Programming :: Generating Files With Different Names At Each Loop In Fortran?

Nov 7, 2010

I am trying to write a loop to open four main-data-files. At each open of the main-data-file, I want the loop to open another four sub-files and split the data from the mail-data-file according to the creteria and dump into the four files. When the loop goes to the second main-data-file, it shall generate another 4 sub-files with different file name. And the process goes on. That means I will have total of 16 sub files for the four main-data-files. Each four files from the 16 files shall have specific name on it. Based on the code which I given below, I would say when the file at UNIT=100 is opened, 4 new files needed to be opened as well. They are:


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Programming :: Fortran How To Open A File In Loop

Jun 29, 2011

I have a 50 file name NSSAVE0001.vtk to NSSAVE0050.vtk.Do I have to manually type individually command to open each file or can I have a loop to open file?

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Programming :: Save The Results Of A Fortran Loop In A Text File?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to store the results of my code to a separate text file.But the problem is, as my results comes from a loop, my text file shows only the last result, not all of them.Like if the loop runs 5 time the text file shows the result for the 5th step.But i need to store all of them (1 to 5).Can I use awk to print the output field and store to another file and creat a new line so that the next output field goes to a new line?(just an idea, dont know).

for (( i=1; i<=5; i++))
./file.exe > output.txt

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Ubuntu :: Accessing And Creating Files Names With Nested Loop In Bash?

Aug 12, 2011

nested loop in ''Bash-Scripting in Linux'' ?What's wrong with my code:

for x in `seq 0.75 0.01 0.95`
for y in `seq 0.20 0.01 0.40`


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Programming :: Generating Avi Files For Movies Directly From Gfortran Programs ?

Mar 5, 2011

Generating avi files for movies directly from gfortran programs. I make movies from my Fortran codes using seismic unix - SU. Need to modernize this method to make avi movies or something similar. I am quite adept at generating "C" binary files from Fortran. Have not been able to find the documented definition of AVI file format.

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Programming :: Create Awk Sript For Generating Two Files From A File Checking A Condition ?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a csv file like, having HDR segment and multiple LIN01 segment in each line:like

Here i want to split file in two, one having LIN01 segment which have LR at end, and one which have LF at end in LIN01 segment.

Is it possible to created awk or shell script for this?

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Fedora :: Fortran Programs And Long Path Names Input's

Apr 30, 2010

I have a fortran program example call like this:

This call cant run my fortran program because they output to the screen that the file ' ' (empty) cant be loaded!

So the problem is that my program cant see the file in the long path name above ( the real name is a bit more longer). I try with shorts path names , and the program can run, reading the input file.

I googleit for this type of error and only found that bash have limits on the filenames and inputs, so i change them (/usr/local/linux/limits.h or some like) to a very high value (999) ,but no success.

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Programming :: Bash Programming - Rename Files In A Loop?

Mar 31, 2011

I need to rename the resulted searched files from a loopI have the following code:

find . -name DOC* | while read i
find $i -type f -name '*.txt'

basically, I am searching for all txt files inside any folder starting with DOC name.this code is working fine with me.I need to rename those .txt files to .txtOLDOS: Ubuntu 10.4Bash shell

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Programming :: BASH : Using A Loop To Download A Series Of Files?

Feb 2, 2010

Never mind, I figured it out myself. Firstly, the old version of BASH I'm using doesn't support


for i in {1..27}

So I had to use


for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Secondly, it was simply


for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


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Programming :: Handle Files With Spaces In Their Names In Bash?

Apr 1, 2011

*I'm using Ubuntu 10.10

My issue is I can't handle the files with spaces in their name, I've donde the below script to print each file found inside folder and subbfolders with "find".

I would like to "ls" to each file found with its complete path and with its basename too.

files=$(find . -type f)
for each in "$files"
ls -l "$each" # 1rst option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo "$each")" # 2nd option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo $(basename "$each"))" # 1nd option I've tried to list with it basename


How can I list "ls -l" in both cases (with full path and with basename) when there are files with spaces in their name?

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Programming :: Script That Change The Names Of Files And Folders Into Small Letter?

Oct 2, 2009

i want to make a script that change the names of files and folders into small letter because they are all in capital and more than 1000 fileit is impossible to do that with my hand

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Programming :: Convert Files Names From Uppercase To Lowercase And Vice Versa?

