Hardware :: Memory Usage Of The Dfu Protocol When The Upgrading Begins?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm currently learning the u-boot bootloader for an ARM926EJ-S system. The flash memory of the board is only 4mb. My bootloader is consuming 3 sectors and is approximately 195kb. I am using dfu protocol to update the firmware of the device. Is there any possible way to know the memory usage of the dfu protocol when the upgrading begins? How much memory does it consume when it is triggered in the bootloader?

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General :: Status Of Memory Usage And Disk Usage Using Sigar In Windows And Ubuntu

Mar 15, 2010

I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.

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General :: Ubuntu - Memory Full, Process Memory Usage Doesn't Add Up In Top?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a computer with 16GB of ram. At the moment, top shows all the RAM is taken, (NOT by cache), but the RAM used by the various processes is very far from 16GB.I have seen this problem several times, but I don't understand what is happening.My only remedy so far has been to reboot the machine.

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Software :: Free Database That Has Low Memory Usage And Innodb And Memory Like Engin

May 3, 2011

I am looking for free database that has low memory usage and innodb and memory like engins that has C API and support trigger and client/server support for using in embedded linux systems.

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General :: Calculating Protocol Bandwidth Usage

Feb 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a script that will find the bandwidth usage of certain protocols only. For example, SMTP. I would like it to just return a number. Is there a known command/parameters to output something like this?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get The Value Of CPU Usage - Memory Usage ?

Jan 13, 2009

I am sure that all of us know the result of top command in linux. i want to get the value that the top command return as CPU usage, memory usage. so how do i do(programming relation)?

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Server :: "free" Shows Far More Memory Usage Than Summing Up Application Usage?

Aug 6, 2010

I've come across a really strange issue with one of my RHEL servers. The "free" command shows that 7019 MB of memory are actually in use by my system, but when summing up the actual usage (or even virtual usage like the example below) it doesn't add up - the sum is far less than what is reported by "free":


[root@server1 ~]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 12011 7946 4065 0 4 23
-/+ buffers/cache: 7919 4092


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 64-bit Using Over 1GB Memory Usage?

May 11, 2010

Is this normal? I check system monitor and the top most is xorg followed by compiz. When I first started with 10.04 few days ago it was around 300-500MB.

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Programming :: How To Get Usage Of CPU Memory?

Jan 11, 2009

i am wondering How to get usage of CPU, Memory in linux environment? So would you able to tell me the ways?

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Red Hat :: Red Hat Box Involving Memory Usage

Jun 2, 2010

I am having a few problems with a red hat box involving memory usage. I have 64Gb memory and 'top' tells me I'm using 60Gb of it, but if I add up all the '%MEM' figures I get no more than 20%. Where is the other 80% ?

We have an ORACLE instance that is using shared memory but this is ceilinged at 45Gb. That means there is about 15Gb unnaccounted for . What utilities can I use on red hat to ascertain memory usage other than 'top' ? Any better ones, more detailed, looking at shared memory etc and swap ?

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Fedora :: Memory Usage Isn't Adding Up

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to understand the performance of my machine and memory usage just isn't adding up. When I run top it will typically show 301M of 308M used but the total of everything in the RES column is no where near 300M and the total of %MEM column isn't more than 20-30%. So how do I figure out what is using all the memory? Then is there some way to control it to optimize performance?

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General :: TOP Command Memory Usage?

Apr 13, 2011

Under SuSE, (Mem: 31908592k total, 31421504k used,) how do i know which process or program using my memory?

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General :: Memory Usage In Top Is Not Correct?

Apr 15, 2011

I am a bit worried about my linux vserver box. No more memory is left. To investigate this issue, i was looking at "top". But it deeply confuses me. It seems that no more memory is left, altough the process list in top never adds up to 100%


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Ubuntu :: High Memory Usage Under 64 Bit?

