I'm getting a weird situation where even though I updated an image in a folder for a website in apache, it's still showing the old image. And yes, I checked it in multiple browsers and on diff. computers. (Apache is in a virtualbox OS)
Here's what I've done:
1. Checked it in firefox on the host, cleared cache, reloaded
2. Restarted apache
3. Checked it in konqueror for first time, still showing old version
4. Checked it in the actual file folder and it's correct there
5. Checked it for first time on virtual machine's OS in its firefox, and it shows the wrong/old image
A friend has a website. the site has been moved to another server. I am inside of a private network.
Problem: when trying to reach his website, my browser keeps connecting to the old server which is on another continent
Windows machines have no problem with this. They connect to the new server without issues.
NOW what is hard to understand: even the PING utility is pinging the old server.
I tried these and none works: - computer restart - Clear private data in Iceweasel (has ntg to do with PING, but tried...) - installed nscd and restarted the service - modified /etc/resolv.conf to point to another nameserver than modified it back
At the same computer, if I reboot and load Windows, the browser has no problem connecting to the new server.
I can't find how to clear ABRT cache (other than to forcibly 'rm -rf /var/cache/abrt/'). How does one clear out the pile (which has grown to 1.2 GB here)?
I've been advised to "clear the java cache", and to do so under Windows, one would open the java control panel. Of course, I'm using OpenJDK, and not Java's java.
Can anyone tell me how I would clear the java cache?
I am using ubuntu and gnome-do and have in my gnome-do some bad shortcuts ( they even have a grey X icon ) that i cant figure out how to delete from the list. I thought gnome do has some cache but its been a while and they are still there :(
how to clear them from the list ?
Update: I deleted the ~/local/share/gnome-do folder and still no success
Ubuntu 10.4 64-bit.I am almost certainly using the wrong term here, but if I knew for sure what I was looking for I probably would have managed to google it.In a fit of minor insanity, I used ffmpeg to convert all my video files I've impulse downloaded over the last decade or so to mp4, mostly because Easytag will happily tag them an assist in reorganizing them, but of course some videos didn't convert, either properly or at all due to issues with the original file.
But - every 108 -123 (Going by the filecount in my trash when it happens; I've wondered if the actual number is 127 or 128 but haven't gotten that definitive yet.) videos or so, totem dies, and so does every other video player I can use, VLC, mplayer, et al. For awhile I rebooted, then I figured out just logging out/in cleared the error, but I've yet to narrow down what exactly is causing it.Since it crosses all players I can only assume that there is some kind of cache that is getting filled up that is cleared when you logout, but after doing some digging it's nothing cleared by anything I've found like bitbleach.
I have a dedicated server and I am having email issues etc (seemingly) because the /var directory is 97% full
I would like to know if it is safe to clear it and how to clear it (assuming it will not disrupt/kill server services to do so).
I have a 'Matrix' control panel so i can view the storage etc but it does not have an way of clearing the /Var directory.
I have Putty Access to root but do not know much about command line access.
I found a few threads but the information is not clear to me as there seems to be an assumption of (basic?) knowledge I don't yet have.
My linux support guru that usually does this kind of thing for me is away and not contactable and my server is grinding to a halt and unable to store/send email.
I have only a very basic understanding of command line but really need to get this sorted ASAP.
Is it possible and SAFE to delete files via FTP from the /var/cache/apt/archives?
In a performance test, I want to bypass the influence of cache of linux system (including page cache/inode cache and so on). I have tried O_DIRECT flag, but it's turned out that direct I/O is still "enjoy" the effect of some cache.Is there a thorough way to close the effect of system cache?
My cache is full, and I've tried doing "apt-get clean" to no avail. I also can't find any apt.conf file in my system.Here is a screenshot of the error message that pops up when I open Synaptic Package Manager:PS: I'm pretty new to Linux, especially Debian; most of my Unix-like OS experience is with Mac OS X. My Musix installation is in a VMWare machine.
