Hardware :: Reading Raw Codes From A Remote Control With A Tekram IR-210B Serial Dongle?

Oct 1, 2010

I need to read raw codes from various remote controls (for TVs, DVRs, etc). For that I use a Tekram IR-210B serial dongle. At least I try, since I can't put any meaning on the codes I get by reading /dev/ttyS0 . I tried various tricks, including reading /dev/ttyS0 as a stream, using the Linux irda stack, lirc, similar experiments with Windows 2000/XP too, but nothing seems to work (at least not as I am expecting). The technical documentation is non-existant, Tekram e-mail support doesn't answer (or returns non-existant user errors when it does), browsing the kernel file tekram.c didn't help either, so I'm kind of stuck.

Because I won't need this for more than a few days (or weeks at the very most), I don't need a rock-solid solution, what I need is nothing mode than read raw (presumably RC-5) codes from a few remote controls (2 of them being from mainstream brands, another one claiming to be universal). So if nothing else a dirty trick will perfectly do.

Ideally, a technical documention on how to get the raw codes from the remote controls is what I am looking for. Something that tells me what baud rate to use, which parity, number of stop bits, and how to decode the stream (as I suspect it doesn't contain the raw codes as-is). However, I will be happy with any advice you may have on where to look or what tricks I might try.

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Software :: Reading (WordSAtar/WordPerfect 5.1) Formatting Codes?

Jul 20, 2010

I have recently stumbled across some aged lecture notes that were posted to the Internet in the 1990s. And I now have the leisure to read them (and possibly derive some benefit from the reading).

The covering "ReadMe" states that the notes were originally written in WordStar and posted to the Internet as WordPerfect documents. The text is perfectly readable. But the supplied references have formating codes that mean nothing to my readers. An example is:

Plato explicitly says that the Good is "above being"

(i+5df8h-epe-i+5d'keina f8t^-yv oum0-i+9dh chapter s'-iav).

Is there any current reader that understands these code?

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Software :: Reading And Writing SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) Data Files In Fortran Codes

Dec 2, 2008

I synthesized a seismogram by using Fortran codes, I need plot the synthesized seismogram and the data together, so I can verify the accuracy of code. Now I encounter a question: how to read the SAC data by Fortran code, I have searched some codes on Internet, the details as follow:the velr12a.sac is my data file.

c read sac file


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Hardware :: Reading Serial Port With C?

Aug 12, 2010

I have two usb2serial adapters connected to my PC with a null modem (I am doing some testing to learn serial comm for a particular application). I am writing to /dev/ttyUSB0 a trying to read /dev/ttyUSB1. I have used screen (screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200) and am able to see the characters being written. I am also able to read and write with Python with the following code

Code: import serial,time,sys
ser1 = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0',baudrate=115200)
ser2 = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1',timeout=2,baudrate=115200)


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Hardware :: Serial Comm When Reading Sensors?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a configuration consisting of:

1. my Atmega168 MCU connected to some servo motors and sensors, and
2. my Linksys WRT54GL router working under OpenWRT Linux WhiteRussian 9.
3. they have a working and tested serial connection.

Now my problem.I open a file descriptor to my serial port called /dev/tts/1, and read a sensor (the second sensor commented, as you see bellow). This works perfect. Then I uncomment the next

sensor, but the code continues to behave as if I didn't uncomment it!If before the reading of the next sensor I first close my original file descriptor and reopen it, it starts to work right, but this is inefficient, as I have various sensors and it is not logical to open


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Software :: Reading/Writing To Serial Ports (Rs-232)?

Dec 5, 2008

I am about to write a program to listen and read data from /dev/ttyS0 and write the data to /dev/ttyS1 after processing. Also, the same time I need to listen to /dev/ttyS1 and write to /dev/ttyS0 if any data arrived at /dev/ttyS1.

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Programming :: Displaying I/O Possible When Reading Data From The Serial Port?

Aug 31, 2009

I have got a problem while reading from the serial port. I'm working on iMX-31 board and Eclipse IDE. Whenever I'm trying to read any data through the serial port, it's displaying I/O Possible and the application is being terminated. After reading I'm trying to write this data on a file. Here are the excerpts from the code:

# int main()
if (openport()<0)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Option For Canon Remote Capture - Remote Camera Control Software ?

Oct 17, 2010

Canon cameras used to come with a piece of software called remote capture for Windows and MacOS.