Jul 11, 2010

My problem seems to be very simple, it's high memory usage. I occasionally will use movie player to watch a few shows and I use firefox as well. My memory usage starts out real small about 500 mb but after using firefox lightly and movie player it jumps to almost 2 gigs and this is after they've been closed what gives? I've attached an image so you can see what I'm talking about.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04: Massive Memory Usage?

Aug 16, 2010

I've been having some problems with Lucid; all my applications seem to be hogging memory like no tomorrow. Within about 15 minutes from booting the system, processes like Google Chrome, Nautilus, Python, Pidgin all start to take seemingly too large amounts of memory.

Chrome is the worst one, easily shooting over 200-300MB of my 2GB's of RAM. I would have reported this as a bug in Chrome itself, but my other applications seem to share the problem to some extent. Also: My colleague has identical hardware and identical versions of Ubuntu / Chrome, while he has no memory problems whatsoever.Currently I am running Chrome, Geany, Pidgin, Thunderbird and FileZilla. For this and itself, Ubuntu now consumes 1.8GB of RAM (that's including 500MB cached).

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Ubuntu :: 100% Memory Usage If Use Torrents?

Jun 27, 2011

If i download something using KTorrent or Transmission, my RAM Memory ( 2G GB ) is filling up and my PC dies slowly.

Only with saidar i can see this, if i use System Monitor, things look normal.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and i'm also having this problem when i'm watching movies.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get Memory Usage Info?

Feb 18, 2010

Memory of my Linux database servce is all used up. I first noted that this morning and rebooted the box. 5 hours later, it saw used up again. I want to find out which process is responsible for using most of the memories. What Redhat Linux utility can list processes sorting by their memory usage, like the Windows task manager?free and vmstat - summary but not for each processtop appears to be infomative, but sum of non-zero %MEM never add upp to 100

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General :: How To Maximize The Memory Usage

Mar 31, 2010

Maximize Linux Memory usage

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General :: Monitoring A Box - Memory Usage ?

Jul 15, 2010

I wanted to know the best way to monitor memory usage, us space and processes and receive an email if a problem occurs?

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Debian :: High Memory Usage In Cache?

Mar 12, 2011

I've installed my debian sid about one month ago (first xfce, next gnome) but noticed that it's kind of really slow. The upgrades take ages, launching (and using) firefox takes so much time,... In comparaison to my ubuntu, archlinux (on the same computer) or previous installation of debian there is clearly a problem somewhere.Today I tried to do a "top" sorted by mem usage : 3.5% xulrunner-stub, 2.1% dropbox, 1.4% aptitude (doing upgrade), 1.4% clementine,... nothing terriblebut still I've 2.7Gb or RAM used (more than 50%)

$ free -m
total used free shared  buffers cached
Mem:  3967 26851282  0 79 1938


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Debian :: Memory Usage On A Squeeze System?

Mar 16, 2011

I use a Debian Squeeze system running off a flash drive, i.e. based on a custom Live image running in persistent mode. It runs great and I am grateful for the existence of Debian . However, I have a question. A lot of the machines I use this pen drive on are quite old, often with 512 MB RAM and old processors. I specifically built my system using XFCE and lightweight apps off an initial live image using the standard-x11 package list (basically just Xorg with drivers and the base system). At first things ran very well, blazing fast even on the oldest systems and could comfortably run Firefox along with LibreOffice side by side (I need LO as all of my colleagues use Word docs, often with track changes, which Abiword can't handle properly). However, over time, I've found that memory usage has risen, tot he point where Firefox is now automatically killed on the older systems every time I start LibreOffice.how does one figure out why memory usage is going up? I've checked for inessential services and turned them off with "insserv -r". I've used only lightweight apps, as mentioned before. Are there other general tips on reducing memory usage?

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Fedora :: Memory Usage For Python Climbing?

Jan 14, 2011

check out the system monitor you can see the memory usage for python climbing.

