Programming :: Application Sometimes Hang When Executing This C Code
Nov 2, 2010
I have an application, probably cpu-intensive because sometimes it leaves the cpu with 0% idle (in top). Sometimes it hangs ("Done" does not print) when executing this part, but most of the time it executes just fine. Is there any wrong with this code?
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Apr 7, 2011
I'm still a but confused about the standard way of removing it for left-associative operators: [URL] Especially about how to construct an AST from it by executing a peice of code for every nonterminal matched. And I'm still not totally convinced that it will be left-associative, I just barely understand it. Also, how would you remove left-recursion for something like this:
expr ::= expr "(" param_list ")"
| other stuff...?
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Sep 3, 2010
I suspect this will be beyond my abilities but thought I'd give it a try. A few months ago I wrote code for an application called nagios which would send me tweets when a system within my network ran into a problem (code below):
define command {
command_name notify-host-twitter
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Feb 23, 2011
build a Linux environment in which only "signed" processes are allowed to run. When I say signed I don't mean a VeriSign etc. signature like you know it from Windows, but I mean signed by myself. I.e. I choose the software allowed to run, sign it, and then want to deny any other processes to run.If it is somehow possible I'd like to extend this even to scripts and the kernel (i.e. no unsigned modules can be loaded).Does anyone have a good idea how to solve this problem?The bad thing is: I'm pretty fine with coding stuff myself in C, but have absolutely 0 experience or knowledge in kernel (module)-programming.Any tipps, links, literatureOne approach I came up with (just a rough idea at the moment):Linux starts new processes with a fork-and-exec-combination. I therefore wonder if it is possible to change exec() in such a way that it will only execute signed programs
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Jan 28, 2011
Slipping some (non-root) user a piece of malignant code that he or she executes might be considered as one of the highest security breaches possible. (The only higher I can see is actually accessing the root user) What can an attacker effectively do when he/she gets a standard, (let's say a normal Ubuntu user) to execute code? Where would an attacker go from there? What would that piece of code do?
Let's say that the user is not stupid enough to be lured into entering the root/sudo password into a form/program she doesn't know. Only software from trusted sources is installed. The way I see it there is not really much one could do, is there?
Addition: I partially ask this because I am thinking of granting some people shell (non-root) access to my server. They should be able to have normal access to programs. I want them to be able to compile programs with gcc. So there will definitely be arbitrary code run in user-space...
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Dec 10, 2010
Using gnome terminal (Ubuntu 10.10), is there a way to execute the default application associated to a file type, only by typing its name, as it is possible with Windows ?
For example, say I create a mime type associated to every file with the pattern *.abc. Lets say I associate this file type to application 'my_app'.
If I have file '' in current folder, what I want is that when I enter only '' at the prompt, it executes 'my_app' feeding it with '' as first argument. (assuming of course 'my_app' is in the path)
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Mar 30, 2011
I need to rewrite the selenium java code into its equivalent php code.
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Mar 3, 2011
Why is the timer not executing?
Code: #include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void func(union sigval sv)
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Dec 18, 2008
I have installed some applications thru 'apt-get' command. I found that it is much different with Windows where normally the installed program is in one folder while in Ubuntu, the program will located in many folders. I wonder whether I can get the full source code for the application I have installed thru 'apt-get'? Where to locate them?
This is because I have faced problem in using the Kphone installed thru 'apt-get' and installed thru compilation of source code from tarball. I get quite bad voice quality when I called using Kphone SI 'sudo make install' from the source tarball downloaded from However, good voice quality is obtained when I used Kphone installed thru 'sudo apt-get' command. Is that the source code different or is that because of Kphone is differs with Kphone SI?
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Jun 21, 2010
I am new to centOS and one of my application need linux source code as such I am failed to find suitable link for that. Any suitable link for Linux kernel version: 2.6.18-194.el5.
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Aug 24, 2010
what we are trying to do is, to let the customer click a button in the web browser, and then the web server to call a shell script to do the work. The output from the stdout && stderr of the script should be displayed in the web browser once finished or timeout, along with the exit code of the script.
The shell script is however not on the web server, but on another app server. So to call this script from the web server as the identity 'tomcat':
$ sh appuser@app-server:$appbin/app-script
The .ssh/ thing is done, and we have no problem doing this in the command line so far.
Our loaded ex-colleage has left us the webpages (jsp) with code like these:
<%@ include file="jsp_functions.jsp" %>
String cmd = "sh $appbin/app-script";
ExecResult r = new ExecResult();
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Oct 13, 2010
I am having the following error while executing script and initialing my application
./ line 1: command not found
./ line 2: mon.exe: command not found
Can somebody assist ASAP.
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Aug 25, 2010
I need a way to read and delete text found before a unique string, then delete the string. I would like to have the text stored in a variable--or better yet--executed it as a shell script directly.I intend to execute the stored text in bash. It does not matter much what language the program is it, however efficiency is desirable. This script is not going to be used on large files, but it may be executed many times sequentially so the faster the script works the better. Here is an example:
exclamation-"It worked!"
echo $exclamation
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Jul 8, 2011
I need to execute an external command with Python from Web. I know there is subprocess module that executes external programs but I'm trying to execute a command registered for the execution of a program. In this case when I execute my file in the shell everything is Ok, but from the Web it doesn't work.