You plug in the camera via USB, and then the camera display is on your monitor. From there you can do everything your camera does, like taking pictures of video. Does anyone know if there is linux equivalent software that can do this?

I have found this software, but new cameras aren't supported.

I'm trying to make a stop motion movie.

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Software :: Compile .jar Java Byte-codes Into Native Machine Codes?

Aug 28, 2010

I think I put this in the wrong place

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Programming :: Configure Serial Port RS-232 To Use Flow Control?

Aug 2, 2010

how to configure serial port RS-232 to use flow control? The reason is without flow control is is not working properly(dala loss etc.) Im trying to run it as it is just with setting the flow control flag and Im sending my data via loop-back on the rs-232 to GTK TERM on the same computer... but when I enable IXON/IXOFF in GTK TERM, my sending program cant even open the port...

My current settings is:

struct termios termios_p;
tcgetattr(sc.fd, &termios_p);
termios_p.c_cflag = B9600;


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Programming :: VLC Control With Perl Sending Via Serial Connection?

Oct 6, 2010

My computer for a project I'm working on will be using Ubuntu with Perl and VLC from the repositories, if that matters at all. I'm not sure what I should/could use to accomplish this, but essentially I'm looking for Perl to be able to send predefined data via a serial connection based on the time within a song that VLC is playing.

A couple of the things that I've thought about after Googling a bit are SMPTE and subtitles/lyrics; I can't stop thinking that there's got so be a simple way that I'm just overlooking, though - most of the stuff I've found is for over-the-network applications, and that's overkill for this situation. All the subtitles/lyrics would have for text is hexadecimal values; all the SMPTE would do is keep Perl and VLC (playing audio) in-sync with each other. I would need either one or the other, but not both. Or, I could use something else...

I'm envisioning something like the setup below, I just don't know what else I need to make it happen.


When I run "./script.pl song.mp3 timing.txt", VLC will open, and start playing "song.mp3", and the variable "$mils", for milliseconds elapsed, will be equal to zero. For each line in "timing.txt", the "script.pl" will assume the portion before an underscore is the "$time" for that line (time in milliseconds), and "script.pl" will assume that the portion after the underscore is the "$data", a three-byte hexadecimal value (such as "ff101f", or "011c00"), for that line.

I think that I will need to use two arrays, "@time" and "@data", such that the given line in "timing.txt" would read the same as printing: "$time[$line]".'_'."$data[$line]"."
" (if "$line" is the line number). My problem: jitter/stuttering playback. If VLC stumbles (which it sometimes does), and is a about half a second behind where it "should" be, but Perl didn't stumble, then I've got an out-of-sync issue.

Since Perl can't just count the time by itself to avoid synchronization issues, I've got two main ideas for getting this done: One way: Perl has to "read" where VLC is at, and use that as the "$mils" value. Then, if VLC delays/stubmles, so will Perl, but everything will still be in-sync. Alternative way: VLC has to "listen" to what Perl says "$mils" is at any given moment, essentially having Perl be in control of VLC's timing. This would make VLC "skip ahead" (to where it "should" be) if it starts to fall behind, thus keeping the two in sync.

I don't know which, if either, of these ways is best for my particular need. I would need "script.pl" to send "$data[$line]" over the serial connection when "$mils" == "$time[$line]". I already know how to send serial data from Perl, read files via Perl, and convert the hexadecimal number (if needed). I don't know how to "link" Perl and VLC so that they stay synchronized, and I am quite lost as to where to go from here.

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Networking :: Serial Port : Read Data, Not Reading Complete Data?

Mar 5, 2010

I have an application where I am sending data via serial port from PC1 (Java App) and reading that data in PC2 (C++ App). The problem that I am facing is that my PC2 (C++ App) is not able to read complete data sent by PC1 i.e. from my PC1 I am sending 190 bytes but PC2 is able to read close to 140 bytes though I am trying to read in a loop.Below is code snippet of my C++ AppOpen the connection to serial port

serialfd = open( serialPortName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
if (serialfd == -1)


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General :: Reading A File From A Remote Server?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an situation where I want to read a file into my script that lie on a remote server. I have ssh-keys set up just don't know how to do this.