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OpenSUSE :: Memory Usage 100 Percent - Auto Log Out

Aug 13, 2010

My memory usage keeps building up and up as time goes by, when it hits 100% it logs me out. I have a tad over 9 Gib in swap, that is how it was set up when I did auto install and let it do the partitions. I have 4Gib memory. When I first log in it shows about about 800+ MB being used and starts adding more from there. I can run applications for about 6-8 hours before it hits the 100% marker. At first I was blaming this on the video player, but when I put on a play list each song seems like it gets stuck in memory also adding about .02% per song to max memory.

This seems to pertain to each application I do. Uploaded with ImageShack.us. This pic shows my Computer setting and usage through system monitor and conky script. In another note, I never see my Swap partition being used at all. I am real green to linux and not sure if I was suppose to turn something on. In the partitioner it shows it being mounted and as swap.

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General :: Display The Memory Usage Of Each Process If I Do A 'ps -ef'?

Jan 29, 2010

In linux, how can I display memory usage of each process if i do a 'ps -ef'?I would like to the 'virtual memory', 'res memory', 'shared memory' of each progress. I can get that via 'top', but I want the same info in 'ps -ef ' so that I can pipe the output to 'grep {my process name}'.

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General :: Memory Usage Check In Details?

Dec 18, 2010

I"m unable to find the memory usage however top shows me the following results.

Tasks: 90 total, 2 running, 88 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 21.1%us, 1.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 74.0%id, 2.4%wa, 0.0%hi, 1.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 8313376k total, 7969976k used, 343400k free, 185496k buffers


and free shows the following.

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 8118 7764 354 0 181 7335
-/+ buffers/cache: 247 7870
Swap: 4000 0 4000
Total: 12119 7764 4354

how can i find the usage of memory which is being showed by top and free.

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General :: Detecting Source Of Memory Usage On A Box?

Jan 9, 2011

I have a toy Linux box with 256mb RAM running Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS. Here is the output of free -m:

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 245 122 122 0 19 64
-/+ buffers/cache: 38 206


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Ubuntu :: Record Memory Usage Of Program?

Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way I can start a program and then record a log of how much memory it's using at a specific interval until the program ends?

I've tried writing a shell script but get the error: ./apps/mem-test.sh: line 4: [: too many arguments

Here's the non-working script:

$HOME/apps/ImageMagick/bin/convert -limit memory 64 -limit map 128 $HOME/SSI/davidkennardphotography/Img-Orig/95-Pole-Bank.jpg -set option:filter:filter Lanczos -set option:filter:blur 0.8 -resize 1024x720 $HOME/resizedImage.jpg &
GOODY="ps -p $! -o pid,%cpu,rss,cmd | grep convert >>test.txt"


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Ubuntu :: Reduce Memory Usage / Footprint In 10.04?

May 15, 2010

I like a lot of the last Ubuntu editions, but my computer is a little old, and Ubuntu becomes slower each edition to me.

I get a AMD Athlon 2 GHz, with just 512 MB of RAM memory...

I tried to customize my last installation of 9.10, but i just mess up with the OS. Well, I googled for informations about reducing memory usage, as well others speed-ups but all them are a bit older. Does anyone know any resource about this?

Until now I just disabled startups programs, but i really want is remove packages and everything that I don't use.

One thing thats get me up set sometimes is that I run Win XP pro under a cryptographed partition, and even yet its very fast in my PC. I even tried Windows 7, and its was faster than the Ubuntus I installed.

When I'm using the 10.04, there is a lot of memory used by cache, specially Gnome...

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Ubuntu :: Memory Usage Widget In Lubuntu?

Mar 25, 2011

I have added the cpu usage monitor in the taskbar in lubuntu 10.10. However did not find any application for memory usage. Where can I find that?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Memory Usage History For Last Week

May 19, 2011

My manager has asked me to look at memory drop on system while I was doing test on Linux machine. there is a big dip in memory graph produced by another tool. I do not know which processes were responsible for those memory dips. Is there any way I can find memory utilization of process during last week?

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