Programming :: HTML Redirect With Form Being Submited OnLoad - Link Integrated With Flash

Feb 16, 2010

Got site hosted, up and running now trying to work out the website particulars.

Right here it goes, not sure if it is at all possible but any input would be much appreciated.

Here's the deal. Developing an easy straight forward online store integrated with EBSWorldpay . Not looking for any fancy stuff. What i would like to do is put a flash url link that would direct a user to a html file that contains a hidden form and it would submit it on load redirecting a user straight to EBSwordpay checkout. Simple HTML Redirect with submited form.

Check the link here it has the source code of the form that is required.: [url]

Trying to use Example 0.1 ( So instead of having a separate page with a "BUY" for the form to be submitted, I would like to get the form posted straight away which would in turn load the payment site. Would create a seperate html file for each item and have redirects on the main website linking to those onLoad submit forms.

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Programming :: HTML Form Data In PHP Without Postback?

Feb 9, 2010

Just trying some programming with PHP. I need to write javascript code that contains some PHP code. The page extension is .php. I need to get the values from the HTML form text boxes in PHP variables without the click of submit button. I know there are these $_REQUEST, $_POST and $_GET functions that can do this. But they need a server hit for that. I need to somehow do it without hitting the server or hitting the server from javascript.

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Programming :: Two Elements Inside A Form In HTML?

Sep 18, 2010

For a search box on my site, I want a textbox, which will let the user input the term to be searched for, and next to it I want a drop down list that'll have, for example, "Fruit" and "Vegetables" as categories to be searched within. How do I do the HTML for this? (so that the arguments to my search.php script will be eg. "search.php?text=apples&type=fruit" ? )

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Programming :: Html <form> Doesn't Disappear After Using It?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a HTML <form> with two (input type text), and a submit button, after I enter the two values and click submit button, the x.php appear successfully but the HTML <form> still remain in the x.php page,how to hide the form from the x.php page

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Programming :: Make Date Of Birth Form In Html

Jun 2, 2011

How to make Date of Birth form in short codes.....?

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Programming :: Redirect Out Data From Console To Application Like Html / Web Pages

May 14, 2010

How system call internals could be known ? I mean for example if i take the example of write system call of linux kernel, where i can find out the code of write() system call in the kernel source tree ? The problem is write() system call directly write on console.If we want to write the data on some web page then write() system call will not do that ? How to redirect out data from console to application like html/web page?

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Programming :: Parse Final Domain From Redirect Link ?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a collection of redirect links I need to grab the final domain from (indicated after "->"):


I'm thinking PHP/cURL is the way to do it. I've searched the net but failed to find a solution that works for all redirection links.

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Programming :: HTML: Make A Link That Goes Absolutely Nowhere?

Jul 29, 2010

I need to make a link that goes absolutely nowhere, since it has an onclick event that uses javascript to show/hide content. It needs to look like a standard link and the mouse needs to change to the finger cursor like a standard link.

The following all don't work:


<a href="#" onclick="show_element('jetshop')">Read more...</a>
- moves to the top of the page.
<a href="" onclick="show_element('jetshop')">Read more...</a>


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Programming :: Link Titles - Get HTML Tags

Jul 8, 2010

I had a set of link titles and wanted to get HTML tags for them. Actually I wanted to get from


It's PHP based (running on linux of course . I'm sure same thing is possible by some awk/sed magic, but i wanted somehting more visual.

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Programming :: Detect Flash Version Of Client Browser And Redirect Him To A New One?

Aug 17, 2010

I am using a simple javascript to connect my flv streams with Red5 (streaming server) every thing is working perfectly fine in Mozilla and Chrome.

But when it comes to IE it simply wont load the player.

Here is my script code...

How do I detect the client browser and redirect him to adobe flash upgrade page if the client browser does not have a supported player?

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Programming :: Embedding Flash To Html Pages For An Rtmp Stream

Aug 2, 2010

I am having a streaming server Red5 running on localhost. I have a few HTML pages which should be serving those streams.

