Networking :: Communicating On The Wireless Lan - Complex Usage Of Ssh Port Forwarding

Mar 5, 2011

I am having trouble with computers communicating on the wireless lan. However, if I ssh into the wireless access point and then ssh into another computer on the wlan, that works fine. The draw backs to that is I am restricted to only ssh and without X forwarding. So what I would like to do is set up ssh port forwarding so that computer2 with vnc server 5900 on the lan will be accessible through 40000 on mycomputer using the wireless router's ssh as the go-between with ssh port forwarding. How can I accomplish that? Every time I read about this, I think I understand it, and but then I must have done something wrong because it's not working the way I thought. I have successfully done ssh port forwarding in the past without using a third computer as a go between. Both the wlan access point/router and computer2 are running an ssh server.

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Networking :: Shorewall: Port Forwarding Port Is Closed Even After Forwarding?

Dec 12, 2009

I have just set up shorewall on my router running Arch Linux. The external network is on eth0 and the internal network on eth1.I have set it up for masquerading and that works fine and I can open ports to the firewall. But I'm having trouble with port forwarding to my internal machines.The problem I have is that when port 22350 is forwarded to on my local network, checking the port with nmap from a remote computer gives me:

22350/tcp closed unknown


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Ubuntu Networking :: Error - Remote Port Forwarding Failed For Listen Port 5500

Aug 7, 2010

When I use the following command:

ssh user@ssh_server -L 5500:localhost:5500 -p 22

everything works fine. I can log in, and local port forwarding is done. Otherwise when I use the command:

ssh user@ssh_server -R 5500:localhost:5500 -p 22

I get an error "remote port forwarding failed for listen port 5500". However when I try remote port forwarding in WinXP by use of putty there is no problem...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Port Forwarding Through A Specific Port?

Jul 14, 2011

I want to set my ip as static and port forward it through a specific port can anyone help me with this im using ubuntu 10 with 64 bit OS

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Networking :: Iptables - Port Forwarding To Blocked Port?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a mail server on which I would like to block port 25 on my eth0 for everyone except our external spam filter. the problem is that I want our users to be able to connect via port 10025 which is forwarded to port 25, which then is blocked...

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Networking :: Setup Port Forwarding Of Port 1000 To Ip

Oct 24, 2010

I had to add them to my firewall script when I installed openvpn on my dd-wrt router:

iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -i tun0 -j REJECT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE

what should I add/change to set up port forwarding of port 1000 to ip also how to get the answer sent by follow the same route used by the data received through port forwarding.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Ssh 9.10 Without Port Forwarding?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop in my office and I have another ubuntu on my home desktop. Both machines are behind a router. I guess many people have already asked the same question: how to remote control the office desktop from my home desktop?Many posts discussed about solving this by setting up ssh and port forwarding. But my situation is that I cannot control the router in my office so I cannot set up any port forwarding for my office desktop. So I guess my question becomes how to remote control my office desktop without setting up any port forwarding on the office router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH - VNC - No-IP And Port Forwarding

Mar 26, 2011

I currently use a commercial VPN when working overseas for secure internet access.

I now also need to VNC to a home ubuntu desktop (which runs software 24/7 that I need to periodically check).

When overseas, I use a Ubuntu laptop and an Android tablet.

For the VNC I intend to use an SSH tunnel. So my question is: should I ALSO set up openVPN on the home computer (so I can stop paying for a commercial provider which routes all my traffic twice across the Atlantic...) or is it easier/better to use the SSH tunnel for the secure webbrowsing too? Something like a SOCKS proxy?

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Networking :: IP Tables Port Forwarding?

Jan 8, 2010

We have one linux machine in the office which happens to be an important firewall. I just know the basics and need to make one changeEssentially it is forward mysql traffic to another internal machine.This is the original rule (forward to which is working

$IPTABLES -A tcp_packets -p TCP -s 0/0 --dport 3306 -j allowed
$IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p TCP -i $INET_IFACE -d $STATIC_IP --dport 3306 -j DNAT -


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Networking :: How To Configure Port Forwarding

Mar 23, 2011

I have my mail application running on xxxx port in IPv6 and IPv4 enviornment on Linux machine (RHEL 5).I want to forward IPv4 request comming from windows client

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Networking :: Iptables Not Port Forwarding?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a CentOS box which is Internet Facing. It has 3 LAN's connected to it which are for virtual machines.

I want to port forward port 445 to a machine on one of the LAN interfaces. I have tried various ways to get it done, but still cannot access that port from the interface. I definately know device hosting port 445 is live, as I can ping it from the CentOS box and use lynx to access it! (It's a web server)

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 445 -j DNAT --to-destination

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Networking :: Iptables Port Forwarding?

