Networking :: Generate Snmp Trap To Check High CPU Usage?

Mar 16, 2011

I want to generate snmp trap when cpu usage is how to configure generate this trap...

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Networking :: Where Are SNMP Trap Messages Logged

Mar 4, 2011

I'm trying to get SNMP setup so I can send custom snmp trap messages. I followed this "How to" [URL] and I think I have it setup and working. This is my fist time messing around with SNMP, and I don't know where to check to see if I received the trap message. Do the snmp trap message even get logged any where?

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Networking :: Configure Snmp And Snmptrap To Receive A Trap?

Jul 3, 2010

how can I configure snmp and snmptrap to receive a trap when the used disk (/home/linux) is 20%

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Networking :: How An Agent Itself Generate Trap On Some Particular Situation Arises

Oct 15, 2010

how an agent itself generate trap on some particular situation arises

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Software :: Sending File Content As Snmp Trap?

Mar 27, 2010

I wanted to know is there any way to send a content of a file as snmp trap with snmpd agent of linux?

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General :: Resolve Nagios Port Status Snmp Trap?

Jan 8, 2011

In cisco 6509 switch port 1status is being traped it is showing "SNMP CRITICAL - *down(2)*"

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Networking :: High CPU Usage For 100Mbit / S Transfer?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm diagnosing why my application is slow and I found the problem by writing a simple TCP client/server, where each side sends/receives 64k at a time. The bottleneck is on the receiving end, which uses has a Realtek 8139 100Mbit/s NIC and running Windows 7. I'm able to get 11.9 MiB/s as expected, but the CPU usage is very high - 80% on 0th CPU and ~20% on 1st CPU. Task manager shows conhost.exe taking 25% CPU and 10% for my program.

When I try the same receiving program on Debian, I can still get 11.9 MiB/s, but the CPU usage is now only 1% (user & system). On the sending side, the CPU usage is practically 0% in both Windows 7 and Debian.

I tried changing the TCP receive/send buffer sizes and disabled internet connection sharing (does extra packet processing?) on the receiving end,

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Ubuntu :: High RAM Usage Vs. High CPU Usage

Jul 19, 2011

I am running 10.10 on a netbook (1.6Ghz Atom N270, 2GB RAM). Because it has limited resources, I am currently testing to see which apps I want to use.

Which should take more priority -- an application that uses less RAM or an application that uses less CPU?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configuring SNMP To Send Traps To SNMP Server?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to configure SNMP service to send traps to SNMP server. I've installed net-snmp-utils, now I need to configure the "snmpd.conf" file...

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Server :: Sending SNMP Traps (Info On CPU / Memory Usage)

Dec 13, 2010

We have a situation where we have to set up a server to send traps with information regarding CPU, memory usage, etc. I know snmpd can be set up to allow another process to request snmp information about the server, but can it be done the other way around (have a host send information about itself to another server through snmp)?

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OpenSUSE :: High CPU Usage With XORG / Cause Of This?

Dec 14, 2010

I just upgraded KDE on my openSuSE 11.2 installation. I have never had any problems doing this in the past, but this time, when I rebooted, I noticed that after a few seconds of idle time, my CPU usage goes sky high. I ran top in a console and noticed the culprit was xorg. I am using an NVIDIA card on an AMD64 3200+ with 1 gig of memory. KDE version is currently 4.5.85.
Like I said, I didn't have this problem until the last update. Any ideas as to what could be causing this?

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Ubuntu :: High CPU Usage In Kubuntu (9.10)?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm running desktop machine with with a core2 duo E6400 with 2GB RAM. I have completed a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 (fully updated). I have 10GB root, 2GB swap, 10GB home and 80GB data parititons.

I log in to main administrator account (first boot), create a new user (desktop) account and then use the switch user to log into the desktop account (so logged in to two accounts at the same time).

Whilst logged into the desktop account the CPU usage as seen in system monitor shows the two CPU's alternating at around 100% and the system slows down greatly.

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Ubuntu :: Ram Usage Constantly High?

Apr 12, 2010

Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit I just checked my system monitor and it looks like my memory is at a constant 900 MB's out of 4 gigs of ram. This seems high for only having firefox open.

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Ubuntu :: High X CPU Usage When Using KDE Programs (10.04)?

May 12, 2010

I have recently upgraded from Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04. I am having trouble with CPU usage by the X server. When running KDE programs (for example Kontact and Amarok) my computer is becoming very sluggish. This seems to be because X is using 90-100% of the CPU constantly when there are any changes to the application (any sort of redraw, even the mouse moving across the screen). I don't experience this with other applications (I am currently writing this from Chromium with no issues at all). Below is all the relevant information I can think to include.