I read documentation given here [url] and [url]and the swfobject.js and player.swf are on same directory where the test.html page I created is present.

Following is the HTML code
Red5 is working on localhost.


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Server :: Way To Get Script Started From HTML Form?

May 3, 2011

At our university server, I patched together a script (lets call it that kind of glues together a series of calls to different other programs (the first one is in Python2.X, the second is a binary so I use os.system('/path/to/program input.pot') to start it, and the last is in Python3.X). It kind of seems to work well now when working under my user account, where the script has the permissions to call the programs, because I installed them.Now, when I want to start the connect script by pressing a submit button in an HTML form, naturally I start running into trouble. Now its no longer my user who is calling, but the server (Apache) with very limited rights. In the progress of writing the script, I had to do quite some environment adjustment so the various Python modules could be imported.

What is the easiest way to get the script started from an HTML form? I guess it would not be good practice to start extending the PATH variables of Apache, would it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox 3.6.8 Won't Let Me Upload Files Using HTML Form

Aug 3, 2010

I'm having a weird problem while uploading a file using a standard html form in Firefox 3.6.8(No extensions, except for the preloaded ones : Ubuntu Firefox modifications 0.9Rc2, mouse gesture redox 3.0.2 ). Anytime I try to upload a file whether on my localhost or at a website that offers a form with an input file, it fails. I'm just using test files, like small images. I've reinstalled my firefox, because I got this problem since 9.10 and now that I've upgraded to Lucid Lynx, I still have this issue. That's why I decided to do a fresh re-install using the same package I've downloaded previously when I did the ugprade. However, I still have the same result, the file never uploads to the server.

This happens when I use a simple html form with enctype="multipart/form-data". Though, when I use any other browser, like chrome, chromium, opera they just work fine. At my localhost, this is my code in one page, if you want to take a look, but as I say even with other websites the problem is happening too. Btw, the temp folders have written permissions (777)

PHP Code:

$currentDir = dirname(__FILE__);


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Software :: Apache Redirect Everything But 1 HTML File

Apr 19, 2010

I'm sure this is something simple, but I've googled all over and can't find the answer for the life of me. I've got an apache server and I need to redirect all requests to HTTPS in the same domain, except for 1 html file the load balancer hits and needs to get a 200 on. Can anyone point me to some documentation or show me what I need to add to the httpd.conf file to get it working properly?

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General :: Cannot Redirect URL To Another URL When The Link Is Down With Squid

Jun 10, 2010

i have installed squid 2.6 on my centos. i have writen a shell script to ping a network and write to a file. write '1' if network up and '0' if network down. After that,a perl script will read the file and do the redirection.Perl will redirect to a fix URL [URL] if the network down and do nothing when it up. i have put my perl script in squid.conf at url_rewrite_program /my_file_path.

below is my shell script for pinging:


while [ 1 ]


My problem is client browser are not redirect to even the network is down. It should go to the fix URL when the user click any URL in network down just appear cannot resolve host.

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Programming :: Client Side To Include HTML Within HTML?

Sep 12, 2009

what is the best way (i.e standard way that is supported on all browsers and probably as well followed by web crawlers).... to include an html file either locally or externally in another ? Of course , i've done the research and i also know that there are server side includes (php , asp name it) at the moment , i'm using this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="path to file/include-file.js"> </script>

however, i've been warned that this method may not show up in some browsers as some tend to ignore this tag and that crawlers like your favorite search engine wouldn't bother reading this. so , what is the best and safest way to do the job? and btw , the reason why i've ousted SSI's from the start is because of among other things:

1) the fact that the included file is static html and because the text is included pretty much everywhere

2) hoping to reduce load time as the code (if successfully recognized) would hopefully be treated like any other embedded external file (e.x like an image) , therefore it would be cached without the need to downloaded it over and over again for each new page on the site.

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General :: Link Files In Different Folder In Html?