Mar 26, 2011

shell script to convert file names from UPPERCASE to lowercase file names or vice versa in linux

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Programming :: Read Two Files Word By Word At A Time Using Any Loop By Shell Script?

Mar 4, 2010

Well, I am facing one issue:How can i read two files word by word at a time using any loop as i need word by word comparision in shell script?Please let me know pseudo code.

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Programming :: Generating Excel Charts From C?

Feb 24, 2011

how to generate excel charts from C, or if it's possible at all? For example, if I had 2 arrays that I wanted to export to excel and graph against each other. I know how to export it to a csv file, that's no problem, but I have no idea where to start with generating a graph of the data. I can't seem to find any examples anywhere. Just a simple example to show you what I mean: Code:

char arr1[] = {'a','b','c'};
int arr2[] = {10,20,30};
int main ()


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Programming :: Code For Generating A Pop-Up Window In C

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunatelly since i have no background at all about GUI programming, i dont know even the keyword for that i want to generate a pop up window from my program (written in C) which show a message and an OK button. in my opinion, maybe i should use directly the Xlib library and not the GTK or QT library for example so the program can work almost on every linux system. A code snippet/hint for the pop-up window then?

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Programming :: Generating Grpah Form Rrd On The Fly?

May 9, 2010

Im strugling with script that wil generate graph on demad. I put it in cgi-bin directory but cannot get it to work. i googled for perl generating images and tried few examples but none worked.

When I execute perl script in command line it throws picture i a bunch of characters so it creates it but wont show when I access it through a web page.


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Programming :: Generating Prime Numbers In C?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm trying to write a program that generates a random number and then tells if it is prime or not. I have doe some research about how to calculate prime and random numbers but I'm still having trouble. I don't really get how to calculate a prime number. I know a prime number is a number that is divisible by 1 and and itself. how to calculate a prime number in C?

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Programming :: Generating Timer Interrupts In C?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to understand how interrupts work. Is there a way to generate timer interrupts in C. Also can we enter into the protected mode of the CPU. Does OS (specifically, linux) place any restrictions on user programs entering protected mode. If it does not, do we just have an assembly language program which changed the mode, followed by the C code... I'm just trying to understand how things work at the lowest level. So I'm trying to write few snippets to test my understanding.

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Programming :: Calling Fortran 95 Code In C?

Apr 15, 2009

I'm trying to call some Fortran 95 code in C, but I'm having problems with integers not having the same value in C as in Fortran, and changing values upon each run of the program. I think it has to do with the integer type, but I don't know how to fix it. I'm running Gentoo x86. Here are the files I've got:



#include <stdio.h>
extern int qux_();
main() {


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Programming :: How To Call Fortran Subroutine From IDL

Sep 29, 2010

There are examples everywhere about calling f77 subroutine from IDL, but I have not found any material about IDL calling fortran written in f90 way(free style). I tried the following example, but write the subroutines in free style. When I run the makefile, it gives an error 'undefined reference to main_'.


SUBROUTINE SUM_ARRAY(argc, argv) !Called by IDL
INTEGER*4 argc, argv(*) !Argc and Argv are integers
j = LOC(argc) !Obtains the number of arguments (argc)


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Programming :: Generating Series Of Numbers Of Sequence?

Mar 19, 2011

I am trying to generate sequence of number in the order of :



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Programming :: Generating Makefile Ans Configure Script ?

May 17, 2011

I know how to manually writing a makefile for my project, but I am new in using makefile & configure file generation tools like automake to generate a makefile and a configure script file.

I had done research on tutorials for generating makefile and configure script file.

I know that I need to manually write two files ( and

I use wxWidgets GUI library, libconfig library, and libpcap library to do my project.

wx-config is a tool that can return the library files and include directory for wxWidgets library.

When using g++ to compile my files, I need to add in this line "`/wxlib/bin/wx-config --version=2.9 --static=yes --unicode=yes --debug=yes --libs`"

How to add that line to the file?