Jun 7, 2010

I've been Googling about port forwarding iptables and even though there's result and I've applied it in my script, I can't make iptables forwading request to another machine so I decided to ask help.

eth0 is my Internet Interface ( is the public ip)
eth1 is my Lan Interface
eth2 is my DMZ Interface


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Networking :: Port Forwarding 80 To LAN (Web Server)

Feb 3, 2010

I have two PC's, one with slackware and one with arch, and I am trying to access the web server from the archlinux machine but i haven't manage to do that. The archlinux machine is connect to the internet via the slackware machine via a crossover cable:
internet > eth0 (pc1) and ppp0 (the PPPoE connection, pc1) > eth1 (pc1) > eth0 (pc2)

ifconfig eth1 netmask
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o ppp0 -j ACCEPT

ifconfig eth0 netmask
ifconfig eth0 up
route add default gw eth0
/etc/resolv.conf (The same DNS as the first PC)

And now the internet is working and on the archlinux machine, but I am not able to access the web server from LAN with a public IP. I tried many iptables port forwarding commands but none worked.

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Networking :: Port Forwarding In Router For Wol?

Mar 4, 2009

I have the wake on lan option enabled on my debian computer. If i wake it by sending:

-mac adres
-internal ip in my home network
-port 7

It all works fine, but when i try to do it from outside my network and change the ip address to the router adress it wont go on. I have also opened the port 7 in my router.

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Networking :: Port Forwarding With IPTables?

May 6, 2011

I have a server running debian squeeze and kvm to virtualize a Windoze box. It's setup to use NAT. This is because of limits on the network by the admin and unfortunately, there isn't a way to get around this.

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Networking :: Prerouting - Port Forwarding ?

Jul 24, 2010

Have router running Fedora 11 with eth0 - Internet (with static IP) and eth1 - LAN using IP

I want to contact over RDP my Windows 7 machine, so I added to iptables:

But this won't work.

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Networking :: SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding

Jan 15, 2010

I've setup dynamic port forwarding using Putty, SSH and Firefox.All works well when visiting normal websites (servers listening at port 80). But why can't I visit https websites?Nothing seems to be happening when I visit those.

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Fedora Networking :: Port Forwarding Does Not Work

Mar 22, 2009

I have a question regarding port forwarding. I have a fedora server, with two eth cards: eth0 ---> external IP, eth1 ----> LAN IP I use SNAT for connection sharing. I also have an internet domain hosted on this server... let's call it [URL] Anyway, one of our computers in the LAN has some kind of web server on it, which must be accessed from the internet on the port 23700.

So, using iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 23700 -j DNAT --to (the IP of the network computer) Everything works perfectly fine from outside the lan. When I type [URL], I connect to that computer. My problem is that inside the lan, typing [URL] does not work! It only works if I enter it by IP Is there any way to make the server forward my request to that specific computer even if I'm inside the LAN?

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Fedora Networking :: Port Forwarding Not Working?

Apr 23, 2009

I am running Fedora Core 10 and KDE 4.2.1. My KTorrent is having trouble finding online peers lately. I suspect this is a port forwarding issue. I have set up my router to forward port 4444 (UDP) and port 56000 and more (TCP) to my machine's IP address. I have also set my local firewall (system-config-firewall) to allow these ports through.But when I try to test ports 4444 and 56000 via this Open Port Check Tool, it tells me they are closed

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Fedora Networking :: Port Forwarding For Remote NFS?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm trying to implement remote NFS in our network

So I read a lot of posts on the Internet, but I don't understand which ports I have
to open/forward for this.

On some posts I see a lot of ports, I don't want to do this.

If this is the case, and I would set up NFS through an ssh tunnel, then do I only need the ssh port and does this mean it will always work if the server is reachable through ssh?

Or is this wishful thinking ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Terminate SSH Port Forwarding

Jan 31, 2010

I have a script to establish a reverse tunnel with other machine,My problem is to stop the tunnel. If I just kill the PID at sshtunnel.pids, ssh does not release the ports at the server side, so any new connection will fail for several minutes.Is there any way to signal SSH to exit gracefully?

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Port Forwarding For Web Server

Feb 20, 2010

This should be easy but for some reason its not working. I don't have admin rights on one of my local networks to open the firewall for port 80 to make my server accessible remotely (from the internet). I have a remote server (OpenVZ VPS) and I want to port forward so that [url]:8080 will point to my localhost:80 from the internet itself (i can get it to work on the remote VPS server's local network)...

How could I accomplish this? Basically, I am trying to serve webpages from behind a firewall using a VPS as a hub.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up Port Forwarding On Laptop?

May 6, 2010

would it be possible for anyone to give me step-by-step instructions on how to set up port forwarding on my laptop? I've been using Karmic Koala and just upgraded to Lucid Lynx and not really bothered to port-forward before, so not too sure where to start - googling gives me a lot of terms I don't understand.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Two Nic Cards But No Port Forwarding?

Jul 6, 2010

I have two nic cards installed in a Lucid LTS server.

eth0 is static using


I have my Qwest DSL modem port forwarding port 80 to however this doesn't seem to work if I have both cards running. If I remove the second card (eth1) and reconfigure eth0 to use I can port forward into my webserver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Port Forwarding For Ssh

Aug 22, 2010

I have logged into my router and set up port-forwarding on port 22. I can log into the machine fine from a machine on the local network using the machines internal IP but when I try to log on from a remote machine using my router's external IP or my DyDNS host-name I get a message saying "connection refused" or "connection timed out." I have configured port-forwarding on the router and the firewall rules says that port 22 is open but when I nmap my routers external ip it says that only port 23 and 80 are open. I am very new to linux and networking.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Port Forwarding With X11 And SSHFS?