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Software :: Cross-platform Remote Control - Remote Desktop Software

Jan 20, 2010

I've been using Linux on a more regular basis for the last two months now and have been able to find replacements for most of the software i use in Windows, or by using Wine. But i have one big problem that is keeping me from switching permanently to Linux. I frequently use remote control software to access and control my computers, both at home and to access my computers from remote places over the internet. I've been using NetOp, and more recently RealVNC. The client, or "viewer" part of RealVNC is working fine in both Windows and Linux. It's the host or server part that i can't get to work properly when it comes to VNC. The vnc.so module doesn't work on my system, x0vncserver program seems rather useless since it refuses to load before i have a network connection and this prevents me from start the program automatically as the wireless connection isn't ready and the vncserver command isn't an option since it doesn't display what i see on the actual screen. So, does anyone have a nice solution to this problem? Either to make VNC work or suggest some software that does. Anyway, it has to work on both Windows and Linux, in Linux it has to display the native x display, there must be built-in encryption and preferably be free or open-source software. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Remote Computer Control Through SMS ?

Apr 27, 2010

As for what I am trying to do: I am looking for a way to run scripts and/or launch programs from a cell phone using SMS. I've found a few options close to this, but nothing that really fits what I'm trying to do. It seems I can either get speed or ease of use, but not both. To explain:

If I understand correctly, Evolution has this functionality through email, but email isn't instant. I'm trying, as best as I can, to use my phone almost like a remote; sending email from my phone would create a considerable wait time.

Using Pidgin's Buddy Pounce feature with AIM lets me use SMS to get a quick response, but I'm running into the problem that I can't make its action depend on what the message says. I want to be able to text, say, "Shutdown", and have my computer run a shutdown command, but Pidgin's Buddy Pounce feature doesn't seem to support checking for specific messages. I've been unable to find a plugin that changes this; if there was, it'd probably be my best bet.

Bluetooth is out; my computer's bluetooth adapter died a long time ago. Additionally, some of the things I'd like to do would be when I'm not near the computer, so even if it was functional, it would be limiting.

Anything that requires any apps for android, iPhone, or w/e are out too. I have an LG Dare, and while it's a nice phone, you can basically forget custom apps.

So, to recap, I'm trying to find some way of sending an SMS or email from my phone, have it be received as quickly as possible, and have the computer run a console command based on the content of the SMS/email. Any ideas?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Can See Remote Desktop But Can't Control It

Dec 1, 2010

I recently installed 10.10 64-bit on my laptop. I have an older laptop with 9.10 32-bit on it. I installed vnc4viewer on the 9.10 laptop and started and set up remote desktop connections to let the remote user view and control the local desktop. I then tried Remote Desktop Viewer for the Applications menu on the 10.10 laptop and I can log in and see the remote desktop. When I try to do anything through the vnc viewer I can see my changes affect the serving machine but not the viewing machine. For instance, if I grab a window on the viewing machine and try to move it around the desktop, I can see it move on the serving machine. I guess the connection could just be very slow but it seems real time on the serving machine.

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Ubuntu :: Control TTY On Remote Machine Via SSH

Jun 19, 2011

I'm wondering if it's possible to control a TTY on a remote machine via SSH. I'm aware of ssh's -t option, but it doesn't seem to do what I want. Basically, I'm thinking in terms of VNC-like operation, where the remote user and local user see the same thing, only instead of a GUI, they both see TTY1 (or 2, or etc). Is that doable, or no?

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Software :: Using And Configuring A Remote Control?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a Leadtek Winfast tv tuner and a pretty standard remote control. I've searched for tutorials and everything but i need something like a tutorial for dummies as i know nothing about configuring this kind of devices. I can already change channels in TVtime, but only numbers work from my remote control and the power button who shuts down my OS, so I guess you need something like lirc to configure all other remote control buttons. Anyway if some buttons already work maybe there's something installed in my OS which can be further customized but frankly I don't know where to find it, and even if i would how would I know to identify my remote control specific buttons ?

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Fedora :: Banshee Remote Control UPnP?

May 30, 2010

I'm trying to use the Banshee remote control application for Android, but there is no option for remote controls in the Banshee application I installed. I used to use Ubuntu and I'm pretty sure I remember it being there. Am I missing a package or something?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: HVR-1600 Remote Control In 11.1?