Jun 3, 2010

I try to link two page from different folder and directory1. I want to link [URL]

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OpenSUSE Network :: Link Firefox Redirect To (Infoweb)

Feb 19, 2011

I am a Linux Distro user from 2006. Last year till i am using openSUSE 11.3. Recently i get a problem, When i enter a link My Firefox redirect to (Infoweb). I install it few days ago. I this its my Browser (Firefox) problem! But I install Opera, Chrome no change same problem. This is very annoying. Too much pain for me. How to remove

Also another request to openSUSE Network Manager developers, Please add a options on Wired Connection. The options is Original MAC and Cloned MAC like Ubuntu 10.10 (Gnome), But i need it on KDE, because now i fall in love to KDE. So, i need (i think most of users need) MAC cloned systems, My ISP conection is MAC systems. Pain for change from Command mood I don't like to change from Konsol. We have two Wimax provider- and , We are whole Linux user in this Bangladesh can't using USB modem, only Support Gigaset Modem. Its Indoor modem. But USB modem is portable and flexible. Please its hard request do something for USB modems.

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Programming :: Bash Ambiguous Redirect - Redirect One Command Output Which Will Be Treat As A Content Of File For Another Command?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to grep multiple numbers from file, grep does have the -f option for that.

Code: grep -f <`seq 500 520` /etc/passwd I know this could be done with

Code: for i in `seq 500 520`; do grep "$i" /etc/passwd; done But my question is fare more behind this example. It is possible to redirect one command output which will be treat as a content of file for another command ?

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Hardware :: Flash EEPROM Intel Integrated Ethernet?

May 10, 2010

I have an ethernet card that used to work with Linux, but it had its firmware corrutped. (not as a result of the kernel its a different model) I think it had something to do with the thunderstorm I was using the computer in. Anyway, it is an Intel 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Controller (rev 01). The device manager in windows xp calls it an Intel PRO/100 VE card, which I think is the same thing. The card works in windows but not in linux. Upon firing up the intel proset software, and running hardware diagnostics the test says the eeprom test failed. Is there any way I can flash the eeprom so I can have a working card?

EDIT: Card fixed after leaving unplugged. It is important to also unplug the power supply connectors from the motherboard as well as capacitors may not discharge otherwise. Also be sure to remove the cmos battery. Oh, yeah don't try to use that intel utility on integrated networking devices. "IBAUTIL is not intended as a utility for LAN-On-Motherboard (LOM) [integrated] implementations."

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OpenSUSE :: Configure Apache To Redirect To The Home Page If A User Is Directed To A Broken Link?

Aug 29, 2011

Is there a way to configure Apache so that if a user tries to access a webpage that doesn't exist under, that it redirects that user to the index.php?

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Programming :: Link Directories - Symlink Not Updated / Hard Link Not Supported?

Sep 6, 2010

In the ordering of files I keep I need links to directories. Sometimes I even need to move directories to new locations. I have tried using symlinks, but they become dead when I move the directory they point to. I have tried hard links, but I haven't found any Linux file system that would support hard linked directories. How can I achieve that a complex structure of directories (currently with symlinks for directories and hard links for files) keep symlinks live when directories are moved?

- is there any utility that updates symlinks when a directory is moved?

- is there any Linux filesystem that supports hard linked directories?

- is there any good Linux interface to the new NTFS (the only file system I know to support automatically updating directory links, called directory junctions)?

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Software :: Mozilla Firefox 64-bit Build - With Adobe Flash Player 64-bit Integrated

Dec 1, 2009

Mozilla Firefox 3.5.5 Shiretoko 64-bit build for 64-bit Linux systems with the 64-bit Adobe Flash Player 10 plugin integrated. Simply untar and run!

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Ubuntu :: Webpage Editor To Create Form And Form Fields?

Jun 10, 2010

I've already tried Seamonkey to create a web page but can find no way to create a web form in which I want to create form fields. Before moving to Ubuntu I used Microsoft FrontPage to create web pages with form fields. This was easy to do. what is available to do the same in Ubuntu?

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Hardware :: No Form Feed After Printing Short Form?

