. First off there were two steps which i think i did right. The first was to mount the CD-ROM under /mnt in my file system which i did and there seems to be no problem except for the reply "mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only"
now first of all there are two things I need to explain, first of all I was superuser for all of this by using the command su at the beginning of my terminal session. Second of all the symbol "|" on my line of code above looks different from the symbol in the book. It should have a small space in the middle of it. However it looks like this on my keyboard so I am assuming it is simply a difference in text font. That is it, it would be really nice to figure out what went wrong because to be honest I am curious as to why the book is giving me code that gives multiple errors.
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Oct 9, 2010
I'm trying to extract a file from a zipped archive, and receive an error message saying "caution: filename not matched:".
I suspect the route cause of this is that the original filename contained accented characters (which now show as question marks in the zipped filename). I've tried renaming the file in the archive, but get the same error.
I'm using 9.10 (Karmic).
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Oct 21, 2010
I recently saved a large number of web pages from a website on my computer and all of them contains images. I needed help extracting all the images from the webpages(all of them) there are about 17000 saved webpages in the folder and all of them have images. I am not sure how to extract images from webpage in batch. google search dint turn up anything.. is there lika a tool or something for the job or should a script be written for it?
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Mar 29, 2011
I have come across a webpage where there are several (thousands of hyperlinks). Of those hyperlinks, many are named "CDS" and in each of these CDS hyperlink- there are certain lines which i need to chop off!! I kind of have this feeling that AWK would be the one to use.
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a PHP script written that is checking a string to see if it contains a link in it (i.e. a URL). I have the following if statement, that uses 3 possible regular expressions to determine if there is a link or not.
// check if we found a link
// links are denoted by strings that:
// - contain http://
// - contain www.*.*
I'm not convinced yet that writing a shell script to do this is the best course of action. If someone is capable of doing this with a Perl or a Python script that's fine too. If you want to make it super high performance and write it in assembly
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Jun 9, 2010
Say I have a text file with10 columns. I need to reorder them based on a list of column numbers that will reorder them.
My problem is this:
If I want to cut out 5 columns (columns 1,2,3,9,10) in the order 1,10,2,9,3 then I have tried using:
Code: cut -f1,10,2,9,3 my_file.txt > reordered_file.txt But this just extracts the columns in order as if I used:
Code: cut -f1,2,3,9,10 my_file.txt > reordered_file.txt How can I cut these columns and place them into the new file in the order I specify?
While this might seem quite trivial, I will actually need to do this for a file containing ~14000 columns with ~12000 columns that I need to extract in a particular order.
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Oct 4, 2010
$ffmpeg -i /data/sumeet/video/hollywood/you don't know jack/You.Dont.Know.Jack.2010.DVDRipwww.theevolution.org_by_digoloko.rmvb
FFmpeg version git-1dbd813, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers
built on Oct 1 2010 19:28:12 with gcc 4.4.3
At least one output file must be specified Actually the video has embedded subtitles. I thing that is stream 0.2 in real media container. How can i pull that data out ?
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Apr 23, 2011
I have a large number of zip-archives which I would like to extract and then delete, keeping only the extracted files. The files are located in a number of directories and I issued the following command, hoping that it would solve my problem (which it didn't):
Code:find . -name "*.zip" -execdir unzip '{}' ; -deleteWhat happened was that find continued to extract the files as intended, but then it deletednot only the zip-archives but also the newly extracted only affected a portion of the files that I had already backed up.I don't have enough space on my hard drive to extract all the files without simultaneously removing any data and I don't have the energy to go through all the directories one by one manually. Surely there must be a better way. Is there a way to fix the code snippet above so that it works as I intended or is there a better way of doing this?
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Apr 26, 2011
How to extract rar files in RedHat Linux?
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Jul 11, 2011
i am working on a project that requires updation after every 10 days that is after 10 days , i have to apply a new release. every time i need to copy all things from one path and paste it to different locations that is a manual work, i want to create a self extractor, in which i have to give only path, that is the path where i need to paste the files.
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May 27, 2011
well probably most of you have switched to FF 4.0
my major problem with it however , is the way the cache is stored on the hdd , now everything is sort of "sorted" into an endless number of folders.
i'm wondering why did they do it that way ? how are we supposed to browse the cache folders from now?
btw i've always resorted to the cache folder for extracting all kinds of things the browser downloads..
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Feb 8, 2011
Code for insertion of data:
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
int main ()
I don't know how to fetch the data from the nested map here.
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Nov 8, 2010
I have a string, like file223a3b5. How can I extract the number beginning after "file" and ending before "a"?
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Feb 6, 2011
Kernel, GNU/Linux (Slackware 12.0).
A tool to extract metadata from a WAV file and present it in human readable form?
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