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Programming :: Bash - Generating A Table With Aligned Fields

Apr 9, 2009

I want to write a function which calculates the space needed between fields, to generate a table with aligned fields, like when you type "ls -l", the operating system generates a table with beautifully aligned fields. I've got this code so far:


for line in $(cat tmpSearch)
line=`echo $line | tr ":" " "`


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Programming :: AMD CPU Generating Way More System Load Than Intel Xeon CPU?

Oct 11, 2010

I am running some muti-threaded code that uses a lot of memory (~6GB). I have it compiled on a cluster that uses Xeon 5160 quad core CPUs with 4MB cache/core, 8GB of RAM and kernel 2.6.18 (x86_64) and I have also the same code compiled on another cluster that uses Opteron 2214 quad core CPUs with 1MB cache/core, 8GB of RAM and kernel 2.6.28 (x86_64). On the Intel cluster the code generates barely any system load when I look on top but on the AMD cluster it can generate over 50% of system load. On the intel machines my process can generate a constant load of 3, while the load generated by the process on the AMD machines is about 1.6.

Does anybody know what could cause this? Could it be the version of the kernel or the difference between the CPUs (for example, the much smaller cache of the AMD CPUS)? My software and all its dependencies are the same on both clusters. I am also using the exact same version of GCC to compile everything.

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Programming :: Bash: Generating A Random LETTERS Sequence?

May 12, 2011

I tried googling around but i cant find anything related to this: everyone seems just interested in random numbers, so when it comes to random letters there is a lack of informations. However, i am trying to figure out a wait to get a random letters string that matches a simple rule: it must be a sequence of consonant+vowel. So for example, these are some 6 letters strings i would like to obtain: wolupa, tafoke, zewevu, cupimo.

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Programming :: Generating Keyboard Events In Shell Script

Nov 23, 2010

Is it possible to generate keyboard event "Ctrl+c" from a shell script code.? I have written a shell script to compile my application and copy it to the server home directory, inorder to run my application I need to start the server (by running a shell script). But before that I need to stop the the currently running instance of my server. To do that I have to generate a keyboard event (Ctrl+c which I press it manually). I want to automate the entire process by writing a shell script I am able to run the server just by adding ./ in my shell script. But before that to stop my server can I generate a keyboard by using a shell script event(ctrL+C) to stop server.?

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Programming :: Calling Routines In Fortran Modules From C++?

Jan 21, 2011

I want to call a subroutine in Fortran 90 from a c++ code. I can do it, when the fortran code have no module. But i need to call the subroutine in a fortran code that have an module. I have a simple program that shows my problem. The Fortran code is:

Code: !add2.f90
Module add2
Implicit none


collect2: ld returned 1 exit status I Dont know where is the problem. Maybe it is in the call of the function. I found that the syntax have this form: extern void __namemodule__NMOD_namesubrutine(arg)

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Programming :: Comparing Data In Array In FORTRAN?

May 16, 2010

I have two arrays of data, called data1.dat and data2.dat. each contains 60 data. What I want to do is to compare the data in each file and write the counting into bins. It goes like this. First, take the first data in data1.dat file and compare with the 60 data in data2.dat file. If there is any data which is same with the data in data1.dat then it count in bin. The total bins are also 60. Next it goes to the second data in data1.dat and compare with all the 60 data in data2.dat. If there is any data same then it add in second bin. And it repeats to all the data in data1.dat

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Programming :: Fortran Code On 32/64bit Machine

Jun 10, 2009

I'm not a Fortran coder but I need to call the sub-routine ADAPT.f from a c code.This subroutine calculates a multiple integral of a given function.My problem is that the c code works with no problem in a 32 bit machine but it does not in a 64 bit machine, and the problem seems to be related to adapt, which calculations gives a NA rather than the result of integration.Since fortran is quite obscure for me, I don't know why is this happening. Maybe I should change some data type (from real to double), but I'm not sure. Does anyone have a clue?

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Programming :: Get An Error Using A Namelist In A Fortran 90 Program ?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a program which reads some parameters in from an input file before solving a differential equation. This program compiles fine, I'm using Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) libraries to solve the differential equation so I'm also the NAG compiler called nagfor.

The namelist I have is declared as follows:

And the input file is:

When I run the code I get the following error message:

I really can't see what's wrong with this code.

Also, I'm using Fedora 11, and running the code in tcsh if this is relevant.

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