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Mar 20, 2010
what i did is created a file called pro3types but the script starts & by pass the file. i added +x to file ran the process but still no luck. i was wondering what else i should change to get the menu to the sub-categories of product3 after users selecting it. all I need to get the pro3types runs after users selecting product3 from the previous menu. need more info please see the thread: "Adding New Selections to the existing Script"
but here is code:
export -n selecttypechoice
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May 25, 2011
I am learning about OS and I wrote this simple forking program... Here's the code..
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
How can it print the first statement, that is BEFORE the fork() statement twice?
I am running Natty 11.04 btw..
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Feb 4, 2011
i am working on a client server real-time gui application written in C++ for linux os. There is an issue with this application that it makes the system hang. i am not able to sort out the issue as it happens randomly. Sometimes with in half an hour it makes the system hang, sometimes it takes 4 or 5 hours when it receives realtime data. Is there any way to debug this issue. I tried valgrind..but it was not of much use.
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Dec 11, 2009
I got a trouble about communicating between host application and HID device (with a button) in a embedded Debian Linux OS. The both of them are working fine on ubuntu. When I insert my HID device on my embedded debian linux Unit, following message show up:
# usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using ehci_marvell and address 3
usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
HID device not claimed by input or hiddev
and in /dev folder some usbdev files are generated:
When I run my host app, and press the button, no any data transferring happened (check with CATc captured data). I know the host app run fine on uBuntu, because I know how to open /dev/usb/hiddev0 in my code. I don't know how to open this kind of file in debian linux. I tried use each files above, the button still doesn't work. Can anyone help me to point out if it is HID driver issue or coding issue.
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May 6, 2009
I am fairly new to linux still and I'm currently trying to write a shell script (which I have never done) that is supposed to run the xrestop(like top) program. What I want to do is execute the program and check the identifier column to see if a certain program is running. If it is running I want to strip the data from that row of the terminal say every 5 seconds or so and put it in a text file. Is this going to be a complicated thing?
Heres a list of the columns when you run xrestop program res-base Wins GCs Fnts Pxms Misc PxmMem Other Total PID Identifier.
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May 6, 2011
Anyone know the reason why a sleep( ) on a Redhat Linux OS would cause the system to indefinitely hang? It's doing this every 10 or so calls in my program and I have to press the reboot button on my computer. My program is reading from a UDP port that has messages sent to it 20 times per second. When I sleep I assume the internal UDP buffer is getting more and more filled.
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Feb 12, 2011
I'm trying to execute the following command within a bash script:
tac /var/log/system.log | head -1
The script I wrote is:
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Dec 10, 2010
I have been searching for 90 minutes for something that I "think" should be fairly easy. I'm pretty new to Bash Scripting so I could be completely wrong. Then again it may be a weird request to even need something like this. But here it is.I have a script written to convert data from one of our software version to another. The only thing I need to add to it is a "check to make sure the user running the script is in the /tmp directory".
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Jun 14, 2011
In a single main() function,so need signal handling. Use Posix Message Queue IPC mechanism , can ignore the priority and other linked list message,to implement the scenario:
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a TCL framewrok for my test cases automation. This is been working for last 1 year. But yesterday it exited with exception when a function was called. The exception was given as fork: not enough memory while executing "spawn bash"(procedure "runtrigger" line 36) invoked from within "runtrigger $fnAfter $sid_l $mapver" ("trigger" arm line 6) invoked from within
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May 8, 2009
wanted to know if i can execute commands on linux console through a web page and redirect it back to my web page !For example :if i send a query "ls"it should execute this command on my linux console and also redirect the list of the files to the web page from which i give the command !
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Jun 6, 2011
I am working on a project with a lot of vector math and I'd like to find a way to speed it up.eading about SSE, but I've found no explanation on how to actually use it in code (was looking for some kind of hello-world example, complete with compilation instructions).Does the gcc compiler automatically make use of SSE, if you add the -sse(2,3) option on the command line? Or are their specific functions/libraries you need to call?
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a simple BASH script that I want to make it execute USERNAME and PASSWORD to another bash script and htdigest. But After passwd, with htdigest and the script rustart, I have to manual enter the answers.
echo -n "What is the user name?"
read -e USERNAME
This will ask me for username and password, but I want it to take the username and password from $USERNAME and $PASSWORD
service rustart restart
This script needs a username to restart another exec, but I don't wana have to manually type in the username, I just want it to automatically fill in the $USERNAME
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Nov 11, 2010
I'm developing a Servlet which when it gets a request, it has to execute a command. I've tried in Windows and it works fine, but when I "install" my web app in Linux, if I try to execute the commands I get permission error.
An example of one command I'm trying to execute is: Runtime.getRuntime.exec("rm file_name"); -> This commands outputs that I don't have permissions.
If I add "su" before the command, how do I add the password?
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May 23, 2011
Is there, by chance, a fancy name to describe code that must be in a program but will never be executed? In one of my (Haskell) programs, I have some error-handling code that must be in the program to keep the compiler happy (due to the type checking). However I know that, due to the logical structure of the program, it is impossible for the code to be evaluated. I am curious if there is a technical name given to code that must exist but cannot be executed.
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Jan 14, 2011
I went to compile some "oldish" glx code. The code compiles great but when I go to run it I get a crash. With X Error of failed request: BadMatch (in .....running ddd causes my whole system to lock up when I call the glx function XOpenDisplay. After a few attempts I thought I'd download a demo from the net, I choose nehe opengl tutorial 2, I compiled and ran but even on a net tutorial I get the same error
XF86VidModeExtension-Version 2.2
Got Doublebuffered Visual!
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