I just installed F9 and updated to F11 (fedora 11) and I updated the system because I couldn't get the media player working and then I installed all these packages for two days. I have tried yum clear cache and the rpm update. Here are some of the ones I tried: rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* yum update PackageKit ; yum clean all;
And this is the error: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> Error Value: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 2280, in <module> main() File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 2277, in main backend.dispatcher(sys.argv[1:]) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/packagekit/backend.py, line 600, in dispatcher self.dispatch_command(args[0], args[1:]) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/packagekit/backend.py, line 508, in dispatch_command self.get_updates(filters) File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 1743, in get_updates self._check_init() File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 1965, in _check_init self.yumbase.repos.doSetup() File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/repos.py, line 71, in doSetup self.ayum.plugins.run('postreposetup&apos File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/plugins.py, line 178, in run func(conduitcls(self, self.base, conf, **kwargs)) File : /usr/lib/yum-plugins/rpm-warm-cache.py, line 32, in postreposetup_hook cmd = commands[0]
since arch has started using python3, bleachbit is broken, so i am looking for a system cleaner to replace it. i need something that will overwrite file contents and clear firefox cache + the all the normal functions of a system cleaner.
i've had my dedicated server for about 16 months now and my log files are huge and I host a few small sites but one of them is quite large and can get a log file (access.log and error.log) of 1-2gb a month so over a year can take up almost 30gb just for that site so I clean them out regularly but I'm wanting a more automated way to do thisi've been thinking of using the find command using something like this but it isn't workingCode:find /var/www -name "*.log" -type f -size +10M -exec echo > {} /;
I am not clear with certain sections of apache I saw a default virtual host file. as follows
What does Directory / here represents is it same as document root or different. The following section where /var/www is included in Directory Index
I am not clear as why by default ScriptAlias is present in the default vhost is it necessary to keep in other Virtual Hosts. Similarly /doc/ what is this referring to in following section
I don't understand this error nor do I know how to solve the issue that is causing the error. Anyone care to comment?
Error: Caching enabled but no local cache of //var/cache/yum/updates-newkey/filelists.sqlite.bz2 from updates-newkey
I know JohnVV. "Install a supported version of Fedora, like Fedora 11". This is on a box that has all 11 releases of Fedora installed. It's a toy and I like to play around with it.
I was laughing about klackenfus's post with the ancient RH install, and then work has me dig up an old server that has been out of use for some time. It has some proprietary binaries installed that intentionally tries to hide files to prevent copying (and we are no longer paying for support or have install binaries), so a clean install is not preferable.
Basically it has been out of commission for so long, that the apt-get upgrade DL is larger than the /var partition (apt caches to /var/cache/apt/archives).
I can upgrade the bigger packages manually until I get under the threshold, but then I learn nothing new. So I'm curious if I can redirect the cache of apt to a specified folder either on the command line or via a config setting?
I installed squid cache on my ubuntu server 10.10 and it is work fine but i want to know how to make it cache all files like .exe .mp3 .avi ....etc. and the other thing i want to know is how to make my client take the files from the cache in the full speed. since am using mikrotik system to use pppoe for clients and i match it with my ubuntu squid
I try to clear 'recently used documents' within the kmenu nothing happens, i.e. the list is not cleared, until I reboot or log out and back in again. It's an old issue but thought I'd just ask if there are some fix for this. There is another small flaw on my system as well which is with refreshing the content displayed in a directory using dolphin (and possibly other file-viewers/apps). For instance, if I unpack a tar/rar/zip package I have to manually refresh dolphin for having it display the new extracted folder.
I'm running openSUSE 11.4 in KDE and Gnome. To me it looks like Gnome has more or less correct font rendering. At least for what I can see the fonts look good. The problem is in KDE, I tried about every tutorial I could find to make the fonts look good but still it's not like it is shown in Windows. In windows the fonts are crystal clear and sharp. In KDE it looks like I'm working on a prehistoric system. Why do the fonts look really impressive during the installation of opensuse in Yast and ugly after the installation? Is there a way to make the font rendering in KDE look like Windows 7 or Vista?
So when I write my password in a terminal the letters occur in clear not ***(star). what shall I do that enetering the password to work right.I want to say if I push key f for example the system to show me one *.I know it's easy but really I forgot .
I've noticed on other Linux distributions that after boot up and logging off the console screen clears and provides basic information like the Linux distribution and then under it the login prompt. How can I do this for openSUSE 11.3?After I install or reboot I still have all the boot up stuff shown and when I logout after performing some work my commands are still shown. I boot the system to runlevel 3 and barely use the GUI but would like the screen to clear everything after boot up and logging out.