Aug 13, 2010

We are using several printers on our Linux RH network to print customer invoices and receipts. Receipts are short forms of just 21 or 22 lines. Two of the printers (an HP LJ1300 and a Dell 5200) eject the receipt paper automatically; the other two HP (a LJ 4200 and a LJ2420) do not eject. You have to press the green button on the printer. Is there a solution to that? They are all set up with the same PCL settings.

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Programming :: Form Field Validation Using PHP

Sep 10, 2009

I want to validate a web form using PHP. I spent ages confusing myself with client side scripting and realised until I worked out it is not what I want. My problem is that now I am looking at PHP and everything is mixed up in my brain. I need to point out that PHP is very new to me! This is what I already have:
1 An html page with my form on it.
2 PHP page which emails the contents of the form to me.

The above works well. For the sake of clarity, here are my pages (cut down to the essentials where appropriate): My html form:
first name surname
Home phone
Work phone

I have read and understood your terms and conditions. My php script (regform.php)
$receiver = 'me@email'; $subject = 'New registration'; #$message = 'This is a new registration.'; $surname = $_POST['surname']; $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $address = $_POST['address']; $email = $_POST['email']; $homeph = $_POST['homeph']; $mobileph = $_POST['mobileph']; $workph = $_POST['workph']; $time = $_POST['time']; #from here $oldaddress = $_POST['oldaddress']; $DOB = $_POST['DOB']; $elect = $_POST['elect']; $job = $_POST['job']; $salary = $_POST['salary']; $employer = $_POST['employer']; $benefit = $_POST['benefit']; $smoke = $_POST['smoke']; $claim = $_POST['claim']; $children = $_POST['children']; $children2 = $_POST['children2']; $pets = $_POST['pets']; $pets2 = $_POST['pets2']; $require = $_POST['require']; $terms = $_POST['terms']; $rooms = $_POST['rooms']; $body = "first name:$firstname
home phone:$homeph
mobile phone:$mobileph
work phone:$workph
time at this address:$time
previous address:$oldaddress
electoral register:$elect
benefit claim:$benefit
future benefit:$claim
pet type:$pets2
other requirements:$require
terms:$terms"; $headers = 'From: email' . "
" . 'Reply-To: email "
" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($receiver, $subject, $body, $headers, "From: $firstname $surname
" . "Reply-To: $firstname $surname class="inlineimg" />;

You can see there are many more form fields than I have shown in my example html form above. What I want is that the following fields have to be filled:
1 mobileph
2 email
3 terms (checkbox)
I would like the user to be asked to fill the form in properly if any/all of the 3 fields have not been filled in. I imagine I need some php in the html page and some more in the php page. I am certainly not asking any one to do this for me but I am really confused. I have googled and copied and pasted and edited for 6 hours and I am lost. What I want is a very simple and clear example of the code needed. Sorry if I sound as if I can't search properly on Google: in this case I clearly can't!

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Programming :: Generating Grpah Form Rrd On The Fly?

May 9, 2010

Im strugling with script that wil generate graph on demad. I put it in cgi-bin directory but cannot get it to work. i googled for perl generating images and tried few examples but none worked.

When I execute perl script in command line it throws picture i a bunch of characters so it creates it but wont show when I access it through a web page.


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Programming :: Process An Email Form Using PHP?

Jan 21, 2009

I am trying to process an email form using PHP.It is working okay so far but I want the Items to be displayed as a list when the email is received. eg.


and not

one two three four

here is a copy of the variable that displays the message

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Programming :: Form To Submit Csv File To Handle?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm new to php and need some pointers to worth while documentation 'cause I'm getting nowhere I want to make a simple html form that allows me to submit a csv file so that I can work on it.The problem seems to be that if the file is not in the root of the (web) application it won't work.The form doesn't seem to send the path with it so I am unable to (1) know where the file is, I just get the name of the file and (2) I couldn't access the file anyway as it's outside of the apache environment.Is there a way to up the file to memory? How would you do this

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Programming :: Convert A String To Its Binary Form?

Jun 9, 2010

Like the binary form of the integer '2' is '10',

How should I find out the binary form of a string say "abcd" ?

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