Nov 2, 2010

I've used wake on lan and SSH on the local network for some time now. I also used SSH to mount a filesystem (SSHFS / sftp, same thing, right?) and I could forward X11, loved it. I used both these options for my convenience. So I decided it was time to open up some ports on my router (Linksys WRT320n running dd-wrt) and try to set up a remote connection. This actually worked after some time, so I'm now able to turn on my home computer from the Internet (school in my case) and then log in to it through SSH. I set this up using other ports then the default ports. Something like this (these are not the actual ports I use, just examples):

port 2112 -> port 9 (for wol, wake on lan)
port 2113 -> port 22 (for SSH)

This information might be useful: I set this up using public and private keys. This is necessary for SSHFS to work properly I think and it also makes it more secure. And then I found (and had some presumptions that this was going to happen) that both SSHFS and X11 were not working. I'd rather not open up more ports on the router for security's sake though, so I'm asking for other solutions. And if there really aren't any other solutions then which ports to forward. And if forwarding is really necessarily then how to make the client use port 2114 for SSHFS and 2115 for X11 so I can forward those ports to the default ports.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Simple UDP Port Forwarding?

Jan 30, 2011

I'm trying to set up very simple UDP port forwarding, but can't seem to have good results. I read trough netcat and iptables manuals, but can't seem to figure things out. my setup is the following:

I have machine1, listening on UDP port 49000. I have machine_fw, which accepts connections on 59000, and forwards all this to machine1:49000 (and returning traffic too) I have machine2, which will connect to machine_fw:59000, and this way communicate at the end with machine1:49000, as machine_fw is taking care of forwarding is there an easy way to achieve this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Tunnel / Port Forwarding

Jul 28, 2011

I don't understand the concept of ssh port forwarding and tunneling.I was going to set up a remote desktop (vnc) connection to my grandmother's laptop that we'll give her soon so if something goes wrong i can fix it from here (she lives on the other side of the world). However, i've read using vnc plain over the internet isn't secure, and that i can secure it by running it through an ssh tunnel.That's what i've understood so far. However, from there on i get confused.

I'd have to run both an ssh server AND a vnc server on her laptop? So what i'd have to do is ssh into her computer, and then while logged on on her computer, somehow open a vnc connection back from the remote server to the local computer? Then i'd go back to my local computer and open a port where the vnc connection is waiting? From the concept, it would seem like i should be able to tunnel all the regular network traffic from the local computer to the remote one through ssh?

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Networking :: Iptables Port Forwarding Not Working?

Jan 28, 2011

I've used iptables since it replace ipchains, and I've never had a problem like this.The problem is, as you can see by the title, that port forwarding simply does not work.

network topology:
Slackware Linux Server:
eth0 - LAN (
eth1 - DSL Static IP
eth2 - cable Static IP

eth1 is our standard office connection; it handles all of our default traffic (web browsing for the staff, email, etc). eth2 is our VPN connection, as well as use for all incoming connections (www, etc). Behind the linux box I have a series of Windows Server 2008 R2 boxes that are used to run our office software, website, etc - I don't care how nice they make their products these days, I simply don't trust any MS box open to the net.
Therefore, this leaves me with having to port forward port 80 from eth2 to the internal IP address of the web server.

My ruleset is as follows:

$WWW - ip address of the web server
iptables -A FORWARD -d $WWW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $WWW

Running ip route shows that I have routing entries for all 3 networks, and I can ping, ssh, etc to any of the addresses without issue. OpenVPN connects across eth2 as well, and all 15 of my VPN tunnels work fine. However - and here's the kicker - if I delete the default route and replace it with the route for eth2, port forwarding works fine.

If we accept that my networks are as follows: - eth0 net, gw .1 - eth1 net, gw .1, eth1 ip .2 - eth2 net, gw .1, eth2 ip .2

then ip route reveals the following: via dev eth2 dev eth2 scope link src dev eth1 scope link src


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Networking :: IPTables Port Forwarding To Routed IP?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a linux server I'm intending to use as a firewall. The server has the following adapters

eth0 - Public IP (VLAN2)
eth0:1 - Public IP2 (VLAN2)
eth1 - (VLAN4)

the Default gateway is my ISPs gateway. Additionally, I have the following route set: route add -net netmask gw

I have a server that exists on VLAN 208 at IP, its GW is (first IP in /21 range)

as it is on the network, traffic from the firewall is successfully routed from that server through my router to the FW and out to the Internet. The FW can ping, ssh, etc... the server and vice versa.

I want an iptables rule that will allow me to forward port 4401 on eth0:1 to

Is this possible since the IP is not on the same subnet as eth1, even though it is accessible?

I'm a bit better than a neophyte linux user. I have not made port forwards with it in the past without scripts to assist so I'm looking for not just "it is possible", but also the syntax of how to add it.

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