INSTALL PROCESS: Fresh install from Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD. My /home direrctory is on a separate partition so that has remained unchanged from 9.10. After installing Ubuntu, I installed the kubuntu-desktop package to install kdm and the KDE desktop.

The only real change from my last install is that /var is now also a separate partition (in a bid to save my MySQL data should I have to reinstall again) but it is on the same hard drive as my root partition and so shouldn't be causing any performance issues.

MY X SETUP: Three screen setup using onboard and PCI graphics cards. This worked perfectly before and, after reconfiguring X using nvidia-xconfig works almost as well again. Except that one of my monitors autodetects at 1280x1024 where before it was a higher (and widescreen) resolution.

The issue only presents itself when KDE application screens are visible and disappears when they are hidden (either minimised or closed) As far as Ican tell it could be an X, Qt or KDE issue. But I am not sure what versions of these will have been changed in the upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: High Memory Usage Under 64 Bit?

Jul 11, 2010

My problem seems to be very simple, it's high memory usage. I occasionally will use movie player to watch a few shows and I use firefox as well. My memory usage starts out real small about 500 mb but after using firefox lightly and movie player it jumps to almost 2 gigs and this is after they've been closed what gives? I've attached an image so you can see what I'm talking about.

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Ubuntu :: Very High RAM Usage On Startup - 800 MB?

Aug 2, 2010

I don't understand why I have a 800MB usage at startup. I didn't add any programs to start at startup. I do though have 10 primary partitions that are auto mounted at startup but it shouldn't use up so much, I have 2GB total RAM.

At startup nautilus uses ~400MB of virtual memory in the "system monitor"

Also which is RAM and which is SWAP in resources in system monitor: Virtual Memory && Memory?

-i figure vm is ram but thats not possible exceeds 2GB

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Ubuntu :: OpenGL Causes High Cpu Usage

Apr 1, 2011

I play RuneScape most of the time i'm on the computer and i always keep an eye on the performance. Yesterday and the days before, everything was going good, cpu usage it was causing was between 30 and 60%, now it wont go below 70%. It's always 70-99% for some reason :s i have set settings for graphics to OpenGL (they were like that before too with no problem) and it started causing high cpu usage. If i set it to Safe Mode in graphics settings it gets 100%, I never tweaked the drivers, i have a NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, i have the opengl thingies installed along with my nvidia driver. Ubuntu 10.10 32bit.

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CentOS 5 :: High CPU Usage On Clock_gettime() C - C++

Apr 5, 2011

I am calling clock_gettime() function to get time with nano seconds accuracy. My program works fine on Ubuntu but have high CPU usage problem on CentOS 5. it takes 40% CPU on Ubuntu and 90% CPU on CentOS. Kindly give me solution so that I can reduce high CPU usage problem on CentOS. You can build this code like: "gcc -lrt gettime.c -o gettime.e"


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Debian :: High Memory Usage In Cache?

Mar 12, 2011

I've installed my debian sid about one month ago (first xfce, next gnome) but noticed that it's kind of really slow. The upgrades take ages, launching (and using) firefox takes so much time,... In comparaison to my ubuntu, archlinux (on the same computer) or previous installation of debian there is clearly a problem somewhere.Today I tried to do a "top" sorted by mem usage : 3.5% xulrunner-stub, 2.1% dropbox, 1.4% aptitude (doing upgrade), 1.4% clementine,... nothing terriblebut still I've 2.7Gb or RAM used (more than 50%)

$ free -m
total used free shared  buffers cached
Mem:  3967 26851282  0 79 1938


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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome High CPU Usage?

Aug 5, 2015

Gnome-shell uses high percent of CPU (more than 90%) on Xorg. I have debian jessie on a Asus N53 ( Core i7 and Nvidia GT550 with nvidia optimus). I also installed bumblebee but nothing changed.

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Fedora Servers :: Inexplainable High RAM Usage?

Apr 7, 2009

top says there's only 12MB free (out of 1GB), but I can't figure out what's using all the RAM. rtorrent is using 13MB, and the rest are in bytes. (ran top as root)


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 High CPU Usage On Scrolling?

Apr 5, 2011

as the title says my CPU goes on C0 state (100%) on every scroll and then returns down after a couple of seconds.

Is it normal?

I've checked this with powertop (and with my ears because I hear the fan noise...)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Extremely High CPU Usage?

Mar 18, 2011

However, I would like to ask if anyone else is experiencing Higher than normal CPU usage with openSuSE 11.4 PR?? My system, which is probably similar to others, increases the air flow with the fan on the CPU when it is working hard. Mine gets rather noisy. (don't have it on the floor, but right next to me) This fan speed increase has been lots more prevalent in the newest version of openSuSE.