Feb 8, 2010

Does anyone have the Hauppauge HVR-1600 remote control working in Opensuse 11.1 or 11.2? It acts like it's not finding a firmware file or driver. I grabbed a .bin firmware file from one of the Mythtv sites, but I havn't gotten it to work yet. I put it in the /lib/firmware/KERNEL directory, but maybe I need to move it up one directory.Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has it working and what was done? I have the other things in place regarding lirc, so I think the only thing holding it up is the device file.

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Ubuntu :: Remote Control Daemon Not Running

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to use my Apple Remote Controller that came with my iMac 4.1. I did some research and on the Ubuntu site it said that its possible with a application called Infrared Remote Controller. It detected from the hardrive which version I had etc but than a error message appeared on the bottom saying:

Warning: Remote control daemon not running.

How can I activate this? I included a screenshot!

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Ubuntu :: Remote Control Software For System?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm looking for something like Logmein or showmypc.comv

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using Apple's Remote App To Control Box?

Jul 30, 2011

First some background: I currently have iTunes running on a Vista box attached to my TV. I have an Ubuntu box running 11.04 and shairport which serves as remote speakers for the iTunes server. This works fairly well as I can control it with my iPhone, or iPad etc. Very slick interface and my wife loves it .

But I would prefer to not use iTunes to as the server. I would like to let that Vista box sleep most of the day. Doing a little bit of reading it sounds like I should be able to use mt-daapd as a replacement for iTunes. So I installed firefly and gave it a shot. I can get it streaming music fine. But I cannot Apple's "Remote" app to add the new library. When I did some poking I read that I should make a file that ends in ".remote" and put my device name + the pairing passcode from my iPhone in this file.

When I enter the "Add Library" mode on my iPhone it should broadcast an mDNS event. And in fact it looks like it does because: avahi-browse -r -k _touch-remote._tcp Can see my iPhone. But when I do a tail -f on the mt-daapd logfile I never see a connection come up. I have tried debug level 8 in the messaging.Still nothing. In my search for a fix I noticed mt-daapd is no longer being developed but there is forked-daapd. This is actually where I found the instructions for pairing via Remote.

Should I bail on mt-daapd? Will there someday be Ubuntu support for forked-daapd?

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Hardware :: Recommend A Good Remote Control?

Sep 28, 2010

recommend a good remote control that i can use to control things like vlc, boxee, rhythmbox i have ubuntu 10.04

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Software :: Configure A Remote Control Without Using Lirc?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm using Debian Squeeze and my 0-9 remote control buttons and power off button work even if I've didn't installed lirc. In a Gnome desktop I could set up the volume too, but now as I'm using Fluxbox I can't start the volume control applet anymore (by the way does somebody knows any handy volume applet for Fluxbox ?)So my question is that if some button of my remote control already work without lirc, then there must by some drivers installed, when I've upgraded to a newer kernel, but I can't figure out what makes my remote control to work. Does anybody knows something about this and if there's something already installed for IR devices in newer kernels how can it be further configured ?

If i type the command "cat /dev/input/event6" in my terminal I can see that all my remote control buttons give a signal, but still I can't figure it out how can I set up all of them.

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Ubuntu :: Remote Control Is Not Working On Windows?

Oct 31, 2010

i have hp hdx-x16 1155ca laptop and my problem is that my remote control is not working on both of linux and windows so how can i distinguish the problem and solve it

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Ubuntu :: Remote Desktop - View/control

Jul 11, 2009

Which SW package should I install , on my Windows Laptop, in order to view/control my Linux Desktop ? Is it good also for Windows to Windows? Who should be the server who the client ? I tried the xtightvnc on my Linux , it didn't work.

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General :: Recommend Good Remote Control To Buy To Use With Mythtv?

Feb 20, 2010

Can anybody recommend a good remote control to buy to use with mythtv?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Control For Noobs?

May 27, 2010

I need to remotely control my parents' computers to tech support them.My parents use Windows (XP) while I use Linux (Sidux) intuitive application since this is my first attempt at this:

-preferably thru browser

TeamViewer and LogMeIn turn up in my search. Seems like these two are the most popular. How do they stack up to each other?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recommendations For Remote Control Web Interface?

Jun 16, 2010

I want to set up a home computer as server. I've installed Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04, and can access it through SSH. However, I would like to have a browser based interface for managing things, such as installing a phpBB forum and stuff like that. Also, I want my friends to be able to share files on my home server as well. I know I can do it by using FTP, but I would rather not have them to install a FTP program.

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