Have also used 'top' and it looks like xorg is one of the biggest hogs. However, when I use VMware it goes into hyper drive a lot.

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Ubuntu :: Java Applets Cause High Cpu Usage?

May 1, 2010

yesterday when 10.04 got released i decided i'd install it and try it out, when i tried to run a java applet on it (runescape for example) the CPU usage got really high (around 100%), is that normal?

Info about my processor if you need:AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2,61 GHz.This is my first time ever using ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Seems Slow In Some Areas - High CPU Usage?

Jun 15, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu consistently for about three days now. I really, really love the interface and how everything works and all that, but I've been having a couple of weird problems with speed.

Graphics things seem to work really well. When I go into the overview of all my workspaces, it's instant and looks great. The problem is when I open and use some applications.

For example, when I open up the software center, it takes longer than it did the first time to start up. Also, when I drag windows off from being maximized, it takes literally about five seconds for it to show up as being dragged around by my mouse.

When I look at the system monitor, about 20% of my CPU cores are constantly being used. That's 20% each. I have a 3-core CPU, could that be the problem?

Another example: when I went to ..... just now, it would take a second for any volume changes in the video to register.

And I also have smooth scrolling in firefox, but it's very unresponsive now. It's slow as all hell. Even notifications are showing up more slowly.

So, what's the deal? What could I have done wrong?

CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 2.8Ghz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4860 1gb
RAM: 4gb

One more thing: I have really bad screen tearing when I try to move windows around, as if there isn't any vsync on. Where can I turn it on or fix this?

I'm still pretty new to Ubuntu and Linux, but I'm an advanced computer user. Since I feel linux is killing my CPU I think I'm going to boot back into Windows 7 for now, but if I can fix this problem I think I want to keep Ubuntu as my main OS after this, having Windows for games, unless I can get Wine to work right with them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: High CPU Usage With ALSA?

Jun 30, 2010

OSS, even though it's emulated *through* ALSA, consumes a microscopic fraction of straight ALSA's CPU usage. For example, when I'm playing something through ALSA with XMMS2, I'm getting about 25-30% CPU usage, but with OSS output, only 2%, tops. The same applies to any other application in which I can choose the output method. And, I'm on 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Intermittent High RAM Usage On Startup

Jul 12, 2010

I use an Ubuntu 10.04 minimal install with only the packages I want, I like to keep things pretty slim.

On bootup, when I execute "startx", everything starts to load, this is fine. However, just off of a cold boot with only my startup apps running, conky shows around 450mb of RAM usage. It usually is only around 150 - 175.

Sometimes when I boot my computer Conky shows the normal RAM usage in the 150mb range, sometimes it's in the 450mb range.

My startup apps when I start X is openbox, tint2, wicd-gtk, feh (for wallpaper), and conky.

I open up htop when conky reports the weird RAM usage. htop also shows the weird RAM usage but I can't seem to find the memory hogging app.

Is this a kernel issue? I'm using the vanilla Ubuntu 10.04 kernel. Will recompiling from fix this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Ram Usage Too High?

May 6, 2011

i am learning to using ubuntu as my server and learning using vps too

now i getting consfuse about my server memory usage i just have 3 sites , 1 blog site and 2 company profile but apache memory usage is more than 300MB and total of memory use in my server is more than 500 MB (maximum 512MB burst memory)

i am using drupal for my website is this normal ? because in last week, memory consumption in my server no more than 380 MB

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Ubuntu :: High Cpu Usage By Modem-manager?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a problem that the process modem-manager eats up all the cpu resources making it impossible to do anything on my PC. This issue is comes up randomly even during boot up and unfortunately very often. The twist in it is that I can not even kill the process using kill or killall (tried to kill even from top; of course with sudo)

How can I shutdown a process when kill does not help? Is there any way I can disable to start this process during boot up?

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Red Hat :: High Network Usage With Remote X Session

Aug 5, 2009

I am trying to figure out why the remote X performance of our RedHat 5.3 system is so bad. We have tried using X (Gnome session) from several different X Servers (Windows Xceed, Windows XWinPro, Linux Xnest - both Fedora 11 and Centos 5.3 and Mac OS Xnest) and the system is barely usable. I have monitored the network traffic on the RHEL system and it goes up to 6MB/s at some points, which seems a bit too high for X net traffic?I have disabled ipv6 and any ip_tables modules and that has helped a bit, but it's still not very good.I suspected the network hardware and driver, but I cannot see how that would cause network traffic problems.I wonder if there are any X Server network settings I might check, or whether trying XFCE would be a better option over Gnome. If so, do I have get the xfce group from a CentOS Repo, or is there something better suited to RHEL?

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